Incorrect and missing videos

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Create Video Libraries
1. The Basics
2. Source Folder
3. Movie Setup
4a. TV Show Setup
4b. Seasons Setup
4c. Episodes Setup
5. Music Videos Setup
6. Add Source & Scrape
7. Scraping Problems
Home icon grey.png   ▶ Video library ▶ Incorrect and missing videos


No scraper is 100% accurate. Errors arise from either mistakes by the user, inherent limitations of the scraper, and/or errors at the site of the information provider. If you have followed the guide, the errors you encounter will be minimal. For those errors that do occur, this page will help correct them. Sorry, but we cannot fix stubborness or laziness for those that refuse to fix their file naming problems.

If you have followed the guide, some of the information provided will sound familiar as it has been covered in earlier pages.

Video Problems

The following are a list of common problems and their solutions

List of videos not scraped into Library

The Event Log will record any files missed when an Update Library is performed. If the log is currently empty, or lists no missing movies, TV Shows or episodes, then perform an Update Library and check the Event Log again.

See: Event Log

Video title wont scrape

The following list are solutions that can be used to solve this issue. It starts with the easiest and most common fix

  1. Ensure the Movie or TV Show exists and has been correctly named in accordance with the listing at the site of the Information Provider. See: Naming Video Files
  2. Ensure your Source and Folder structure are correct. See: Naming Video Files
  3. Create a Parsing NFO file to point the scraper directly to the video title. See: Parsing NFO
  4. Ensure you are using the most current version of the scraper
  5. If the above does not fix it then you have either missed something very obvious or there is a serious problem with your installation. Create a Debug Log and submit your problem in the Kodi forum

Wrong Movie or TV Show is added

  1. Select the incorrect entry and press i to bring up the Information Page and then select Refresh. This will invoke the scraper for this video only. You will be given the option to select from a list of similarly named titles, or type in a different title.
    • If the previous step fails, then continue with the following possible solutions...
  2. Ensure the Movie or TV Show exists and has been correctly named in accordance with the listing at the site of the Information Provider. See: Naming Video Files
  3. Ensure your Source and Folder structure is correct. See: Naming Video Files
  4. Create a Parsing NFO file to point the scraper directly to the video title. See: Parsing NFO
  5. If the above does not fix it then you have either missed something very obvious or there is a serious problem with your installation. Create a Debug Log and submit your problem in the Kodi forum

The title does not exist at the Information Provider site

This can happen with obscure or foreign titles

  1. Create an account and enter the title at the Information Provider site. This benefits the entire community. See: TheMovieDB and TheTVDB
  2. Alternatively, create NFO Files. Especially useful for Home Movies, Sporting Events etc. See: NFO Files

Extra video files are added to the library

Extra video files such as Bloopers, Cast Interviews, Production Notes etc, can all be stored and accessed through Kodi. An Add-on is available that allows you to correctly store and access these video files. See: Extras

  1. Remove the incorrect entries from the library using the Context Menu. Select Manage then Remove from library
  2. Install the Extras Add-on... See: Extras Add-on or Special Features Add-on

Movie Trailers are scraped as a movie

By default, Kodi will ignore any file with -trailer suffixed to the file name. eg: Logan (2017)-trailer note there is no space either side of the hyphen

  1. Remove the incorrect entries from the library using the Context Menu. Select Manage then Remove from library
  2. Correctly name the trailer file. The file must be named the same as the playable file with the -trailer suffix, ensuring no space either side of the hyphen.
  3. If using local trailers, ensure that Trailers is disabled in the scraper setting. See: Scraper Settings

How do I add more movies and tv shows

  1. Add the new folders and/or video files to your existing Source folder
  2. Perform an Update Library. There are many methods to update the library. See: Update Video Library

I want to list childrens or sports titles separately

The library can be divided to list particular genre's or other types of content. See: Custom Home Items

How do I find duplicate Movies & TV Shows in my library

This solution requires knowledge in locating and using the Kodi database. The following SQL code is provided:


SELECT c00, dateadded AS DateAdded,
         'Dupe Movie' AS description,
 strfilename AS FILE
FROM movie_view a
SELECT uniqueid_value
FROM movie_view
GROUP BY uniqueid_value
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) b ON a.uniqueid_value = b.uniqueid_value
ORDER BY strfilename ASC;

TV Shows

 'Dupe Epsiode' AS description,
FROM episode_view Y
 c12,c13,idShow, COUNT(*) AS CountOf
FROM episode_view
GROUP BY idShow,c12,c13
) dt ON y.c12=dt.c12 AND y.c13=dt.c13 AND y.idShow=dt.idShow;

Videos being added without a source

Kodi stores video sources in two places,

1. In the Sources.xml that displays in the GUI under Videos>Files, and
2. In the library's database file, which is used for both scraping and library display.

When a change is made to a Source, or the Source removed completely, Kodi will ask if that change is to be applied to the library. This ensures that the sources displayed in Videos>Files are the same as the sources recorded in the database.

Sometimes users don't apply the change or the user manually edits the sources.xml file (avoid manually editing the sources.xml file), or something happens that results in orphaned sources in the database that don't show up in the GUI for Videos>Files. This results in videos being scanned from a folder that seems to not exist in Kodi, or coming from a Source that was previously removed.

To correct these "phantom" sources, simply re-add the source to Kodi as if you were setting it up for the first time. It is not necessary to "set content" on the source or scan it into the library. Then use the context menu to remove the source again. This will force Kodi to ask if you want to apply the change to the library. Select Yes. This will force Kodi to remove the orphaned/phantom source from the database file.

For full guide to remove sources See: Remove Sources

TV Show Problems

Problems specific to TV Shows. If your issue is not listed here, look in the previous section as it may also be a common problem with Movies.

Some TV Shows are mixed with other TV Shows

Caused by using outdated or incorrectly created NFO Files.

  1. All affected TV Shows will need to be deleted from the library. To be safe, you should delete all TV Shows.
  2. Remove the TV Show from the library using the Context Menu. Select Manage then Remove from library
  3. Ensure at least one of the following tags is in the tvshow.nfo file. If there is no ID number (eg for Home Movies) then any random number or letter/number combination will suffice.
  <uniqueid type="imdb" default="false"></uniqueid>
  <uniqueid type="tmdb" default="true"></uniqueid>
  <uniqueid type="tvdb" default="false"></uniqueid>
Note: Only one <uniqueid> is required. If using more than one, ensure that only one is set to the true attribute

All my TV Shows are displayed as one TV Show

  1. You have incorrectly set up your Source in Kodi. See: Naming Video Files and Add Source & Scrape
  2. See previous question Some TV Shows are mixed with other TV Shows

Episodes don't match the plot description

Results from the order of your files being different from that at the TVDB site. You possibly scraped the Aired Order but you have ripped the episodes as DVD Order or vice-versa

  1. Remove the TV Show from the library using the Context Menu. Select Manage then Remove from library
  2. Go to the site of the Information Provider. TheTVDB
  3. Check both the Aired Order listing and the DVD Order listing and determine which order your episodes are saved in. See: TVDB- Episode Orders
  4. If your episodes do not match either listing, re-organise your episodes to match
  5. Adjust the scraper settings to scrape as DVD Order or Aired Order. See: Add Source & Scrape
  6. Navigate to the TV Show in Videos>Files and press i to bring up the Information Page. This will invoke the scraper for this TV Show only.

I get the wrong version of the TV Show

Normally caused by incorrect naming of the TV Show. Naming TV Shows follows the same guidelines as for Movies.

  • Name the TV Show folder, that contains your season folders and episode files, the same as shown on the tv show page at the site.
  • It is always best practice to include the year along with the title. This makes scraping more accurate and differentiates between original and remakes.
  • This guideline also applies to Country of Origin TV Shows. For example Hells Kitchen (UK), Hells Kitchen (US), Hells Kitchen (AU), Hells Kitchen (IT) etc.
  • What you see in the listing is how you should name your show.

Alternatively, create a Parsing NFO file to point the scraper directly to the video title. See: Parsing NFO

I have episodes missing but the files exist

Results from the order of your files being different from that at the TVDB site. Your listing may show Season 1 with 20 episodes, but the TVDB shows Season 1 with 16 episodes, and the remaining 4 episodes are part of Season 2

  1. Remove the TV Show from the library using the Context Menu. Select Manage then Remove from library
  2. Go to the site of the Information Provider. See: TheMovieDB or TheTVDB
  3. Check the episode listing and adjust your files to match that of the Information Provider. See: Episode Groupls
  4. Navigate to the TV Show in Videos>Files and press i to bring up the Information Page. This will invoke the scraper for this TV Show only.

New episodes will not scrape

  1. Ensure the episodes exist at the scraper site
  2. Due to the theft of API Keys by the piracy community, the API keys used by the scraper when you first added the show may have been revoked and new API Keys have been issued. This means when you add new episodes, the scraper is trying to use the original and outdated API Keys registered to the TV Show. To update the API Keys, Refresh the TV Show. No need to refresh the Episodes when asked.
  3. You may have switched scrapers, say from to TheMovieDB for TV Shows. As the API Keys are scraper specific, you will be trying to use TVDB Keys to access TMDB which will not work. The entire show needs to be refreshed as stated in the previous point.

Some files refuse to be added after following these solutions

The solutions above should solve 99.9% of problems. If you are still experiencing issues:

  1. Read this post Library & Scraping Problems
  2. Provide the required information in your post.

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Next step: Update Video Library