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/* Support for Template:IPA, Template:Unicode and Template:Polytonic. */

.IPA {
    font-family: "Gentium Plus", Gentium, GentiumAlt, "Charis SIL", "Doulos SIL",
                 "DejaVu Sans", Code2000, "TITUS Cyberbit Basic",
                 "Arial Unicode MS", "Lucida Sans Unicode",
                 "Chrysanthi Unicode";
.Unicode {
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                 "Gentium Plus", "Gentium Basic", "Gentium", "GentiumAlt", "DejaVu Sans",
                 "DejaVu Serif", "Free Serif", "TITUS Cyberbit Basic",
                 "Bitstream Cyberbit", "Bitstream CyberBase", "Doulos SIL",
                 "Code2000", "Code2001";
    font-size-adjust: 0.54;
.polytonic {
    font-family: "Athena Unicode", "Gentium Plus", Gentium, "Palatino Linotype",
                 "Arial Unicode MS", "Lucida Sans Unicode",
                 "Lucida Grande", Code2000; 

.okina {
    font-family: "Gentium Plus", Gentium, "Lucida Sans Unicode", sans-serif;

.script-hebrew {
    font-family: "SBL Hebrew", David, Narkisim, "Times New Roman", "Ezra SIL SR", 
                 FrankRuehl, "DejaVu Sans", "Microsoft Sans Serif", "Lucida Grande";
.script-gaelic {
    font-family: Duibhlinn, Ceanannas, Corcaigh, Gaelic;

.script-slavonic {
    font-family: /* Unicode 5.1 Slavonic fonts: */ BukyVede, Kliment Std, RomanCyrillic Std, Dilyana, Menaion, "Menaion Medieval", Lazov, Code2000, "DejaVu Sans", /* Unicode fallback: */ Code2001, "Free Serif", "TITUS Cyberbit Basic", "Charis SIL", "Doulos SIL", "Chrysanthi Unicode", "Bitstream Cyberbit", "Bitstream CyberBase", Thryomanes, "Lucida Grande", "Free Sans", "Arial Unicode MS", "Microsoft Sans Serif", "Lucida Sans Unicode";

.script-runic {
    font-family: Junicode, "Free Monospaced", Code2000, Hnias;
.script-coptic {
    font-family: "New Athena Unicode", "MPH 2B Damase", "Arial Coptic", "Quivira", "Analecta";
.script-phoenician {
    font-family: "ALPHABETUM Unicode", "MPH 2B Damase", Aegean, Code2001, "Free Sans";