User:Ned Scott/emergency install instructions

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Stop hand.png This might not work, and even if it does, XBMC won't be able to update add-ons, so they might also be broken out of the box.

So is down and you want to install XBMC on your Apple TV 2? Here are the manual install instructions for ATV2s that have software version 5.0 or higher. This will be removed once is back up.

From scratch, for ATV software version 5.0 or higher
  1. Open up your terminal/ssh application and enter the following command to log in to your ATV2. Note, you need to replace "YOUR.ATV2.IP.ADDRESS" with the IP address of the Apple TV:
    ssh [email protected]
    EXAMPLE: ssh [email protected]
  2. You will be asked for a password: default password is alpine
  3. Continue to enter the following commands:
    apt-get install wget
    wget -O- | apt-key add -
    echo "deb stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/awkwardtv.list
    apt-get update
  4. We need to download two files and install them manually from an existing mirror server.
    1. Find a local mirror for your location from the mirror list.
    2. copy the URL for that mirror
    3. For the first file, the download command will be wget MIRROR_URL+apt/atv2/deb/org.xbmc.xbmc-seatbeltunlock_1.0-5_iphoneos-arm.deb
      EXAMPLE: wget
    4. For the second file, the download command will be wget MIRROR_URL+test-builds/darwin/atv2/xbmc-20131201-8eed85b-Frodo-atv2.deb
      EXAMPLE: wget
    5. Now we install the files by typing in these two lines, in order, followed by enter/return:
      dpkg -i org.xbmc.xbmc-seatbeltunlock_1.0-5_iphoneos-arm.deb
      dpkg -i xbmc-20131201-8eed85b-Frodo-atv2.deb
  5. Now we finish off the normal install process by entering the following commands, in order, followed by return/enter
    mkdir -p /Applications/
    apt-get install org.xbmc.xbmc-atv2
    mkdir -p /Applications/XBMC.frappliance

You might want to rerun the normal instructions once is back up.