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Keymaps are XML base files that define the mappings of keys (keyboard keys, mouse/remote/joysticks buttons and more) to Kodi actions.

Customizing keymaps through the GUI

Users can customize keymaps for remotes in GUI by using the community Keymap Editor add-on.

Location of keymaps

User modified keymap files must be stored in the "keymaps" folder in the userdata folder:

The Userdata folder is a subfolder of the Kodi Data Folder and is located as shown in the table below.

Operating system Userdata Folder
Android Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/ (see note)
Flatpak ~/.var/app/tv.kodi.Kodi/data/userdata
iOS /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi/userdata/
LibreELEC /storage/.kodi/userdata/
Linux ~/.kodi/userdata/
macOS /Users/<your_user_name>/Library/Application Support/Kodi/userdata/
Nvidia Shield (SMB) smb://<nvidiashieldurl>/internal/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata
OSMC /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/
tvOS /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi/userdata/
webOS /media/developer/apps/usr/palm/applications/org.xbmc.kodi/.kodi/userdata/
Windows %APPDATA%\Kodi\userdata
Windows Portable <Install location chosen by you>\portable_data\userdata\
Windows via Microsoft Store %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\XBMCFoundation.Kodi_4n2hpmxwrvr6p\LocalCache\Roaming\Kodi\
Windows Xbox %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\XBMCFoundation.Kodi_4n2hpmxwrvr6p\LocalCache\Roaming\Kodi\
Note: In some Android setups the path may be slightly different to the one stated above.


Default keymaps are included when Kodi is installed, but users should not edit those install files directly. Instead, place user modified keymaps in the userdata/keymaps/ directory.

Kodi can process multiple keymap files and does so like this:

  • All *.xml files from the default install settings and userdata/keymaps/ folders are applied as keymaps.
  • All *.xml files are processed in alphabetical order.
  • Keymaps defined in an .xml file add to or override mappings in previous .xml file.
  • Keymaps defined in the userdata folder add to or override mappings in the global keymap.

By default there will be no files in these locations, so grab one from the link below to make a new one/over-ride:


There is one global keymap and several window-specific keymaps.
Kodi falls back to the global map when the window-specific map hasn't bound the key being pressed.

The format of keymapping files is as follows:






    <joystick name="PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller (00:1B:FB:F6:E0:F2)">
      <button id="15">Select</button>




As you can see, it's divided into a <global> section, and a number of window sections (such as <Home>).
A list of the available window names can be seen here. The WINDOW can also be a custom window formatted as <windowId#> (e. g. <window1113>).
Each of these sections can contain Gamepad, Remote, Keyboard, Universal Remote, and custom Joystick sections.

The format for mapping a particular key under one of these device types is as follows:



Depending on your device you will need to use a specific "keyname".


An up to date list of the available actions can be found in the source code of Kodi in ButtonTranslator.cpp where the TranslateGamepadString() function does the work.




An up to date list of IR-remote button names can be found in the source code of Kodi IRTranslator.cpp. See the method TranslateString().

The available actions are discussed in section Actions.

Note: Some remotes (e.g. FLIRC) are actually seen as "keyboards". Those will need to use the <keyboard> tag instead.



Universal Remotes

To map Universal Remote buttons using the RCA infrared protocol, you may add <universalremote> sections to keymap.xml.
In this case, the tags used are <obc#> where # is the original button code (OBC) of the button.
You would put it inside a <universalremote> section in the <window> or <global> sections.


Will map Stop Playback to the RCA DVD repeat button <obc148>, which is not used by Kodi by default.
  • Note: ensure that the <universalremote> section is NOT added 'within' the <remote> section - it can appear before or after. Otherwise it will not be recognised and produces errors in the logfile.

Remote keys can be observed in the kodi.log file (~/.kodi/temp/kodi.log on Linux) when debugging is enabled in the GUI (Settings -> debugging ). The list of pre-defined OBC codes can be found at XBIRRemote.h.


Valid keyboard keymap syntax includes <keyname>, <key id="">, and <keyname mod="">.

Mapping for arbitrary key codes can be configured using the following syntax:

<key id="123">

where "123" is replaced by the key code.

A full list of valid keynames can be found in


  <key id="123">action</key> -- id is the keys keycode. >
  <a mod="shift,alt">action</a> -- corresponds to shift-alt-a, the mod="" syntax is enabled since build 26407. >
  <space>action</space> -- for a complete list of valid keynames, see ButtonTranslator.cpp or List of Kodi keynames above. >
  • shift
  • alt
  • ctrl


As this highly depends on the mouse you are using and which kind of buttons are available, we only mention the most common buttons on a mouse:


Example for changing the volume while on MusicOSD (On Screen Display) window using the mouse wheel


Custom Joystick Configuration

See HOW-TO:Modify_joystick.xml.


Note: Longpress seems to only be working on keyboard keymaps at the moment Depending on the device, many remotes, keyboards, and gamepads can use the long-press modifier. This allows a button to do a separate action when held for a short period of time. The syntax for this is as follows:

<button mod="longpress">action</button>

Not all devices will correctly work with the longpress action, but most should.

Note: Long-press will disable keyrepeat for that key/window.

Removing a long-press action from a default keymap

If you want to simply remove a long-press action, rather than override it, you can place an empty long-press tag in a keymap. This also has the effect of re-enabling keyrepeat for the short-press action.

For example, this will remove the context menu action from the default keyboard.xml keymap:

      <return mod="longpress"></return>
      <enter mod="longpress"></enter>


The most recent available actions can be found in ActionIDs.h.

For those debugging integer action codes from the debug log, the mapping of action codes to constants is in Key.h

In addition to the following actions, you can also use Built-in scripting in Kodi.


Main actions
Action Description
Left Move left off a control.
Right Move right off a control.
Up Move up off a control.
Down Move down off a control.
Select Select a button, or an item from a list of thumb view.
Enter ? (ACTION_ENTER) Not sure about all areas, but on some windows this will be the same as the "done" on screen button.
PageUp Scroll up on page in a list, thumb, or text view.
PageDown Scroll down on page in a list, thumb, or text view.
Highlight Highlight an item in a list or thumb view.
ParentDir Go up a folder to the parent folder. (deprecated, same meaning of "Back" action)
ParentFolder Go up a folder to the parent folder.
PreviousMenu Go back to the previous menu screen.
Back Go back in navigation.
Info Show the information about the currently highlighted item, or currently playing item.
Pause Pause the currently playing item.
Stop Stop the currently playing item.
SkipNext Skip to next video in playlist. If no playlist, then skip to next chapter in video.
SkipPrevious Skip to previous video in playlist. If no playlist, then skip to previous chapter in video.
FullScreen Toggles full-screen content playback (either visualisation or video playback)
togglefullscreen Changes whether the app is displayed full-screen or windowed (on windowing OSs)
AspectRatio Toggle through the various aspect ratio modes (Normal is the preferred option).
StepForward Step forward 30 seconds in a video.
StepBack Step back 30 seconds in a video.
BigStepForward Step forward 10 minutes in video.
BigStepBack Step back 10 minutes in video.
SmallStepBack Step back 7 seconds in the current video.
Seek(##) A definable seek action, where ## is a number of seconds. For example, to make a seek action that goes forward 25 seconds use Seek(25), and to make a seek action that goes back 36 seconds use Seek(-36). (v15 Isengard addition)
ChapterOrBigStepForward Go to to next chapter in video. If no chapters, then step forward 10 minutes in video. (v13 Gotham addition)
ChapterOrBigStepBack Go to previous chapter in video, If no chapters, then step back 10 minutes in video. (v13 Gotham addition)
NextScene Go to next scene that is marked in an Edit_decision_list file.
PreviousScene Go to previous scene that is marked in an Edit_decision_list file.
OSD Toggles the OSD (On Screen Display) while playing an item.
PlayDVD Start playing a DVD (goes to the DVD menu)
ShowVideoMenu Go to the DVD Video menu when playing a DVD.
ShowSubtitles Toggles whether subtitles are shown or not.
NextSubtitle Change to the next subtitle language, if there is more than one (does not allow subtitles to be disabled).
PreviousSubtitle Change to the previous subtitle language, if there is more than one (does not allow subtitles to be disabled). (v22 Piers addition)
CycleSubtitle Change to the next subtitle language, if there is more than one (it also allow subtitles to be disabled).
SubtitleShiftUp Move subtitles up
SubtitleShiftDown Move subtitles down
SubtitleAlign Subtitle position control
CodecInfo Show codec information about the currently playing item (during video or visualisation playback)
PlayerProcessInfo Show player process information about the currently playing item (during video or visualisation playback)
PlayerProgramSelect Show dialog to select a program tv channel (during video playback)
NextPicture Move to the next picture in a slideshow.
PreviousPicture Move to the previous picture in a slideshow.
ZoomOut Used in picture, slideshow or video fullscreen to zoom out of the current image/video.
ZoomIn Used in picture, slideshow or video fullscreen to zoom in to the current image/video.
IncreasePAR Used in video fullscreen to increase the pixel aspect ratio (stretch).
DecreasePAR Used in video fullscreen to decrease the pixel aspect ratio (stretch).
Queue Queue the item to the current playlist
PlayNext Queue the item to the next position in the current playlist
Filter Opens the mediafilter dialog in the video and musiclibrary. Used in the advanced filter for the video library.
Playlist Toggle to playlist view from My Music or My Videos
ZoomNormal Normal (fullscreen) viewing in My Pictures
ZoomLevel1 Zoom to 120% in My Pictures
ZoomLevel2 Zoom to 150% in My Pictures
ZoomLevel3 Zoom to 200% in My Pictures
ZoomLevel4 Zoom to 280% in My Pictures
ZoomLevel5 Zoom to 400% in My Pictures
ZoomLevel6 Zoom to 600% in My Pictures
ZoomLevel7 Zoom to 900% in My Pictures
ZoomLevel8 Zoom to 1350% in My Pictures
ZoomLevel9 Zoom to 2000% in My Pictures
NextCalibration Used in Video + GUI calibration
ResetCalibration Used in Video + GUI calibration
AnalogMove Move in the calibration screens, and while zoomed in My Pictures.
Rotate Rotate a picture in My Pictures
rotateccw Rotate current picture counterclockwise during slideshow.
Close Used to close a dialog
subtitledelay Show the current delay amount of subtitles.
SubtitleDelayMinus Decrease the delay amount of subtitles (use if subtitles are displaying too late)
SubtitleDelayPlus Increase the delay amount of subtitles (use if subtitles are displaying too early)
audiodelay Show the current delay amount of audio.
AudioDelayMinus Decrease the delay amount of audio (use if audio is being heard too early)
AudioDelayPlus Increase the delay amount of audio (use if audio is being heard too late)
AudioNextLanguage Change to the next audio track in a video with multiple audio tracks.
NextResolution Used in Video calibration
Number<0-9> Used to input the number 0 through 9
FastForward Toggle the fastforward speed between normal play, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, and 32x.
Rewind Toggle the rewind speed between normal play, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, and 32x.
Play Play the selected item (or folder of items).
PlayPause Play the selected item (or folder of items). Will also pause media when something is already playing.
Delete Used in My Files to delete a file.
Copy Used in My Files to copy a file.
Move Used in My Files to move a file.
Rename Used in My Files to rename a file.
HideSubmenu <depreciated>
Screenshot Take a screenshot of the current screen.
Reboot Reboot
ShutDown() Shutdown and power off
VolumeUp Increase the volume of playback.
VolumeDown Decrease the volume of playback.
Mute Mute the volume.
volampup Increase volume amplification.
volampdown Decrease volume amplification.
audiotoggledigital Switch between digital / analog audio.
BackSpace Used in the virtual keyboards to delete one letter.
ScrollUp Variable speed scroll up for analog keys (stick or triggers)
ScrollDown Variable speed scroll down for analog keys (stick or triggers)
AnalogFastForward Variable speed fast forward for analog keys (stick or triggers)
AnalogRewind Variable speed rewind for analog keys (stick or triggers)
AnalogSeekForward Variable speed seeking for analog keys (stick or triggers)
AnalogSeekBack Variable speed seeking for analog keys (stick or triggers)
MoveItemUp Used to rearrange playlists
MoveItemDown Used to rearrange playlists
Menu Focus the menu control (e.g. sidebar in confluence) which is specified by the skin in different windows (e.g. Movies, Music, PVR etc.) (v16 Jarvis addition)
ContextMenu Pops up a contextual menu
Shift Used in Virtual Keyboard to switch to upper or lower case letters
Symbols Used in Virtual Keyboard to switch to or from symbols mode
CursorLeft Used in Virtual Keyboard to move the current cursor point to the left
CursorRight Used in Virtual Keyboard to move the current cursor point to the right
ShowTime Used to show the current play time in music + video playback
visualisationpresetlist Shows the visualisation preset list
ShowPreset Shows the current visualisation preset (milkdrop/spectrum)
NextPreset Next visualisation preset
PreviousPreset Previous visualisation preset
LockPreset Lock the current visualisation preset
RandomPreset Switch to a new random preset
IncreaseRating Used to increase track rating in full screen playback (press info on track and use pageplus on keyboard/remote
DecreaseRating Used to decrease track rating in full screen playback (press info on track and use pageminus on keyboard/remote
ToggleWatched Toggles watched/unwatched status for Videos
NextLetter Move to the next letter in a list or thumb panel. Note that SHIFT-B on the keyboard will take you to the B's.
PrevLetter Move to the previous letter in a list or thumb panel. Note that SHIFT-Z on the keyboard will take you to the Z's.
JumpSMS<2-9> Jump through a list using SMS-style input (eg press 2 twice to jump to the B's.)
FilterSMS<2-9> Filter a list in music or videos using SMS-style input.
verticalshiftup Shift up video image currently played.
verticalshiftdown Shift down video image currently played.
scanitem Scan selected item for video or music files.
reloadkeymaps Reload keymap, loading any changes made to the keymap since started up.
increasevisrating Increase the preset rate for visualization.
decreasevisrating Decrease the preset rate for visualization.
firstpage Move to the first element of the page.
lastpage Move to the last element of the page.
red Used to simulate red button click for the teletext.
green Used to simulate green button click for the teletext.
yellow Used to simulate yellow button click for the teletext.
blue Used to simulate blue button click for the teletext.
CreateBookmark Creates a bookmark of the currently playing Video (v13 Gotham addition)
CreatEpisodeBookmark Creates an episode bookmark of the currently playing multi-episode file (e.g. S01E01E02). An episode bookmark specifies the end of the one and the begin of the other episode (v13 Gotham addition)
NextChannelGroup PVR Goes to the next channel group when using live TV. Works only within PVR windows + channel osd. (v13 Gotham addition)
PreviousChannelGroup PVR Goes to the previous channel group when using live TV. Works only within PVR windows + channel osd. (v13 Gotham addition)
ChannelUp PVR Used to switch up to the next channel. Works only if you playback TV or radio (v13 Gotham addition)
ChannelDown PVR Used to switch down to the previous channel. Works only if you playback TV or radio(v13 Gotham addition)
PlayPvr PVR Starts playback a TV or radio channel depends on the last played channel. (v13 Gotham addition)
PlayPvrTV PVR Starts playback a TV channel. Will playback the last played channel if available. (v13 Gotham addition)
PlayPvrRadio PVR Starts playback a radio channel. Will playback the last played channel if available. (v13 Gotham addition)
Record PVR record current playing channel or selected item in windows like EPG (v13 Gotham addition)
ToggleCommSkip Enable / Disable commercial skipping (based on Edit_decision_list file) during video playback.
StereoMode Toggle 3D/Stereoscopic mode (v13 Gotham addition)
ToggleStereoMode Toggle 3D/Stereoscopic mode (v13 Gotham addition)
SwitchPlayer Select player to use, such as internal (DVDPlayer/PAPlayer), UPnP "play using" targets, external players. (v13 Gotham addition)
UpdateLibrary(video) Update Movie/TV-Show library (only tested with v13 Gotham addition).
SetRating For use when playing music. Will pop-up a 1-10 userrating select dialog, to rate the currently playing song. (v17 Krypton addition)
DialogSelectVideo Open a window dialog to select a video stream. (v22 Piers addition)
DialogSelectAudio Open a window dialog to select an audio stream. (v22 Piers addition)
DialogSelectSubtitle Open a window dialog to select a subtitle stream. (v22 Piers addition)
Action Description
noop No action. Used to specifically disable a key.


Add-on built-in's

Function Description Version
Addon.Default.OpenSettings(extensionpoint) Open a settings dialog for the default addon of the given type (extensionpoint)
Addon.Default.Set(extensionpoint) Open a select dialog to allow choosing the default addon of the given type (extensionpoint)
Addon.OpenSettings(id) Open a settings dialog for the addon of the given id
EnableAddon(id) Enables the specified plugin/script v19 addition
InstallAddon(id) Will install the addon with the given id.
InstallFromZip Opens the "Install from zip"-dialog if "Unknown sources" is enabled. Prompts the warning message if not.
RunAddon(id) Runs the specified plugin/script
RunAppleScript(script[,args]*) Run the specified AppleScript command
RunPlugin(plugin) Runs the plugin. Full path must be specified. Does not work for folder plugins
RunScript(script[,args]*) Runs the python script. You must specify the add-on id of the script. As of 2007/02/24, all extra parameters are passed to the script as arguments and can be accessed by python using sys.argv
StopScript(id) Stop the script by ID or path, if running v12 Addition
UpdateAddonRepos Triggers a forced update of enabled add-on repositories.
UpdateLocalAddons Triggers a scan of local add-on directories.

Android built-in's

Function Description Version
StartAndroidActivity(package,[intent,dataType,dataURI]) Launch an Android native app with the given package name. Optional parms (in order): intent, dataType, dataURI. example: StartAndroidActivity(,android.intent.action.VIEW,, v13 Addition

Application built-in's

Function Description Version
Extract(archive_url[, destination]) Extracts a specified archive to an optionally specified 'absolute' path.
Mute Mutes (or unmutes) the volume.
NotifyAll(sender, data [, json]) Notify all connected clients v13 Addition
SetVolume(percent[,showvolumebar]) Sets the volume to the percentage specified. Optionally, show the Volume Dialog in Kodi when setting the volume.
ToggleDebug Enables/disables debug mode v12 Addition
ToggleDPMS Toggle DPMS (VESA Display Power Management Signaling) mode manually
WakeOnLan(mac) Sends the wake-up packet to the broadcast address for the specified MAC address (Format: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF or FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF).

CEC built-in's

Function Description Version
CECActivateSource Wake up playing device via a CEC peripheral v13 Addition
CECStandby Put playing device on standby via a CEC peripheral v13 Addition
CECToggleState Toggle state of playing device via a CEC peripheral v13 Addition

EPG built-in's

Function Description Version
PVR.EpgGridControl(command) supported commands: firstprogramme (jump to the first programme) / currentprogramme (jump to the current programme) / lastprogramme (jump to the last programme) / selectdate (jump to the selected date & time) / +XX (jump XX hours forward) / -XX (jump XX hours back) / firstchannel (jump to the first channel) / playingchannel (jump to the currently playing channel) / lastchannel (jump to the last channel) / previousgroup (switch the epg to the previous group) / nextgroup (switch the epg to the next group) / selectgroup (select a group) v19 Addition

GUI built-in's

Function Description Version
Action(action[,window]) Executes an action (same as in keymap) for the given window or the active window if the parameter window is omitted. The parameter window can either be the window's id, or in the case of a standard window, the window's name. See Action IDs for a list of available actions.
ActivateWindow(window[,dir,return]) Opens the given window. The parameter window can either be the window's id, or in the case of a standard window, the window's name. See Window IDs for a list of window names, and their respective ids. If, furthermore, the window is Music, Video, Pictures, or Program files, then the optional dir parameter specifies which folder Kodi should default to once the window is opened. This must be a source as specified in sources.xml, or a subfolder of a valid source. For some windows (MusicLibrary and VideoLibrary), the return parameter may be specified, which indicates that Kodi should use this folder as the "root" of the level, and thus the "parent directory" action from within this folder will return the user to where they were prior to the window activating.
ActivateWindowAndFocus(id1, id2,item1, id3,item2) Activate window with id1, first focus control id2 and then focus control id3. if either of the controls is a container, you can specify which item to focus (else, set it to 0). v12 Addition
AlarmClock(name,command,[time,silent,loop]) Pops up a dialog asking for the length of time (mm:ss) for the alarm (unless the parameter time is specified), and starts a timer. When the timer runs out, it'll execute the built-in command (the parameter command) if it is specified, otherwise it'll pop up an alarm notice. Add silent to hide the alarm notification. Add loop for the alarm to execute the command each time the specified time interval expires. If defining the last optional parameters (silent and loop) both have to be defined for any to take effect. The parameter "time" accepts an integer value (in minutes) or a timestring in the format "hh:mm:ss" or "mm min".
CancelAlarm(name[,silent]) Cancel a running alarm. Set silent to true to hide the alarm notification.
ClearProperty(key[,id]) Clears a window property for the current focused window/dialog(key), or the specified window (key,id).
Dialog.Close(dialog[,force]) Close a dialog. Set force to true to bypass animations. Use (all,true) to close all opened dialogs at once.
NextChannelGroup Navigate to the next PVR channel group (in DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml) v13 Addition
NextStereoMode Changes the stereo mode of the GUI to the next available mode. v13 Addition
Notification(header,message[,time,image]) Will display a notification dialog with the specified header and message, in addition you can set the length of time it displays in milliseconds and a icon image.
PreviousChannelGroup Navigate to the previous PVR channel group (in DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml) v13 Addition
PreviousStereoMode Changes the stereo mode of the GUI to the previous available mode. v13 Addition
RefreshRSS Reload RSS feeds from RSSFeeds.xml
ReplaceWindow(window,dir) Replaces the current window with the given window. This is the same as ActivateWindow() but it doesn't update the window history list, so when you go back from the new window it will not return to the previous window, rather will return to the previous window's previous window.
ReplaceWindowAndFocus(id1, id2,item1, id3,item2) Replace window with id1, first focus control id2 and then focus control id3. if either of the controls is a container, you can specify which item to focus (else, set it to 0). v13 Addition
Resolution Change Kodi's Resolution.
SetGUILanguage(value) Set GUI Language, 'value' is the language file to use. SetGUILanguage(resource.language.de_de) v13 Addition
SetProperty(key,value[,id]) Sets a window property for the current window (key,value), or the specified window (key,value,id).
SetStereoMode Changes the stereo mode of the GUI. Params can be: toggle, next, previous, select, tomono or any of the supported stereomodes (off, split_vertical, split_horizontal, row_interleaved, hardware_based, anaglyph_cyan_red, anaglyph_green_magenta, monoscopic) v13 Addition
settingslevelchange Toggles the visible settings (in SettingsCategory.xml) between 'basic', 'standard', 'advanced and 'expert' v13 Addition
TakeScreenshot([filenameandpath,sync]) Takes a Screenshot. You can optionally specify the filename (including the path). Note: only .png files are supported. Add "sync" parameter to run synchronously (slow).
ToggleDirtyRegionVisualization makes dirty regions visible for debugging proposes. v16 Addition
ToggleStereoMode Toggle the stereoscopic mode of the GUI (on/off). v13 Addition

GUI container built-in's

Function Description Version
Container.NextSortMethod Change to the next sort method.
Container.NextViewMode Select the next view mode.
Container.PreviousSortMethod Change to the previous sort method.
Container.PreviousViewMode Select the previous view mode.
Container.Refresh Refresh current listing.
Container.SetSortMethod(id) Change to the specified sort method. (For list of ID's see [list of sort methods])
Container.SetViewMode(id) Set the current view mode (list, icons etc.) to the given container id.
Container.SetSortDirection Toggle the sort direction.
Container.Update Update current listing. Send Container.Update(path,replace) to reset the path history.

GUI control built-in's

Function Description Version
Control.Message(id,message,[windowid]) Sends a given message to a control in a given window (or active window if omitted). Messages can be movedown, moveup, pagedown, pageup, click.
Control.Move(id,offset) Will make a Container with the "id" specified in the command move focus by "offset".
Control.SetFocus(id,position[,absolute]) Will make a list with the "id" specified in the command gain focus at "position" number in its list. Set absolute to focus the first listitem of a container instead of the first visible listitem. Alias SetFocus(id,position)
PageDown Send a page down event to the pagecontrol with given id.
PageUp Send a page up event to the pagecontrol with given id.
SendClick(windowid,id) Sends a click to a control in a given window (or active window if omitted).
SetFocus(id,position[,absolute]) Will make a list with the "id" specified in the command gain focus at "position" number in its list. Set absolute to focus the first listitem of a container instead of the first visible listitem. Alias Control.SetFocus(id,position)

Library built-in's

Function Description Version
CleanLibrary(database) This funtion will perform a number of 'cleanup' tasks on your video database and can be run if you have moved, deleted or renamed files. Takes either "video" or "music" as a parameter to begin cleaning the corresponding database.
exportlibrary(music,false,filepath) The music library will be exported to a single file stored at filepath location.
exportlibrary(video,true,thumbs,overwrite,actorthumbs) The video library is exported to multiple files with the given options. Here thumbs, overwrite and actorthumbs are boolean values (true or false).
UpdateLibrary(database,[path]) Takes either "video" or "music" as a parameter to begin updating the corresponding database. For "video" you can additionally specify a specific path to be scanned.
VideoLibrary.Search Brings up a search dialog which will search the library

Optical container built-in's

Function Description Version
EjectTray() Either opens or closes the DVD tray, depending on its current state
RipCD Will rip the inserted CD from the DVD-ROM drive.

Picture built-in's

Function Description Version
RecursiveSlideShow(dir) Run a slideshow from the specified directory, including all subdirs
ShowPicture(picture) Show a picture by its file path/url. v13 Addition
SlideShow(dir[,recursive][,[not]random][,pause][,beginslide="/path/to/start/slide.jpg"]) Starts a slideshow of pictures in the folder dir. Optional parameters are 'recursive', 'random' or 'notrandom', 'pause' and 'beginslide="/path/to/some/image.jpg"' parameters. The "recursive" parameter starts a recursive slideshow, adding images from sub-folders. The "random" and "notrandom" parameters override the Randomize setting found in the pictures media window. The "pause" parameter will start the slideshow paused. "beginslide" will start the slideshow with the specified image.

Player built-in's

Function Description Version
PlayDisc(param) Will play the inserted CD or DVD media from the DVD-ROM drive.
PlayerControl(command) Allows control of music and videos. The command may be one of Play, Stop, Forward, Rewind, Next, Previous, BigSkipForward, BigSkipBackward, SmallSkipForward, SmallSkipBackward, FrameAdvance(#), TempoUp, TempoDown, Tempo(value), Random, RandomOn, RandomOff, Repeat, RepeatOne, RepeatAll, RepeatOff, Partymode(music) or Partymode(video) or Partymode(path to .xsp file) or Reset.

Play will either pause, resume, or stop ffwding or rewinding. Random toggles random playback and Repeat cycles through the repeat modes (these both take an optional second parameter, Notify, that notifies the user of the new state). Partymode(music/video) toggles the appropriate partymode, defaults to music if no parameter is given, besides the default music or video partymode you can also pass a path to a custom smartplaylist (.xsp) as parameter. Reset only applies to games and will reset the currently playing game.

PlayerResolutionSelect Select a different resolution v18
Playlist.Clear Clear the current playlist
Playlist.PlayOffset Start playing from a particular offset in the playlist
PlayMedia(mediaPath[,isdir][,1][,playoffset=xx][,resume][,noresume][,playlist_type_hint=x]) Plays the media. This can be a playlist, music, or video file, directory, plugin or a url. The optional parameter ",isdir" can be used for playing a directory. ",1" will start the media without switching to fullscreen. If media is a playlist, you can use playoffset=xx where xx is the position to start playback from. Set "resume" to force resuming. Set "noresume" to force not resuming.

Note: Following parameters are available from Kodi v20. If media is a playlist (e.g. STRM), you can set the type of playlist with "playlist_type_hint=x" where x can be 0 for music playlist or 1 for video playlist, if not set will be used music playlist.

PlayWith() Play the selected item with the specified player core.
QueueMedia() [1] Queues the given media. This can be a playlist\, music\, or video file\, directory\, plugin or an Url. The optional parameter "\,isdir" can be used for playing a directory. "\,1" will start the media without switching to fullscreen. If media is a playlist\, you can use playoffset=xx where xx is the position to start playback from.
  • @param[in] media URL of media to queue.
  • @param[in] isdir Set "isdir" if media is a directory (optional).
  • @param[in] 1 Set "1" to start playback without switching to fullscreen (optional).
  • @param[in] resume Set "resume" to force resuming (optional).
  • @param[in] noresume Set "noresume" to force not resuming (optional).
  • @param[in] playeroffset Set "playoffset=<offset>" to start playback from a given position in a playlist (optional).
  • @param[in] playnext Set "playnext" to play the media right after the currently playing item, if player is currently playing. If player is not playing, append media to current playlist (optional).
Seek(seconds) Seeks to the specified relative amount of seconds within the current playing media. A negative value will seek backward and a positive value forward. v15 Addition

Profile built-in's

Function Description Version
LoadProfile(profilename,[prompt]) Load the specified profile. If prompt is not specified, and a password would be required for the requested profile, this command will silently fail. If promp' is specified and a password is required, a password dialog will be shown.
Mastermode Runs Kodi in master mode
System.LogOff Log off current user.

PVR built-in's

Function Description Version
PVR.SearchMissingChannelIcons Will start a search for missing channel icons v16 Addition
PVR.ToggleRecordPlayingChannel Will toggle recording on playing channel, if any v18
PVR.SeekPercentage Performs a seek to the given percentage in timeshift buffer, if timeshifting is supported

Skin built-in's

Function Description Version
ReloadSkin() Reloads the current skin – useful for Skinners to use after they upload modified skin files (saves power cycling)
Skin.Reset(setting) Resets the skin setting (setting). If (setting) is a bool setting (i.e. set via SetBool or ToggleSetting) then the setting is reset to false. If (setting) is a string (Set via SetString, SetImage, or SetPath) then it is set to empty.
Skin.ResetSettings Resets all the above skin settings to their defaults (toggles all set to false, strings all set to empty.)
Skin.SelectBool(header, label1|setting1, label2|setting2) Pops up select dialog to select between multiple skin setting options. Skin.SelectBool(424, 31411|RecentWidget, 31412|RandomWidget, 31413|InProgressWidget)
Skin.SetAddon(string,type) Pops up a select dialog and allows the user to select an add-on of the given type to be used elsewhere in the skin via the info tag Skin.String(string). The most common types are,, xbmc.addon.image, xbmc.addon.executable and kodi.gameclient.
Skin.SetBool(setting) Sets the skin setting (setting) to true, for use with the conditional visibility tags containing Skin.HasSetting(setting). The settings are saved per-skin in settings.xml just like all the other Kodi settings.
Skin.SetFile(string,mask,folderpath) Pops up a folder browser and allows the user to select a file off the hard-disk to be used else where in the skin via the info tag Skin.String(string). If the mask parameter is specified, then the file browser will only search for the extension specified (.avi,.mp3,.m3u,.png,.bmp,etc.,etc.). To use multiple extensions separate them using "|" (minus quotes). If the folderpath parameter is set the file browser will start in that folder.
Skin.SetImage(string[,value,path]) Pops up a file browser and allows the user to select an image file to be used in an image control elsewhere in the skin via the info tag Skin.String(string). If the value parameter is specified, then the file browser dialog does not pop up, and the image path is set directly. the path option allows you to open the file browser in the specified folder.
Skin.SetNumeric(numeric[,value]) Pops up a keyboard dialog and allows the user to input a numerical.
Skin.SetPath(string[,folderpath]) Pops up a folder browser and allows the user to select a folder of images to be used in a multi image control else where in the skin via the info tag Skin.String(string). If the folderpath parameter is set the file browser will start in that folder.
Skin.SetString(string[,value]) Pops up a keyboard dialog and allows the user to input a string which can be used in a label control elsewhere in the skin via the info tag Skin.String(string). If the value parameter is specified, then the keyboard dialog does not pop up, and the string is set directly.
Skin.Theme(1) Cycles the skin theme. Skin.Theme(-1) will go backwards.
Skin.ToggleDebug Toggles skin debug info on/off
Skin.ToggleSetting(setting) Toggles the skin setting (setting) for use with conditional visibility tags containing Skin.HasSetting(setting).
UnloadSkin() Unloads the current skin

System built-in's

Function Description Version
ActivateScreensaver Starts the screensaver v13 Addition
Hibernate Hibernate (S4) the System
InhibitIdleShutdown(true/false) Prevent the system to shutdown on idle. v12 Addition
InhibitScreensaver(true/false) Prevent activation of the screensaver. v19 Addition
Minimize Minimizes Kodi
Powerdown Powerdown system
Quit Quits Kodi
Reboot Cold reboots the system (power cycle)
Reset Reset the system (same as reboot)
RestartApp Restarts Kodi (only implemented under Windows and Linux)
ShutDown Trigger default Shutdown action defined in System Settings
Suspend Suspends (S3 / S1 depending on bios setting) the System
System.Exec(exec) Execute shell commands. The full path to the script has to be placed inside the parentheses.
System.ExecWait(exec) Execute shell commands and freezes Kodi until shell is closed. As well as for "System.Exec(exec)", the full path to the script has to be placed inside the parentheses.

Weather built-in's

Function Description Version
Weather.LocationNext Switch to next weather location
Weather.LocationPrevious Switch to previous weather location
Weather.LocationSet Switch to given weather location (parameter can be 1-3)
Weather.Refresh Force weather data refresh


This table cross-references Window names, Window definitions, and Window ID.

Code that performs the cross-reference is found on Github as follows:

Github Logo.png Master Branch - WindowTranslator.cpp
Github Logo.png Master Branch - WindowsIDs.h

  • keymap.xml uses the Window name.
  • Kodi's C++ code uses the Window definitions and Window ID's.
  • ActivateWindow() should use the Window name.
  • sounds.xml should use the window name

You can use secondary parameters with all media windows, as can be seen here:

Name Definition Window ID source XML file Remark
home WINDOW_HOME 10000 Home.xml
programs WINDOW_PROGRAMS 10001 MyPrograms.xml
pictures WINDOW_PICTURES 10002 MyPics.xml
filemanager WINDOW_FILES 10003 FileManager.xml
settings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MENU 10004 Settings.xml
systeminfo WINDOW_SYSTEM_INFORMATION 10007 SettingsSystemInfo.xml
screencalibration WINDOW_SCREEN_CALIBRATION 10011 SettingsScreenCalibration.xml
systemsettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_START 10016 SettingsCategory.xml
systemsettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_SYSTEM 10016 SettingsCategory.xml
servicesettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_SERVICE 10018 SettingsCategory.xml
pvrsettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MYPVR 10021 SettingsCategory.xml
gamesettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MYGAMES 10022 SettingsCategory.xml
videos WINDOW_VIDEO_NAV 10025 MyVideoNav.xml
videoplaylist WINDOW_VIDEO_PLAYLIST 10028 MyPlaylist.xml
loginscreen WINDOW_LOGIN_SCREEN 10029 LoginScreen.xml
playersettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_PLAYER 10030 SettingsCategory.xml
mediasettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MEDIA 10031 SettingsCategory.xml
interfacesettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_INTERFACE 10032 SettingsCategory.xml
profiles WINDOW_SETTINGS_PROFILES 10034 SettingsProfile.xml
skinsettings WINDOW_SKIN_SETTINGS 10035 SkinSettings.xml
addonbrowser WINDOW_ADDON_BROWSER 10040 AddonBrowser.xml
eventlog WINDOW_EVENT_LOG 10050 EventLog.xml
favouritesbrowser WINDOW_FAVOURITES 10060 MyFavourites.xml Added in Kodi v20 Nexus [2]
pointer WINDOW_DIALOG_POINTER 10099 Pointer.xml
yesnodialog WINDOW_DIALOG_YES_NO 10100 DialogConfirm.xml
progressdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS 10101 DialogConfirm.xml
virtualkeyboard WINDOW_DIALOG_KEYBOARD 10103 DialogKeyboard.xml
volumebar WINDOW_DIALOG_VOLUME_BAR 10104 DialogVolumeBar.xml
submenu WINDOW_DIALOG_SUB_MENU 10105 DialogSubMenu.xml
contextmenu WINDOW_DIALOG_CONTEXT_MENU 10106 DialogContextMenu.xml
notification WINDOW_DIALOG_KAI_TOAST 10107 DialogNotification.xml
numericinput WINDOW_DIALOG_NUMERIC 10109 DialogNumeric.xml
gamepadinput WINDOW_DIALOG_GAMEPAD 10110 DialogSelect.xml
shutdownmenu WINDOW_DIALOG_BUTTON_MENU 10111 DialogButtonMenu.xml
playercontrols WINDOW_DIALOG_PLAYER_CONTROLS 10114 PlayerControls.xml
seekbar WINDOW_DIALOG_SEEK_BAR 10115 DialogSeekBar.xml
playerprocessinfo WINDOW_DIALOG_PLAYER_PROCESS_INFO 10116 DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml
musicosd WINDOW_DIALOG_MUSIC_OSD 10120 MusicOSD.xml
visualisationpresetlist WINDOW_DIALOG_VIS_SETTINGS 10121
visualisationpresetlist WINDOW_DIALOG_VIS_PRESET_LIST 10122 DialogSelect.xml
osdvideosettings WINDOW_DIALOG_VIDEO_OSD_SETTINGS 10123 DialogSettings.xml
osdaudiosettings WINDOW_DIALOG_AUDIO_OSD_SETTINGS 10124 DialogSettings.xml
videobookmarks WINDOW_DIALOG_VIDEO_BOOKMARKS 10125 VideoOSDBookmarks.xml
filebrowser WINDOW_DIALOG_FILE_BROWSER 10126 FileBrowser.xml
networksetup WINDOW_DIALOG_NETWORK_SETUP 10128 DialogSettings.xml
mediasource WINDOW_DIALOG_MEDIA_SOURCE 10129 DialogMediaSource.xml
profilesettings WINDOW_DIALOG_PROFILE_SETTINGS 10130 DialogSettings.xml
locksettings WINDOW_DIALOG_LOCK_SETTINGS 10131 DialogSettings.xml
contentsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_CONTENT_SETTINGS 10132 DialogSettings.xml
libexportsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_LIBEXPORT_SETTINGS 10133 DialogSettings.xml
favourites WINDOW_DIALOG_FAVOURITES 10134 DialogFavourites.xml Deprecated. Will be removed in Kodi v21
songinformation WINDOW_DIALOG_SONG_INFO 10135 DialogMusicInfo.xml
smartplaylisteditor WINDOW_DIALOG_SMART_PLAYLIST_EDITOR 10136 SmartPlaylistEditor.xml
smartplaylistrule WINDOW_DIALOG_SMART_PLAYLIST_RULE 10137 SmartPlaylistRule.xml
busydialog WINDOW_DIALOG_BUSY 10138 DialogBusy.xml
pictureinfo WINDOW_DIALOG_PICTURE_INFO 10139 DialogPictureInfo.xml
addonsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_ADDON_SETTINGS 10140 DialogAddonSettings.xml
fullscreeninfo WINDOW_DIALOG_FULLSCREEN_INFO 10142 DialogFullScreenInfo.xml
sliderdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_SLIDER 10145 DialogSlider.xml
addoninformation WINDOW_DIALOG_ADDON_INFO 10146 DialogAddonInfo.xml
textviewer WINDOW_DIALOG_TEXT_VIEWER 10147 DialogTextViewer.xml
WINDOW_DIALOG_PLAY_EJECT 10148 DialogConfirm.xml
peripheralsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_PERIPHERAL_SETTINGS 10150 DialogSettings.xml
extendedprogressdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_EXT_PROGRESS 10151 DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml
mediafilter WINDOW_DIALOG_MEDIA_FILTER 10152 DialogSettings.xml
subtitlesearch WINDOW_DIALOG_SUBTITLES 10153 DialogSubtitles.xml
osdcmssettings WINDOW_DIALOG_CMS_OSD_SETTINGS 10157 DialogSettings.xml
infoprovidersettings WINDOW_DIALOG_INFOPROVIDER_SETTINGS 10158 DialogSettings.xml
osdsubtitlesettings WINDOW_DIALOG_SUBTITLE_OSD_SETTINGS 10159 DialogSettings.xml
busydialognocancel WINDOW_DIALOG_BUSY_NOCANCEL 10160 DialogBusy.xml
musicplaylist WINDOW_MUSIC_PLAYLIST 10500 MyPlaylist.xml
music WINDOW_MUSIC_NAV 10502 MyMusicNav.xml
musicplaylisteditor WINDOW_MUSIC_PLAYLIST_EDITOR 10503 MyMusicPlaylistEditor.xml
pvrguideinfo WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_GUIDE_INFO 10600 DialogPVRInfo.xml
pvrrecordinginfo WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_RECORDING_INFO 10601 DialogPVRInfo.xml
pvrtimersetting WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_TIMER_SETTING 10602 DialogSettings.xml
pvrgroupmanager WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_GROUP_MANAGER 10603 DialogPVRGroupManager.xml
pvrchannelmanager WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_CHANNEL_MANAGER 10604 DialogPVRChannelManager.xml
pvrguidesearch WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_GUIDE_SEARCH 10605 DialogPVRGuideSearch.xml
pvrchannelscan WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_CHANNEL_SCAN 10606 none (unused)
pvrupdateprogress WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_UPDATE_PROGRESS 10607 none (unused)
pvrosdchannels WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_OSD_CHANNELS 10608 DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml
pvrchannelguide WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_CHANNEL_GUIDE 10609 DialogPVRChannelGuide.xml
pvrradiordsinfo WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_RADIO_RDS_INFO 10610 DialogPVRRadioRDSInfo.xml
pvrrecordingsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_RECORDING_SETTING 10611 DialogSettings.xml
pvrguidecontrols WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_GUIDE_CONTROLS 10613 [3]
tvchannels WINDOW_TV_CHANNELS 10700 MyPVRChannels.xml
tvrecordings WINDOW_TV_RECORDINGS 10701 MyPVRRecordings.xml
tvguide WINDOW_TV_GUIDE 10702 MyPVRGuide.xml
tvtimers WINDOW_TV_TIMERS 10703 MyPVRTimers.xml
tvsearch WINDOW_TV_SEARCH 10704 MyPVRSearch.xml
radiochannels WINDOW_RADIO_CHANNELS 10705 MyPVRChannels.xml
radiorecordings WINDOW_RADIO_RECORDINGS 10706 MyPVRRecordings.xml
radioguide WINDOW_RADIO_GUIDE 10707 MyPVRGuide.xml
radiotimers WINDOW_RADIO_TIMERS 10708 MyPVRTimers.xml
radiosearch WINDOW_RADIO_SEARCH 10709 MyPVRSearch.xml
tvtimerrules WINDOW_TV_TIMER_RULES 10710 MyPVRTimers.xml
radiotimerrules WINDOW_RADIO_TIMER_RULES 10711 MyPVRTimers.xml
FullscreenLiveTV WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_LIVETV 10800 None (shortcut to fullscreenvideo)
fullscreenradio WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_RADIO 10801 None (shortcut to visualisation)
fullscreenlivetvpreview WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_LIVETV_PREVIEW 10802 None (shortcut to fullscreenlivetv)
fullscreenradiopreview WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_RADIO_PREVIEW 10803 None (shortcut to fullscreenradio
fullscreenlivetvinput WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_LIVETV_INPUT 10804 None (shortcut to fullscreenlivetv)
fullscreenradioinput WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_RADIO_INPUT 10805 None (shortcut to fullscreenradio)
gamecontrollers WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_CONTROLLERS 10820 DialogGameControllers.xml
games WINDOW_GAMES 10821 MyGames.xml
gameosd WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_OSD 10822 GameOSD.xml
gamevideofilter WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_VIDEO_FILTER 10823 DialogSelect.xml
gamestretchmode WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_STRETCH_MODE 10824 DialogSelect.xml
gamevolume WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_VOLUME 10825 DialogVolumeBar.xml
gameadvancedsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_ADVANCED_SETTINGS 10826 DialogAddonSettings.xml
gamevideorotation WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_VIDEO_ROTATION 10827 DialogSelect.xml
gameports WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_PORTS 10828 DialogGameControllers.xml [4]
ingamesaves WINDOW_DIALOG_IN_GAME_SAVES 10829 DialogSelect.xml [5]
gamesaves WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_SAVES 10830 DialogSelect.xml [6]
gameagents WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_AGENTS 10831 DialogGameControllers.xml [7]
Custom Skin Windows - - custom*.xml - WINDOW_ID's from 11100 to 11199 reserved for Skins
selectdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT 12000 DialogSelect.xml
musicinformation WINDOW_DIALOG_MUSIC_INFO 12001 DialogMusicInfo.xml
okdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_OK 12002 DialogConfirm.xml
movieinformation WINDOW_DIALOG_VIDEO_INFO 12003 DialogVideoInfo.xml
managevideoversions WINDOW_DIALOG_MANAGE_VIDEO_VERSIONS 12004 DialogVideoManager.xml Added in Kodi v21 Omega
fullscreenvideo WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO 12005 VideoFullScreen.xml
visualisation WINDOW_VISUALISATION 12006 MusicVisualisation.xml
slideshow WINDOW_SLIDESHOW 12007 SlideShow.xml
dialogcolorpicker WINDOW_DIALOG_COLOR_PICKER 12008 DialogColorPicker.xml Added in Kodi v20 Nexus
selectvideoversion WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT_VIDEO_VERSION 12015 DialogSelect.xml Added in Kodi v21 Omega
selectvideoextra WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT_VIDEO_EXTRA 12016 DialogSelect.xml Added in Kodi v21 Omega
managevideoextras WINDOW_DIALOG_MANAGE_VIDEO_EXTRAS 12017 DialogVideoManager.xml Added in Kodi v21 Omega
dialogselectvideo WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT_VIDEO_STREAM 12300 DialogSelect.xml Added in Kodi v22 Piers
dialogselectaudio WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT_AUDIO_STREAM 12301 DialogSelect.xml Added in Kodi v22 Piers
dialogselectsubtitle WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT_SUBTITLE_STREAM 12302 DialogSelect.xml Added in Kodi v22 Piers
weather WINDOW_WEATHER 12600 MyWeather.xml
screensaver WINDOW_SCREENSAVER 12900 none
videoosd WINDOW_DIALOG_VIDEO_OSD 12901 VideoOSD.xml
videomenu WINDOW_VIDEO_MENU 12902 none
videotimeseek WINDOW_VIDEO_TIME_SEEK 12905 none
fullscreengame WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_GAME 12906 none
splash WINDOW_SPLASH 12997
startwindow WINDOW_START 12998 shortcut to the current startwindow
startup WINDOW_STARTUP_ANIM 12999 Startup.xml
In addition, there are the following "special" windows whose id is not really a concern (and you'll notice isn't unique)
Python Windows - - WINDOW_ID's from 13000 to 13099 reserved for Python
addon - - WINDOW_ID's from 14000 to 14099 reserved for Addons

Additional keys

Other keys that can be mapped to actions.

Media keyboards/remotes

  • browser_back
  • browser_forward
  • browser_refresh
  • browser_stop
  • browser_search
  • browser_favorites
  • browser_home
  • volume_mute
  • volume_down
  • volume_up
  • next_track
  • prev_track
  • stop
  • play_pause
  • launch_mail
  • launch_media_select
  • launch_app1
  • launch_app2
  • play
  • pause
  • fastforward
  • rewind
  • channelup
  • channeldown

Mouse actions

  • leftclick
  • rightclick
  • middleclick
  • doubleclick
  • wheelup
  • wheeldown
  • mousemove
  • mousedrag
  • mousedragstart
  • mousedragend
  • mouserdrag - right button drag
  • mouserdragstart - start of right button drag
  • mouserdragend - end of right button drag

Examples and pre-made keymaps

See: Category:Remotes

See also