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Author: bossanova808
Website: link
Type: Services
Repo: repo v21 repo v20

License: GPL-3.0-only
Source: Source code
Summary: Utility for fast switching between recently played media.
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Kodi utility for fast switching between recently played media.

Keeps a list of recently played media - supports Kodi library episodes, movies, PVR channels, songs and non-library files. Does not (yet?) support add-ons or PVR recordings.

The primary intended use is to make for super easy Switchback between two in progress videos (by binding a remote key to Switchback, see Wiki/Forum thread for info).

Consider this scenario:
- You are watching 'video A' with your partner. You are interrupted and your partner needs to tend to the kids/howl at the moon.
- You navigate to 'video B' and watch some of that.
- Your partner comes back.
- You hit your one button 'Switchback' and 'video A' starts playing again, no need for tedious navigation etc.
- You are interrupted again - the moon is so very bright tonight - hit your 'Switchback' to resume 'video B' immediately, again with one magic button and no tedious navigation.


This add-on is installed from the Add-on browser located in Kodi as follows:

  1. Settings
  2. Add-ons
  3. Install from repository
  4. Services
  5. Switchback
  6. Install

Using Switchback

The Switchback list of recently played media can be accessed the same way as any other video plugin - by clicking on its icon.

Of course, the point is for faster switching without much/any navigation, so you're best off binding a remote/keyboard key for super fast switching.

Accessing the Switchback list:

  • You can access the full Switchback list (and remove anything in there if you want) - as you would access any Video addon.
  • Ideally, for one touch instant switching that resumes right where you left off, bind a remote/keyboard key to this Switchback command, e.g. this binds the SomeButton button:
  • Or, if you prefer for it to display the Switchback list (i.e. list of recently played things) and then select from there, use: