Music Video artwork

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This page details information specific to artwork for music videos used in the Music Video library.

See: Music videos
  • The Music Video library is part of the Video Library (MyVideos#.db) and not the Music Library (MyMusic#.db)
  • Smart Playlists can be created to include Music and Music Videos by using the type Mixed

Local Artwork

Local Music Video artwork is saved in the same folder where the music video file is saved.

The default file name for music video artwork is <music video file name>-<arttype>.<ext> - see image below.


The Kodi scrapers can automatically download artwork without any extra effort from the user. Although it should be noted that artwork for individual music videos are not as abundant as they are for albums and artists.

Artwork settings for the video library are adjusted in the Kodi settings pages here... Settings > Media > Videos > Artwork

You may also need to adjust artwork settings in the Scraper settings pages.

Manually Adding Music Video Artwork

To add or change artwork manually, follow the steps in the images...

Artist Image

The Artist Image for Music Videos has the same requirements as for the artist image in the Music library.

See: Artist Artwork

If the same Artist is listed in the Music library, artist images will be automatically inherited from the Music library

If the artist does not appear in the Music Library, then use the manual method described below to add artist images

Manually Adding Artist Artwork

From within Kodi, you have the ability to manually change the artwork at any time as follows:

  1. Highlight the Artist whose artwork you would like to add or change.
  2. Call up the Context Menu. (Image 1)
  3. Select Set artist thumb. (Image 1)
  4. Select Browse to navigate to the location of the image on your local or network drives. (Image 2)
  5. Select the desired artwork. Once selected it will be automatically applied and return to the Artist listing.

See Also

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