HOW-TO:Add Time Remaining to Confluence

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This tutorial will show how to replace runtime with time remaining at the end of the progress bar on the Info screen I and OSD M, and add the runtime to the bottom of the progress bar on the Info screen. This is achieved by editing VideoFullScreen.xml.

Add time remaining to the Info screen/OSD

A. Open the file VideoFullScreen.xml, find the following line and comment it out. It will remove end time below the progress bar on the Info screen.

<label>$LOCALIZE[31049] $INFO[Player.FinishTime]</label>

B. Add this after the above line. On the Info screen it will add runtime at the bottom of the progress bar and move end time into brackets.

<label>Runtime: $INFO[Player.Duration(hh:mm:ss)] (Ends $INFO[Player.FinishTime])</label>

C. Find the following line and comment it out. It will remove runtime from the end of the progress bar.


D. Add this after the above line. It will add time remaining to the end of the progress bar. The hyphen (‐) before $INFO just shows up as is in Kodi GUI, you don't need it.


Change color and font size

A. Find the following code (as is after the above changes):

<control type="label" id="1">
     <!--<label>$LOCALIZE[31049] $INFO[Player.FinishTime]</label>-->
     <label>Runtime: $INFO[Player.Duration(hh:mm:ss)] (Ends $INFO[Player.FinishTime])</label>
     <visible>!Window.IsVisible(VideoOSD) + !VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV)</visible>
     <animation effect="fade" time="150">VisibleChange</animation>

B. Change the color of "Runtime X (Ends Y)" to white by commenting out the following:


C. If you don't make runtime visible on the OSD too (if you do both the NEXT button and "Runtime" will overlap), you could also make the font size as e.g. time remaining.
Change font12 to font13

Make runtime/ends visible on the OSD too

A. Find the following line and comment it out

<visible>!Window.IsVisible(VideoOSD) + !VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV)</visible>

B. Add the following code, which doesn't contain !Window.IsVisible(VideoOSD) +
