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This page has notes on what is done for the migration from svn to git.

XBMC Main Repo

This is the script used to sync the xbmc git repository from the svn repository.


set -e

# The xbmc svn repo to pull from.

# local git shared repo for xbmc we clone to.

# The xbmc sourceforge git repo to push to.
XBMC_GIT_SF_REPO="ssh://[email protected]/gitroot/xbmc/xbmc"                                                                              

# The xbmc github repo to push to.
XBMC_GITHUB_REPO="[email protected]:ceros/xbmc.git"

# The xbmc gitorious repo to push to.
XBMC_GITORIOUS_REPO="[email protected]:xbmc/mainline.git"

This script is used to setup a git shared repo to clone an XBMC svn repo.\n\
Once setup, this script can also be used to continually fetch new revisions\n\
and can be used to push to another shared git repo.                           
Usage: xbmc-git-svn [OPTION]\n\                                               
 -h, --help                 Display this help message.\n\                     
 --initial-setup            Only setup the git repo and exit.\n\              
 --perform-push             Performs a git push after fetching new svn revs.\n\
 --local-git-repo GIT_REPO  Override the default local git repo used, which\n\ 
                            is $LOCAL_GIT_REPO\n"                              

while [ "$#" -gt "0" ]
    case "$1" in      
            shift; shift       
            printf "${USAGE}"  
            exit 1             

# This sets up the local git repo to pull from svn and push into the git repo.
initialize_repo () {                                                          
    # Setup the repo with standard layout and prefix of svn/                  
    git svn init "$XBMC_SVN_REPO" --stdlayout --prefix=svn/                   

    # Make tags go into refs/remotes/svn-tags instead of refs/remotes/svn
    git config svn-remote.svn.tags tags/*:refs/remotes/svn-tags/*        

    # Settings we apply/unset in case we want to make this repo shared.
    # Doing a 'git config core.bare true' will make this repo bare.    
    git config --unset core.logallrefupdates                           
    git config --unset core.autocrlf                                   
    git config core.sharedrepository 1                                 
    git config receive.denyNonFastForwards true                        

    # Settings we apply to keep memory usage sane on the servers
    git config core.packedGitWindowSize 32m                              
    git config core.packedGitLimit 64m                                   
    git config pack.threads 2                                            
    git config pack.windowMemory 64m                                     

    # The remote repositories to push to
    git remote add xbmc-git-sf "$XBMC_GIT_SF_REPO"
    git remote add xbmc-github "$XBMC_GITHUB_REPO"
    git remote add xbmc-gitorious "$XBMC_GITORIOUS_REPO"

    # Immediately exit after initialization
    exit 0

# Do all git commands in git repo
test -d "$LOCAL_GIT_REPO" || mkdir -p "$LOCAL_GIT_REPO"

if [ "$INITIAL_SETUP" ]; then

# This fetches new changes from svn and always reset the master branch to
# linuxport
git svn fetch

# This pushes to the remote git repos. master and all svn branches end up in
# refs/heads. All svn tags end up in refs/tags. This will make it possible to
# simply do 'git clone $URL xbmc' to grab all branches and tags
if [ "$PERFORM_PUSH" ]; then
    git push xbmc-git-sf master
    git push xbmc-git-sf refs/remotes/svn/*:refs/heads/*
    git push xbmc-git-sf refs/remotes/svn-tags/*:refs/tags/*
#     git push xbmc-github master
#     git push xbmc-github refs/remotes/svn/*:refs/heads/*
#     git push xbmc-github refs/remotes/svn-tags/*:refs/tags/*
#     git push xbmc-gitorious master
#     git push xbmc-gitorious refs/remotes/svn/*:refs/heads/*
#     git push xbmc-gitorious refs/remotes/svn-tags/*:refs/tags/*

Vendor Branches

All vendor sources are being recloned from their respective upstream VCS repositories. We're keeping each vendor source as it's own repository on sourceforge. The "current" branch in the repos is the branch we pin ourselves to make modifications. They are the specific tags or revisions we modify from the respective upstream for xbmc. The "master" branch contains those modifications made from the "current" branch.

FFmpeg and libswscale

Setting up a repo for FFmpeg with libswscale included was somewhat tricky due to libswscale residing in a different location than FFmpeg. We made use of git-submodule to make this work.


First we start off by setting up libswscale. Cloning and pushing libswscale is relatively easy. There's no branches or tags to worry about.

$ git svn clone svn://
$ cd libswscale

We pin ourselves to a particular revision, namely r29464. XBMC svn repo has it as we pinned ourselves to r29476, but the last change made to libswscale was actually r29464.

$ git reset --hard 1e352e2131331e2f5207384702b3f2b57738dcff

Afterwards we create our "current" branch, then push the "master" and "current" branches to reside in refs/heads on our remote branch in sourceforge. The branch used to track libswscale svn, "git-svn", is also pushed to refs/heads.

$ git branch current
$ git remote add sf ssh://[email protected]/gitroot/xbmc/libswscale
$ git push sf master
$ git push sf current
$ git push sf refs/remotes/git-svn:refs/heads/git-svn


Next we setup FFmpeg. FFmpeg has branches and the trunk branch in svn, but no tags. Here is what's done for our vendor repository of ffmpeg

$ git svn clone  -Ttrunk -bbranches --prefix=svn/ svn://

Next is pinning down what revision we're working with. Here we pin ourselves to r19851

$ cd ffmpeg
$ git reset --hard 237f339e69bac75bfce0ba686d8c1aec40025b65

Now we create the current branch, push master and current to sf, then push the branches used to track ffmpeg svn up to sf.

$ git branch current
$ git remote add sf ssh://[email protected]/gitroot/xbmc/ffmpeg
$ git push sf master
$ git push sf current
$ git push sf refs/remotes/svn/*:refs/heads/svn/*

libswscale as submodule

Now we want to add libswscale into our ffmpeg repo as a submodule. This is simple enough.

$ git submodule add git:// libswscale

We check that it was written correctly.

$ git status    
# On branch master                                                              
# Changes to be committed:                                                      
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)                                 
#       new file:   .gitmodules                                                 
#       new file:   libswscale                                                  
$ cat .gitmodules
[submodule "libswscale"]
        path = libswscale
        url = git://
$ ls libswscale
bfin               options.c  rgb2rgb_template.c  swscale.h           yuv2rgb.c
colorspace-test.c  ppc        sparc               swscale_internal.h
Makefile           rgb2rgb.c  swscale.c           swscale_template.c
mlib               rgb2rgb.h  swscale-example.c   x86

Then we commit via our ffmpeg repo (the superproject) and push.

$ git commit
$ git push sf master

Finally, we want the submodule added for the "current" branch as well. We checkout current and ignore the warning saying that libswscale couldn't be removed (it shouldn't be). Then we simply merge with master and push current to sf.

$ git checkout current
$ git merge master
$ git push sf current

Now for anyone wanting to checkout the vendor repo for FFmpeg with libswscale as a submodule, it's a matter of using these four commands.

$ git clone git:// ffmpeg
$ cd ffmpeg
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update


We're currently fetching from svn for now. We'll switch to using the hg-git plugin or hg-fast-export once the Python migration to mercurial is complete.

Python has a standard layout for their svn repo (branches, tags, and trunk). We want to change where tags gets placed, so here we start by creating a directory for python, then doing a 'git svn init'.

$ mkdir python
$ cd python
$ git svn init -s --prefix=svn/

Next we modify where the tags will go.

$ git config svn-remote.svn.tags python/tags/*:refs/remotes/svn-tags/*

Now we start fetching.

$ git svn fetch

We pin ourselves to release 2.4.6 and create a "current" branch.

$ git reset --hard svn-tags/r246
$ git branch current

Now we push to sourceforge.

$ git remote add sf ssh://[email protected]/gitroot/xbmc/python
$ git push sf master
$ git push sf current
$ git push sf refs/remotes/svn/*:refs/heads/svn/*
$ git push sf refs/remotes/svn-tags/*:refs/tags/svn-tags/*

Fetch after git clone

If you cloned the python repo, either directly or via git submodule within the xbmc git repo (once it's up), you may setup the python repo to fetch from python. Here we do the initial setup, then change the locations for the tags.

$ git svn init -s --prefix=origin/svn/
$ git config svn-remote.svn.tags python/tags/*:refs/tags/svn-tags/*

Then you push in a similar manner as if you had cloned the python svn repo directly. Just supply the correct refspec for the branches and tags.

$ git push master
$ git push current
$ git push origin refs/remotes/origin/svn/*:refs/heads/svn/*
$ git push origin refs/tags/svn-tags/*:refs/tags/svn-tags/*


Fetching libdvdcss is rather simple.

$ mkdir libdvdcss
$ cd libdvdcss
$ git svn init -s --prefix=svn/ svn://

We always change the default location where tags get placed.

$ git config svn-remote.svn.tags tags/*:refs/remotes/svn-tags/*

Now we fetch.

$ git svn fetch

Now we pin ourselves to the 1.2.10 tag and create the "current" branch.

$ git reset --hard svn-tags/1.2.10
$ git branch current

Finally we push to sourceforge.

$ git remote add sf ssh://[email protected]/gitroot/xbmc/libdvdcss
$ git push sf master
$ git push sf current
$ git push sf refs/remotes/svn/*:refs/heads/svn/*
$ git push sf refs/remotes/svn-tags/*:refs/tags/svn-tags/*


There's no branches or tags for libdvdread, so it's just a simple clone.

$ git svn clone svn:// libdvdread

We reset to a particular commit made back in Feb. 15, 2009 (revision 1168). Then we create the "current" branch.

$ cd libdvdread
$ git reset --hard 3a2808d6556a7fa3123bdc1b2ea767fe3a6002a8
$ git branch current

Now we push everything to sourceforge.

$ git remote add sf ssh://[email protected]/gitroot/xbmc/libdvdread
$ git push sf master
$ git push sf current
$ git push sf refs/remotes/git-svn:refs/heads/git-svn