List of keynames
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This is a list of all the key names that can be used in keyboard.xml.
Note that even keys that aren't in the list can be used in keyboard.xml with the syntax:
<key id="xxx">Action</key>
where xxx is the key code (as decimal number). You can get the key code by looking in xbmc.log. Enable debug logging then press the key a few times. Now look in xbmc.log for lines like:
DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 2, sym: 49, unicode: 49, modifier: 0 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61537 pressed, action is Number1
The number after CApplication::OnKey, i.e. 61537 in this case, is the key code. This number is decimal not hex.
Kodi key name | Key code |
zero | 0x30 |
one | 0x31 |
two | 0x32 |
three | 0x33 |
four | 0x34 |
five | 0x35 |
six | 0x36 |
seven | 0x37 |
eight | 0x38 |
nine | 0x39 |
backspace | VK_BACK |
return | VK_RETURN |
enter | VK_SEPARATOR |
escape | VK_ESCAPE |
tab | VK_TAB |
space | VK_SPACE |
left | VK_LEFT |
right | VK_RIGHT |
up | VK_UP |
down | VK_DOWN |
insert | VK_INSERT |
delete | VK_DELETE |
home | VK_HOME |
end | VK_END |
f1 | VK_F1 |
f2 | VK_F2 |
f3 | VK_F3 |
f4 | VK_F4 |
f5 | VK_F5 |
f6 | VK_F6 |
f7 | VK_F7 |
f8 | VK_F8 |
f9 | VK_F9 |
f10 | VK_F10 |
f11 | VK_F11 |
f12 | VK_F12 |
numpadzero | VK_NUMPAD0 |
numpadone | VK_NUMPAD1 |
numpadtwo | VK_NUMPAD2 |
numpadthree | VK_NUMPAD3 |
numpadfour | VK_NUMPAD4 |
numpadfive | VK_NUMPAD5 |
numpadsix | VK_NUMPAD6 |
numpadseven | VK_NUMPAD7 |
numpadeight | VK_NUMPAD8 |
numpadnine | VK_NUMPAD9 |
numpadtimes | VK_MULTIPLY |
numpadplus | VK_ADD |
numpadminus | VK_SUBTRACT |
numpadperiod | VK_DECIMAL |
numpaddivide | VK_DIVIDE |
pageup | VK_PRIOR |
pagedown | VK_NEXT |
printscreen | VK_PRINT |
menu | VK_APPS |
pause | VK_PAUSE |
leftshift | VK_LSHIFT |
rightshift | VK_RSHIFT |
leftctrl | VK_LCONTROL |
rightctrl | VK_RCONTROL |
leftalt | VK_LMENU |
rightalt | VK_RMENU |
leftwindows | VK_LWIN |
rightwindows | VK_RWIN |
capslock | VK_CAPITAL |
numlock | VK_NUMLOCK |
scrolllock | VK_SCROLL |
equals | VK_OEM_PLUS |
comma | VK_OEM_COMMA |
minus | VK_OEM_MINUS |
period | VK_OEM_PERIOD |
semicolon | VK_OEM_1 |
forwardslash | VK_OEM_2 |
opensquarebracket | VK_OEM_4 |
backslash | VK_OEM_5 |
closesquarebracket | VK_OEM_6 |
quote | VK_OEM_7 |
leftquote | VK_OEM_8 |
browser_refresh | VK_BROWSER_REFRESH |
browser_search | VK_BROWSER_SEARCH |
browser_favorites | VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES |
browser_home | VK_BROWSER_HOME |
volume_mute | VK_VOLUME_MUTE |
volume_down | VK_VOLUME_DOWN |
volume_up | VK_VOLUME_UP |
next_track | VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK |
prev_track | VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK |
stop | VK_MEDIA_STOP |
play_pause | VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE |
launch_mail | VK_LAUNCH_MAIL |
launch_media_select | VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT |
launch_app1_pc_icon | VK_LAUNCH_APP1 |