Text Box

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Revision as of 06:32, 24 July 2007 by >Jmarshall
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The text box is used for showing a large multipage piece of text in XBMC. You can choose the position, size, and look of the text.


<xml> <control type="textbox" id="2">

     <description>My first text box control</description>

</control> </xml>

Available Tags

In addition to the Default Control Tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

font Font used for the items first label. From fonts.xml.
textcolor Color used for displaying the text. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme.
shadowcolor Specifies the color of the drop shadow on the text. In AARRGGBB format, or a name from the colour theme.
pagecontrol Specifies the <id> of the page control used to control this textbox. The page control can either be a Spin Control or a Scroll Bar Control.