HOW-TO:Use MakeMKV Template Pattern with TV Shows
Do you use MakeMKV for transcoding from different formats (i.e., DVDs, Blu-Rays, etc.) into Matroska Multimedia Container (aka "MKV") formats?
If so, you may have struggled with transcoding a TV show from a DVD into a file that Kodi can properly integrate into your Video Library (category link).
This HOW-TO article provides a step-by-step approach to manage MakeMKV-to-named-for-Kodi TV show episodes.
When using MakeMKV to transcode a disc that contains multiple TV show episodes, manually renaming things is fairly trivial. What is problematic is when that TV Show has multiple seasons and episodes, the renaming of the various "MKV" files can becoming daunting.
This HOW-TO article provides a general strategy with a specific example done using MakeMKV-with-Linux solution.
General Strategy
MakeMKV has a, "preferences" dialog, allowing end-users to change different settings. On the "Advanced" tab, there is an entry titled, Output file name template
TODO - show default template
By combining the use of the "name" of the disc with different Output Filename Template patterns, one can ease how TV show episodes are named.
Assumptions for this HOW-TO
- You are going to transcode a TV show named, "My Foobar Honey"
- With Season 1(one), produced in the year 2005.
- The recommended approach for naming a TV show episode can be found at Naming video files/TV shows.
- Which means that the first episode of the first season would be named:
My Foobar Honey (2005) S01E01
- Season 1(one) of the show is delivered with two discs. Both discs have three episodes each.
High level outline of the steps taken
- Adjust MakeMKV to save the first disc conforming to Kodi's TV Show naming conventions.
- Setup the
Output file name template
for the first disc. - Set the name of the disc to the TV Show name, year of the season being transcoded.
- Setup the
- Transcode the first disc.
- Adjust the MakeMKV's
Output file name template
for the second disc- The template will use a "pattern" that offsets from where the last disc transcoded left off.
- Since the prior transcode stopped at three(3), the offset is "4".
- Transcode the second disc.
- From CLI, move the second disc's episode to conform with Kodi's TV Show naming conventions.
- BONUS: Reset MakeMKV's default template pattern!
Example using Linux
Adjust MakeMKV for the first disc.
- Change the pattern in the output file template from:
{NAME1}{-:CMNT1}{-:DT}{title:+DFLT}{_t:N2} - To:
{NAME} S1E{M2}
- Set the "name" of the disc to:
My Foobar Honey (2005)
- Change the pattern in the output file template from:
Transcode the first disc.
- The result, using our example setup, will result in three files:
Adjust MakeMKV for the second disc.
- Determine the "offset". As the first disc result in 3(three) files, the "offset" is 3(three).
- Incorporate the "offset" into the template pattern. The prior pattern of:
{NAME} S1E{M2}
- Becomes:
{NAME} S1E-3-{M2}
Transcode the second disc.
- The result, using our example setup, will result in three additional files:
Using some "shell" wizardry, rename the new files.
Line | Command |
1 | OFFSET=3 |
2 | for PRIOR_NAME in *-${OFFSET}-*;do |
3 | ADJUST=$(printf "%02d" $(($(echo -n ${PRIOR_NAME}|sed -E -e "s/^.*-${OFFSET}-(.*)\.mkv$/\1/g")+OFFSET))) |
4 | NEW_NAME=$(echo -n ${PRIOR_NAME}|sed -E -e "s/^(.*)-${OFFSET}-.*$/\1${ADJUST}.mkv/g") |
5 | mv -i "$PRIOR_NAME" "$NEW_NAME" |
6 | done |
- Each line explained in detail
- Set a variable named OFFSET to the value of 3.
- Loop over all the files in the current directory that match the GLOB pattern of
, and for each one found do.. - Handle in three sub-shells:
- echo the file name into
and substitute out all but the "session" part of the name. - With that result, add the OFFSET of "3" to the value found.
- With that result, pad it out with a leading "0".
- echo the file name into
- Using the PRIOR_NAME of the file, substitute the "new" to-be-used name.
- Move the file and for each one use the "
" option to ensure existing files are not overwritten.
Final Results
After executing the above shell commands, the directory contents will now be: