HOW-TO:Change the episode thumbnail in Confluence

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This tutorial will show how to hide or change the episode thumbnail on the OSD and Info Screen. This is achieved by editing VideoFullScreen.xml. You'd want to do this because sometimes the thumbnails contain spoilers.

Hiding the episode thumbnail

Open the file VideoFullScreen.xml and find the following section, comment it out. It's easiest found by searching for [VideoPlayer.Content(Movies) | VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV)]
This mod will simply just remove the thumbnail, leaving an obvious GUI element missing. So you'd want to modify the file more to e.g. extend the seekbar.

<control type="image" id="1"><br />
    <description>cover image</description>
    <texture fallback="DefaultVideoCover.png">$INFO[Player.Art(thumb)]</texture>
    <aspectratio aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
    <bordertexture border="8">ThumbShadow.png</bordertexture>
    <visible>![VideoPlayer.Content(Movies) | VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV)]</visible>

Changing the episode thumbnail to a TV Show poster

A. Open the file VideoFullScreen.xml and find the following section. It's easiest found by searching for [VideoPlayer.Content(Movies) | VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV)]

<control type="image" id="1"><br />
    <description>cover image</description>
    <texture fallback="DefaultVideoCover.png">$INFO[Player.Art(thumb)]</texture>
    <aspectratio aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
    <bordertexture border="8">ThumbShadow.png</bordertexture>
    <visible>![VideoPlayer.Content(Movies) | VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV)]</visible>

B. Replace $INFO[Player.Art(thumb) with $INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.poster)
This changes to thumnail to a TV Show poster.
C. Change:
<top>260r</top> to <top>350r</top>
<height>230</height> to <height>330</height>
This will make the TV Show poster the same size as movie posters.