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OSMC (short for Open Source Media Center) is a Linux distribution based on Debian that brings Kodi to a variety of devices. It is the successor to Raspbmc and Crystalbuntu.


OSMC is an embedded, minimal, self-updating Linux distribution which ships a Kodi front-end for a variety of devices. The project was founded by Sam Nazarko in 2014 and is maintained by a group of volunteers in their spare time.

OSMC features

  • OSMC is a simple and easy to use OS. It is based on Debian, which means that it has over 30,000 packages available in its repositories which makes it very expansive.
  • OSMC is quick to install. Set up an excellent HTPC experience in just minutes.
  • OSMC is self-updating, which means it keeps getting better each month.
  • OSMC has an application store which makes adding new features to expand your HTPC experience simple.

You can learn more about OSMC and its capabilities at https://osmc.tv/about/. Why not give it a try?

Obtaining OSMC

OSMC can be downloaded for all supported platforms on their official Download page here. On Raspberry Pi, OSMC can also be installed via the 'NOOBS' (New Out of Box Software) installer. OSMC recommends users download and install directly from the OSMC website where possible.

The OSMC web page features a GUI based utility to download and install OSMC on to a variety of platforms. This utility can be run on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux based computers.

OSMC ships reasonably up-to-date images on their website, but it is recommended that you go to My OSMC -> Updater and install updates after installation.

Getting help

OSMC provides several resources to get help and support:

See also