MySQL/Advanced notes

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HOW-TO:Sync multiple libraries/Contents


For a full listing of the advancedsettings.xml parameters, see advancedsettings.xml#<musicdatabase>/<videodatabase>

Symlink alternative to Path substitution

If your operating system supports symlinks, you can instead use a symlink which does not require editing the advancedsettings.xml. Here's how:

Assuming you have all of the share permissions correct, you can just REPLACE your thumbnails folder on all of the machines except the HOST machine with a symlink.

Here is an example for XBMC users on Windows 7:

Open an elevated command prompt (run as administrator) and then type in:

CD C:\Users\User_name\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\

mklink /D Thumbnails \\HTPC\Users\User_name\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\Thumbnails

Obviously, you need to adjust the paths for YOUR specific machine(s) or this won't work. Make sure you can reach the shared thumbnail directory through Explorer on each machine. If you can't, you have a permissions problem.

No further settings need to be adjusted, every machine that you do this on will essentially think it is using it's own thumbnails directory, but will in fact be using the HOST machines thumbnail directory. You do not HAVE to use the actual thumbnail directory of an existing XBMC installation as in the example code above. You could, for instance, use a neutral share and then create the symlink on the thumbnails directory for ALL of your machines.

If you were previously using the path substitution method, make sure you remove the path substitution from all machines that you use the symlink on.

MySQL speed-up tweaks

From: MySQL speed-up tweaks for XBMC. For v11 (Eden) only the first two tweaks are necessary. See Comments for more information.

In advancedsettings.xml:

Use the IP address and NOT the hostname of your MySQL server

In my.ini:

(add to mysqld section) skip-name-resolve

Name tag

HOW-TO:Sync multiple libraries/Setting up XBMC