Video extras

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Home icon grey.png   ▶ Video library ▶ Management ▶ Video extras


Video Extras is a new feature to handle Extra video material, such as bloopers, alternate endings, interviews etc. It was introduced in v21 as part of the Video Versions feature.

Many users are familiar with the existing Extras addon. Video Extras is the core version of the addon which provides greater flexibility to skinners to determine when Extras are available and provide icons in the library views to indicate their presence.

Video Extras and the Extras add-on are both compatible with each other, and one won't affect the other if both are in use.

This feature works on the movie library and may be expanded to TV shows in a later release of Kodi.

Note: Video Extras requires movie folders and cannot be used with a flat folder structure.


There are two settings that control the use of Video Extras.

  1. a GUI setting that controls what to do when the Extra folder is found during a Library Update.
  2. An advancedsettings.xml entry that prevents Extras from being added to the library as movies when the GUI setting is Enabled.

GUI Setting

Settings level: Basic

Settings ► Media ► Library ► Video Library ► Ignore video extras on scan

  • Disabled - When an Update Library is run, and if a folder named Extras exists, any video files in the folder will be added to the Extras listing for the movie.
    See: Video Extras
  • Enabled - (default) When an Update Library is run, any extras in the Extras folder will not be added to the Extras listing.
    Videos in the Extras folder will be treated like a movie file and added to the library. To avoid this ensure the advancedsettings.xml file has the correct ignore code.
    See: Video Extras


Extras are video files the same way the main feature movie is a video file. This may cause Kodi to see your Extras as additional movies when the GUI setting above is Enabled. To prevent each Extras video file being scraped as a movie, and adding random or duplicated movies into your library, you must tell Kodi not to scrape the Extras folder.

A number of methods are available. A listing is found here Excluding folders and file types or use the Advancedsettings.xml method using the code below by simply copying and pasting the following code into your Advancedsettings.xml file. If you already have an advancedsettings.xml file, do not duplicate the <advancedsettings></advancedsettings> tags.

 <advancedsettings version="1.0">
      <!-- Extras: Section Start -->
      <excludefromscan action="append">
      <excludetvshowsfromscan action="append">
      <!-- Extras: Section End -->


Before running the Library Update, ensure the Extras folder has been created in the correct location. Only a folder named \Extras\ will be recognized by the scanner.

The Extras folder must be located in the same folder as your movie video file for the Kodi scanner to find it. Some typical examples are listed below.

Single Movie Folders

...\MyMovies\Lucy (2014)\
...\MyMovies\Lucy (2014)\Extras\

DVD Structure

...\MyMovies\Chronicles of Riddick\
...\MyMovies\Chronicles of Riddick\AUDIO_TS\
...\MyMovies\Chronicles of Riddick\VIDEO_TS\
...\MyMovies\Chronicles of Riddick\VIDEO_TS\Extras\

Bluray Structure

...\MyMovies\Lucy (2014)\
...\MyMovies\Lucy (2014)\BDMV\
...\MyMovies\Lucy (2014)\BDMV\Extras\

Nested Folders

Sub-folders in the Extras folder are allowed, making it easier to organise Extras for quicker access.

An example of this is shown in the following image. When scanned, and using the first file as an example, the listing will be named Bloopers\Blooper Reel 1


Local artwork provided next to video extras files is recognized in file browsing through Videos (v21) and is imported into the library (new in v22).

The naming convention is the same that is used for movies, using the video extra file name as the movie name. For more details see Movie Artwork.

There is no support for video extras art in scrapers. The displayed artwork depends on the skin used.

Extras Manager

The Extras Manager is accessed from the Information page as shown in the below images


Play the selected title.

Add Extra

The manual method of adding Extras to the manager by navigating through your file system.

See the Adding Extras ► Manual section below.

Choose Art

Allows the changing of artwork for the highlighted Extra. Which artwork is displayed is skin dependent.


Change the title of the selected Extra


Remove an Extra from the manager. It will not delete files from the file system. The setting Allow file renaming and deletion has no effect.

Be aware that running an Update Library may rescan the removed title back into the library, depending on your settings.

Adding Extras

There are two methods to scan Extras into the Extras library:

  1. Running the regular Update Library or Scan item to library.
  2. Manually adding items.

Library Update

When the above-mentioned GUI setting is Disabled, the Kodi scanner, in addition to searching for video files, artwork, nfo files and trailers, will also search for the Extras folder and any video files in the folder will be added to the Extras Manager.

Note: There is a known bug in v21 related to the hash of the video files which may prevent Extras from being scanned. There is a fix for v22, which may be backported to v21.x


Extras can also be added manually. This is performed via the Extras Manager as detailed in the following screenshots.

When using this manual mode, it is possible to add Extras located in the Extras folder of other movies, or saved elsewhere that is accessible to Kodi.

Playing Extras

Accessing Extras for playback is accomplished using one of the following methods...

  1. Accessing the Extras Manager (detailed above) and pressing play after selecting the Extra to play
  2. When a movie contains Extras, pressing play using any method will display the Choose version dialogue. From this screen you can choose to either play the movie or select Extras for the Choose extra dialogue.

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