Archive:XBMC Media Move

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Revision as of 12:34, 3 May 2013 by >IceGothic
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XBMC Media Move is a great tool designed to fill the gap between any download software (Ie: uTorrent) and XBMC Media Center by dispatching the files (video/music/photo/etc...) upon arrival.

Provided with pre-configured settings, it can be installed and used right away (following a standard use) or manually ajusted to your needs.

Easy setup:

  1. Install XBMC Media Move.
  2. Adjust Source Paths list (if needed).
  3. Adjust Tasks (if needed): Matching criteria, Destination Path, Text Replacements.
  4. Set the application to be executed with the "-run" argument when you need it to.

And Voilà! You're now a big step closer to a completely automated Multimedia Center.


Some features:

 - IMDB information extraction (via NFO File)
 - Archive extraction (ZIP & RAR)
 - Tasks concept and ordering
 - Dynamic subfolders creation (via regex)
 - Advanced archive support
 - Advanced regex text replacements
 - Text replacements regex test section
 - Minimum/Maximum file size range matching
 - Readonly attribute removal
 - File extension matching
 - Filename / FolderName / FullPath matching
 - Activity logging
 - Recycle Bin support
 - Task related text replacements
 - Task related destination folders
 - Auto source folders cleaning
 - Duplicate video files prevention

Suggestions of which softwares or sources to use it with:

 - Download: GetRight, eMule, Napster, jDownloader, uTorrent
 - Media Center: XBMC, MediaPortal, Windows Media Center, MCE, PLEX, JRiver Media Center
 - Other: Usb Flash drives, network mapped drives, CD, DVD, RapidShare, MegaUpload, etc...