HOW-TO:Configure controllers

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▶ Game controllers ▶ HOW-TO:Configure controllers

Future.png FUTURE Krypton FEATURE:
This page or section describes features that are a future part of the Kodi v17 release, codename "Krypton". For more information see development builds.

Kodi v17 Krypton features entirely new controller support. Basic configuration can now be done without leaving Kodi.

Currently, you can only configure the physical layout of your controller in Kodi. If you want to modify the actions that each button performs, see HOW-TO:Modify joystick.xml.

Kodi v17.0 has a bug where analog sticks can get "stuck" when they are first moved. This is fixed in v17.1. If this happens to you, see HOW-TO:Fix stuck analog sticks on v17.0.

Connecting controllers

Start by connecting your controllers. You should receive a notification like this:

Controller connected.jpg

If not, see Game controllers#Troubleshooting.

Configuring controllers

Kodi has a controller configuration utility to configure the physical layout of your controller. It can be found under system settings:

System settings.jpg

Under the Input category, find the "Configure attached controllers" item:

Configure attached controllers.jpg

If this is greyed out, see Game controllers#Troubleshooting.

The controller configuration utility looks like this:

Controller configuration utility v17.jpg

Select the "Kodi" controller. You will be asked to press A:

Controller dialog - Press A.jpg

If you do nothing for 6 seconds, the prompt will be cancelled. You can start again at any button by selecting it.

After mapping A, the utility will ask you to map B. This will continue until all buttons are mapped or the prompt times out.

Controller dialog - Press B.jpg

If your controller doesn't have a button (like the Guide button), let the prompt time out and move on to the next button

Controller dialog - Press Guide.jpg

If you have a controller that looks different than the 360 controller, you can select "Get more..." to download additional controller profiles. For more info, see HOW-TO:Map multiple controllers.

Controller dialog - Get more.jpg

For example, the SNES profile lets you map a SNES controller:

Controller dialog - map SNES.jpg

Kodi uses the "Kodi" profile. If you map this, it will override the SNES profile. To unmap the "Kodi" profile, select "Reset":

Controller dialog - reset controller.jpg

Remember that the A, B, X, and Y buttons on the SNES controller are physically reversed, so you may need to map both controllers if you want the alternative behavior.

That's it! If you have problems, see Game controllers#Troubleshooting.