Add-on:The TVDB v4

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The TVDB v4

See this add-on on the showcase

Author: TVDB Team

Type: TV information
Repo: repo v21 repo v20 repo v19

License: GPL-3.0-or-later

Summary: Fetch TV show metadata from
Home icon grey.png   ▶ Add-ons ▶ The TVDB v4 is a TV Scraper. The site is a massive open database that can be modified by anybody and contains full meta data for many shows in different languages. All content and images on the site have been contributed by their users for users and have a high standard or quality. The database schema and website are open source under the GPL.


This add-on is installed from the Add-on browser located in Kodi as follows:

  1. Settings
  2. Add-ons
  3. Install from repository
  4. Information providers (v16 and higher)
  5. TV information
  6. The TVDB v4
  7. Install


The TVDB v4 is the latest scraper developed by the TVDB Team. It is written in Python and accesses the new v4 of the TVDB API.

This scraper is intended to replace all other scrapers that currently utilise The TVDB site. It is expected that v1, v2 and v3 of the TVDB API will be shutdown by then end of 2022, rendering the existing scrapers as unuseable.

The TVDB v4 scraper accesses the following site to scrape your TV Shows, seasons and episodes:


Scraper settings can be adjusted in two locations, each location having a different result. When adjusting the settings be mindful of where:

Settings>Add-ons>Information Providers>TV Shows
Scrapers are installed with default settings. Adjusting settings in this location sets the new default settings for your scraper. From this point on any source you change to use this scraper will use the new default settings. Existing sources are not changed
If an existing source is already using this scraper, and you would like the new settings to take effect, change the source to use another scraper, save and answer no to updating the library. Then change the scraper back and the new default settings will be loaded for the source. Alternatively, use the next method.
Videos>Files>Source>Context Menu>Change Source>Settings
Changing settings at the source will affect that source only.

Note: Changing scraper settings does not change the metadata or artwork already in your library. Only items scraped after the setting changes will be affected.


Set which language of metadata to scrape. If the selected language is not available for a TV show, it will fall back to English.
Season Type
TV Shows may have more than one order for seasons and episodes. eg, the DVD release may have a different order to original Aired Order. eg (Firefly, Money Heist)
TheTVDB allows for up to 6 different Orders as follows:
Standard Orders
* Default (Aired Order) - the primary order for the episodes of the TV show
* DVD - Used if the DVD/Bluray release uses a different order to the default order
* Absolute - Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Flexible Orders
* Alternate - The first available flexible order
* Regional - The second available flexible order
* Alternate DVD - The third available flexible order
To use one of the Flexible Orders, select the Order Type in box 1 (image 3) and match the Order name in box 2 (image 3) with the Season Type in Kodi (image 2).

Birth Year


Having problems? Check these common problems and solutions

No seasons or episodes are scraped, or are partially scraped
Normally caused by setting an episode order in the scraper that is not available at TVDB. Check the Season Type setting, and select an order that is available at TVDB.
I mess up my scrape because I forget to change the Season Type from the previous scrape
Leave the Source settings with the default settings, which you would use for most scrapes. For the shows requiring a different order, drill down to the TV show folder, and change the scraper setting for the individual TV show.

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