Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons
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This is an example list of repositories and add-ons that have been identified as violating the Kodi Official:Forum rules. This means they have been banned from any official Kodi forums, websites, IRC channels and any social media accounts that are under the control of Team Kodi or the XBMC Foundation.
This list is only an example. Due to the dynamic nature of Piracy streams and the add-ons that access them, it is impossible to list all Builds/Repositories/Add-ons that violate the forum rules
While Team Kodi does not regulate what users install or use, we offer no support when your install includes add-ons that violate the forum rules. Failure to do so may result in a ban.
How do I tell if something is allowed or not
click "Expand" to view the rules on piracy/bootleg video content --> |
Main page: Official:Forum rules
The basic rule of thumb for what is not allowed, is that if the Add-on is offering something for free that you would normally expect to pay for by any other means, then it'll most likely be using pirate feeds.
If the Add-on simply allows access to web feeds from the rights holders then discussion of these is normally allowed, in this case there generally will be a website equivalent of the service, for example Youtube, BBC iPlayer, Netflix.
Note - If the Add-on is from our Official Add-on Repo then it has already been checked that it doesn't break our rules, therefore anything contained in the Official Repo is safe to discuss in any of our websites/channels.
Kodi Forks
- Nodi
- Streamsmart
All Wizards and addon installers
Any build featuring or offering one or more of the repositories or add-ons listed below
- <4k Colors>
- alluneed
- <Apollo>
- Balkan Green
- Buildstube
- Buildstuben
- Breezz
- <Bucks>
- cMaNWizard
- Crewnique
- <Diamond>
- Doomzday
- EzzerMac
- Funsterplace
- Grindhouse
- GTKing
- Kelebek
- Kodianer
- Luar
- Magic Dragon
- <Magnetic>
- NarcacistWizard
- One Nation
- Redbox
- Skydarks
- SkyMashi TV
- Slamious
- Spartan
- Sports 101
- StreamDigitalRepo
- Supreme build
- The Crew
- Twistednutz
- Xanax
- Xenon
- Xtasy
Repository blacklist
- 13Clowns
- 5Star
- 667repo
- 709
- Absolut
- addons4kodi
- Adjaranet
- Adryan Lists
- Aenemapy
- Aftershock
- <Agent>
- <AH>
- Alado
- AJ Builds
- Alfa
- Aliunde
- AllEyezOnMe
- Androidbboy
- <Apollo>
- <Ares>
- Atomic
- Atom Reborn
- <Awesome>
- Balandro
- Bamf
- Beau B
- BC Repo
- Black Ghost
- Blamo
- <Blaze>
- BlissTV
- Brettus
- Bubbles
- Bugatsinho
- Bulldog Streams
- Bookmark Lite
- Camaradas
- Canal Nereo
- <Canvas>
- Carnamaleon
- Catoal
- Cazlo
- Cellar Door TV
- Cerebro
- Chains
- Chikiry
- Colossus
- Cosmic Saints
- Cyberflix
- Cyphers Locker
- Dandy Media
- Dark Media
- Decosub
- DejaVu
- Deliverance
- Diablo
- <Diamond>
- Diamondback
- Diggz
- Dimitrology
- Dobbelina
- Docshadrach
- Doomsday
- Duckpool
- Dudehere
- Durex
- Eggman (Overeasy) madtitansports
- Eleazar
- Elementum
- Elysium
- EntertainmentRepo
- Exodus
- Exodus Redux
- Ezra
- EzzerMacs
- FanFilms
- <Flawless>
- Fido
- Fierce Gorilla
- FilmKodi
- FireTVGuru
- FireStick Plusman
- Flecha Nega
- Foxystreams
- Fractured
- FracturedWizard
- funstersplace
- Fusion
- Gaia
- <Galaxy>
- GenTec
- GenieTV
- Ghost IPTV
- Goodfellas
- GB160
- Goliath
- Griffin
- Grindhouse
- GTKing
- <Gujal>
- Hacky
- HalowTV
- Hellhounds
- Hiraya
- Host 505
- House of el
- Humla
- Iceballs
- Illuminati
- Incursion
- Infiniflix
- Jewrepo
- J1nx
- Jesus box tv
- Jsergio
- Juggernaut
- K3l3vra
- Kaosbox2
- <kb>
- Kdil
- Kinkin
- Kirks Build
- Kod1
- Kodi Addons Club
- Kodiadictos
- Kodi Balkan
- Kodibae
- Kodi-CZSK
- Kodi Ghost
- Kodi Israel for
- Kodil
- Kodi Neu Erleben
- Kodi Rae
- Kodi Tips
- KoDIYhelp
- Kodi UKTV
- Kodiwpigulce
- Krogsbell IPTV
- K.U.S.
- LastShip
- Lazarus
- <Lambda>
- Lazy Kodi
- Legion
- Leviathan
- <Lockdown>
- Loki
- Looking Glass
- LoonaticsAsylum
- <Loop>
- Man Cave
- Maestro
- Mad Titan Sports
- Magicality
- Magnetic
- Maniac
- Markop159
- Mar33
- MasterZD
- Mats Builds
- Maverick
- Mbebe
- Megatron
- <Merlin>
- Metal Kettle
- Mhancoc
- Milhano
- Misfit Mod Light
- Mobie
- MorePower
- Movie shark
- MoviesHD
- MrandMrsSmith
- MrBlamo
- MrFreeworld
- Mr Stealth
- Mucky Ducks
- Narcacist
- Nixgates
- No-issue
- Noledynasty
- Noobs and nerds
- <Notsure>
- Number 1 Guru
- <Numbers>
- Numb3r5
- Oblivion
- <Octopus>
- <Oculus>
- Onealliance
- OneNation
- Openeleq
- Open Wizard
- <Origin>
- Orion
- Ororo TV
- Pandoras Box
- <Phoenix Reborn>
- Pipcan
- Players Klub
- Playon Monkey
- Plexus
- Podgod
- Premiumize
- <Press Play>
- Prototype
- Ptom
- Pulsar
- <Pulse>
- PureRepo
- Quasar
- raeenterprises
- Razer
- Red Hood
- Redditreaper
- Renegades
- Repoil Club
- Retromania
- Ring of Saturn
- Rising Tides
- Robin Hood
- Rodrigo
- Rockcrusher
- Sanctuary
- Sandman
- Sarcasm
- Sasta TV
- Scarecrew
- Sdarot
- Seren
- Shani
- Simply caz
- Skydarks
- Slam
- SpinzTV
- Sports Devil
- Sports Access
- Smash repo
- Smash Wizard
- Smoothstreams
- Stealth
- <Stefano>
- Steptoes
- SteamDigitalRepo
- StreamArmy
- Stream Hub
- SubZero
- SuicideTV
- Super Repo
- Supremacy
- Sweetwork
- T2K
- Targetin Wizard
- Tantrum TV
- TDW1980
- Team DNA
- Team Nutz
- Tempest
- The Crew
- TheGroove
- The Mania Services
- <The Loop>
- The Real Urban Kingz
- The Unjudged
- The Vibe
- The wiz
- Thgiliwt
- <Titan>
- Tikipeter
- Tivustream
- Tk Norris
- Total Installer
- Tsunami OG
- TV King
- Twilight0
- Ufo
- Underdog
- UK Turk
- UK Turks
- Ukodil
- Umbrella
- <Unity>
- <Universal Scrapers>
- uRepo
- Vader Streams
- <Venom>
- Vidtime
- VIP Secret TV
- <Vista>
- VKKodi
- VS247
- Vstream
- Warehouse
- Where the monsters live
- White Devil
- WikiXBMC
- Willows
- Wolfpack
- Wookie
- Wrestling on Demand
- Xan
- Xfinity
- <Xstream>
- Xunity
- Whitecream
- Zero Tolerance
Add-on blacklist
- 123Movies
- 13Clowns
- 1Angels
- 1Channel
- <1x2>
- 80sstuff
- AceStreams
- Adryanlist
- Aftershock
- Alfa
- AllDebrid
- All Eyez on Me
- All Movies Stream
- <Alpha>
- Alvin
- Amigos
- Animeram
- Aragon
- Area 51
- <Ares>
- Arrakis
- Asgard
- Aspis
- At The Flix
- Atomic
- Atom Reborn
- BaddAssMovies4U
- Bandicoot
- Bassfox-official
- <Beast>
- Bennu
- Binky TV
- Black Ghost
- Blamo
- Bob Unleashed
- BrazucaPlay
- Brettus
- Bubbles
- Cannabis
- <Canvas>
- Caretaker
- CartoonHD
- Cartoons8
- cCloud
- Cellar Door
- Cerebro
- Chappa'ai
- Chronos
- Cine
- Cloud 9
- Cloudword
- coalition
- cocoscrapers
- Community Portal
- Configurator for Kodi
- Config wizard
- Continuum
- Cosmic Saints
- Covenant \
- Cristal Azul
- DaddyLive
- Daffys
- Deccan Delight
- Dexter TV
- Diabolik
- Diesel
- Ditto Rain
- Ditto HotRain
- DosMovies
- Dreamcatcher
- Duck Shitmancave
- Durex
- Dynasty
- Einthusan
- Eldorado
- Elementum
- Eliplex TV
- Elysium
- Entertainment Hub
- Exodus
- ExodusRedux
- Exoshark
- Ezra
- EzzerMan
- Fan Film
- F_50ci3ty
- F.T.V.
- F4M proxy
- F4M tester
- <Fantastic>
- Fen
- Feren
- Film Kodi
- Film Dictator
- Filmux
- Final Gear
- Fine and Dandy
- Fire TV Guru
- Flixnet
- FutbolTream
- Free Streams
- <Fresh start>
- Gaia
- <Galaxy>
- <Genesis>
- Genesis Reborn
- Genie TV
- Goliath
- Good fellas
- GoMovies
- GoTV
- gratis
- Green Revolution
- Gurzil
- HalowIPTV
- Hard Nox
- HDHub4u
- Horus
- Hot rain
- I4a TV
- I Watch Online
- Icarus
- Ice Films
- Incursion
- Indian TV
- Indigo
- Infiniflix
- IPTV Stalker
- IPTV Simple Client 2
- Ironman
- IStream
- IVue TV
- Iwannawatch
- J1nxPack
- Jango Music
- Jeckyll Hyde
- Jesus Box
- JokerSports
- Jor El
- Kaito
- Kartina TV
- Kids1ClickMovie
- Kidsflix
- Kiss Anime
- Klugscheisser
- KodiCat
- Kodiland
- KodiOnDemand
- Kodi Popcorn Time
- KodiUK TV
- Kratos
- Kratos Reborn
- Lastship
- Latest Dude
- Legendary
- Leviathan
- Limitless
- Livehub
- Live Streams Pro
- <Logan>
- Loki
- Looking Glass
- LoopTV
- Lucky IP TV
- Mad Titans
- Maestro IP TV
- Magic Dragon
- Magicality
- Magyck PI
- MandraKodi
- Marvin
- MashUp
- Maverick
- MD repo
- Mega Reborn
- Mega Search
- Mercury
- Metallik
- Metalliq
- MK Sports
- Mobdina
- Mobdro
- Modbro
- Money Sports
- Moria
- MotorReplays
- <Movie Hub>
- Movie Hut
- Movie Night
- Movies Tape
- Movie25
- Movie4k
- Movie Rulz
- Movies XK
- MovieStorm
- Mp3streams
- MrKnow
- MrPiracy
- Mucky Duck
- MuchMovies
- Mutts Nuts
- Navi X
- Navy Seal
- Nemesis
- Neptune Rising
- Nextgen
- Nightwing
- NLView
- No Limits
- Nole Cinema
- Numb3r5
- <Numbers>
- Numbersbynumbers
- OCW Reborn
- Odin
- One Alliance
- One Click Moviez
- One Nation
- Online Movies Pro
- Operation Robocop
- Open Wizard
- Orion
- Ororo TV
- Overeasy
- P2P Streams
- Palantir
- Paradox
- Paragon
- <Phoenix>
- phstreams
- Picasso
- Placenta
- Players Klub
- Plexus
- Popcorn Time
- Poseidon
- Premiumize
- Prime Links
- Prime Streams
- Primewire
- Project Cypher
- Project Free TV
- <Promise>
- Pro Sport; Pro-Sport; ProSport
- Pulsar
- Pyramid
- Q Sports
- Quantum
- Quasar
- Rapid Bit
- Real Debrid
- Real Movies
- Rebirth
- ReleaseBB
- Release Hub
- Renegades TV
- Rising Tides
- RockCrusher
- RL series
- RobinHood Project
- Resistance
- Royal We
- Sanctuary
- Sasta TV
- Schism
- Scrubs
- Season Dream
- Seren
- Settv
- Selfless
- < Shadow >
- Showbox
- Silent Hunter
- Simple Kodi Wizard
- <Smash>
- Smooth streams
- Soap Catchup
- Soulless
- Sparkle
- Specto
- Spinz TV
- Sport A Holic
- Sport365
- SportHDme
- Sports Access
- Sports Devil
- Sportsmania
- SportzTV
- Stallion
- Stream army
- Stream Cinema
- Stream hub
- Stream on Demand
- Stream Storm TV
- Stream This TV
- Subzero
- Super Streams
- SuperTV
- Supremacy
- Swa Desi
- Swiftstreamz
- Tantrumtv
- TeamZT Kriptix
- TecnoTV
- TeeVee
- TempTV
- Tempest
- Terrarium TV
- The Chains
- The Crew
- The Dog's Bollocks
- <The Loop>
- The Oath
- The Promise
- The Yid
- Tiggers
- Tiki
- Tivustream
- T Killa
- Toon Mania
- truncatetables
- TurkVod
- TV One
- TVOnline
- TVsupertuga
- UK Turk Playlist
- UK TV Now
- Ultimate installer
- Ultimate IPTV
- <Universal Scrapers>
- Uranus
- Vader Streams
- Vdubt25
- Velocity
- <Venom>
- Video devil
- Videodevil
- Vip secret
- Vortech TV
- Vstream
- White cream
- White Devil
- Wolfpack
- Wookie
- Wraith
- Wrestling On Demand
- Xan
- Xfinity Installer
- XMovies8
- <Xstream>
- Xunity
- Xship
- xxxodus
- Yify Movies
- Yoda
- Zem TV
- Zeta TV
- Zeus
- Abortion
- Airline
- Airways
- Astrologer
- Astrology
- Asshole
- Babaji
- Cash Loan
- Credit card
- Crypto
- cunt\w*
- Customer
- Divorce
- được
- fuck\w*
- FullZ
- Gestapo
- Helpline
- Hitler
- India
- payday loans
- PhonePe Support
- Lasix
- Marriage
- Moderator
- Moderators
- Mumbai
- Nazi
- Những
- omegle
- omglz
- Onlyfans
- Real Love
- refund
- Switchonshop
- Switch0sh0p
- Switch0nsh0p
- Switchonsh0p
- Switch0nshop
- \$witchon\$hop
- \$witch0\$hop
- \$witchon\$hop
- \$witch0n\$h0p
- Teatv
- p\.com
- tutorials-iptv-xbmc.blogspot
- Viagra
- Witch
- \+[0-9]
- 【+
- airline
- cruise
- flight
So where do I get support?
Every Add-on should contain the authors name, this is found by opening the Context menu on the Add-on and selecting Add-on Information
Generally a search of the Add-on's name together with the author name will give the location of where the author is active.
For example a search term might be:
Kodi TheCollective Youtube
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