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Library Display and Navigation


Show "All items" entry

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Show an "All items" entry in the music library views. eg. All albums or All artists.

Show song and album artists

Settings level: Standard
Description: When enabled both song and album artists are shown. When disabled only album artists are shown.

When disabled, artists that appear only on songs on compliation albums or as guest artist on an album by another artist are not listed.

Split albums into individual discs

Settings level: Basic
Description: When enabled, opening an album that contains two or more discs will list the avaialble discs in the album or boxset. Select a disc to view the songs.

Disable the setting to display the songs instead of the discs. [1]

Use artist sortname when sorting by artist

Settings level: Standard
Description: When Enabled, this setting will change the sort order of artists from name (Taylor Swift) to sortname (Swift, Taylor). Band/Group names are not affected.

Use original release date of albums for year

Settings level: Advanced
Description: When enabled it allows albums to be sorted by the original album release date instead of the album re-release date.[2]

Library Information Sources


Fetch additional information during updates

Settings level: Advanced
Description: When enabled album and artist additional information will be automatically fetched via scrapers from remote sites or NFO files, as the final phase of library scanning. This can be a slow process if you have a large music collection.

If this is the initial creation of your library, and you are unsure about the quality of your music file tagging, leave this setting disabled and first check the accuracy of your scanned music and fix tagging errors where required. The additional information can be fetched later from the Context Menu in the Artists and Albums listing.

Artist information folder

Settings level: Standard
Description: Select the folder where artist nfo files and local artwork are stored.
See Also: Artist information folder

Default provider for album information

Settings level: Standard
Description: Selects the default album information provider (scraper) for albums.

Default provider for artist information

Settings level: Standard
Description: Selects the default album information provider (scraper) for artists.

Prefer online information

Settings level: Standard
Description: When enabled some artist and album data in the library, which had been derived from music file tags, will be overwritten by information that is downloaded from the scraper site or from a NFO file.

For a list of library fields and tags that will be overwritten see NFO files/Music. This will not modify the music file themselves in any way, only the library entries. However this option is being deprecated, only enable if you are absolutely sure you want to do it and understand the consequences. It can not be used to fix bad tagging of music files.


These are new artwork settings for v19. These settings replace the artwork settings in scrapers and the artwork tags in the advancedsettings.xml file which are no longer needed.[3]

Artwork level

Settings level: Standard
Description: Allows you to choose the types of artwork to be added to Kodi. Options are:
  • Maximum- (default) Scan or scrape all available Artwork types. When scanning local artwork, this setting is indiscriminate and will add all artwork found, even artwork that does not conform to Kodi's naming scheme, which will not be displayed unless you have modified the skin to do so. Users with messy folders should use the Custom option instead.
  • Basic- For users with low powered and low storage devices, scrape the minimum of album/artist thumbs and fanart only.
  • Custom- (image 2) Create a whitelist of artwork to be scanned or scraped. These advanced settings can be used to control where individual artwork types are scanned or scraped from. If artwork tags are available in the advancedsettings.xml file, these will be read and added to the custom settings on first run of Kodi
  • None- No artwork will be scanned or scraped.
See: Artwork

The following four settings relate to the Custom setting.

Use all local image files as artwork

Settings level: Standard
Description: The same as the Maximum setting but only applies to local artwork.

Use all remote artwork fetched by scrapers

Settings level: Standard
Description: The same as the Maximum setting but only applies to online artwork.

Artist art types whitelist

Settings level: Standard
Description: Create a whitelist of Artist artwork to be used in the Kodi library. Kodi standard artwork is available for selection. Additional types can be added using the Add art type button. Before adding a new art type, check it is used by the skin as adding a new art type does not mean it will be displayed.

Album art types whitelist

Settings level: Standard
Description: Create a whitelist of Album artwork to be used in the Kodi library. Kodi standard artwork is available for selection. Additional types can be added using the Add art type button. Before adding a new art type, check it is used by the skin as adding a new art type does not mean it will be displayed.

Thumbnail image files

Settings level: Expert
Description: Nominate the name of album image files that Kodi should search for in your album folders. The most common are pre-selected.

Prefer online album art

Settings level: Standard
Description: When enabled and when no local album cover exists:
  • Online art will be fetched from online providers and
  • Embedded images in music files will only be used when neither local art or online art is available.

This is useful if the covers embedded in music files are low resolution and the user would prefer the higher quality results fetched by the scraper.

See Also: Library Artwork Source Priority



Switch to visualisation on playback

Settings level: Basic
Description: Automatically switch to the fullscreen visualisation when playback commences.[4]

Track naming template

Settings level: Expert
Description: The track naming template controls how names of songs are displayed in library views when sorted by track number.

In order to extend this function to File view mode, the setting Enable tag reading in file view must be enabled.
The default setting is [%N.]%A-%T which displays as Track No.Artist name-Track name

Music Data TrackNumber DiscNumber Artist Title Album Genre Year FileName Duration Date Rating File Size User Rating
Mask Characters %N %S %A %T %B %G %Y %F %D %J %R %I %r

Note: The above table details the commonly used masks for the music library. A full list can be found in the Master branch here. This Master list is a combined video and music library listing for the current Master branch which may be a newer Kodi version to the one you have installed.

Format Characters Usage Example
Bold [[B]...[/B]] Raw tag [%N] [[I]%A[/I]] - %B : [[B]%T[/B]]
Italic [[I]...[/I]] Output [track nr.] artist - album : title
An example using coloured and italic text:

(note: the closing [/color] tag is intentionally omitted to overcome a bug)

[[COLOR yellow][COLOR red]%A[/COLOR][COLOR white][B]] - %B[[/B][I] - %T[/I][/COLOR]][ - %N]

With the more complex templates, it may be easier to directly edit the GUI settings.xml file located in the Userdata folder, as shown in the below image. Exit Kodi before performing this edit. TrackNamingTemplate-01.jpg

Search for thumbs on remote shares

Settings level: Advanced
Description: When this option is enabled, Kodi will search for thumbs on network shares including DVD and CD.

Due to the long seek/read times required to perform this function this will slow the listing of network folders quite dramatically (particularly if there are many items that have no thumbs).

Enable tag reading in file view

Settings level: Standard
Description: Applies to File View only. When enabled, File view will display the song name from the embedded metadata along with other details rather than just the file name. However reading tags from every music file in real time can slow browsing the music files, especially for folders with a lot of music files or when accessed over a network. It is recommended that you can “Scan” your songs into the library by following the guide. Among many advantages this will allow File View to show additional song details without having to re-read tags everytime.


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