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This category contains the settings for how DVD's, Blu-rays & CD's are handled


Player discs DVD.jpg

Play DVDs automatically

Settings level: Basic
Description: Autoruns DVD when inserted into the optical drive. Will override any other media currently playing

Forced DVD player region

Settings level: Standard
Description: Forces a region for DVD playback.

Attempt to skip introduction before DVD menu

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Attempt to skip "unskippable" introductions before DVD menu.

Depending on the operating system in use and the DVD encoding, skipping the intro may not always be possible.


Player discs BR.jpg

Blu-ray region code

Settings level: Standard
Description: Defines the BluRay region code.

Region A - Americas, East Asiaa and Southeast Asia.
Region B - Arica, Middle East, Southwest Asia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand.
Region C - Central Asia, mainland China, South Asia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan

Blu-ray playback mode

Settings level: Standard
Description: Specifies how Blu-Rays should be opened / played back.

Depending on the operating system in use and the menu system used in the Bluray disc, it may not be possible to show the full Bluray menu. Instead a simplified menu may be displayed.

Audio CDs

Player discs-AudioCDs.jpg

Audio CD insert action

Settings level: Standard
Description: Define what happens after an audio CD is inserted.

Options are: None, Play, Rip

Stop hand.png CD Ripping is deprecated after Kodi v16. The functionality is still there, but no further development or bug fixes are available. We recommend using one of the many dedicated ripping tools. See: Supplemental tools

Load audio CD information from online service

Settings level: Standard
Description: Where available, will download song, album and artist information for the inserted CD.

This has no bearing on the library functions of scanning and scraping.

Saved music folder

Settings level: Expert
Description: Select the location on your hard drive where ripped tracks will be saved to.
Stop hand.png CD Ripping is deprecated after Kodi v16. The functionality is still there, but no further development or bug fixes are available. We recommend using one of the many dedicated ripping tools. See: Supplemental tools

Track naming template

Settings level: Expert
Description: When using Kodi to rip CD's, use these tags to set the filename of the ripped music files.
Music Data TrackNumber DiscNumber Artist Title Album Genre Year FileName Duration Date Rating File Size User Rating
Mask Characters %N %S %A %T %B %G %Y %F %D %J %R %I %r

Note: The above table details the commonly used masks for the music library. A full list can be found in the Master branch here. This Master list is a combined video and music library listing for the current Master branch which may be a newer Kodi version to the one you have installed.

Stop hand.png Rip is an unmaintained feature and should be considered deprecated.


Settings level: Expert
Description: Select which audio encoder to use when ripping. No encoder is needed for normal playback.

All encoders are Add-ons and only two are activated by default. If your required encoder is not in the list, it must be enabled in the add-ons section first.

Note: Ubuntu users can download additional audio encoders via the Official Ubuntu PPA.

Installing audio encoders on Ubuntu will be done like this:
sudo apt-get install <packagename>
replace <packagename> with one of the list below:
Package name Description
kodi-audioencoder-vorbis audio encoder for vorbis
kodi-audioencoder-flac audio encoder add-on for FLAC
kodi-audioencoder-lame audio encoder for MP3 (lame)
kodi-audioencoder-wav audio encoder for WAV.


Settings level: Expert
Description: Specifies the settings for audio-cd ripping with the selected audio encoder.

Eject CDs when ripping is complete

Settings level: Expert
Description: Auto eject disc after ripping is complete.

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