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NOTE: The control definitions here can be become out of date. The latest xml behavior can be found in the SVN cpp code

Available controls

Group Control
used to group controls together.
Group List Control
special case of the group control that forms a scrolling list of controls.
Label Control
used to show some lines of text.
Fade Label Control
used to show multiple pieces of text in the same position, by fading from one to the other.
Image Control
used to show an image.
MultiImage Control
used to show a slideshow of images.
Button control
a standard push button control.
Radio button control
a radio button control (as used for on/off settings).
Select button control
a select button control (allows multiple selections from a single button)
Toggle button control
a toggle on/off button that can take 2 different states.
Spin Control
used for cycling up/down controls.
Settings Spin Control
used for cycling up/down controls in the settings menus.
Slider Control
used for a volume slider.
Settings Slider Control
used for a slider control in the settings menus.
Progress Control
Used to show the progress of a particular operation.
List Container
used for a scrolling lists of items. Replaces the list control.
Wrap List Container
used for a wrapping list of items with fixed focus.
Fixed List Container
used for a list of items with a fixed focus. Same as the Wrap List Container except it doesn't wrap.
Panel Container
used for a scrolling panel of items. Replaces the thumbnail panel.
Text Box
used to show a multi-page piece of text.
RSS feed Control
used to display scrolling RSS feeds.
Visualisation Control
used to display a visualisation while music is playing.
Video Control
used to display the currently playing video whilst in the GUI.

Depreciated controls

used for multiple buttons in a scrollable list.
List Control
used for lists of items. <depreciated>
Thumbnail Panel
used to show a panel of thumbnails. <depreciated>
Recently Added Media Control
used to display the last few items added to the video database. <depreciated>

Rarely used controls

Edit Control
used as an input control for a USB keyboard (XLink Kai window).
Console Control
used as a multi-coloured text display (XLink Kai window).
Checkmark Control
Used on the XLink Kai Host Dialog. Similar to Radio Button but does not have the button texture, and the checkmark is on the left.
Extended List Control
used in the XLink Kai window.
Mover Control
used in the calibration screens.
Resize Control
used to set the pixel ratio in Video Calibration.

XML tags that affect all control types

The XML tags that affect all control types can be found here.

Filling controls and dictating how they respond from the skin

Most of the controls' contents are filled at runtime by the XBMC source codebase, but for controls such as buttons, labels and images, the skinner has full control over what the button does or what the label and images look like, if they so desire. This is done via the use of conditional <visible> tags, built in <execute> functions, and <info> information tags. See the following links for more information.

Conditional Visibility
Defining when to display and hide a control, and how to animate the effect.
Breathing life into controls by having defining how they move and respond to actions.
Built In Functions
Defining what a button or list does when clicked or focused.
Specifying Labels
Defining what a label control or image control's contents should be.