Window IDs

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Revision as of 08:43, 2 October 2013 by Ned Scott (talk | contribs)
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This table cross-references Window names, Window definitions, Window ID, and the delta Window ID's (this is the delta from the home window.) The code that performs the cross-reference is found in ButtonTranslator.cpp.

  • keymap.xml uses the Window name.
  • XBMC's C++ code uses the Window definitions and Window ID's.
  • skin .xml files use the Delta Window ID's
  • XBMC.ActivateWindow() can use either the Window name, the Window ID, or the delta Window ID.
  • sounds.xml can use the window name or window ID

You can use secondary parameters with all media windows, as can be seen here:


  • You want a button in your skin or on your remote taking you directly to the movie listing you let that button do
ActivateWindow(VideoLibrary,MovieTitles)   (dharma)
ActivateWindow(Videos,MovieTitles)   (eden and up)

home WINDOW_HOME 10000 0 Home.xml
programs WINDOW_PROGRAMS 10001 1 MyPrograms.xml
pictures WINDOW_PICTURES 10002 2 MyPics.xml
filemanager WINDOW_FILES 10003 3 FileManager.xml
settings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MENU 10004 4 Settings.xml
music WINDOW_MUSIC 10005 5 None – this is just a wrapper for the current My Music view (who's IDs are 501 and 502)
video WINDOW_VIDEOS 10006 6 None – this is just a wrapper for the current My Video view (who's IDs are 21-25)
systeminfo WINDOW_SYSTEM_INFORMATION 10007 7 SettingsSystemInfo.xml
screencalibration WINDOW_MOVIE_CALIBRATION 10011 11 SettingsScreenCalibration.xml
picturessettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MYPICTURES 10012 12 SettingsCategory.xml
programssettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MYPROGRAMS 10013 13 SettingsCategory.xml
weathersettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MYWEATHER 10014 14 SettingsCategory.xml
musicsettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MYMUSIC 10015 15 SettingsCategory.xml
systemsettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_SYSTEM 10016 16 SettingsCategory.xml
videossettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MYVIDEOS 10017 17 SettingsCategory.xml
networksettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_NETWORK 10018 18 SettingsCategory.xml (eden)
servicesettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_SERVICE 10018 18 SettingsCategory.xml (frodo)
appearancesettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_APPEARANCE 10019 19 SettingsCategory.xml
scripts WINDOW_SCRIPTS 10020 20 MyScripts.xml
videofiles WINDOW_VIDEO_FILES 10024 24 MyVideo.xml (deprecated)
videolibrary WINDOW_VIDEO_NAV 10025 25 MyVideoNav.xml - Replaces the following .XML files: MyVideoGenre (WINDOW_VIDEO_GENRE), MyVideoActors (WINDOW_VIDEO_ACTOR), MyVideoYear (WINDOW_VIDEO_YEAR), MyVideoTitle (WINDOW_VIDEO_TITLE)
videoplaylist WINDOW_VIDEO_PLAYLIST 10028 28 MyVideoPlaylist.xml
loginscreen WINDOW_LOGINSCREEN 10029 29 LoginScreen.xml
profiles WINDOW_SETTINGS_PROFILES 10034 34 SettingsProfile.xml
addonbrowser WINDOW_ADDON_BROWSER 10040 40 AddonBrowser.xml
yesnodialog WINDOW_DIALOG_YES_NO 10100 100 DialogYesNo.xml
progressdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS 10101 101 DialogProgress.xml
virtualkeyboard WINDOW_DIALOG_KEYBOARD 10103 103 DialogKeyboard.xml
volumebar WINDOW_DIALOG_VOLUME_BAR 10104 104 DialogVolumeBar.xml
contextmenu WINDOW_DIALOG_CONTEXT_MENU 10106 106 DialogContextMenu.xml
infodialog WINDOW_DIALOG_KAI_TOAST 10107 107 DialogKaiToast.xml
numericinput WINDOW_DIALOG_NUMERIC 10109 109 DialogNumeric.xml
shutdownmenu WINDOW_DIALOG_BUTTON_MENU 10111 111 DialogButtonMenu.xml
musicscan WINDOW_DIALOG_MUSIC_SCAN 10112 112 DialogMusicScan.xml (Frodo removal)
mutebug WINDOW_DIALOG_MUTE_BUG 10113 113 DialogMuteBug.xml
playercontrols WINDOW_DIALOG_PLAYER_CONTROLS 10114 114 PlayerControls.xml
seekbar WINDOW_DIALOG_SEEK_BAR 10115 115 DialogSeekBar.xml
musicosd WINDOW_DIALOG_MUSIC_OSD 10120 120 MusicOSD.xml
visualisationpresetlist WINDOW_DIALOG_VIS_PRESET_LIST 10122 122 VisualizationPresetList.xml
osdvideosettings WINDOW_DIALOG_VIDEO_OSD_SETTINGS 10123 123 VideoOSDSettings.xml
osdaudiosettings WINDOW_DIALOG_AUDIO_OSD_SETTINGS 10124 124 VideoOSDSettings.xml
videobookmarks WINDOW_DIALOG_VIDEO_BOOKMARKS 10125 125 VideoOSDBookmarks.xml
filebrowser WINDOW_DIALOG_FILE_BROWSER 10126 126 FileBrowser.xml
networksetup WINDOW_DIALOG_NETWORK_SETUP 10128 128 DialogNetworkSetup.xml
mediasource WINDOW_DIALOG_MEDIA_SOURCE 10129 129 DialogMediaSource.xml
profilesettings WINDOW_PROFILE_SETTINGS 10130 130 ProfileSettings.xml
locksettings WINDOW_LOCK_SETTINGS 10131 131 LockSettings.xml
contentsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_CONTENT_SETTINGS 10132 132 DialogContentSettings.xml
videoscan WINDOW_DIALOG_VIDEO_SCAN 10133 133 DialogVideoScan.xml (Frodo removal)
favourites WINDOW_DIALOG_FAVOURITES 10134 134 DialogFavourites.xml
songinformation WINDOW_DIALOG_SONG_INFO 10135 135 DialogSongInfo.xml
smartplaylisteditor WINDOW_DIALOG_SMART_PLAYLIST_EDITOR 10136 136 SmartPlaylistEditor.xml
smartplaylistrule WINDOW_DIALOG_SMART_PLAYLIST_RULE 10137 137 SmartPlaylistRule.xml
busydialog WINDOW_DIALOG_BUSY 10138 138 DialogBusy.xml
pictureinfo WINDOW_DIALOG_PICTURE_INFO 10139 139 DialogPictureInfo.xml
addonsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_ADDON_SETTINGS 10140 140 DialogAddonSettings.xml
accesspoints WINDOW_DIALOG_ACCESS_POINTS 10141 141 DialogAccessPoints.xml
fullscreeninfo WINDOW_DIALOG_FULLSCREEN_INFO 10142 142 DialogFullScreenInfo.xml
karaokeselector WINDOW_DIALOG_KARAOKE_SONGSELECT 10143 143 DialogKaraokeSongSelector.xml
karaokelargeselector WINDOW_DIALOG_KARAOKE_SELECTOR 10144 144 DialogKaraokeSongSelectorLarge.xml
sliderdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_SLIDER 10145 145 DialogSlider.xml
addoninformation WINDOW_DIALOG_ADDON_INFO 10146 146 DialogAddonInfo.xml
textviewer WINDOW_DIALOG_TEXT_VIEWER 10147 147 DialogTextViewer.xml
peripherals WINDOW_DIALOG_PERIPHERAL_MANAGER 10149 149 DialogPeripheralManager.xml
peripheralsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_PERIPHERAL_SETTINGS 10150 150 DialogPeripheralSettings.xml
extendedprogressdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_EXT_PROGRESS 10151 151 DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml
mediafilter WINDOW_DIALOG_MEDIA_FILTER 10152 152 DialogMediaFilter.xml (Frodo addition)
musicplaylist WINDOW_MUSIC_PLAYLIST 10500 500 MyMusicPlaylist.xml
musicfiles WINDOW_MUSIC_FILES 10501 501 MyMusicSongs.xml
musiclibrary WINDOW_MUSIC_NAV 10502 502 MyMusicNav.xml
musicplaylisteditor WINDOW_MUSIC_PLAYLIST_EDITOR 10503 503 MyMusicPlaylistEditor.xml
mypvr WINDOW_PVR 10601 601 MyPVR.xml (Frodo addition)
pvrguideinfo WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_GUIDE_INFO 10602 602 DialogPVRGuideInfo.xml (Frodo addition)
pvrrecordinginfo WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_RECORDING_INFO 10603 603 DialogPVRRecordingInfo.xml (Frodo addition)
pvrtimersetting WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_TIMER_SETTING 10604 604 DialogPVRTimerSettings.xml (Frodo addition)
pvrgroupmanager WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_GROUP_MANAGER 10605 605 DialogPVRGroupManager.xml (Frodo addition)
pvrchannelmanager WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_CHANNEL_MANAGER 10606 606 DialogPVRChannelManager.xml (Frodo addition)
pvrguidesearch WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_GUIDE_SEARCH 10607 607 DialogPVRGuideSearch.xml (Frodo addition)
pvrosdchannels WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_OSD_CHANNELS 10610 610 DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml (Frodo addition)
pvrosdguide WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_OSD_GUIDE 10611 611 DialogPVRGuideOSD.xml (Frodo addition)
virtualkeyboard WINDOW_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD 11000 1000 none
selectdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT 12000 2000 DialogSelect.xml
musicinformation WINDOW_MUSIC_INFO 12001 2001 DialogAlbumInfo.xml
okdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_OK 12002 2002 DialogOK.xml
movieinformation WINDOW_VIDEO_INFO 12003 2003 DialogVideoInfo.xml
fullscreenvideo WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO 12005 2005 VideoFullScreen.xml
visualisation WINDOW_VISUALISATION 12006 2006 MusicVisualisation.xml
slideshow WINDOW_SLIDESHOW 12007 2007 SlideShow.xml
filestackingdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_FILESTACKING 12008 2008 DialogFileStacking.xml
karaoke WINDOW_KARAOKELYRICS 12009 2009 MusicKaraokeLyrics.xml
weather WINDOW_WEATHER 12600 2600 MyWeather.xml
screensaver WINDOW_SCREENSAVER 12900 2900 none
videoosd WINDOW_OSD 12901 2901 VideoOSD.xml
videomenu WINDOW_MEDIA_MENU 12902 2902 none
startup WINDOW_STARTUP 12999 2999 startup.xml
skinsettings - - - SkinSettings.xml (Frodo addition)
startwindow - - - shortcut to the current startwindow
In addition, there are the following "special" windows whose id is not really a concern (and you'll notice isn't unique)
Pointer - - 105 Pointer.xml
musicoverlay WINDOW_MUSIC_OVERLAY 12903 2903 MusicOverlay.xml
videooverlay WINDOW_VIDEO_OVERLAY 12904 2904 VideoOverlay.xml
Python Windows - - 3000–3099 none