Flatpak is a tool for software development, package management and software actualisation for desktop applications on Linux based systems. Therefore it provides a sandboxed environment at which users or developers execute applications completely isolated from the rest of the system.
Kodi is also available as a Flatpak package. This Wiki will explain how to install Flatpak and how to install the Kodi Flatpak package.
Installing Kodi via Flatpak
Some Linux distributions have Flatpak available by defaul, for others you have to install specific packages fist. Please look at sections below what is necessary for the Linux distro you are using.
Installing Flatpak and add the Flathub repo
For Ubuntu versions higher than 16.10, Flatpak is provided by the Ubuntu repositories and is installed via:
sudo apt install flatpak
In case you want the newest Flatpak version or are using Ubuntu 16.04 (or earlier) users have to use an additional repository to be able to install Flatpak. The commands below will show how to do that.
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:alexlarsson/flatpak sudo apt update sudo apt install flatpak
The first command installs the repository, the 2nd command updates all existing repositories, the 3rd command installs the Flatpak package.
Kodi itself is available at "Flathub" which is a repostory for Flatpaks. To use that, you need to install the repository via:
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
You will be asked for your password. Please enter it to make the repository available.
In case you want to use the Ubuntu Software Center to install Flatpak, you need to install one additional package:
sudo apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak
After that you are able to use the Software Center instead of using the command line.
Installing the Kodi Flatpak package
There are two ways to install the Kodi Flatpack package. You can either use the Ubuntu Software Center or the command line. Both ways are explained below.
Via the Ubuntu Software Center
If you have installed the specific gnome software center plugin (see instructions above), simply open the Ubuntu Software Center, search for "Kodi" and install the package. That's it. The galery below will show some screenshots.
<add screenshots>
Via the command line
From the command line, you need to execute the following command to install the Kodi Flatpak package:
sudo flatpak install flathub tv.kodi.Kodi
You will be asked for a required runtime and if additional packages are ok to be installed. Answer both questions with "y".
Kodi Userdata folder and other data
The location of the well known userdata folder and all other data is located under:
Logfile location: ~/.var/app/tv.kodi.Kodi/data/temp/kodi.log
Userdata folder: ~/var/app/tv.kodi.Kodi/data/userdata
Fedora has Flatpak installed by default.