HOW-TO:Simplify the seekbar in Confluence

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This tutorial will show how to simplify the seekbar, i.e. the GUI you get when pausing and seeking. This is achieved by editing DialogSeekBar.xml. IMO you don't need all that info when e.g. pausing, I can use the Info screen I or OSD M for that. Also, knowing how much time's passed or how many chapters there are left can spoil the experience, as you with that info maybe can guess how it'll end.

Open the file DialogSeekBar.xml
A. Find the following code and comment it out. This will remove the small rectangle and its contents.

<control type="group">
	<visible>player.chaptercount + Window.IsVisible(FullScreenVideo)</visible>
		<control type="image">
			<texture border="12">OverlayDialogBackground.png</texture>
		<control type="label" id="1">
			<description>Chapter Pos No</description>
		<control type="label" id="1">
			<description>Chapter Pos No</description>
			<label>$INFO[player.chapter]$INFO[player.chaptercount, / ]</label>

B. Find the following code and comment it out. This will remove the border around the seekbar and PLAY button.

<control type="image">
	<texture border="12">OverlayDialogBackground.png</texture>

C. Find the following code and comment it out. This will remove elapsed time, seek time, progressbar for the cache, progressbar and the seek slider.

<control type="label">
	<description>Elapsed Time Label</description>
	<label>$INFO[Player.Time] - $INFO[Player.Duration]</label>
<control type="label">
	<description>Seek Time Label</description>
	<label>$INFO[Player.SeekTime] - $INFO[Player.Duration]</label>
<control type="progress">
	<midtexture border="6,0,6,0">OSDProgressMidLight.png</midtexture>
<control type="progress" id="23">
<control type="slider" id="401">
	<description>Seek Slider</description>

D. Create a new smaller rectangle border and background. Find the following code:

<control type="group">

Paste the following code after it:

<control type="image">
     <texture border="12">OverlayDialogBackground.png</texture>

E. Move the PLAY button and its oval. Find the following code:

     <control type="image">

<left>260</left> to <left>231</left>
This will center the PLAY-button and its oval in the rectangle. If you want the text "Playing/Paused/Seeking" aligned with the PLAY button, change:
<left>260</left> to <left>218</left>

F. Moving "Playing/Paused/Seeking" into our new rectangle. Find the following code:

<control type="label">
     <description>Seekbar Label</description>

<left>20</left> to <left>230</left>
<top>7</top> to <top>60</top>