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Home icon grey.png   ▶ Settings ▶ Media ▶ Videos


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Default select action

Settings level: Basic

Allows you to change the default action when clicking on a library item.

  • Choose - Always offer a pop-up box with several options (Resume, Play, Show information, More...)
  • Play - Offer the option to Resume or Play from beginning if applicable, otherwise just play the item from the start
  • Resume - Immediately resume videos from the last watched position if applicable, otherwise just play the item from the start
  • Show information - Display the Information Page
  • Queue item - Add selected items to a temporary playlist (accessed through the Sideblade menu)

Select default video version

Settings level: Standard

Settings ► Media ► Videos ► All ► Select default video version

  • Disabled - (default) When selecting a video version to play, a pop-up will provide the option to select which version to play
  • Enabled - Plays the default parent video. Other versions can be accessed from Context menu ► Choose version or from the Information Page of the parent title

Default play action

Settings level: Advanced

Control what to do if a video contains a Resume point. [1]

  • Ask if resumable - Offer the option to either Resume or Play from beginning
  • Resume - Continue playback from the last saved resume point.

Use video tags

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Same concept as embedded tags in music files. The video library can read tags in *.mp4 or *.mkv files when this setting is enabled.
This feature is limited in the tags that are read and does not match the amount of metadata that can be scraped.
Stop hand.png ••• Do not enable this setting unless you have deliberately set proper and correct tags in your video files. Incorrect tags will cause the scraper to fail on all movies containing bad embedded tags.

The below image is a typical example of why scraping fails in most cases. The Title usually contains junk data and the scraper will be unable to find the correct title. VideoTags.jpg

Extract video information from files

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Extract file metadata such as audio and video codecs, audio stream languages, audio channel layout, aspect ratio, subtitle languages, duration.

Extract chapter thumbnails

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Capture a frame of the video stream. This frame will be displayed in chapter timeline displays used by some skins.


Image 2

Combine split video items

Settings level: Standard
Description: Combines multi-part video files and DVD/Bluray folders into a single item in Files view.

Note: Library lists are not affected by this setting.

Replace file names with library titles

Settings level: Standard
Description: When a file is scanned into the library it will display the scanned title instead of the filename. Disable this setting to display the filename instead.


Image 3

Show all items entry

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Show "All items" entry in library lists e.g. All Albums or All seasons

Show information for unwatched items

Settings level: Basic
Description: Hide information to prevent spoilers. All information is shown by default. Movie plot, Episode plot and Episode thumb can be removed from the list.

Show movie sets

Settings level: Standard
  • When disabled, all movies are shown individually in library lists.
  • When enabled, movies that are part of a "Movie set" are always grouped together and displayed as a Collection, not separately. Clicking the collection will in turn display the individual movies.

Note: The separate Movie Sets node is not affected by this setting.

See: Movie sets

Include sets containing a single movie

Settings level: Standard
Description: Can work with, or independently of the previous setting.
  • When the previous setting is enabled and this setting is enabled, a "Movie set" entry is used even if the movie set contains only a single movie from the set.
  • When the previous setting is enabled and this setting is disabled, a "Movie set" entry is used only if the movie library contains two or more movies from the set.
  • When this setting is enabled with or without the previous setting, sets that contain a single movie become visible in the Movie Set Editor.

Note: The separate Movie Sets node is not affected by this setting.

See: Movie sets

Show videos with multiple versions as a folder

Settings level: Standard

Settings ► Media ► Videos ► All ► Show videos with multiple versions as a folder

  • Disabled - (default) When selecting a video version, what happens after selection will be determined by the previous setting Select default video version
  • Enabled - Selecting a video with multiple versions will always open another screen listing the versions. Similar to opening a Movie Set.

Flatten hierarchy

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Removes the title, genre, etc. nodes from the library view. Selecting a category takes you straight to the title view

Flatten TV show seasons

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Adjusts when Season lists are removed from TV Show views. Instead a list of episodes from all seasons is displayed.

Options are:

  • Never- Season lists are always displayed
  • If only one season- (default) Season lists are displayed only when two or more seasons exist
  • Always- Hide season lists always

Note: Cover art for individual seasons will also be hidden.

Show empty TV shows

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Show TV shows with no episodes when browsing through the library.

Select first unwatched TV show season / episode

Settings level: Advanced
Description: When enabled:
  • When entering the seasons list, selects the first season with unwatched episodes.
  • When entering the episode list, selects the first unwatched episode.

Include "All seasons" and "Specials"

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Works with the previous setting. Whether or not consider the items from "All season" and "Specials" in the unwatched item selection

Movie set information folder

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Nominate the location of the Movie Set artwork.[2]
See: Movie set information folder

Show all performers for music videos

Settings level: Advanced
Description: When enabled, shows all contributors in addition to the artists. [3]


Note: These are new artwork settings for v19. These settings replace the artwork settings in scrapers and the artwork tags in the advancedsettings.xml file which are no longer needed.[4] [5]

Artwork level

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Allows you to choose the types of artwork to be added to Kodi. Options are:
  • Maximum - Scan or scrape all available Artwork types. When scanning local artwork, this setting is indiscriminate and will add all artwork found.

Note: This includes artwork that does not conform to Kodi's naming scheme, which will not be displayed unless you have modified the skin to do so.
Users with messy folders should use the Custom option instead.

  • Basic - For users with low powered and low storage devices, scrape the minimum of poster, fanart and episode thumbnails only.
  • Custom - (image 2) Create a whitelist of artwork to be scanned or scraped. If artwork tags are available in the advancedsettings.xml file, these will be read and added to the custom settings on first run of Kodi
  • None - No artwork will be scanned or scraped.

The following four settings relate to the Custom setting.

Movie art types whitelist

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Relates to the Custom artwork level.

Add to the whitelist the artwork to be scanned or scraped for movies.

  • The listed Movie artwork also extends to the equivalent for Movie Sets. E. g., poster includes Movie poster and Movie Set poster.
  • Kodi standard artwork is available for selection. Additional types can be added using the Add art type button.

Note: Before adding a new art type, check it is used by the skin, as adding a new art type does not necessarily mean it will be displayed.

TV show art types whitelist

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Relates to the Custom artwork level.

Add to the whitelist the artwork to be scanned or scraped for TV Shows.

  • The listed TV show artwork also extends to the equivalent for Seasons. E. g., poster includes TV show poster and Season posters.
  • Kodi standard artwork is available for selection. Additional types can be added using the Add art type button.

Note: Before adding a new art type, check it is used by the skin, as adding a new art type does not necessarily mean it will be displayed.

Episode art types whitelist

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Relates to the Custom artwork level.

Add to the whitelist the artwork to be scanned or scraped for episodes.

  • Kodi standard artwork is available for selection. Additional types can be added using the Add art type button.

Note: Before adding a new art type, check it is used by the skin, as adding a new art type does not necessarily mean it will be displayed.

Music Video art types whitelist

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Relates to the Custom artwork level.

Add to the whitelist the artwork to be scanned or scraped for Music Videos.

  • Kodi standard artwork is available for selection. Additional types can be added using the Add art type button.

Note: Before adding a new art type, check it is used by the skin, as adding a new art type does not necessarily mean it will be displayed.

Download actor thumbnails

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Also download actor artwork when scanning/scraping media.

Extract thumbnails from video files

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Capture a frame of the video stream. This frame will be displayed when episode artwork or when movie poster or fanart are missing.


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