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Home icon grey.png   ▶ Development ▶ Add-on development ▶ Python development ▶ HOW-TO:Write plugins for XBMC
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Use the Audio/Video plugin tutorial instead.


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XBMC includes support for writing Add-Ons written in Python.

Plugins, unlike scripts, do not generally provide new functionality to XBMC, instead they provide an easy way to present content listings in XBMC through the native GUI interface. Content is usually online audio and video streams like YouTube, Vimeo or podcasts, or pictures from websites such as Flickr or Picasa.

Please feel free to add samples of simple plugin functions. Add anything at all no matter how basic, if it is not already here add it! Someone will more than likely benefit from it. Don't be stingy on the comments you can never have too much information, what's simple to you may make no sense at all to someone else. Any relevant URLs that were helpful to you Would be helpful as comments as well.

For end-user instruction on how to install XBMC plugins please see HOW-TO install and use plugins in XBMC.

Note! As most plugins work by scraping a website they often stop working (partially or completely) when the source website changes (redesign). If a third-party plugin doesn't work it is not usually an XBMC problem.


Helpful tools:

There's also lots of streaming sources available for building plugins:

Before you begin, search the XBMC forum for the name of the plugin you are planning on creating. It may already exist. Install Python and find where you put the source code.

Right click on the file '' and select 'Edit with IDLE'.

Plugin Template : Breakdown.

This is just to familiarise yourself with the layout of the plugin template. It's not in depth – we will delve deeper later.

Remember – it's all about the Tabs.

Python is just like you and I, it has the ability to use information from other sources. If you don't know anything about Python – you can read a book from a library and gain the knowledge. Therefore it's the same with a Python & its libraries. A Python Library is a collection of useful functions that the main program can call upon and read then use the new knowledge in the main program.

To use them we need to import them, you will only use 5 at maximum for basic plugin creation.

import urllib,urllib2,re,xbmcplugin,xbmcgui

  • urllib – a collection of http routines.
  • urllib2 – a more advanced collection of http routines.
  • re – a collection of string manipulation routines.
  • xbmcplugin – specific Xbmc routines.
  • xbmcgui – specific Xbmc routines.

Without the above imports, python has no reference and the plugin will error and fail.

The next thing you will see is the (CATEGORIES () : ) function. This handy little function takes the stress out of XBMC Directory listing. It's really the addDir() that lists & adds - but we are not in depth - YET.

      addDir( "","",1,"")
      addDir( "","",1,"")

You define a function in python with the def command. This function adds the first Directories that you see when you start the plugin. Let's break it down. Scan down the Plugin template.

def addDir(name,url,mode,iconimage):
    liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(unicode(name), iconImage="DefaultFolder.png",thumbnailImage=iconimage)
    liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": name })
    return ok

I'm not going to go into too much detail here, when you call the addDir()command you are calling the above function. All that is happening is a name, url, and image are being passed to XBMC in a format it likes and it's being told to display it.

name = The name of the Directory, either a string or the product of a scrape.

Python likes strings or stored strings.

To make a string, give it a name then type your string in quotes.

a= 'this is a string' , notice how it turns green.

For the name that addDir needs you can either pass it a string.

addDir('string', , 1 , ) or a stored string addDir(name, , 1 , )

We will examine stored strings later.

url = The web address, either a string or the product of a scrape.

As above pass either a string ' hxxp://' or a stored url string – url.

Next on the list is:

mode = Where in the program to jump to .

Look at the bottom of the Template.

if mode==None or url==None or len(url)<1:
        print ""
elif mode==1:
        print ""+url
elif mode==2:
        print ""+url

We have 3 modes here, but, you can have as many as you need.

  • mode0 = CATEGORIES()
  • mode1= INDEX(url,name)
  • mode2=VIDEOLINKS(url,name)

So in the CATEGORIES () : function, we call addDir(,,1,) which tells the plugin to move on to mode 1 = INDEX(url).

Tell Xbmc to add the first Directories then move on to INDEX function.

See it's not awful.

The last term here is :

Iconimage = An image for display with the Directory or link, either string or stored string. Basically a thumbnail.

addDir (name, url , 1 , '') or a stored string addDir(name, url , 1 ,thumb )

Xbmc can handle pretty much all image formats : jpg ,gif, png etc

The addLink(name,url,iconimage) is exactly the same except the isfolder= option is set to false to tell Xbmc that this is a video link and not a folder.

The next Function is the INDEX (url) : this opens the webpage of your chosen website, pretends to be a browser, reads it, stores the page and then scans the page for links to the sacred video files.

def INDEX(url):
        req = urllib2.Request(url)
        req.add_header('User-Agent', ' Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')
        response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        for thumbnail,url,name in match:

We are going to call on the urllib2 library not the urllib library to connect to the web page because we can spoof the website into believing that the plugin is a real person using a browser.

req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('User-Agent', ' Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')

url - is the web address that we passed during the previous CATEGORIES () - addDir(name, url , 1 ,thumb )

We have added a header, User-agent. This allows Python to pretend to be anything else, Firefox, Internet Explorer,Ipod,Phone,Veoh.

We can send any headers here using the same format. Just copy the req.add_header and put it under the other one.

Some sites need specific headers to access their information. This pretends to be the latest Firefox.

req.add_header('User-Agent', ' Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')
req.add_header('Content-type', 'octet-stream/flv')

response – adds the req calls and causes connection with the webpage.

response = urllib2.urlopen(req)			- Holds the webpage that was read via the command. 
response.close()				- Closes the connection after we have read the webpage.
for thumbnail,url,name in match:

link - is the holder for the page url from CATEGORIES that was read. We close the open connection as we have the page and want to save memory.

Now we scrape the screen for the relevant information. We are using the re library here:


match- is the holder for the compiled bits of information we have scraped. We will explore this in depth in the next part of the tutorial.

Just familiarise yourself for now.

Open hxxp:/ in your browser ( I use firefox ).

Right click and select View page source. Scroll right down to the bottom of the page do you see : -

<div class="smallfont" align="center">

To scrape the words smallfont and center we would use –

match=re.compile('<div class="(.+?)" align="(.+?)">').findall(link)

so match now holds – smallfont and center. The order matters so remember smallfont is first, center is second. Imagine that this was the url and name of a video.

  • match[0] = smallfont
  • match[1] = center

You can experiment with regular expressions like those using a free online tool like RegExr.

Lets move on.

for ? in match:- Gets all the information stored in match and creates multiple links or directories on your screen.

for url,name in match:

url = The first thing held in match name = The second

You can call them whatever you wish.

So a directory will be created named center with the url smallfont As you can see the VIDEOLINK() function is just the same really, except for addLink instead of addDir.

Minimize the template, open your browser, right click -->edit with idle - on and lets really do something.

If you are still unsure about what you have read, re–read.

Test, test, test again.

Right, let's have some fun.

Open your Browser ( I use Firefox for the tutorial)

Ctrl & click the link : -

Scroll down – see TV DASH, that's the fellow for this tutorial.

Click it or Ctrl & click the link : -

Once it's open – Bookmark it.


Excellent Choice, at first glance we have thumbnails for the movies & tv – great for Xbmc.

The site looks clean and tidy – great for grabbing urls, without headaches.

Look at the top center of of the screen, Home, movies, tvshows,games.

They will become our main directories and as there are only two that we need, we will add them manually.

Before we do that lets get the scraping and testing done.

Click on the ' MOVIES ' link.


A lovely list of movies, ha, nothing makes me feel more like a Pirate than this – Aaargh Jim'lad.

Hoist the

Remember the name of the first movie listed here, we will need it later.

First copy the url from the address bar of your browser.

Right click and copy.

Click to restore the window you will see this or something like it.

import urllib2,urllib,re

url=' Delete me'

req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
match=re.compile('Delete me 2').findall(link)
print match

Click and delete the text url="Delete me" ---> url=" "

Replace it with the url you have stored. Ctrl & V.


Press ' F5 ' – which is really run module in Python terms.


The parentheses are the graphical representation of what's stored in match.

In this case, nothing, yet.

The ' Print match ' command causes the display, you can print any variable or string.

Remove it by putting # in front of it #print match see how it turns red.

Any text you put after a # character becomes a non-useable

note ! - Great for adding your plugin title.

The reason for the empty match variable is that we haven't provided any regular expression to scrape the data, we will soon.

But for now, we have a nice Python shell open.

All commands are case sensitive so type exactly what you have in only.

Type 'print' -->ENTER this will bring up the server response from the website.


See how powerful Python is ?

This command is really useful, but not to be used just yet.

Sometimes Cookies that are required to access sites reside here and can be accessed and manipulated to your benefit.

Commands and tabulation is what Python is all about.

Back Sir/Madam, back I say, to your browser and let's look at the source of the page.

Press Ctrl & U to view the page source.

At this point it is very easy to be put off, don't be, once your eye is in – it becomes second nature. Honest.


Hmmm ....... Press Ctrl & f to bring up the search and enter the name of the first movie.

10 things i hate about you , Now this is more like it.


The name, iconimage (Thumbnail), url are all here.


First, maximize your Python shell.

In your Python shell type : - link --->ENTER

Once it has completed, you will have a display of the webpage ready for scraping.


Press Ctrl & f to bring up the search and enter 10 things I hate about you --->ENTER

You will see the above section.

The highlighted area is exactly what we need, it has the thumbnail,name and url.

src="" border="0" /></td>\n <td class="namewidth"><a title="Watch 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) (Requested) Online" href="">10 Things I Hate About You (1999) (Requested)</a>

The following bits are what we need for the tutorial.

  • 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) (Requested)</a> = name

To scrape the text we need to show Python what to take and where it is.

Have a go at highlighting that whole section, hold your left mouse button and drag it across the section.

Then press Ctrl & c to copy to clipboard.

Close your Python shell and restore your

Place your cursor in between the ' ' of the match=re.compile ( ' ' ).findall(link)

Press Ctrl & V. You should see this.

match=re.compile('src="" border="0" /></td>\n <td class="namewidth"><a title="Watch 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) (Requested) Online" href="">10 Things I Hate About You (1999) (Requested)</a>').findall(link)

The text between the single quotes is green because Python recognizes a string and highlights it.

  • Green = good
  • Red = bad , providing the code was not after the # character.

Python uses this to mark notes.

Future reference.

If the scrape has single quotes in it - src= ' http://tester.html '

you will need to change the wrapping quotes – match=re.compile( 'src= ' http://tester.html ' ' )

to match=re.compile( “src= ' http://tester.html ' “ ) to not confuse Python.

Okay, let's scrape that site.

There are many useful regular expressions that Python understands but generally for basic site scraping you only need - brackets around what you want to capture then delete the text and replace with:

(.+?) – Yep, it really can be that simple – sometimes.

Let's just say it means take everything inside the brackets – it is a basic tutorial. He,he.

When trouble brews and trust me , it will.

Try here for really in depth help – I did.

Shall we scrape ?

Following the tutorial - put brackets around what you want to capture then delete the text and replace with (.+?) we get :

match=re.compile('src="(.+?)" border="0" /></td>\n <td class="namewidth"><a title=".+?" href="(.+?)">(.+?)</a>').findall(link)

So here we have scraped the image,url and name.

You noticed didn't you.

One section has been replaced with .+? that is because that text will not be the same for every movie on the page.

If the movie is ' Friday 13th ' it would say 'Watch Friday 13th' not 'Watch 10 things I hate about you'

so we tell python to skip it with .+?

– No brackets, no scrape.

Let's move on . .you should end up with thi . . .

What do you mean you're not ready.

Okay go back and re-read the last section.

Honestly people today, wouldn't have happened in my day . .

Ready now ?


Maximize your Python shell and type >>>Match --->ENTER


Houston, we have an RE match.

The variable match now holds the information we wanted in the form of a Tuple.

File:Tribble.gif No not a Tribble – bad Trekkie.

For information on tuples try here :

How many matches did we get ?

Let's use the len() command – length of variable.

Type >>> len(match) -->ENTER

We get >>>251

so our RE pattern matched 251 times.

That's 251 movies.

Python always starts indexing(counting) from zero.

So the first match is match[0] not match[1]

That means that the length really is 250

so the to address the last item it is match[250] or match[-1]

A negative index number goes backwards, handy eh.

Have a go, try a few things

>>>match[10] or match[-10] etc

We have 3 things stored in match try : match[0][0] hmmmm

Putting it together.

Well where does that leave us ?

So far we have scraped some information and stored it in the variable match. We have established that information stored in python variables can be accessed individually.

We have established how to read a webpage contents then store and display them in python.

Let's put it together..

Restore and put your cursor between the quotes of the name area.

Type ' MOVIES ' and again with the url area this time restore and copy, using Ctrl & c, the url='' text.

Go back to and paste using Ctrl&V between the single quotes in the url area.


If you would like Xbmc to display a custom thumbnail for the MOVIES directory.

Put a url to an image or a path to an image, inside the single quotes in the thumbnail area.


The path should be on your xbox not your PC.


Where Q:/ is a Directory of xbmc for xbox. For other platforms use a Directory that you wish for your platform.

Or try :

    translatePath(path) -- Returns the translated path.
    path           : string or unicode - Path to format
    *Note, Only useful if you are coding for both Linux and the Xbox.
           e.g. Converts 'T:\script_data' -> '/home/user/XBMC/UserData/script_data'
           on Linux. Would return 'T:\script_data' on the Xbox.
      - fpath = xbmc.translatePath('T:\script_data')

So the previous.


Adds a directory folder named MOVIES to Xbmc with the url

moving to mode=1 with the thumbnail

Let's move to mode=1 which is INDEX(url)

Go to and copy the text between the single quotes of

match=re.compile(' ')

Go to and delete the text between the match =re.compile() quotes and paste.

We now should have:


for thumbnail,url,name in match:

Here we go, for every occurrence of the Tuple (thumbnail,url,name) found in match add the directory :-


Lets go to mode=2 which is VIDEOLINKS(url,name) :-

We are passing the Url and the name from the INDEX(url) - which only recieved the Url from CATEGORIES()

– along to VIDEOLINKS (url,name) whatever lives in the brackets is passed along.

If you change this remember to change the mode area also !

Close Python shell to clear the shell page.

Restore and restore your browser window. Right click on the first movie link and Copy Link location.


Before we move on it's worth pointing out that nearly all video on websites is hidden or at least never just a direct link :


They will generally be hosted elsewhere by a provider such as:

Megavideo, Tudou, Youku, Youtube, Google, Veoh.

They require a lot more handling than direct links, but the routines are provided for you.

Rather than creating a class for you to import.

(Well I did, but this is a basic tutorial)

Just copy and paste them into as functions.

Paste the link into your restored browser address bar and press ENTER


Well, what do we look for ?

See the evil red play button.

This equals Megavideo – bane of streaming with it's cut offs.

It's like the eye of Sauron isn't it

Megavideo is very tricky to resolve but thanks to Coolblaze we can do it rather well.

Select and restore

Delete the url text inside the single quotes and paste in the new url with Ctrl & V

We get : url=''

Press 'F5' – to run

Type >>>link -->ENTER


Press Ctrl & F and type 'Megavideo'

We know it's Megavideo because of the Red play button.

Look for :

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"

The above is all we need for the RE string so highlight it in the Python shell window and copy it with Ctrl & C and close the python shell.

Restore the and delete the text inside the single quotes of match=re.compile(' ')

Paste the copied text.

You should have :

match=re.compile('<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"').findall(link)

Set your RE :

match=re.compile('<embed src="(.+?) " type=".+?"').findall(link)

So we will take the url to the video, skipping the type= '.+?'

Try your own RE expressions.

Close the Python shell then select

press ' F5 ' and type >>>match


So match[0] now holds the url.

Unfortunately, Xbmc cannot follow this type of link (YET) as it calls a hidden swf file.

Xbmc needs a directly resolved link.

We will find that later, for now.

Copy the RE from match=re.compile(' here ') in

Restore and paste into the match=re.compile(' here ').findall(link)

In VIDEOLINKS (url,name)

If this was a direct link to an flv or an avi you would use

for url in match:

Or just simply:-


As we need a resolved Megavideo url let's press on.

Open up ' you should see a very scary looking routine.

Don't panic, well maybe just a little.


Highlight and copy part 1 then restore and paste it below VIDEOLINKS(url,name)

It starts with def ajoin(arr) and ends with return endstr.

Great, at this point don't try to understand it , it's quite frightening.

The next step is to copy part 2, so back to

Copy part 2 with Ctrl & C

Restore and paste it below part 1.

Ok that's the Megavideo routine in place.

What it does is call up a hidden page that Megavideo uses for information on their files. Scrape the information then use it to decrypt and resolve the Flv file.

A round of applause for Coolblaze of Xbmc forums and other fame, hurrah !

For now, close all open Python windows.

Restore your browser and click on ' MOVIES ' scroll down

until you find ' Streets of fire (1984) '


Click on it. Whoa, a new video provider.

It's StageVu – thankfully they use direct links.

See the download link..... hmmmmm


I will help you a bit here as it isn't as easy as it seems.

View source

Ctrl & f

Look for stagevu

<iframe style='border: 0; width: 750px; height: 480px' src=';height=405&amp;uid=hugygadfizom' scrolling='no'></iframe>

This is different than the Megavideo RE.

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"

Also our Videolink(url,name) is coded for the Megavideo format.


We need to change the Function, but for now open

Right click and -->Edit with Idle.

Restore your browser and copy the url from the address bar.

Select and replace the old url with the new one.

Ctrl & V

Press ' F5 ' and type >>>match -->ENTER



match comes up empty, the RE is different.

Remember the len() command from earlier, it's time to use it.

Close the Python shell and restore

Press 'F5' type >>>link -->ENTER


Try Ctrl & f then 'stage'

Anything ?

Just a beep. They have tried to stop you finding the link.

Scroll up until you find the highlighted section.

Copy it. Close the Python shell.


Under the last match type

if len(match)<1:


All it means is that if the length of match is less than 1 and the :

tells Python that the instruction is completed.

See how Python uses tabs, this is correct don't worry.

Try leaving the : out and press ENTER , see what happens.

This will lead to an error , press 'F5'


Python likes Colons.

Press OK and put the : back.

Next after checking the tabs, type


Paste the copied text between the single quotes.

You should have :

match=re.compile(' <iframe style=\'border: 0; width: 750px; height: 480px\' src=\';height=405&amp;uid=hugygadfizom\' scrolling=\'no\'></iframe>').findall(link)

Delete everything within the embed src "" and replace with (.+?)

Below is what you should look like, press 'F5'

import urllib2,urllib,re


req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
match=re.compile('<embed src="(.+?)" type=".+?"').findall(link)
if len(match)<1:
          match=re.compile('<iframe style=\'border: 0; width: 750px; height: 480px\' src=\'(.+?)\' scrolling=\'no\'></iframe>').findall(link) 

Type >>>match -->ENTER


Ok, the StageVu url.

No it isn't.

It's a link to another page because the website used a frame

Hence the <iframe> tag.

Look at the link.

Does it look okay ?;height=405&amp;uid=hugygadfizom

Try copying and following the link in your browser.

'GHOST IN THE SHELL' , what the hell ?

The & is the problem.

Welcome to the re.sub(' area1 ','area2 ', string ) command.

Regular expression substitute.

So we now have a program that checks two RE's

If the first one fails and stores the information in match.

We access that with match[0] as there is only one link.

Basically swap whatever you put in area1 for whatever is in area2.

The string is whatever holds the text to be swapped, in this case match[0]

it could be a text file a stored webpage, anything really.

Under the last match type:


The whole thing should look like this.

import urllib2,urllib,re


req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
match=re.compile('<embed src="(.+?)" type=".+?"').findall(link)
if len(match)<1:
          match=re.compile('<iframe style=\'border: 0; width: 750px; height: 480px\' src=\'(.+?)\' scrolling=\'no\'></iframe>').findall(link) 

Press 'F5' and type >>> match[0] -->ENTER;height=405&amp;uid=hugygadfizom

Bit of a difference, eh ?

Close the Python shell.

Try following both links to see the difference.

Leave the new link open & close the old one.

We now have a link to a page that has the direct link to a video file.


Right Click and View page source

Ctrl & F type 'avi'

You will get three choices.

Press 'F3' to keep searching.

<param name="src" value="(.+?)" /> is the best choice.


So, close the page source tab or window and restore

Press 'F5'

Ctrl & F

type 'avi' and press 'F3'

Until you find the <param name= link.

Copy it and close the python shell.

It's time to introduce basic error handling.


In other words try a piece of code, but, if an error occurs use another piece of code.

It's a lifesaver. File:Lifesaver.jpg

The last time we looked at it looked like this.

import urllib2,urllib,re


req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
match=re.compile('<embed src="(.+?)" type=".+?"').findall(link)
if len(match)<1:
          match=re.compile('<iframe style=\'border: 0; width: 750px; height: 480px\' src=\'(.+?)\' scrolling=\'no\'></iframe>').findall(link) 

Well we need to change it around to include the error handling.

import urllib2,urllib,re


req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        match=re.compile('<embed src="(.+?)" type=".+?"').findall(link)
        match=re.compile('<iframe style=\'border: 0; width: 750px; height: 480px\' src=\'(.+?)\' scrolling=\'no\'></iframe>').findall(link) 
      req = urllib2.Request(match[0])
        req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')
        response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        match=re.compile('<param name="src" value="(.+?)" />').findall(link)

It seems like a big leap, it isn't really.

You should be getting more familiar with IDLE

now so change the code to resemble the above.

This will be a really good lesson in Python formatting. He he he.

Remember to press enter after each command and you shouldn't go far wrong.

Remember to press 'F5' every once in a while to see if you have made a mistake.

Remember Python is case sensitive.

Python will tell you in no uncertain terms, you may hate it and this may have stopped your fun.

It's tough love, honest.

You will thank me later.

Cheers, Vin. Devil.jpg

Did that take a while . . . . Sorry.

What were we doing, hmmmm , yes.

Code explained.

Try : - finding a match then call the Megavideo function we dropped in earlier.

That's right time to add it.

Its called by typing it's name with the video link to resolve in the brackets.

Megavideo(match[0]) - Remember that Megavideo link is stored in match[0]

It takes the url that you supply and resolves it into a megavideo flv then adds a playable link.

addLink(name, movielink+'?.flv',)

Sometimes Xbmc doesn't recognize the Megavideo link is an flv so the


Simply adds the ?.flv to the movielink.

Try here for more on strings :

Except: -

if an error occurs, like not finding a match, then execute some new code.

Which in this case is the RE and urllib2 actions needed to get that direct StageVu link.

match=re.compile('<iframe style=\'border: 0; width: 750px; height: 480px\' src=\'(.+?)\' scrolling=\'no\'></iframe>').findall(link) match[0]=re.sub('&amp;','&',match[0])
req = urllib2.Request(match[0])
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
match=re.compile('<param name="src" value="(.+?)" />').findall(link)

So first we scrape the link using our new RE.

Then we fix the link with the re.sub command, but it's a new page and we need the direct link.

So, we open and read the new page.

req = urllib2.Request(match[0])

We request match[0] as that is the index representation of the link stored in match.

We then scrape it with the new RE and add a link so xbmc can play it.

The full code is available if you open and run

Before you run it put a # in front of addlink as that command is only good for xbmc.

Type >>> match[0]

Direct StageVu link.

Right, folks time to copy the new Videolinks code over to

Close everything other than and

Select :- in the VIDEOLINKS(url,name)

highlight and delete the match=re.compile()

It should look like this:

def VIDEOLINKS(url,name):
          req = urllib2.Request(url)
          req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')
          response = urllib2.urlopen(req)


Select and highlight and copy everything below response.close()

Back to and paste below response.close()

We should now have :

def VIDEOLINKS(url,name):
          req = urllib2.Request(url)
          req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')
          response = urllib2.urlopen(req)

              match=re.compile('<embed src="(.+?)" type=".+?"').findall(link)
              match=re.compile('<iframe style=\'border: 0; width: 750px; height: 480px\' src=\'(.+?)\' scrolling=\'no\'></iframe>').findall(link) 
          req = urllib2.Request(match[0])
              req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')
              response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
              match=re.compile('<param name="src" value="(.+?)" />').findall(link)

Press 'F5' , any errors ?

If so fix your formatting.

If it's working and formed well you should see.


That's fine.

You will probably get : No modules named Xbmc & Xbmc etc.

I have one module running.

If you still can't get it working use the full program : -

Don't give up on getting it right if you used the Last resort !

Looking back , scanning forward.

Well folksages,

That about wraps it up.

Make a folder and name it :- Whatever you want, try Tvdash

Open your Tv Dash bookmark and Right click on the Tv Dash logo.

Select View Background image right click on the image

and Save image as try default.tbn

Everytime you highlight the tvdash folder in xbmc it will display that image.

FTP the folder over to XBMC/PLUGINS/VIDEO

Enjoy your hardwork.


Oh , I almost forgot.

There is still a TV section, have a go yourself.

A few things to keep in mind.

The Tv section is very different and you will have to create two new functions.

Remember the modes they allow you to direct the flow of the plugin and add new functions.

Sometimes scraped urls are not the full url

---  main.php 

when it needs to be

so in the addLink(name,''+url,) simple eh.

Pm me if you need help

Try looking at the Python in my plugins for new Video routines or new plugin tricks.

Rest easy Brothers and Sisters.

Voinage has left the building.

(Try the Last for the full plugin with a few errors)

Fix them people, test your skills.

Swimming with Wireshark

I'm back . . because nobody else would come.

If you haven't downloaded and installed Wireshark, do it now, or be forever roasted in the bowels of a scrape monkey.

The link is here:

This is going to be slightly less informative than a tv show with David Attenborough, although I would like to see him coding in Python.

Here we have a small coding Python from dual core India, today we will be following etc

Finally, it's installed, I can shut up now.

If you are running Windows

  • Right click on your internet connection icon - located bottom right, near the time.
  • Select - Open Network connections
  • Move the mouse pointer over your connection and write down the network card name.

Open Wireshark, cue scary music

Firstly, go to:

  • Edit --->Preferences--->Capture


  • Make sure that the Default Interface is set to your network card name.
  • Capture packets in promiscuous mode is unchecked.
  • Apply your changes.

Let's hunt some Internet Truffles.

-Will be continued, a deadline approaches.

See also
