Archive talk:Games Library Ideas

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Revision as of 08:37, 7 August 2009 by >FLX
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FLX: I'd like to introduce this talk as a scrap page for concerning the details on the game library. Please feel free to let your mind run free on concepts and ideas. I reckon that if we do this we will do this rather well. I like the ideas that are currently proposed, but a good interface is key to success. How do you vision the game library? A similar interface buildup but with different skins and sounds for each platform? I would really like to see an emphasis on creating a retro like interface when dealing with old platform emulators and such. As for the internal structure I would suggest:

Main screen:
 Platform A:
 Platform B:
 Platform C:
    | Roms
    | Settings
    | Help
    + Etc.