Development Tools

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Below you will find software that can be useful in Add-on Development.

Python IDEs

Visual Studio Code

Developer: Microsoft
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • macOS
Price: Free
Description: Code editing, redefined. Free and built on open source; runs everywhere. If you're not a pro or you are not used to working with another IDE, use this.
Notes: Start by installing the Python extension provided by Microsoft.

A Visual Studio Code extension with rich support for the Python language (for all actively supported versions of the language: >=3.7), including features such as IntelliSense (Pylance), linting, debugging, code navigation, code formatting, refactoring, variable explorer, test explorer, and more!


Developer: JetBrains
License: Proprietary (with Perpetual Fallback License)
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • macOS
Price: Free — *requires approval
Description: PyCharm is a dedicated Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for smart and intelligent Python development, including code assistance, refactorings, visual debugging, and version control integration.


Developer: Eclipse Foundation
License: Eclipse Public License 2.0 (EPL-2.0)
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • macOS
  • x86 64-bit (x86_64)
  • ARM 64-bit (AArch64)
Price: Free
Description: Eclipse is an integrated development environment developed by the not-for-profit Eclipse Foundation, originally targeting Java. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment to suit work on a wide spectrum of popular programming languages.
Notes: Start by installing the PyDev extension provided by Brainwy Software.

PyDev enables Eclipse to support Python (and is among the leading tools for Python coding). It's also an open source project created by Aleks Totic in 2003 and kept going by Fabio Zadrozny since 2005.

Visual Studio

Auto Completion Add-ons


Developer: Roman Miroshnychenko[1]
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
Platforms: Python ≥ v3.6
Price: Free
Description: The main purpose of Kodistubs is to help you to write Kodi addon code in various IDEs by providing code completion, quick access to Kodi Python API docstrings, and code inspection (linting) in IDEs that provide this feature.

When developing Python addons for Kodi, it is strongly recommended to use virtual environments to isolate your development dependencies. Virtual environments are supported by all popular Python IDEs.


Within a python virtual environment of your add-on source code execute pip install -U kodistubs.




KodiSwift is a small framework to ease development of Kodi add-ons. It is an xbmcswift2 fork with API updates. Whether you are an experienced addon developer, or just coding your first addon, you’ll find benefits to using kodiswift.




PyXBMCt is a Python framework for simple Kodi addon UI building. It was inspired by PyQt (hence the name) and shares the same basic principles, so those who are familiar with PyQt/PySide should feel themselves right at home. The framework provides 4 base classes, 9 ready-to-use widgets or, in Kodi terms, controls, a Grid layout manager and an event connection manager. PyXBMCt uses texture images from Kodi’s default Confluence skin to decorate its visual elements. Those textures are included in PyXBMCt, so UI based on it will have the same look in different skins.




Codequick is a framework for kodi add-on's. The goal for this framework is to simplify add-on development. This is achieved by reducing the amount of boilerplate code to a minimum, while automating as many tasks that can be automated. Ultimately, allowing the developer to focus primarily on scraping content from websites and passing it to Kodi.

  • Route dispatching (callbacks)
  • Callback arguments can be any Python object that can be "pickled"
  • Delayed execution (execute code after callbacks have returned results)
  • No need to set "isplayable" or "isfolder" properties
  • Supports both Python 2 and 3
  • Auto sort method selection
  • Better error reporting
  • Full unicode support
  • Sets "mediatype" to "video" or "music" depending on listitem type if not set
  • Sets "xbmcplugin.setContent" base off mediatype infolabel.
  • Sets "xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory" to the title of current folder
  • Sets "thumbnail" to add-on icon image if not set
  • Sets "fanart" to add-on fanart image if not set
  • Sets "icon" to "DefaultFolder.png" or "DefaultVideo.png’ if not set
  • Sets "plot" to the listitem title if not set
  • Auto type convertion for (str, unicode, int, float, long) infolables and stream info
  • Support for media flags e.g. High definition '720p', audio channels '2.0'
  • Reimplementation of the listitem class, that makes heavy use of dictionaries
  • Built-in support for saved searches
  • Youtube.DL intergration (
  • URLQuick intergration (
  • Youtube intergration
  • Supports use of "reuselanguageinvoker"

