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Attention talk.png See the Rapier sub-forum for more information.


See this add-on on the showcase

Author: Scarfa, Gade

Type: Skin
Repo: repo v21 repo v20 repo v19

Summary: Rapier skin by Scarfa, Gade.
Home icon grey.png   ▶ Add-ons ▶ Rapier

The goal is to provide a simple to use but clean and elegant interface that focuses on efficiency when browsing your media. Important considerations are put on usability, performance, and providing the user with flexibility when it comes to customization. Rapier tries to support all the latest features Kodi has to offer as long as it fits in with the skin's design goals.


This add-on is installed from the Add-on browser located in Kodi as follows:

  1. Settings
  2. Add-ons
  3. Install from repository
  4. Look and feel (v16 and higher)
  5. Skins
  6. Rapier
  7. Install

Installing (XBMC 12.x Frodo)

To install this skin for XBMC 12.x Frodo, you must do so by visiting the forums:

  1. Visit the Rapier for XBMC Frodo thread on the official forum
  2. Download the zip file from the first post
  3. Start XBMC
  4. Navigate to Settings
  5. Add-ons
  6. Install from zip file
  7. Locate the zip file you downloaded
  8. Install

Required add-ons

To get the most out of Rapier the following add-ons are required - they should be installed automatically when installing the skin. If this is not the case, please install using the XBMC Add-on Manager or manually using the links below. Certain skin features will not be available if one or more of these add-ons are not installed on your system.

Supported add-ons (XBMC Repository Installation)

The following add-ons are supported by Rapier. They can be installed using the XBMC Add-on Manager or manually using the links below.

Supported add-ons (Manual Installation)

The following add-ons are supported by Rapier. They can be installed manually using the links below.

Special skin features


Tips and guides

This section is still under development.

Home category images

Rapier uses text images for the home menu categories. More categories can be found in skin.rapier/extras folder when customizing the home menu.
Additional home category images can be requested at the forum.

Custom genre icons (Rapier 6.2.0 and newer)

Adding your own music or video custom genre icons for Rapier is easy. Make sure they are all .png format and labeled correctly using the proper genre labels. If you have .jpg images you can just change the extension to .png. Add the images to the following folders:
  • Music Library: skin.rapier/extras/musicgenres/
  • Movie / TV Show Library: skin.rapier/extras/moviegenres/

Missing tv show clear logos in the TV Shows Today widget in the home screen

Go to Skin Settings -> Add-ons -> Artwork Downloader -> Download Presets - TV Shows -> Click the Clear Logo button and wait for the script to finish. This should add all clear logos for the tv shows to your library. You can do this with clear art as well if you wish.

Suddenly custom home categories / submenus do not work anymore

This applies to Rapier 6.5.0 and newer for XBMC Gotham / Rapier 7.2.0 and newer for Kodi Helix.
A bug regarding custom categories and submenus going back several years have finally been fixed. This unfortunately requires you to set the paths to the custom categories and submenus again, but only if they are set using favourites. Only paths are affected, which means that labels, icons, category images, panels (widgets) and backgrounds are not at all harmed. Also paths set using presets, scripts or add-ons are not affected.

Skin Settings

Rapier is highly customizable and has a great deal of skin settings. This section details all the skin settings options for Rapier.


Enable kiosk mode
Once you've got everything set up the way you want, you can enable "kiosk mode" to lock your chosen views and hide the menu bar.
Hide dialog close buttons
Hides the dialog close buttons on all dialogs. Dialog close buttons are very useful when using a mouse or touch device.
Hide date
Hides the date in the top status bar.
Date format
Choose the date format according to your region: UK / Australia / Central Europa / India or USA / Canada.
Hide top options menu bar (only show when selected)
This will permanently show the menu bar in the library or hide it. If you choose to hide it, it will only be visible when focused.
Enable battery notification
If you enable this option, a battery notification will be displayed in the top status bar. This will only be visible when using a battery powered device.


Show navigation buttons
This will display navigation buttons in each side of the category menu and can be very useful to mouse or touch device users.
Enable music playing progressbar
When playing music and leaving the system idle for 5 seconds, the category section will turn into a progressbar.
Clicking music category redirects to library / files
Select if the main music category button redirects to the music library or music files window.
Clicking videos category redirects to files / library
Select if the main videos category button redirects to the video files or video library window.
Clicking live tv category redirects to channels / EPG
Select if the main live tv category button redirects to the live tv channels window or live tv EPG window.
Hide categories
Select to hide main categories: music, videos, movies, tv shows, programs, pictures, general, system, live tv, weather, power.
Add more categories
Add up to 16 custom categories to the home screen and choose between any favourite (add-ons, playlists, paths etc.) or a built-in skin preset. You can choose your own icon, category image, background and add a custom panel (widget).
Adding a custom panel brings up a dialog:
  • Movies, tv shows, music videos or albums will display recently added and in progress/featured items from your library.
  • Add-ons will display random add-ons.
  • Playlist (movies, episodes or music) will display recently added and featured items from your selected playlist (useful when the custom category is a playlist from your favourites).
Hide submenus
Hides all submenus.
Music / Videos / Movies / TV Shows / Programs / Pictures / General / Live TV / Custom Category 1-16
You can create up to 7 custom submenus for each category using any favourite (add-ons, playlists, paths etc.), built-in skin preset, script or plugin. This is very useful in a lot of different ways.
  • You can disable already existing submenus in the selected category: eg. enabling Button 1 and leaving everything else blank, will disable the existing submenu 1 in the category.
  • You can replace existing submenus in the selected category: eg. enabling Button 1 and entering all the necassary information, will replace submenu 1 in the category.
  • You can add additional submenus to a category with less than 7 submenu items: eg. if a category has 4 submenus, you can enable Button 5, 6 and 7 to add 3 additional custom submenus.
Hide category icons
Hides all category icons.
Custom category icon
Select a custom category icon for the main categories.
Hide now plaing
When playing music or video, Rapier will display a Now Playing widget. This setting allows you to hide the widget.
Hide recently added
Hide the Recently Added widget. Enabling this will also hide the In Progress widget.
Hide "in progress"
Enabling this option will hide the In Progress widget.
Hide tv show next aired widget
Enabling this option will hide the TV Show Next Aired widget for the tv shows category.
Hide weather
Enabling this option will hide the weather widget for the weather category.
Hide recording information
Enabling this option will hide the recording information widget when recording live tv.
Hide system information
Enabling this option will hide the system information widget for the system category.
Enable add-on shortcut titles
Enabling this option will display add-on titles for each of the add-on shortcuts.
Videos / Movies / TV Shows / Music / Pictures / Programs / General
Select up to 6 add-on shortcuts for each category. Selecting an add-on shortcut will disable the category icon for the chosen category.


Hide seekbar OSD during fullscreen playback
Hides the seekbar when playing fullscreen audio or video.
Show clear art on OSD
Displays clear art images on the OSD when playing movies or tv show episodes. If no clear art is available, a clear logo will be displayed. If no clear logo is available, the cover image will be displayed. Clear art and clear logos require the add-on Artwork Downloader. You can either run Artwork Downloader in the background using the add-on's settings, manually download the artwork in the movie or tv show library or download using Rapier's Add-ons skin settings section.
Show clear logo on OSD
Displays clear logo images on the OSD when playing movies or tv show episodes. If no clear logo is available, the cover image will be displayed. Clear logos require the add-on Artwork Downloader. You can either run Artwork Downloader in the background using the add-on's settings, manually download the artwork in the movie or tv show library or download using Rapier's Add-ons skin settings section.
Use banner / poster layout
Choose between displaying tv show poster or banner images throughout the skin.
Enable music visualization / artist fanart in the background
Enable this setting to display music visualization or artist fanart in the background throughout the skin when playing music.
Use visualization for background / Use artist fanart in the background
Choose either music visualization or artist fanart in the background throughout the skin when playing music.
Enable both music visualization and artist fanart in the background
Choose both music visualization and artist fanart in the background throughout the skin when playing music.
Fanart slideshow (artist slideshow add-on)
Enabling this will display an artist slideshow in the background when playing music. This setting requires the add-on Artist Slideshow and the skin setting artist fanart for background.
Animate fanart
Enabling this will animate the fanart in the background throughout the skin. This requires the skin setting artist fanart for background.
Enable music CD art
Enabling this will display CD Art images throughout the skin when playing music. This requires either the add-on CDArt Manager and/or manually adding cdart.png images to your music library folders.
Show CD art in fullscreen playback
Enabling this will display CD Art images in the music visualization when playing music. This requires either the add-on CDArt Manager and/or manually adding cdart.png images to your music library folders.
Disable music library clear logos (cdart manager add-on)
Enabling this will display clear logos in your music library. This requires either the add-on CDArt Manager and/or manually adding logo.png images to your music library folders. This also requires you to enter the path to your music library in the setting below.
Music library path
Enter the path to your music library if you wish to enable clear logos in your XBMC music library.
Enable video playing in the background
When playing video, this setting will enable the video playing in the background throughout the skin.
Show "Paused" in fullscreen video
When pausing fullscreen video, this setting will dim the screen slighly and display a "Paused" label.
Show "Paused" in picture slideshow
When pausing a fullscreen picture slideshow, this setting will display the current time and a "Paused" label.
Enable media flags
This setting will enable or disable all media flags.
Use default theme colour / Use white theme colour
Choose between blue (default) or white media flags.
Hide video resolution
This setting will hide the video resolution media flags.
Hide aspect ratio
This setting will hide the aspect ratio media flags.


In this section you can disable certain view animations. This is usefull to lower CPU usage if you're running a light system.


Enable weather
This will enable or disable the weather notification in the top status bar.
Show in home window only / Show in all windows
This will either display the weather notification in the home window only or in all windows.
Enable animated icons
This will enable animated weather icons throughout the skin.
Animated icons apply to weather window only / Animated icons apply to all windows
This will either display the animated weather icons in the weather window only or in all windows.


Fanart brightness - low / medium
Select the fanart background brightness to be low or medium.
Animate background
Enable this setting to animate the fanart backgrounds.
Use random fanart / Use recent fanart
This setting is only visible if the add-on Fanart Grabber is installed.
This setting is only enabled if fanart backgrounds have been selected for either the music, videos, movies or tv shows sections.
Select if the fanart backgrounds used by the add-on are random or recent images. You can activate fanart backgrounds for the music, videos, movies and tv shows sections in the "Custom Backgrounds" section below.
Time per Image
Clicking this button will bring up a numeric dialog. Use this to set the time in seconds each fanart image is shown. Defaults to 8 seconds.
Choose a custom single image or multi images to use globally throughout the skin. You can set the background brightness to low or medium.
Music, Videos, Movies, TV Shows
For the music, videos, movies and tv shows sections, you can choose between four background options:
  • The global background.
  • A custom single image. You can set the background brightness to low or medium, and choose between displaying the background in the home screen only or throughout the skin.
  • Multi images. You can set the background brightness to low or medium, and choose between displaying the backgrounds in the home screen only or throughout the skin.
  • Fanart images. You can choose between displaying the backgrounds in the home screen only or throughout the skin. This setting requires the add-on Fanart Grabber. Select to display random or recent images in the "Fanart Backgrounds (script.grab.fanart)" skin settings in the Media section.
TV, Programs, Pictures, General, System, Power
For the tv, programs, pictures, general, system and power sections, you can choose between three background options:
  • The global background.
  • A custom single image. You can set the background brightness to low or medium, and choose between displaying the background in the home screen only or throughout the skin.
  • Multi images. You can set the background brightness to low or medium, and choose between displaying the backgrounds in the home screen only or throughout the skin.
For the weather section, you can choose between four background options:
  • The global background.
  • A custom single image. You can set the background brightness to low or medium, and choose between displaying the background in the home screen only or throughout the skin.
  • Multi images. You can set the background brightness to low or medium, and choose between displaying the backgrounds in the home screen only or throughout the skin.
  • Weather condition backgrounds. Select the path to your weather fanart folder. You can set the background brightness to low or medium, and choose between displaying the backgrounds in the home screen only or throughout the skin.


Show lyrics button on OSD
This will show a lyrics button on the OSD when playing music in the music visualization window. You have to select your lyrics add-on in the setting below.
Select your preferred lyrics add-on to use in the music visualization window.
Lyrics settings
This will open the settings dialog for the selected lyrics add-on.
Use script.globalsearch in menus instead of XBMC search
Choose between using the default XBMC search function in the menu bars or the Global Search add-on.
This will open the settings dialog for the Artwork Downloader add-on.
Download according to add-on settings
This will download all artwork specified in the Artwork Downloader settings.
Download presets - movies
Hide or show all the settings for the movie artwork downloads.
Download all movie artwork: poster, fanart, extra fanart, extra thumbs, thumbnail 16:9, banner, clear art, clear logo, disc art. All artwork for every movie will be downloaded.
Poster / Fanart / Extra fanart / Extra thumbs / Thumbnail 16:9 / Banner / Clear art / Clear logo / Disc art
Download only the movie artwork specified. The selected artwork for all movies wil be downloaded.
Download presets - tv shows
Hide or show all the settings for the tv shows artwork downloads.
Download all tv show artwork: poster, season poster, banner, season banner, fanart, extra fanart, clear art, clear logo, character art, tv thumb 16:9, season thumbnail 16:9. All artwork for every tv show will be downloaded.
Poster / Season poster / Banner / Season banner / Fanart / Extra fanart / Clear art / Clear logo / Character art / TV thumb 16:9 / Season thumbnail 16:9
Download only the tv show artwork specified. The selected artwork for all tv shows will be downloaded.
Download presets - music videos
Hide or show all the settings for the music videos artwork downloads.
Download all music video artwork: poster, fanart, extra fanart, extra thumbs, clear art, clear logo, disc art. All artwork for every music video will be downloaded.
Poster / Fanart / Extra fanart / Extra thumbs / Clear art / Clear logo / Disc art
Download only the music video artwork specified. The selected artwork for all music videos will be downloaded.
Use random fanart / Use recent fanart
This setting is only visible if the add-on Fanart Grabber is installed. Select if the fanart backgrounds used by the add-on are random or recent images. You can activate fanart backgrounds for the music, videos, movies and tv shows sections in the "Custom Backgrounds" section in the Media category above.
This section will only be available of you have installed the add-on TV Tunes on your system.
Enable TV Tunes
This will enable or disable the add-on TV Tunes.
This will open the settings dialog for the add-on TV Tunes.
This section will only be available of you have installed the add-on IMDb Update on your system.
This will open the settings dialog for the add-on IMDb Update.
Update IMDb movie rating
This will update the IMDb movie rating for all movies in your library.
Update IMDb movie rating (hidden)
This will update the IMDb movie rating for all movies in your library. The service will run in the background.
Update IMDb top 250
This will update the IMDb top 250 for all movies in your library.
Update IMDb top 250 (hidden)
This will update the IMDb top 250 for all movies in your library. The service will run in the background.

Reset Skin / Skin Settings

When the add-on Extended Info is not installed on your system, the visible section is "Reset Skin".
When the add-on Extended Info is installed on your system, the visible section is "Skin Settings".
Clicking the Reset Skin button will reset all skin settings to default. You can NOT undo this action.
Reset skin settings to default (press to confirm).
This will reset all skin settings to default. You can NOT undo this action.
Export skin settings
Exports all the Rapier skin settings to your selected location.
Import skin settings.
Imports all the Rapier skin settings from your selected location.
