HOW-TO:Estuary Modification

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Estuary is Kodi's default skin, so it makes a good example of how to get start with editing a skin


Setting up a developer environment for skinning

First thing we need to do is setup a simple skin development environment:

To get the most out of it you'll need to either make a new keymap.xml or add this to your existing one.

           <F7>Notification(Testing 123,Hello world)</F7>

Keymap xml.jpg

You will need to copy this keymap.xml file into the Kodi userdata folder. In our example, we are using windows so I have copied this file into the C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\keymaps folder.

Now we need a text editor to actually edit the files. Any text editor will work but we recommend something that can open multiple files at once such as Sublime Text or Notepad++

Testing your enviroment

Lets launch Kodi and try out our new skinners keymap features.

The following keys will then activate the corresponding action:

F5 - Reload skin (used to see any changes instantly without restarting XBMC)
F7 - Activated the KaiDialogToast.xml (used to display the notification dialog)
F8 - Show/Hide the Debug Info (used to display the currently active windows or dialogs)

As you can see all these features are incredibly important to a skinner.

Skinners keymap kodi.jpg

Structure of Estuary

The default skin is very nicely laid out in actually quite a simple way. In our case on Windows, you can access the skin files in this folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\addons\skin.estuary\xml

Below are some explanations of the files you will see in the Estuary XML folder:

The file "Home.xml" is the basic home screen you see on first load of Kodi.

Files that start with "My" are the main sub windows from the main screen such as Music or TVShows.

Files that start with "Includes_" are all files that incorporate common elements that can be used all over the skin.

Files that start with "Dialogue_" are all popups you see in the use of Kodi

Files that start with "View_" are all the specific views you see in the skin, such as wide list or the Poster view for example.

Files that start with "Settings" are simply to detail the settings menu.

As you can probably tell, editing a skin is actually pretty logical and great effort has been made by the original developers to make it easy to understand.

Making your first skin edit

As an example here, I am going to show you how to add a feature that was important to me but missing in the standard Estuary release.

This example will show you how to add a music rating to the wide list view.

Estuary mod music1.jpg

Currently the rating only shows under the album artwork when you have a single track focused on the right.

I will change this so that every rating shows next to each track name even when not focused.

First thing we need to do is find out what files to edit. Now this is pretty easy because we can press F8 on the keyboard to see the debug screen in Kodi.

Now browse to the screen you want to edit in Kodi and the debug text will change. In this case its changed to "MyMusicNav.xml" and Focus is "55 (Fixed list)".

Estuary mod music2.jpg

So go ahead and open these 2 files: "MyMusicNav.xml" and "View_55_WideList.xml". Its also important that we open the "includes.xml" file as this has many common elements that will help us.

At this point you may find it useful to start test deleting bits of the "View_55_WideList.xml". Try deleting different containers and control elements in the XML file.

You should quickly learn what bits do what with this method. For example if I remove the <itemlayout height="80" condition="Container.Content(songs)"> code section, all the track listings disappear!

Now we know what bits do what, we can start to edit. Lets look at this code:

Estuary mod music3.jpg

As you can see, its quite simple. This code shows the duration of the track on the widelist music screen. You can see where the control is positioned, how its aligned and what colour it is. In this case its grey.

As a quick test lets change the colour to yellow! Just change "<textcolor>grey</textcolor>" to "<textcolor>yellow</textcolor>". Go back to Kodi and hit F5 on the keyboard and all your track lengths go yellow!

Estuary mod music4.jpg

Magic! Now lets try adding some text instead of the duration, just as a test. Just change "<label>$INFO[ListItem.Label2]</label>" to "<label>Blah!</label>"

Estuary mod music6.jpg

OK so that was fun, but its probably best to change that back now. Undo(ctrl + z) and redo(ctrl + y) are your friends while testing :)

So lets actually get on with our modification, what we need to do is find out what label the user rating is. To find this out we need to look in the "includes.xml" file as the rating star resides in there as its a re-usable element all over the skin.

You can do a quick text search "Ctrl + s" and look for "rating". Easy huh!

Estuary mod music5.jpg

This looks quite complicated (and it is a little due to the settings in there) but actually it just shows a rating "circle" with either the user or the overall rating inside it.

What we are really looking for here is the infolabel string. We've circled it above as ListItem.UserRating so lets copy (Ctrl + c) that simple string for use later.

We don't need to do anything more with the includes file at this time but hopefully you can see the power of using re-usable elements in this file.

So now go back to your "View_55_WideList.xml" file and lets add a new control. All we are going to do is copy the duration control to just below.

Estuary mod music7.jpg

As you can see from the screenshot we now have a new control which has been modified with a few new values.

We've changed the position of the control to be slightly to the left of the song duration control.

We've also changed the colour to yellow and the label to our rating listitem. In this case its: "$INFO[ListItem.UserRating]"

Estuary mod music8.jpg

Right, that's it. We have managed to get the rating to show on each song track listing. Our objective has been achieved!

This example is obviously not complete, we need to change the control that is selected to also show the rating and possibly change the actual rating to star images but you get the idea!

Editing skins is easy, logical and quick once you get used to it. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Editing the Video OSD

One thing you might want to look at is modifying the Video OSD.

This requires looking at a number of files including:

OSD Background

The OSD background is pretty easy to change. You can find the image in the \media\dialogs folder of your skin. If you want to create a new one, I would advise making it the width of a 1080p display with some kind of transparency. Make sure you save it as a PNG to preserve the transparency and a dark colour so it can justify against the video background.

The actual XML file to edit here (and for most OSD changes) is the DialogueSeekBar.xml file. Jump to this control node to find the OSD background search for dialog-bg.png as below:


You can change the width here to something like 90% so that the OSD does not take up the whole screen or resposition it with the top XML tag.

Video and Audio Icons

We can continue to edit the DialogueSeekBar.xml file to find the audio and video flag icons. You may wish to reposition these or even create a new control node for them individually as currently they are all grouped together.

    <param name="texture" value="$INFO[VideoPlayer.AudioChannels,flags/audiochannel/,.png]" />

You can again change the position of the icons or the size inside the control node.

Progress Bar

The progress bar is a little tricky as Estuary has a number of places where it can show, but we can start to edit it in the DialogueSeekBar.xml file again. Just do a search for:


Changing the width and height is probably what you want but we can change the color or even the thickness too.

Top screen left

Finding out where the top bar strings are located was a lot more tricky but hopefully this article will save others the time in finding it.

The top left hand TV channel and program name are found in the variables.xml and search for the NowPlayingBreadcrumbsVar control node.

You can either comment this out or change it from here.

Top screen OSD right

The time and video duration is also quite difficult to find. The way I found it in the end (and this trick may help you for other searches) was to use notepad++ search by directory feature to look for the localisation string 31080 which is the english string Ends at which shows up in this location.

That search brought me to a file called Custom_1109_TopBarOverlay.xml. Just search for the xml control node that contains <label>$INFO[System.Time]</label>. I disabled this and introduced a new control node back in the DialogueSeekBar.xml file that will show on the actual OSD popup in future. But again it can be moved or resized as required

More advanced edits

Just to complete this guide, lets try and add some graphical stars to the widelist view, while also adding the focused stars.

Lets change the code we added earlier to an image control

Estuary rating image control.jpg

Notice we are now adding an image control, with a texture that is calling a specific filename. In this case it is a star rating of 1-10 with half stars to make it shorter.

And we end up with something like this!

Estuary rating mod4.jpg

Last but not least, we need to add a new control for when the song is in focus by the user. This will ensure that the stars do not disappear when the user moves over each song with the selection bar.

Estuary rating image control.jpg

So all we have done is copy the same code again and put it this time in the control, that is visible when "HasFocus" is selected.

All done!

See also
