HOW-TO:Remove ratings in Confluence
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This tutorial will show how to remove ratings from the video library views List/Big list/Fanart/Media info/Media info 2 and from TV/Movie information. This is achieved by editing ViewsFileMode.xml, ViewsVideoLibrary.xml and DialogVideoInfo.xml.
Remove ratings from video libray views
These mods will not just remove ratings. They will also remove episode count (when browsing shows), play count, MPAA rating and date from the library view you've edited (when selecting the corresponding sort). That's not that big of a problem if you e.g. only use the List view for browsing movies/episodes and you don't use its other sorts. These mods don't break the actual sorting, they just remove the text. They also don't affect the File views (Video->Files).
The mod for Fanart view is different and it only removes the ratings, nothing else.
A. Open the file ViewsFileMode.xml.
The file starts with <include name="CommonRootView">, which is the include section for the List view.
B. Find <itemlayout height="40" width="580"> in the include section.
C. Find following code in the itemlayout section and comment it out. It shows ratings/date/play count when the selection isn't on the row.
<control type="label"> <left>220</left> <top>0</top> <width>400</width> <height>40</height> <font>font12</font> <textcolor>grey2</textcolor> <selectedcolor>selected</selectedcolor> <align>right</align> <aligny>center</aligny> <label>$INFO[ListItem.Label2]</label> <visible>Window.IsVisible(Videos)</visible> <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="40,0" delay="0" time="0" condition="![Container.Content(Movies) | Container.Content(Episodes) | Container.Content(MusicVideos)]">conditional</animation> </control>
D. Find <focusedlayout height="40" width="580"> in the CommonRootView include section.
E. Find following code in the focusedlayout section and comment it out. It shows ratings/date/play count when the selection is on the row.
<control type="label"> <left>220</left> <top>0</top> <width>400</width> <height>40</height> <font>font12</font> <textcolor>grey2</textcolor> <selectedcolor>selected</selectedcolor> <align>right</align> <aligny>center</aligny> <label>$INFO[ListItem.Label2]</label> <visible>Window.IsVisible(Videos)</visible> <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="40,0" delay="0" time="0" condition="![Container.Content(Movies) | Container.Content(Episodes) | Container.Content(MusicVideos)]">conditional</animation> </control>
Big list
A. Open the file ViewsFileMode.xml.
Find <include name="FullWidthList">, which is the include section for the Big list view.
B. Find <itemlayout height="40" width="1080"> in the include section.
C. Find following code in the itemlayout section and comment it out. It shows ratings/date/play count when the selection isn't on the row.
<control type="label"> <left>65</left> <top>0</top> <width>940</width> <height>40</height> <font>font12</font> <textcolor>grey2</textcolor> <selectedcolor>selected</selectedcolor> <align>right</align> <aligny>center</aligny> <label>$INFO[ListItem.Label2]</label> <visible>Window.IsVisible(Videos)</visible> <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="40,0" delay="0" time="0" condition="![Container.Content(Movies) | Container.Content(Episodes) | Container.Content(MusicVideos)]">conditional</animation> </control>
D. Find <focusedlayout height="40" width="1080"> in the FullWidthList include section.
E. Find following code in the focusedlayout section and comment it out. It shows ratings/date/play count when the selection is on the row.
<control type="label"> <left>65</left> <top>0</top> <width>940</width> <height>40</height> <font>font12</font> <textcolor>grey2</textcolor> <selectedcolor>selected</selectedcolor> <align>right</align> <aligny>center</aligny> <label>$INFO[ListItem.Label2]</label> <visible>Window.IsVisible(Videos)</visible> <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="40,0" delay="0" time="0" condition="![Container.Content(Movies) | Container.Content(Episodes) | Container.Content(MusicVideos)]">conditional</animation> </control>
A. Open the file ViewsVideoLibrary.xml.
Find <include name="PosterWrapView2_Fanart">, which is the include section for the Fanart view.
B. Find the following code in the include section. This is a control section for the movie library.
<control type="group"> <left>40</left> <top>50</top> <visible>Container.Content(Movies)</visible>
C. Find the following code in the movie control section and comment it out, it removes "Ratings: X (Y votes)" from the movie library.
<control type="fadelabel"> <left>0</left> <top>105</top> <width>400</width> <height>30</height> <font>font13</font> <textcolor>white</textcolor> <shadowcolor>black</shadowcolor> <scroll>true</scroll> <align>left</align> <aligny>center</aligny> <label>$LOCALIZE[563] : $INFO[ListItem.RatingAndVotes]</label> <scrollout>false</scrollout> <pauseatend>2000</pauseatend> </control>
D. Find the following code. This is a control section for the TV library.
<control type="group"> <left>40</left> <top>50</top> <visible>Container.Content(TVShows)</visible>
E. Find the following code in the TV control section and comment it out, it removes "Ratings: X (Y votes)" from the TV library.
<control type="fadelabel"> <left>0</left> <top>80</top> <width>400</width> <height>30</height> <font>font13</font> <textcolor>white</textcolor> <shadowcolor>black</shadowcolor> <scroll>true</scroll> <align>left</align> <aligny>center</aligny> <label>$LOCALIZE[563] : $INFO[ListItem.RatingAndVotes]</label> <scrollout>false</scrollout> <pauseatend>2000</pauseatend> </control>
Media info
A. Open the file ViewsVideoLibrary.xml.
Find <include name="MediaListView2"> (Media info=MediaListView2), which is the include section for the Media info view.
B. Find <itemlayout height="40" width="580"> in the include section.
C. Find following code in the itemlayout section and comment it out. It shows ratings/date/play count when the selection isn't on the row.
<control type="label"> <left>10</left> <top>0</top> <width>500</width> <height>40</height> <font>font12</font> <textcolor>grey2</textcolor> <selectedcolor>selected</selectedcolor> <align>right</align> <aligny>center</aligny> <label>$INFO[ListItem.Label2]</label> <visible>Window.IsVisible(Videos)</visible> <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="40,0" delay="0" time="0" condition="![Container.Content(Movies) | Container.Content(Episodes) | Container.Content(MusicVideos)]">conditional</animation> </control>
D. Find <focusedlayout height="40" width="580"> in the MediaListView2 include section.
E. Find following code in the focusedlayout section and comment it out. It shows ratings/date/play count when the selection is on the row.
<control type="label"> <left>10</left> <top>0</top> <width>500</width> <height>40</height> <font>font12</font> <textcolor>grey2</textcolor> <selectedcolor>selected</selectedcolor> <align>right</align> <aligny>center</aligny> <label>$INFO[ListItem.Label2]</label> <visible>Window.IsVisible(Videos)</visible> <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="40,0" delay="0" time="0" condition="![Container.Content(Movies) | Container.Content(Episodes) | Container.Content(MusicVideos)]">conditional</animation> </control>
Media info 2
A. Open the file ViewsVideoLibrary.xml.
Find <include name="MediaListView3"> (Media info 2=MediaListView3), which is the include section for the Media info 2 view.
B. Find <itemlayout height="40" width="580"> in the include section.
C. Find following code in the itemlayout section and comment it out. It shows ratings/date/play count when the selection isn't on the row.
<control type="label"> <left>10</left> <top>0</top> <width>500</width> <height>40</height> <font>font12</font> <textcolor>grey2</textcolor> <selectedcolor>selected</selectedcolor> <align>right</align> <aligny>center</aligny> <label>$INFO[ListItem.Label2]</label> <visible>Window.IsVisible(Videos)</visible> <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="40,0" delay="0" time="0" condition="![Container.Content(Movies) | Container.Content(Episodes) | Container.Content(MusicVideos)]">conditional</animation> </control>
D. Find <focusedlayout height="40" width="580"> in the MediaListView3 include section.
E. Find following code in the focusedlayout section and comment it out. It shows ratings/date/play count when the selection is on the row.
<control type="label"> <left>10</left> <top>0</top> <width>500</width> <height>40</height> <font>font12</font> <textcolor>grey2</textcolor> <selectedcolor>selected</selectedcolor> <align>right</align> <aligny>center</aligny> <label>$INFO[ListItem.Label2]</label> <visible>Window.IsVisible(Videos)</visible> <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="40,0" delay="0" time="0" condition="![Container.Content(Movies) | Container.Content(Episodes) | Container.Content(MusicVideos)]">conditional</animation> </control>
Remove ratings from TV and Movie information
This will remove "Rating: X (Y votes)" from the info windows. Note that the item section below is exactly the same for all of them.
A. Open the file DialogVideoInfo.xml. Find the following code. This control section section is for the info window for movies.
<control type="group"> <visible>[!container.content(tvshows) + !container.content(episodes) + !container.content(musicvideos)] + ![Control.HasFocus(12) | Control.HasFocus(15)]</visible>
B. Find the following code within the control section and comment it out.
<item> <label>$LOCALIZE[563]:</label> <label2>$INFO[ListItem.RatingAndVotes]</label2> <onclick>noop</onclick> <visible>!IsEmpty(ListItem.RatingAndVotes)</visible> </item>
C. Find the following code. This control section section is for the info window for TV Shows/seaons.
<control type="group"> <visible>Container.Content(TVShows) + !Control.HasFocus(12)</visible>
D. Find the following code within the control section and comment it out.
<item> <label>$LOCALIZE[563]:</label> <label2>$INFO[ListItem.RatingAndVotes]</label2> <onclick>noop</onclick> <visible>!IsEmpty(ListItem.RatingAndVotes)</visible> </item>
E. Find the following code. This control section section is for the info window for TV episodes.
<control type="group"> <visible>container.content(episodes) + !Control.HasFocus(12)</visible>
F. Find the following code within the control section and comment it out.
<item> <label>$LOCALIZE[563]:</label> <label2>$INFO[ListItem.RatingAndVotes]</label2> <onclick>noop</onclick> <visible>!IsEmpty(ListItem.RatingAndVotes)</visible> </item