How To: Custom Home Items using Aeon Nox Silvo

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This Guide explains the process of creating new Main Menu in the Aeon Nox:Silvo skin. Example uses include:

  • Separating childrens movies from mature movies
  • Separately list documentaries, cartoons, sci-fi or any other genre
  • Separately list home movies

Note: This guide requires a moderate level of experience with Kodi, including installing skins, adding Sources, and creating Smart playlists

Folder Structure

The correct folder structure will ensure a relatively hassle free experience in setting up these menu buttons.

Organize the video files on your file server/NAS/local hard drive into separate folders for each Main Menu button you require.

The image below is an example of how you might organize your folders and files (Windows 10). Each category that you intend to have as a movie, TV show or music menu item will be saved in a dedicated folder.


Create Smart Playlists

The first step is to create a Smart Playlist for each new listing you require. The following is a simple guide to accomplish that:

  1. Add each folder as a Source to the Kodi library using the Add videos... option in Videos>Files, being sure to select the content type (Movies or TV, etc.) correctly and then scraping.
14. Repeat the above steps as needed create any additional Smart Playlists, then back out to the home screen.

Customising The Main Menu

This step will create the new Main Menu items.

Description of options
The Menu Items are on the left
Options are along the top row (or next to menu item in previous versions)
X - deletes the item
+ - adds a new menu item
- move menu item up the list
- move menu item down the list
Restore - default menu items that have been removed or modified will be restored to original. User added menu items will remain.
Note: The default center of them Main Menu is the third active menu item in the list. In this example, it is MOVIES).

Adding The Smart Playlists To The Main Menu

This final step now links the Smart Playlists created in Section 3 to the new Main Menu items created in the previous Section.

25a. Repeat these steps as needed to add your playlists to the Main Menu, adjust their positions on the Menu to your liking, add widgets, etc.


25b. If you have no further buttons to add, simply back out to return to the Home Screen. At this point a script will run to re-build the Main Menu.

Duplicated Listings

If you prefer to not have the same Movie or TV Show also listed in the original Movie and TV Show menu items, then follow these steps:

  1. Disable the original Movie or TV Show button in the Main Menu Customizer screen as shown in step 20
  2. Create a new Smart Playlist that excludes the titles in the new menu items
  3. Create a new main menu item using the new "exclude" smart playlist.

You’re done!

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