Skinning Manual

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XBMC includes a new GUI library written from scratch. This library allows you to skin/change everything you see in XBMC, from the images, the sizes and positions of all controls, colours, fonts, and text, through to altering navigation and even adding new functionality.

The skin system is quite complex, and this portion of the manual is dedicated to providing in depth information on how it all works, along with tips to make the experience a little more pleasant.

If you are just getting started with skinning XBMC, then it is suggested that the best way to learn is by modifying one of the many existing skins that are available. The default skin, Confluence, includes almost all the various tricks and features that make the XBMC skinning engine so powerful, so is an ideal place to start. You may wish to start by having a look through the tutorial section on skinning XBMC as well as the "Skinning XBMC" article, and try modifying a window or two by adding a button, or altering the textures or layout.

Anatomy of a Skin

XBMC skins once installed are located in userdata addons folder. This is the folder where all skins are placed and listed.

Any additional skins you create, or download from or be installed via zip XBMC will load and ask you if you would like to load the skin and also allow you to load them up from within the Appearance Settings. It is suggested that if you want to make your own skin, then starting by copying an existing skins files over into a new folder (let's say skin/myskin) is a good place to start. You can then edit each of the files as you become more familiar with the skinning system.

Each skin folder contains several subdirectorys, and one file:

This is a resolution-specific directory. XBMC can run in multiple resolutions, and thus can use different files for some resolutions (as there is a big difference between NTSC at 720x480 pixels and 1080i at 1920x1080 pixels!)
optional folder containing the background images used in the skin
contains a defaults.xml file which is used to define the colours used in the skin
This subdirectory contains all fonts used by the skin. you can add/replace fonts here
contains several subfolders for each language (English/strings.po). you can define strings used in your skin in this file.
This subdirectory contains all the media files (.png/.gif/.jpg...) You can replace/edit these as you like.
place 10 jpeg screenshots (1280x720) of your skin in here. Name them screenshot01.jpg, screenshot02.jpg ect.
put the sounds (.wav files) you're using in the skin in this folder as well as a sounds.xml file which defines what sounds are used where.
This contains the information that XBMC uses to find the other files that XBMC requires to describe it's skin. It also contains credits information, and versioning information.
a textfile detailing what has changed in every version of the skin
a 1280x720 or 1920x1080 jpeg fanart image for your skin
a 256x256 png image for your skin
we recommend to include a Creative Commons license file in your skin:

See here for the order in which it looks for skin files.

Skin Themes

All the basic media files for a skin should be compressed into the Textures.xbt file, and placed in the media/ folder. You can use the tool Texturepacker for this. All the images that make up the default skin theme should be in the Textures.xbt file.

In addition to this, XBMC allows other .xbt files in the media/ folder, each one representing a different theme for your skin. For instance, you could tint all your main textures a red colour, and create a new theme package Red.xbt. This gives users more choice in the look of a particular skin, and only the textures change when you change themes – the layout stays the same. If the user has selected a theme, then when a control requires a texture, XBMC will first look in the <themename>.xbt file for the texture. It will fall back to the Textures.xbt file if <themename>.xbt doesn't contain the image. This means that the theme .xbt files need only contain the changed textures – all other textures will fallback to using Textures.xbt as usual.

A suggested method of creating a theme is as follows:

  1. Run Texturepacker.exe on the folder containing the default texture files, to generate Textures.xbt as you would normally do.
  2. Identify the textures you wish to have themed and copy them to a separate folder.
  3. Create a separate folder for each theme outside of your normal skin work area, and place the altered copies of each of the textures in them.
  4. Run Texturepacker.exe on each of the theme folders created in step 3 to create the themed .xbt files (note you can use the -output switch with Texturepacker.exe to name the theme appropriately).
  5. Place Textures.xbt and each of the theme .xbt files in the media/ folder of your skin. XBMC will automatically pick them up.


The other special (and arguably the most important skinning file of all) is includes.xml. This is, as its title suggests, a place from which you can define the default look, size, and positioning of controls, to save you replicating many of the control's attributes throughout the window .xml files. For instance, you can setup the size, and textures used for a button control, thus allowing you to leave those details out in the rest of the skin files, unless of course you want to override the default look or size etc. in a particular window.

This is extremely valuable as it allows you to greatly simplify a lot of the work in building a skin. For one thing, it means that once you have include files setup, many of the default parameters for a different resolution can be done by just altering the parameters within the include file(s) for the different resolution.

With the 2.1 skinning engine, you can infact have more than one include file - you can specify the file attribute when including from a different file, allowing you to have an include file dedicated to a particular set of attributes.

The layout of an includes file is as follows.

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <include name="whitetext">
    <include file="listdefaults.xml" />
    <default type="button">
    <constant name="leftedge">50</constant>

You'll notice in the above example that we have 4 different types of includes. The first <include> tag basically allows a substitution of the tags underneath it whenever it occurs. For instance, if in a window .xml file you have this:

  <control type="togglebutton">
    ... other tags go here

Then it would substitute the <textcolor> tag for where the include tag is. You can have as many includes as you like, and as many tags can be inside an include - even complete controls, or complete control groups.

The second <include> tag in the example demonstrates how to include from a different file. As there is no include name specified, it will include the contents of the entire file at that point.

The <default> tag is similar to an include, except that it is used in every control of that type - even if you don't specify that the control is to use includes. Thus every buttoncontrol will have the whitetext include in it. Note that you can override this by specifying the <textcolor> tag in the buttoncontrol.

And finally, the <constant> tag allows you to define a numeric (floating point) constant by name for use in place of numeric values (<posx>, height="" etc.) would otherwise be used. This allows alignment of items using the same position values which can then easily be altered in one place.


Variables are a special kind of include. You can put them in Includes.xml. But usually, to keep them separate, Includes.xml gets extended with a file named Variables.xml. You can extend on the file Includes.xml by adding a line like this:

<include file="Variables.xml" />

Variables can be used in textures or labels/textbox/buttons ect. Instead of having to include two whole controls with a condition, they allow you to just apply the condition to the actual texture or label. Meaning less controls to maintain ect. The values in the variable are read from top to bottom and the first condition that is met gets used. The last value usually has no condition and it's content acts as a fallback. The following example shows the album label if the player has audio, the year if there is no audio and no fallback is used (because there either is or is not any audio).

<variable name="Example">
	<value  condition="Player.HasAudio">$INFO[ListItem.Album]</value>
	<value  condition="!Player.HasAudio">$INFO[ListItem.Year]</value>

You can use a variable in a label control like this:


The Window XML Files

The other xml files each define the skin for a single window. They all have the same basic layout, allowing you to place different controls on the window, and define how navigation should operate.

A list of all window .xml files and what they represent may be found in Appendix I: List of Windows.

The important thing to remember is that each window has a unique identifying number (id). This is how XBMC identifies the window from within the source code.

Furthermore, many of the controls within each window should have a unique id as well, unless they're just used as images or labels where navigation is unimportant and XBMC does not need to be able to identify them uniquely. The window id's are all listed in the Appendix I: List of Windows.

The structure of the window .xml files can be found below in the Window Structure.



Window Structure

About the Window XML Files

Each window in an Kodi skin is represented by a single .xml file. See here for a list of the standard windows and links to their .xml files.

The important thing to remember is that each window has a unique identifying name. This is how Kodi identifies the window from within the source code. The window names are all listed in the Appendix I: List of Windows.

Each .xml file has the same basic structure – it starts with some heading information that pertains to the window as a whole, and then contains a <controls> block within which all the controls that describe the window are defined. Many of the controls within each window should have a unique id's, unless they're just used as images or labels where navigation is unimportant and Kodi does not need to be able to identify them uniquely.

Window Header

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <defaultcontrol always="false">2</defaultcontrol>
  <animation effect="fade" time="100">WindowOpen</animation>
  <animation effect="slide" end="0,576" time="100">WindowClose</animation>
    <origin x="100" y="50">Window.IsActive(Home)</origin>

One thing to note is that all tag names are lower case. XML tag names are case sensitive!

The header contains the following tags:

Optional: the build-in function to execute when the window opens
Optional: the build-in function to execute when the window closes
This specifies the default control of the window. This is the id of the control that will receive focus when the window is first opened. Note that most Kodi windows save the current focus when you leave the window, and will return to the last focused item when you return to a window. This behaviour can be stopped by specifying the attribute always="true".
This specifies the control that will be focused when the users presses the 'menu' / 'm' button.
Specifies whether the window needs clearing prior to rendering, and if so which colour to use. Defaults to clearing to black. Set to 0 (or 0x00000000) to have no clearing at all. If your skin always renders opaque textures over the entire screen (eg using a backdrop image or multiple backdrop images) then setting the background color to 0 is the most optimal value and may improve performance significantly on slow GPUs.
Specifies the conditions under which a dialog will be visible. Kodi evaluates this at render time, and shows or hides a dialog depending on the evaluation of this tag. See here for more details. Applies only to type="dialog" windows.. By default if a dialog visibility depends on visible condition it will be set as Modeless. A modeless dialog won't be able to catch input as any keystroke/action will be sent to the underlying window. Since v20 you can override this behaviour by setting modality="modal" on the root element of the window/dialog XML definition.
Specifies the animation effect to perform when opening or closing the window. See here for more details.
This specifies the “depth” that the window should be drawn at. Windows with higher zorder are drawn on top of windows with lower z-order. All dialogs by default have zorder 1, so if you have a particular dialog that you want underneath all others, give it a zorder of 0. (Note that the normal render order is: The base window, then the overlays (music + video), then dialogs. <zorder> only effects the rendering of the dialogs.
This block is used to specify how Kodi should compute the coordinates of all controls.
Sets the horizontal “origin” position of the window. Defaults to 0 if not present.
Sets the vertical “origin” position of the window. Defaults to 0 if not present.
Sets a conditional origin for the window. The window will display at (x,y) whenever the origin condition is met. You can have as many origin tags as you like – they are evaluated in the order present in the file, and the first one for which the condition is met wins. If none of the origin conditions are met, we fall back to the <left> and <top> tags.
This can be used to specify a window to force Kodi to go to on press of the Back button. Normally Kodi keeps a “window stack” of previous windows to handle this. This tag allows you to override this behaviour. The value is the name of the window.
This tag lets you use view id's beyond 50 to 59 it also lets you set the order in which they cycle with the change view button in the skin. Only useful in My<Foo>.xml windows.
This is the block the defines all controls that will appear on this window.

The Different Types of Controls

Kodi supports many different types of controls.

Click here for the control types and what they all do.

Some of these controls are required on specific windows, as they're necessary for that window to perform it's duty, or, the contents of the control are only valid on a particular window. The mandatory controls for each window are listed here. While the controls are mandatory, you can ofcourse move them about and change their appearance within the windows to your hearts content!

Adding Extra Windows

All of the windows in the window list are defined within the executable of Kodi itself, as most of them have a specific purpose. However, the skinner may add extra windows as and when they are needed or wanted. The only restriction to this is that only controls that do not require specific source code to operate can be used. This is not too much of a restriction though, as many skinners have found out.

To add an extra window, all you need to do is design up the window's .xml file in the usual way, assign it an <id> within the 1100–1199 range (see window list), and then name the file customN.xml, where N is a number or name. You can have as many as you like, as long as they have unique <id>'s, and are named differently. Then just define the type of window you want, the coordinate system and so on, add the controls and setup the navigation. To activate your window, you can do it by adding a button control elsewhere in the skin, or you can get it to popup on a press of the controller or remote via keymap.xml and so on. Basically you just need to run ActivateWindow(id) from a suitable place.


Controls are the substance of your skin. They define everything from buttons, to text labels, to visualization placement. This portion of the manual will explain each and every control in detail.

Label Control

Label Control

Fade Label Control

Fade Label Control

Button Control

The button control is used for creating push buttons in Kodi. You can choose the position, size, and look of the button, as well as choosing what action(s) should be performed when pushed.


<control type="button" id="1">
      <description>My first button control</description>
      <texturefocus colordiffuse="FFFFAAFF">myfocustexture.png</texturefocus>
      <texturenofocus colordiffuse="FFFFAAFF">mynormaltexture.png</texturenofocus>

Available tags

In addition to the Default_control_tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description
texturefocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed when the button has focus. See here for additional information about textures.
texturenofocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed when the button does not have focus.
label The label used on the button. It can be a link into strings.po, or an actual text label.
font Font used for the button label. From fonts.xml.
textcolor Color used for displaying the button label. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme.
focusedcolor Color used for the button label when the button has in focus. In AARRGGBB hex format or a name from the colour theme.
disabledcolor Color used for the button label if the button is disabled. In AARRGGBB hex format or a name from the colour theme.
invalidcolor Color used for the button if the user entered some invalid value. In AARRGGBB hex format or a name from the colour theme.
shadowcolor Specifies the color of the drop shadow on the text, in AARRGGBB format, or a name from the colour theme.
angle The angle the text should be rendered at, in degrees. A value of 0 is horizontal.
align Label horizontal alignment on the button. Defaults to left, can also be center or right.
aligny Label vertical alignment on the button. Defaults to top, can also be center.
textoffsetx Amount to offset the label from the left (or right) edge of the button when using left or right alignment.
textoffsety Amount to offset the label from the top edge of the button when using top alignment.
textwidth Will truncate any text that's too long.
onclick Specifies the action to perform when the button is pressed. Should be a built in function. See here for more information. You may have more than one <onclick> tag, and they'll be executed in sequence.
onfocus Specifies the action to perform when the button is focused. Should be a built in function. The action is performed after any focus animations have completed. See here for more information.
onunfocus Specifies the action to perform when the button loses focus. Should be a built in function.
wrapmultiline Will wrap the label across multiple lines if the label exceeds the control width.

Multiselect Control

Multiselect control

Image Control

The image control is used for displaying images in Kodi. You can choose the position, size, transparency and contents of the image to be displayed.


<control type="image" id="1">
      <description>My first image control</description>
      <texture border="5" flipy="true" flipx="false">mytexture.png</texture>
      <bordertexture border="5" infill="false">mybordertexture.png</bordertexture>

Image Size and Type Restrictions

For the <texture> tags, and for all <texture> tags in other controls, there is a small set of rules that you should follow if at all possible:


Images can be any size, though some graphics cards allow only power of 2 textures, so this may be a consideration. For the most case, it doesn't really matter what size things are - Kodi will quite happily load most files.


If you wish to use transparency, then use PNG. It is suggested that you use PNG and JPG as much as possible. Note that once the images are injected into Textures.xbt, they are not stored as JPG or PNG – rather they are stored in a native format used for GPUs for faster loading, such as ARGB or DXTc textures. The size of the images (in kb) is therefore not as important as the size of the images in pixels – so feel free to store them in a lossless (eg PNG) manner if you wish.

The only exception to this is if you require an animated texture. In this case, we support only animated GIF. There are also some animated gifs that may not work. Use ImageReady CS and make sure you set the gif-anim to “restore to background” and they should work fine.

Available tags and attributes

In addition to the default control tags, the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description
aspectratio This specifies how the image will be drawn inside the box defined by <width> and <height>. See here for more information.
texture Specifies the image file which should be displayed. See here for additional information about textures.
bordertexture Specifies the image file which should be displayed as a border around the image. Use the <bordersize> to specify the size of the border. The <width>,<height> box specifies the size of the image plus border. Set the argument infill="false" to hint to the GUI that the inner portion of the border doesn't have to be rendered.
bordersize Specifies the size of the border. A single number specifies the border should be the same size all the way around the image, whereas a comma separated list of 4 values indicates left,top,right,bottom values.
info Specifies the information that this image control is presenting. Kodi will select the texture to use based on this tag. See here for more information.
fadetime This specifies a crossfade time that will be used whenever the underlying <texture> filename changes. The previous image will be held until the new image is ready, and then they will be crossfaded. This is particularly useful for a large thumbnail image showing the focused item in a list, or for fanart or other large backdrops.
background For images inside a container, you can specify background="true" to load the textures in a background worker thread.

Texture Loading

Normal texture loading

The only textures loaded by Kodi are the ones currently visible. Nothing displays on the screen until all the images have been loaded in memory, this can result in "jerky" scrolling through panel containers. As you scroll down, Kodi will delay the scrolling animation until all of the images in the next row are loaded.

Background loading

Images are loaded one at a time in a background worker thread and are shown as soon as xbmc processes them. Has the benefit that images can be loaded into memory before they're visible, resulting in smoother scrolling and transitions.


Used to automatically load the next items (or rows/columns in the case of a panel) while scrolling. Currently limited to 2.

MultiImage Control

The MultiImage control is used for displaying a slideshow of images from a folder in Kodi. You can choose the position and size of the slideshow, as well as timing information.


<control type="multiimage" id="1">
      <description>My first slideshow control</description>

Image Size and Type Restrictions

For the <texture> tags, and for all <texture> tags in other controls, there is a small set of rules that you should follow if at all possible:


If you wish to use full 8 bit transparency, then use PNG. If you only need a single transparent colour, then you can specify this in the <colorkey> tag, so any image will be fine. It is suggested that you use PNG and JPG as much as possible. The size of the images (in kb) is therefore not as important as the size of the images in pixels – so feel free to store them in a lossless (eg PNG) manner if you wish.

The only exception to this is if you require an animated texture. In this case, we only support animated GIF. There are also SOME animated gifs that may not work. Use ImageReady CS and make sure you set the gif-anim to “restore to background” and they should work fine.

Available tags and attributes

In addition to the default control tags, the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description
imagepath Specifies the path containing the images to use for the slideshow. Kodi will first look inside the compressed Textures.xbt file for images, and then will look in the actual folder. The path is relative to the media/ folder if it is not specified completely.
timeperimage Time in milliseconds that an image is shown for.
fadetime Time in milliseconds to fade between images.
pauseatend Time in milliseconds to pause (in addition to <timeperimage>) on the last image at the end of a complete cycle through the images. Only useful if <loop> is set to yes.
loop If set to no, the last image will display indefinitely. Setting it to yes will loop around once they reach the last image. Defaults to yes.
aspectratio This specifies how the image will be drawn inside the box defined by <width> and <height>. See here for more info

Radio button Control

The radio button control is used for creating push button on/off settings in Kodi. You can choose the position, size, and look of the button. When the user clicks on the radio button, the state will change, toggling the extra textures (textureradioon and textureradiooff). Used for settings controls.


<control type="radiobutton" id="2">
      <description>My first radiobutton control</description>
      <textureradioonfocus colordiffuse="FFFFAAFF">myradiobutton.png</textureradioonfocus>
      <textureradioonnofocus colordiffuse="FFFFAAFF">myradiobutton.png</textureradioonnofocus>
      <textureradioofffocus colordiffuse="FFFFAAFF">myradiobutton_nf.png</textureradioofffocus>
      <textureradiooffnofocus colordiffuse="FFFFAAFF">myradiobutton_nf.png</textureradiooffnofocus>

Available tags

In addition to the Default_control_tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description

Specifies the image file which should be displayed when the button has focus. See here for additional information about textures.

texturenofocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed when the button does not have focus.
textureradioonfocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the radio button portion when it's the button is on and focused. This texture is positioned on the right of the button – it's positioned 24 pixels from the right edge of the button, and 8 pixels above the center vertically.
textureradioonnofocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the radio button portion when it's the button is on and unfocused. This texture is positioned on the right of the button – it's positioned 24 pixels from the right edge of the button, and 8 pixels above the center vertically.
textureradioon A shortcut to set both of the above textures to the same image file.
textureradioondisabled Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the radio button portion when the button is on and disabled.
textureradioofffocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the radio button portion when the button is off and focused.
textureradiooffnofocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the radio button portion when the button is off and unfocused.
textureradiooff A shortcut to set both of the above textures to the same image file.
textureradioondisabled Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the radio button portion when the button is off and disabled.
label The label used on the button. It can be a link into strings.po, or an actual text label.
label2 Optional. Will display an 'on' or 'off' label. Only available if you specify an empty radiowidth and radioheight.
font Font used for the button label. From fonts.xml.
textcolor Color used for displaying the button label. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme.
focusedcolor Color used for the button label when the button has in focus. In AARRGGBB hex format or a name from the colour theme.
disabledcolor Color used for the button label if the button is disabled. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme.
shadowcolor Specifies the color of the drop shadow on the text, in AARRGGBB format, or a name from the colour theme.
align Label horizontal alignment on the button. Defaults to left, can also be center or right.
aligny Label vertical alignment on the button. Defaults to top, can also be center.
textoffsetx Amount to offset the label from the left (or right) edge of the button when using left or right alignment.
textoffsety Amount to offset the label from the top edge of the button when using top alignment.
textwidth Will truncate any text that's too long.
selected The boolean condition that when met will cause the control to become selected. see here for more information.
onclick The function to perform when the radio button is clicked. Should be a built in function.
radioposx X offset of the dot or radio button itself
radioposy Y offset of the dot or radio button itself
radiowidth Width in Pixels of the dot or radio button itself
radioheight Height in Pixels of the dot or radio button itself
onfocus Specifies the action to perform when the button is focused. Should be a built in function. The action is performed after any focus animations have completed. See here for more information.
onunfocus Specifies the action to perform when the button loses focus. Should be a built in function.

Select button control

Select button control

Toggle button control

The toggle button control is used for creating buttons that have 2 states. You can choose the position, size, and look of the button. When the user clicks on the toggle button, the state will change, toggling the extra textures (alttexturefocus and alttexturenofocus). Used for controls where two states are needed (pushed in and pushed out for instance).


<control type="togglebutton" id="25">
      <description>My first togglebutton control</description>

Available tags

In addition to the Default Control Tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description

Specifies the image file which should be displayed when the button has focus. See here for additional information about texture tags.

texturenofocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed when the button does not have focus.
alttexturefocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed when the toggle button is in it's selected state. This texture replaces the <texturefocus> texture when the toggle button is selected.
alttexturenofocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed when the button is in it's selected state but unfocused.

Specifies the conditions under which the Alternative Textures should be shown. Some toggle button controls are handled by Kodi internally, but any extra ones that the skinner has can be controlled using this tag. See here for more information.

label The label used on the button. It can be a link into strings.po, or an actual text label.
altlabel The alternate label used on the button. It can be a link into strings.po, or an actual text label.
altclick The alternate action to perform when the button is pressed. Should be a built in function. See here for more information. You may have more than one <altclick> tag, and they'll be executed in sequence.
font Font used for the button label. From fonts.xml.
textcolor Color used for displaying the button label. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme.
disabledcolor Color used for the button label if the button is disabled. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme.
shadowcolor Specifies the color of the drop shadow on the text. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme.
align Label horizontal alignment on the button. Defaults to left, can also be center or right.
aligny Label vertical alignment on the button. Defaults to top, can also be center.
textoffsetx Amount to offset the label from the left (or right) edge of the button when using left or right alignment.
textoffsety Amount to offset the label from the top edge of the button when using top alignment.
textwidth Will truncate any text that's too long.

Specifies the action to perform when the button is pressed. Should be a built in function. See here for more information. You may have more than one <onclick> tag, and they'll be executed in sequence.


Specifies the action to perform when the button is focused. Should be a built in function. The action is performed after any focus animations have completed. See here for more information.


Specifies the action to perform when the button loses focus. Should be a built in function.


Allows wrapping on the label across multiple lines. Defaults to false.

Spin Control

The spin control is used for when a list of options can be chosen (such as a page up/down control). You can choose the position, size, and look of the spin control.


<control type="spincontrol" id="14">
      <description>My first spin control</description>
      <textureup colordiffuse="FFFFAAFF">myuptexture.png</textureup>
      <textureupfocus colordiffuse="FFFFAAFF">myupfocustexture.png</textureupfocus>
      <texturedown colordiffuse="FFFFAAFF">mydowntexture.png</texturedown>
      <texturedownfocus colordiffuse="FFFFAAFF">mydownfocustexture.png</texturedownfocus>
      <textureupdisabled colordiffuse="AAFFAAFF">mydowntexture.png</textureupdisabled>
      <texturedowndisabled colordiffuse="AAFFAAFF">mydownfocustexture.png</texturedowndisabled>

Available tags

In addition to the Default Control Tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description
textureup Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the up arrow when it doesn't have focus. See here for additional information about textures.
textureupfocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the up button when it has focus.
textureupdisabled Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the up arrow when the button is disabled.
texturedown Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the down button when it is not focused.
texturedownfocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the down button when it has focus.
texturedowndisabled Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the up arrow when the button is disabled.
font Font used for the button label. From fonts.xml.
spincolor The colour of the text used for this spin control. In AARRGGBB hex format. As of Helix, this doesn't actually get processed, use textcolor
textcolor Color used for displaying the label. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme..
disabledcolor Color used for the label if the control is disabled. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme.
shadowcolor Specifies the color of the drop shadow on the text. In AARRGGBB format, or a name from the colour theme.
subtype Defines what type of information the spinner holds. Can be int, float, text or page. Defaults to text. Make sure you use page for a page control.
align Label horizontal alignment on the control. Defaults to right, can also be left.
aligny Label vertical alignment on the control. Defaults to top, can also be center.
textoffsetx Amount to offset the label from the left (or right) edge of the button when using left or right alignment.
textoffsety Amount to offset the label from the top edge of the button when using top alignment.
textwidth Will truncate any text that's too long.

Settings Spin Control

The settings spin control is used in the settings screens for when a list of options can be chosen from using up/down arrows. You can choose the position, size, and look of the spin control. It is basically a cross between the button control and a spin control. It has a label and focus and non focus textures, as well as a spin control on the right.


<control type="spincontrolex" id="12">
      <description>My first settings spin control</description>
      <textureupdisabled colordiffuse="AAFFAAFF">mydowntexture.png</textureupdisabled>
      <texturedowndisabled colordiffuse="AAFFAAFF">mydownfocustexture.png</texturedowndisabled>

Available tags

In addition to the Default Control Tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description
spinposx The horizontal position of the spin control for multipage lists. This is offset from the top left of the list.
spinposy The vertical position of the spin control for multipage lists. This is offset from the top left of the list.
spinwidth The width of one of the spin control buttons. The textures for this spin control will be scaled to fit this width.
spinheight The height of one of the spin control buttons. The textures for this spin control will be scaled to fit this height.
texturefocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the control when it has focus. See here for additional information about textures.
texturenofocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the control when it doesn't focus.
textureup Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the up arrow when it doesn't have focus. It is displayed to the left of the down arrow.
textureupfocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the up arrow when it has focus.
textureupdisabled Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the up arrow when the button is disabled.
texturedown Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the down arrow when it is not focused. It is displayed to the right of the up arrow so that it's right edge is <textoffsetx> pixels away from the right edge of the control.
texturedownfocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the down arrow when it has focus.
texturedowndisabled Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the up arrow when the button is disabled.
label Either a numeric reference into strings.po (for localization), or a string that will be shown on the left of the control.
font Font used for the controls label. From fonts.xml.
textcolor Color used for displaying the label. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme.
disabledcolor Color used for the label if the control is disabled. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme.
shadowcolor Specifies the color of the drop shadow on the text. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme.
align Label horizontal alignment on the control. Defaults to left.
aligny Label vertical alignment on the control. Defaults to top, can also be center.
textoffsetx Amount to offset the label from the left (or right) edge of the button when using left or right alignment.
textoffsety Amount to offset the label from the top edge of the button when using top alignment.
textwidth Will truncate any text that's too long.
reverse Will reverse the up/down actions of the up and down textures.

Slider Control

The slider control is used for things where a sliding bar best represents the operation at hand (such as a volume control or seek control). You can choose the position, size, and look of the slider control.


<control type="slider" id="17">
      <description>My first slider control</description>

Available tags

In addition to the Default Control Tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description

Specifies the image file which should be displayed in the background of the slider control. See here for additional information about textures.


Specifies the image file which should be displayed in the background of the slider control when it is disabled. (v21+)

textureslidernib Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the slider nib.
textureslidernibfocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the slider nib when it has focus.
textureslidernibdisabled Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the slider nib when it it is disabled. (v21+)
controloffsetx Amount to offset the slider background texture from the left edge of the control. Only useful if a value is being rendered as well (ie in int or float mode).
controloffsety Amount to offset the slider background texture from the top edge of the control.
info Specifies the information that the slider controls. See here for more information.
action Can be 'volume' to adjust the volume, 'seek' to change the seek position or '' for timeshifting in PVR
orientation Can be horizontal or vertical (default).

List Container

The list container is one of several containers used to display items from file lists in various ways. The list container is very flexible - it's only restriction is that it is a list - i.e. a single column or row of items. The layout of the items is very flexible and is up to the skinner.


<control type="list" id="50">
      <description>My first list container</description>
      <viewtype label="3D list">list</viewtype>
      <scrolltime tween="sine" easing="out">200</scrolltime>
      <itemlayout width="650" height="29">
		<control type="image">
		<control type="label">
		<control type="label">
      <focusedlayout height="29" width="650">
		<control type="image">
		<control type="image">
		<control type="label">
		<control type="label">

Available tags

In addition to the Default Control Tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description
viewtype The type of view. Choices are list, icon, wide, wrap, biglist, bigicon, bigwide, bigwrap, info and biginfo. The label attribute indicates the label that will be used in the "View As" control within the GUI. It is localizable via strings.po. viewtype has no effect on the view itself. It is used by kodi when switching skin to automatically select a view with a similar layout. Skinners should try to set viewtype to describe the layout as best as possible.
orientation The orientation of the list. Defaults to vertical.
pagecontrol Used to set the <id> of the page control used to control this list.
scrolltime The time (in ms) to scroll from one item to another. By default, this is 200ms. The list will scroll smoothly from one item to another as needed. Set it to zero to disable the smooth scrolling. The scroll movement can be further adjusted by selecting one of the available tween methods.
itemlayout Specifies the layout of items in the list. Requires the height attribute set in a vertical list, and the width attribute set for a horizontal list. The <itemlayout> then contains as many label and image controls as required. See here for more information.
focusedlayout Specifies the layout of items in the list that have focus. Requires the height attribute set in a vertical list, and the width attribute set for a horizontal list. The <focusedlayout> then contains as many label and image controls as required. See here for more information.
content Used to set the item content that this list will contain. Allows the skinner to setup a list anywhere they want with a static set of content, as a useful alternative to the grouplist control. See here for more information
preloaditems Used in association with the Background Image Loader.
autoscroll Used to make the container scroll automatically

Wraplist Container

The wrap list container is one of several containers used to display items from file lists in various ways. The wrap list container is the same as the List Container, with two exceptions:

  1. The focused item is fixed.
  2. The items "wrap" around once they reach the end.

As with all container controls, the layout of the items within the control is very flexible.


<control type="wraplist" id="50">
      <description>My first wraplist container</description>
      <viewtype label="3D list">list</viewtype>
      <scrolltime tween="sine" easing="out">200</scrolltime>
      <itemlayout width="650" height="29">
		<control type="image">
		<control type="label">
		<control type="label">
      <focusedlayout height="29" width="650">
		<control type="image">
		<control type="image">
		<control type="label">
		<control type="label">

Available tags

In addition to the Default Control Tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description
viewtype The type of view. Choices are list, icon, wide, wrap, biglist, bigicon, bigwide, bigwrap, info and biginfo. The label attribute indicates the label that will be used in the "View As" control within the GUI. It is localizable via strings.po. viewtype has no effect on the view itself. It is used by kodi when switching skin to automatically select a view with a similar layout. Skinners should try to set viewtype to describe the layout as best as possible.
orientation The orientation of the list. Defaults to vertical.
pagecontrol Used to set the <id> of the page control used to control this list.
scrolltime The time (in ms) to scroll from one item to another. By default, this is 200ms. The list will scroll smoothly from one item to another as needed. Set it to zero to disable the smooth scrolling. The scroll movement can be further adjusted by selecting one of the available tween methods.
focusposition Specifies the index (from 0 -> number items displayable - 1) of the focused item. The focused item doesn't move - as the user moves up and down (or left and right) the items scroll instead.
itemlayout Specifies the layout of items in the list. Requires the height attribute set in a vertical list, and the width attribute set for a horizontal list. The <itemlayout> then contains as many label and image controls as required. See here for more information.
focusedlayout Specifies the layout of items in the list that have focus. Requires the height attribute set in a vertical list, and the width attribute set for a horizontal list. The <focusedlayout> then contains as many label and image controls as required. See here for more information.
content Used to set the item content that this list will contain. Allows the skinner to setup a list anywhere they want with a static set of content, as a useful alternative to the grouplist control. See here for more information
autoscroll Used to make the container scroll automatically

FixedList Container

Panel Container

The panel container is one of several containers used to display items from file lists in various ways. The panel container is very flexible - it's essentially a multi-column list. The layout of the items is very flexible and is up to the skinner.


<control type="panel" id="52">
	<scrolltime tween="sine" easing="out">200</scrolltime>
	<viewtype label="536">icon</viewtype>
	<itemlayout height="150" width="120">
		<control type="image">
		<control type="image">
		<control type="label">
	<focusedlayout height="150" width="120">
		<control type="image">
			<animation effect="zoom" end="0,0,120,120" time="100">focus</animation>
		<control type="image">
			<animation effect="zoom" end="5,5,110,110" time="100">focus</animation>
		<control type="image">
			<animation effect="slide" end="5,5" time="100">focus</animation>
		<control type="label">

Available tags

In addition to the Default Control Tags, the following tags are also available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as XML tags are case-sensitive.

Available tags
Tag Description
<viewtype label="">…</viewtype> The type of view, valid values are: list, icon, wide, wrap, biglist, bigicon, bigwide, bigwrap, info and biginfo. The label attribute indicates the label that will be used in the "View As" control within the GUI. It is localizable via strings.po. This tag has no effect on the view itself, it is simply used by Kodi when switching skins to automatically select a view with a similar layout; skinners should try to set it to best describe the layout provided.
<orientation>…</orientation> The orientation of the panel, defaults to vertical.
<pagecontrol>…</pagecontrol> Used to set the id of the page control used to control that panel.
<scrolltime tween="" easing="">…</scrolltime> The time (in ms) to scroll from one item to another, by default this is 200ms. The panel will scroll smoothly from one item to another as needed; set it to zero to disable the smooth scrolling. The scroll movement can be further adjusted by selecting one of the available tween methods.
<itemlayout height="" width="">…</itemlayout> Specifies the container item layout for the list, and requires both the width and height attributes to be set. It will contain as many label and image controls as needed.
<focusedlayout height="" width="">…</focusedlayout> Specifies the container item layout for items that have focus in the list, and requires both the width and height attributes to be set. It will contain as many label and image controls as needed.
<content>…</content> Used to set the static list content that the panel will contain, allowing the skinner to create a panel anywhere they want with a static set of content, as a useful counterpart to the grouplist control.
<preloaditems>…</preloaditems> Used in association with the background image loader.
<autoscroll>…</autoscroll> Used to make the container scroll automatically, accepts the boolean values of either true or false.

Progress Control

The progress control is used to show the progress of an item that may take a long time, or to show how far through a movie you are. You can choose the position, size, and look of the progress control.


<control type="progress" id="12">
      <description>My first progress control</description>

Available tags

In addition to the Default Control Tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description
reveal If set to true the midtexture will reveal itself instead of stretching to fill the gap (works best when its the same size as texturebg)

Specifies the image file which should be displayed in the background of the progress control. See here for additional information about textures.

lefttexture Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the left side of the progress bar. This is rendered on the left side of the bar.
midtexture Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the middle portion of the progress bar. This is the “fill” texture used to fill up the bar. It's positioned on the right of the <lefttexture> texture, and fills the gap between the <lefttexture> and <righttexture> textures, depending on how far progressed the item is.
righttexture Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the right side of the progress bar. This is rendered on the right side of the bar.
overlaytexture Specifies the image file which should be displayed over the top of all other images in the progress bar. It is centered vertically and horizontally within the space taken up by the background image.

Specifies the information that the progress bar is reporting on. See here for more information.


Specifies the second piece of information that the progress bar is reporting on (PVR only). See here for more information.

Text Box

The text box is used for showing a large multipage piece of text in Kodi. You can choose the position, size, and look of the text.


<control type="textbox" id="2">
   <description>My first text box control</description>
   <autoscroll delay="3000" time="1000" repeat="10000">!Control.HasFocus(13)</autoscroll>
   <label>Text to display goes here [CR] next line...</label>

Available tags

In addition to the Default Control Tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description
height <height>auto</height> is supported in textbox controls
font Font used for the items first label. From fonts.xml.
textcolor Color used for displaying the text. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme.
shadowcolor Specifies the color of the drop shadow on the text. In AARRGGBB format, or a name from the colour theme.
pagecontrol Specifies the <id> of the page control used to control this textbox. The page control can either be a Spin Control or a Scroll Bar Control.
scrolltime The time (in ms) to scroll from one item to another. By default, this is 200ms. The list will scroll smoothly from one item to another as needed. Set it to zero to disable the smooth scrolling.
align possible values for text alignment: left, right, center, justify
autoscroll Specifies the timing and conditions of any autoscrolling this textbox should have. Times are in milliseconds. The content is delayed for the given delay, then scrolls at a rate of one line per time interval until the end. If the repeat tag is present, it then delays for the repeat time, fades out over 1 second, and repeats. It does not wrap or reset to the top at the end of the scroll. You can use any bool condition to specify when autoscrolling should be allowed.
monofont Monotype font. For use in the TextViewer dialog only.

RSS feed Control

RSS feed Control

Visualisation Control

The visualisation control is used for displaying those funky patterns that jump to the music in Kodi. You can choose the position, and size of the visualisation displayed. Note that the control is only rendered if music is being played.


<control type="visualisation" id ="3">
      <description>My first visualisation control</description>

Available tags

Only the default control tags are applicable to this control.

Video Control

The videowindow control is used for displaying the currently playing video elsewhere in the Kodi GUI. You can choose the position, and size of the video displayed. Note that the control is only rendered if video is being played.


<control type="videowindow" id="2">
      <description>My first video control</description>

Available tags

Only the default control tags are applicable to this control.

Mover Control

The mover control is used for the screen calibration portions of Kodi. You can choose the size and look of the mover control.


<control type="mover" id="3">
      <description>My first mover control</description>

Available tags

In addition to the default control tags, the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description

Specifies the image file which should be displayed when the mover has focus. See here for additional information about textures.

texturenofocus Specifies the image file which should be displayed when the mover does not have focus.

Resize Control

Resize Control

Edit Control

The edit control allows a user to input text in Kodi. You can choose the font, size, colour, location and header of the text to be displayed.


  <control type="edit" id="1">
        <description>My First edit control</description>
        <hinttext>Enter search string</hinttext>

Available tags

In addition to the Default Control Tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description
aligny Can be top or center. Aligns the text within its given control <height>. Defaults to top

Specifies the header text which should be shown. You should specify an entry from the strings.po here (either the Kodi strings.po or your skin's strings.po file), however you may also hardcode a piece of text also if you wish, though of course it will not be localized. You can use the full label formatting syntax and you may also specify more than one piece of information here by using the $INFO and $LOCALIZE formats.strings.xml)

hinttext Specifies the text which should be displayed in the edit label control, until the user enters some text. It can be used to provide a clue as to what a user should enter in this control.
font Specifies the font to use from the font.xml file.
textcolor Specifies the color the text should be, in hex AARRGGBB format, or a name from the colour theme.
textwidth Will truncate any text that's too long.

EPGGrid Control

The epggrid control is used for creating an epg timeline in Kodi. You can choose the position, size, and look of the grid and it's contents.


<control type="epggrid" id="10">
    <description>EPG Grid</description>
    <progresstexture border="5">PVR-EpgProgressIndicator.png</progresstexture>
    <rulerdatelayout width="1700" height="45" condition="$PARAM[has_rulerdate_layout]">
        <control type="label">
    <rulerlayout height="35" width="40">
        <control type="image" id="1">
            <texture border="5">button-nofocus.png</texture>
        <control type="label" id="2">
    <channellayout height="52" width="280">
        <animation effect="fade" start="110" time="200">UnFocus</animation>
        <control type="image" id="1">
            <texture border="5">button-nofocus.png</texture>
        <control type="label">
        <control type="image">
        <control type="label" id="1">
    <focusedchannellayout height="52" width="280">
        <animation effect="fade" start="110" time="200">OnFocus</animation>
        <control type="image" id="1">
            <texture border="5">button-focus.png</texture>
        <control type="label">
        <control type="image">
        <control type="label" id="1">
    <itemlayout height="52" width="40">
        <control type="image" id="2">
            <texture border="3">epg-genres/$INFO[ListItem.Property(GenreType)].png</texture>
        <control type="label" id="1">
        <control type="image">
        <control type="image">
            <visible>ListItem.HasTimer + !ListItem.IsRecording</visible>
    <focusedlayout height="52" width="40">
        <control type="image" id="14">
            <texture border="5">folder-focus.png</texture>
        <control type="image" id="2">
            <texture border="3">epg-genres/$INFO[ListItem.Property(GenreType)].png</texture>
        <control type="label" id="1">
        <control type="image">
        <control type="image">
            <visible>ListItem.HasTimer + !ListItem.IsRecording</visible>

Available tags

In addition to the Default Control Tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

Tag Description
timeblocks The number of timeframes on the top row.
rulerunit Timeframe of each unit on the top row. 1 unit equals 5 minutes.
rulerdatelayout The layout of the date header.
rulerlayout The layout of the top row.
progresstexture A texture which indicates the current progress time
channellayout The layout of the left column.
focusedchannellayout The focused layout of the left column.
itemlayout The layout of the grid
focusedlayout The focused layout of the grid
orientation The orientation (Horizontal/Vertical) of the grid

Console Control

used to display the last few items added to the video database.

Checkmark Control

Used on the Kai Host Dialog. Similar to Radio Button but does not have the button texture, and the checkmark is on the left

Extended List Control

used in the XLink Kai window.


XBMC's skinning engine versatility is based upon the fact that the skinner can display and hide portions of the skin using a variety of conditional statements that can be combined to create very user friendly UI implementations. For further information of available variable and how they can be applied.

All controls benefit from conditional visibility support. This means that instead of specifying just YES or NO for the <visible> tag, you can provide one of the many preset boolean conditions. Not only that, you can also specify how Kodi should transistion between a visible state and a hidden state.

For example, the Project Mayhem 3 skin has <visible>!Player.HasMedia</visible> tags on all the background images on the home page. The reason is that we don't want the images being displayed while a media file (audio or video) is playing or paused, as the video or visualisation will cover the images anyway, so they only take up memory unnecessarily. They also slow down navigation, as the need to be loaded/unloaded depending on whether they are visible (ie whether or not the user has a particular button focused).

How They Work

The condition given in the <visible> tag is evaluated at during the control's Render() function. Kodi decides whether or not the condition is true, and updates the control's visibility accordingly. So it all happens without Kodi having to do the extra chores of maintaining which controls need to be shown at which points in time. The controls automatically update themselves.

Conditional Visibility for Dialogs

Dialogs can also be made to popup automatically based on a visibility condition. This is done by supplying the <visible> tag at the top of the window file (where the <id>, <type> and <coordinate> tags are). Kodi once again evaluates this visibility at render time, and if necessary, will create and show the dialog at the appropriate time. It'll also close them once that visibility has vanished.

This only works with dialogs. For custom windows, you can specify the type of window you require by specifying it using the <type> tag. For more information see the window .xml structure page.

Combining Conditions

You can combine two (or more) of the above settings by using:

  • + as AND operator
  • | as OR operator
  • ! as NOT operator
  • [ and ] to bracket expressions

For example, <visible>Player.HasVideo + Player.Rewinding8x</visible> will only show the control when the player is rewinding a video at 8x, whereas <visible>Player.HasVideo | Player.IsRecording</visible> will show the control if a video is playing, or if we are recording something.

The AND operator takes precedence over the OR operator when evaluating the logic. AND operators are read from left to right.

So if you want to show something when condition1 OR condition2 is true AND condition3 is true, you can do: <visible>[condition1 | condition2] + condition3</visible>

Note that if you missed the brackets, then it would actually be reading «if condition1 or (condition2 and condition3)" due to AND taking precedence over OR.

Some pointers on boolean logic. The following holds true:

A + (B | C) = A + B | A + C
A | (B + C) = (A | B) + (A | C)

!(A + B) =!A | !B
!(A | B) =!A + !B

A common mistake is to do something like this:

!A | !B | !C

This is false only if A, B and C are all simultaneously true (as it's the same as !(A + B + C)), and you may have possibly been after

!A + !B + !C

which is false if A is true, or B is true, or C is true.

One thing you will notice, is that when a control is hidden, it can't be focused. This means you can't move to a control and have it automatically become visible (eg even if it had Control.HasFocus(myID) it wouldn't come back on, as Kodi wouldn't allow navigation to the hidden control). To solve this issue, you can use:

  <visible allowhiddenfocus="true">Control.HasFocus(21)</visible>

on a control of <id> 21. This will allow the control to be focusable even when it's hidden. When the user moves to the hidden control, it will automatically unhide itself, due to the Control.HasFocus(21) visibility condition.

Animating Your Skin

The XBMC skinning engine supports animations of any control allowing them to rotate, slide, fade or any combination there-of. Combining animations with conditional statements ensure your skin will have stunning effects that appear as professional as a 1st party product. Animating Your Skin


XBMC allows you to customize which fonts are displayed onscreen in the User Interface.

There's one special file called Font.xml. This file contains a list of all fonts the skin uses. kodi will load all the fonts mentioned in this file from the /myskin/fonts directory first, and if that fails, will attempt to load them from Kodi/media/fonts. In the event that Kodi is unable to locate the specified font, it will default to "font13". It is required that every skin has a font13 definition in their Font.xml file. Apart from that, you can modify this file as you like and add/delete/change fonts. The user friendly font name is referenced by the other xml files mentioned below.

Format of the Font.xml File

The Font.xml file is divided into font sets, which includes a set of fonts used by the skin. Every font set must contain the same font names in order for the skin to work with all font sets.

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <fontset id="Default" idloc="31390">
    <fontset id="Arial" idloc="31391">

A font set has the following attributes:

Name of the font set. Displayed to the user. Can have any value.
Refers to a string in the Skins' language file, so font names can be localized.

It is possible to use includes (eg. <include>MonoSpace</include>) in Font.xml There has to be at least one font set with the unicode attribute set to true else languages like Chinese or Korean will not display properly. There is a font called Arialuni.TTF with a size of 20MB. It is a unicode True Type Font and works with all languages Kodi supports.

Note: Kodi will automatically switch to the first available unicode font set if the user selects a language that needs one. This switch will not be made if the currently loaded font set already supports unicode.

Supported Font Types

True type Fonts

True type fonts must have a .ttf suffix. For a true type font it is possible to define the size (default 20) and a style normal, bold, italics, or bolditalics. Frodo also includes lowercase or uppercase. Isengard includes capitalize. Jarvis includes lighten.

Note: Multiple styles can be used by separating them with a space.


     <style>uppercase lowercase capitalize bold lighten</style>

The <aspect> tag specifies the aspect ratio of the font. An aspect of 0.75 means that the width of the font will be 0.75 of the height. By default the aspect is 1.0 for all but the SD 16x9 modes (PAL16x9, NTSC16x9 and 480p16x9) where the aspect ratio is 0.75, due to the stretched pixels.

The <linespacing> tag defines height of each line (sometimes called leading or inteline spacing). By default linespacing is set to 1.0.

How to add a new Font

Font files go in in .kodi/media/fonts (to make them available to all skins), or in the .kodi\addons\skin.myskin\fonts folder if the font file is to be used with your skin only.

  1. Place the TTF ( such as verdana.ttf from your PC (C:\Windows\Fonts)) files in .kodi\media\fonts.
  2. Edit the file .kodi\addons\skin.myskin\1080p\Font.xml and duplicate the "Default" section.
  3. Change the 'id' to the name of your new font
  4. change the filename for each definition to the filename of your name font file.
  5. Finally go to settings > interface > skin > fonts and select the new font.

Example Font.xml

	<fontset id="Default" idloc="31390" unicode="true"> 
	<!-- Normal Fonts -->

	<fontset id="MyFont" idloc="31392" unicode="true">
	<!-- Normal Fonts -->

Appendix I: List of Windows

This table cross-references Window names, Window definitions, and Window ID.

Code that performs the cross-reference is found on Github as follows:

Github Logo.png Master Branch - WindowTranslator.cpp
Github Logo.png Master Branch - WindowsIDs.h

  • keymap.xml uses the Window name.
  • Kodi's C++ code uses the Window definitions and Window ID's.
  • ActivateWindow() should use the Window name.
  • sounds.xml should use the window name

You can use secondary parameters with all media windows, as can be seen here:

Name Definition Window ID source XML file Remark
home WINDOW_HOME 10000 Home.xml
programs WINDOW_PROGRAMS 10001 MyPrograms.xml
pictures WINDOW_PICTURES 10002 MyPics.xml
filemanager WINDOW_FILES 10003 FileManager.xml
settings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MENU 10004 Settings.xml
systeminfo WINDOW_SYSTEM_INFORMATION 10007 SettingsSystemInfo.xml
screencalibration WINDOW_SCREEN_CALIBRATION 10011 SettingsScreenCalibration.xml
systemsettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_START 10016 SettingsCategory.xml
systemsettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_SYSTEM 10016 SettingsCategory.xml
servicesettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_SERVICE 10018 SettingsCategory.xml
pvrsettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MYPVR 10021 SettingsCategory.xml
gamesettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MYGAMES 10022 SettingsCategory.xml
videos WINDOW_VIDEO_NAV 10025 MyVideoNav.xml
videoplaylist WINDOW_VIDEO_PLAYLIST 10028 MyPlaylist.xml
loginscreen WINDOW_LOGIN_SCREEN 10029 LoginScreen.xml
playersettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_PLAYER 10030 SettingsCategory.xml
mediasettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_MEDIA 10031 SettingsCategory.xml
interfacesettings WINDOW_SETTINGS_INTERFACE 10032 SettingsCategory.xml
profiles WINDOW_SETTINGS_PROFILES 10034 SettingsProfile.xml
skinsettings WINDOW_SKIN_SETTINGS 10035 SkinSettings.xml
addonbrowser WINDOW_ADDON_BROWSER 10040 AddonBrowser.xml
eventlog WINDOW_EVENT_LOG 10050 EventLog.xml
favouritesbrowser WINDOW_FAVOURITES 10060 MyFavourites.xml Added in Kodi v20 Nexus [1]
pointer WINDOW_DIALOG_POINTER 10099 Pointer.xml
yesnodialog WINDOW_DIALOG_YES_NO 10100 DialogConfirm.xml
progressdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS 10101 DialogConfirm.xml
virtualkeyboard WINDOW_DIALOG_KEYBOARD 10103 DialogKeyboard.xml
volumebar WINDOW_DIALOG_VOLUME_BAR 10104 DialogVolumeBar.xml
submenu WINDOW_DIALOG_SUB_MENU 10105 DialogSubMenu.xml
contextmenu WINDOW_DIALOG_CONTEXT_MENU 10106 DialogContextMenu.xml
notification WINDOW_DIALOG_KAI_TOAST 10107 DialogNotification.xml
numericinput WINDOW_DIALOG_NUMERIC 10109 DialogNumeric.xml
gamepadinput WINDOW_DIALOG_GAMEPAD 10110 DialogSelect.xml
shutdownmenu WINDOW_DIALOG_BUTTON_MENU 10111 DialogButtonMenu.xml
playercontrols WINDOW_DIALOG_PLAYER_CONTROLS 10114 PlayerControls.xml
seekbar WINDOW_DIALOG_SEEK_BAR 10115 DialogSeekBar.xml
playerprocessinfo WINDOW_DIALOG_PLAYER_PROCESS_INFO 10116 DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml
musicosd WINDOW_DIALOG_MUSIC_OSD 10120 MusicOSD.xml
visualisationpresetlist WINDOW_DIALOG_VIS_SETTINGS 10121
visualisationpresetlist WINDOW_DIALOG_VIS_PRESET_LIST 10122 DialogSelect.xml
osdvideosettings WINDOW_DIALOG_VIDEO_OSD_SETTINGS 10123 DialogSettings.xml
osdaudiosettings WINDOW_DIALOG_AUDIO_OSD_SETTINGS 10124 DialogSettings.xml
videobookmarks WINDOW_DIALOG_VIDEO_BOOKMARKS 10125 VideoOSDBookmarks.xml
filebrowser WINDOW_DIALOG_FILE_BROWSER 10126 FileBrowser.xml
networksetup WINDOW_DIALOG_NETWORK_SETUP 10128 DialogSettings.xml
mediasource WINDOW_DIALOG_MEDIA_SOURCE 10129 DialogMediaSource.xml
profilesettings WINDOW_DIALOG_PROFILE_SETTINGS 10130 DialogSettings.xml
locksettings WINDOW_DIALOG_LOCK_SETTINGS 10131 DialogSettings.xml
contentsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_CONTENT_SETTINGS 10132 DialogSettings.xml
libexportsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_LIBEXPORT_SETTINGS 10133 DialogSettings.xml
favourites WINDOW_DIALOG_FAVOURITES 10134 DialogFavourites.xml Deprecated. Will be removed in Kodi v21
songinformation WINDOW_DIALOG_SONG_INFO 10135 DialogMusicInfo.xml
smartplaylisteditor WINDOW_DIALOG_SMART_PLAYLIST_EDITOR 10136 SmartPlaylistEditor.xml
smartplaylistrule WINDOW_DIALOG_SMART_PLAYLIST_RULE 10137 SmartPlaylistRule.xml
busydialog WINDOW_DIALOG_BUSY 10138 DialogBusy.xml
pictureinfo WINDOW_DIALOG_PICTURE_INFO 10139 DialogPictureInfo.xml
addonsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_ADDON_SETTINGS 10140 DialogAddonSettings.xml
fullscreeninfo WINDOW_DIALOG_FULLSCREEN_INFO 10142 DialogFullScreenInfo.xml
sliderdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_SLIDER 10145 DialogSlider.xml
addoninformation WINDOW_DIALOG_ADDON_INFO 10146 DialogAddonInfo.xml
textviewer WINDOW_DIALOG_TEXT_VIEWER 10147 DialogTextViewer.xml
WINDOW_DIALOG_PLAY_EJECT 10148 DialogConfirm.xml
peripheralsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_PERIPHERAL_SETTINGS 10150 DialogSettings.xml
extendedprogressdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_EXT_PROGRESS 10151 DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml
mediafilter WINDOW_DIALOG_MEDIA_FILTER 10152 DialogSettings.xml
subtitlesearch WINDOW_DIALOG_SUBTITLES 10153 DialogSubtitles.xml
osdcmssettings WINDOW_DIALOG_CMS_OSD_SETTINGS 10157 DialogSettings.xml
infoprovidersettings WINDOW_DIALOG_INFOPROVIDER_SETTINGS 10158 DialogSettings.xml
osdsubtitlesettings WINDOW_DIALOG_SUBTITLE_OSD_SETTINGS 10159 DialogSettings.xml
busydialognocancel WINDOW_DIALOG_BUSY_NOCANCEL 10160 DialogBusy.xml
musicplaylist WINDOW_MUSIC_PLAYLIST 10500 MyPlaylist.xml
music WINDOW_MUSIC_NAV 10502 MyMusicNav.xml
musicplaylisteditor WINDOW_MUSIC_PLAYLIST_EDITOR 10503 MyMusicPlaylistEditor.xml
pvrguideinfo WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_GUIDE_INFO 10600 DialogPVRInfo.xml
pvrrecordinginfo WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_RECORDING_INFO 10601 DialogPVRInfo.xml
pvrtimersetting WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_TIMER_SETTING 10602 DialogSettings.xml
pvrgroupmanager WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_GROUP_MANAGER 10603 DialogPVRGroupManager.xml
pvrchannelmanager WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_CHANNEL_MANAGER 10604 DialogPVRChannelManager.xml
pvrguidesearch WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_GUIDE_SEARCH 10605 DialogPVRGuideSearch.xml
pvrchannelscan WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_CHANNEL_SCAN 10606 none (unused)
pvrupdateprogress WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_UPDATE_PROGRESS 10607 none (unused)
pvrosdchannels WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_OSD_CHANNELS 10608 DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml
pvrchannelguide WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_CHANNEL_GUIDE 10609 DialogPVRChannelGuide.xml
pvrradiordsinfo WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_RADIO_RDS_INFO 10610 DialogPVRRadioRDSInfo.xml
pvrrecordingsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_RECORDING_SETTING 10611 DialogSettings.xml
pvrguidecontrols WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_GUIDE_CONTROLS 10613 [2]
tvchannels WINDOW_TV_CHANNELS 10700 MyPVRChannels.xml
tvrecordings WINDOW_TV_RECORDINGS 10701 MyPVRRecordings.xml
tvguide WINDOW_TV_GUIDE 10702 MyPVRGuide.xml
tvtimers WINDOW_TV_TIMERS 10703 MyPVRTimers.xml
tvsearch WINDOW_TV_SEARCH 10704 MyPVRSearch.xml
radiochannels WINDOW_RADIO_CHANNELS 10705 MyPVRChannels.xml
radiorecordings WINDOW_RADIO_RECORDINGS 10706 MyPVRRecordings.xml
radioguide WINDOW_RADIO_GUIDE 10707 MyPVRGuide.xml
radiotimers WINDOW_RADIO_TIMERS 10708 MyPVRTimers.xml
radiosearch WINDOW_RADIO_SEARCH 10709 MyPVRSearch.xml
tvtimerrules WINDOW_TV_TIMER_RULES 10710 MyPVRTimers.xml
radiotimerrules WINDOW_RADIO_TIMER_RULES 10711 MyPVRTimers.xml
FullscreenLiveTV WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_LIVETV 10800 None (shortcut to fullscreenvideo)
fullscreenradio WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_RADIO 10801 None (shortcut to visualisation)
fullscreenlivetvpreview WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_LIVETV_PREVIEW 10802 None (shortcut to fullscreenlivetv)
fullscreenradiopreview WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_RADIO_PREVIEW 10803 None (shortcut to fullscreenradio
fullscreenlivetvinput WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_LIVETV_INPUT 10804 None (shortcut to fullscreenlivetv)
fullscreenradioinput WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_RADIO_INPUT 10805 None (shortcut to fullscreenradio)
gamecontrollers WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_CONTROLLERS 10820 DialogGameControllers.xml
games WINDOW_GAMES 10821 MyGames.xml
gameosd WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_OSD 10822 GameOSD.xml
gamevideofilter WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_VIDEO_FILTER 10823 DialogSelect.xml
gameviewmode WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_STRETCH_MODE 10824 DialogSelect.xml
gamevolume WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_VOLUME 10825 DialogVolumeBar.xml
gameadvancedsettings WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_ADVANCED_SETTINGS 10826 DialogAddonSettings.xml
gamevideorotation WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_VIDEO_ROTATION 10827 DialogSelect.xml
gameports WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_PORTS 10828 DialogGameControllers.xml [3]
ingamesaves WINDOW_DIALOG_IN_GAME_SAVES 10829 DialogSelect.xml [4]
gamesaves WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_SAVES 10830 DialogSelect.xml [5]
gameagents WINDOW_DIALOG_GAME_AGENTS 10831 DialogGameControllers.xml [6]
Custom Skin Windows - - custom*.xml - WINDOW_ID's from 11100 to 11199 reserved for Skins
selectdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT 12000 DialogSelect.xml
musicinformation WINDOW_DIALOG_MUSIC_INFO 12001 DialogMusicInfo.xml
okdialog WINDOW_DIALOG_OK 12002 DialogConfirm.xml
movieinformation WINDOW_DIALOG_VIDEO_INFO 12003 DialogVideoInfo.xml
managevideoversions WINDOW_DIALOG_MANAGE_VIDEO_VERSIONS 12004 DialogVideoManager.xml Added in Kodi v21 Omega
fullscreenvideo WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO 12005 VideoFullScreen.xml
visualisation WINDOW_VISUALISATION 12006 MusicVisualisation.xml
slideshow WINDOW_SLIDESHOW 12007 SlideShow.xml
dialogcolorpicker WINDOW_DIALOG_COLOR_PICKER 12008 DialogColorPicker.xml Added in Kodi v20 Nexus
selectvideoversion WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT_VIDEO_VERSION 12015 DialogSelect.xml Added in Kodi v21 Omega
selectvideoextra WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT_VIDEO_EXTRA 12016 DialogSelect.xml Added in Kodi v21 Omega
managevideoextras WINDOW_DIALOG_MANAGE_VIDEO_EXTRAS 12017 DialogVideoManager.xml Added in Kodi v21 Omega
weather WINDOW_WEATHER 12600 MyWeather.xml
screensaver WINDOW_SCREENSAVER 12900 none
videoosd WINDOW_DIALOG_VIDEO_OSD 12901 VideoOSD.xml
videomenu WINDOW_VIDEO_MENU 12902 none
videotimeseek WINDOW_VIDEO_TIME_SEEK 12905 none
fullscreengame WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_GAME 12906 none
splash WINDOW_SPLASH 12997
startwindow WINDOW_START 12998 shortcut to the current startwindow
startup WINDOW_STARTUP_ANIM 12999 Startup.xml
In addition, there are the following "special" windows whose id is not really a concern (and you'll notice isn't unique)
Python Windows - - WINDOW_ID's from 13000 to 13099 reserved for Python
addon - - WINDOW_ID's from 14000 to 14099 reserved for Addons

Appendix II: List of Boolean Conditions

Skins can use boolean conditions with the <visible> tag or with condition attributes. Scripts can read boolean conditions with xbmc.getCondVisibility(condition).


InfoLabels Definition Version
Container.HasThumb Returns true if the current container you are in has a thumb assigned to it
Container.Content(parameter) Returns true if the current container you are in contains the following: files, songs, artists, albums, movies, tvshows, seasons, episodes, musicvideos, genres, years, actors, playlists, plugins, studios, directors, sets, tags, countries, roles, images (Note: these currently only work in the Video and Music Library or unless a Plugin has set the value) also available are Addons true when a list of add-ons is shown LiveTV true when a htsp (tvheadend) directory is shown
Container(id).OnNext Returns true if the container with id (or current container if id is omitted) is moving to the next item. Allows views to be custom-designed (such as 3D coverviews etc.)
Container(id).OnScrollNext Returns true if the container with id (or current container if id is omitted) is scrolling to the next item. Differs from OnNext in that OnNext triggers on movement even if there is no scroll involved.
Container(id).OnPrevious Returns true if the container with id (or current container if id is omitted) is moving to the previous item. Allows views to be custom-designed (such as 3D coverviews etc.)
Container(id).OnScrollPrevious Returns true if the container with id (or current container if id is omitted) is scrolling to the previous item. Differs from OnPrevious in that OnPrevious triggers on movement even if there is no scroll involved.
Container(id).HasFocus(item_number) Returns true if the container with id (or current container if id is omitted) has static content and is focused on the item with id item_number.
Container.HasFiles Returns true if the container contains files.
Container.HasFolders Returns true if the container contains folders.
Container(id).HasNext Returns true if the container or textbox with id (id) has a next page.
Container(id).HasPrevious Returns true if the container or textbox with id (id) has a previous page.
Container(id).IsUpdating Returns true if the container with dynamic list content is currently updating.
Container.IsStacked Returns true if the container is currently in stacked mode.
Container.CanFilter Returns true when the current container can be filtered.
Container.CanFilterAdvanced Returns true when advanced filtering can be applied to the current container.
Container.Filtered Returns true when a mediafilter is applied to the current container.
Container(id).HasParent Return true when the container with id (or current container if id is omitted) contains a parent ('..') item.
Container.SortDirection(ascending) Returns true the sort direction of a container is ascending.
Container.SortDirection(descending) Returns true the sort direction of a container is descending.
Container(id).Row(row) Returns true if the container with id (or current container if id is omitted) is focused on the row given.
Container(id).Column(col) Returns true if the container with id (or current container if id is omitted) is focused on the column given.
Container(id).Position(pos) Returns true if the container with id (or current container if id is omitted) is focused on the position given.
Container(id).Scrolling Returns true if the user is currently scrolling through the container with id (or current container if id is omitted). Note that this is slightly delayed from the actual scroll start. Use Container(id).OnScrollNext/OnScrollPrevious to trigger animations immediately on scroll.
Container(id).SubItem Returns true if the container with id (or current container if id is omitted) is focused on the specified subitem.
Container.Sortmethod(id) Returns true if the current sort method matches the specified SortID [see list of sort methods].


InfoLabels Definition Version
Control.IsEnabled(id) Returns true if the control with id "id" is enabled.
Control.IsVisible(id) Returns true if the control with id "id" is visible.
Control.HasFocus(id) Returns true if the currently focused control has id "id".
ControlGroup(group).HasFocus(id) Returns true if the control group with id “group” has control id “id” as it's focused item. If “id” is not present, or is 0, then it will return true if the currently focused control is in the control group with id “group”.Note that if the control group with id “group” does not have focus, then this will still return true if the last focused item in the group had control id “id”.
WARNING: Avoid using IDs 9000-9999 as this is the range assigned to groups with no ID value.


InfoLabels Definition Version
Integer.IsEqual(info,number) Returns true if the value of the infolabel is equal to the supplied number.
Example: Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Year,2000)
v17 Addition
Integer.IsEven(info) Returns true if the value of the infolabel is even.
Example: Integer.IsEven(ListItem.CurrentItem)
v19 Addition
Integer.IsGreater(info,number) Returns true if the value of the infolabel is greater than to the supplied number.
Example: Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Year,2000)
v17 Addition
Integer.IsGreaterOrEqual(info,number) Returns true if the value of the infolabel is greater or equal to the supplied number.
Example: Integer.IsGreaterOrEqual(ListItem.Year,2000)
v17 Addition
Integer.IsLess(info,number) Returns true if the value of the infolabel is less than the supplied number.
Example: Integer.IsLess(ListItem.Year,2000)
v17 Addition
Integer.IsLessOrEqual(info,number) Returns true if the value of the infolabel is less or equal to the supplied number.
Example: Integer.IsLessOrEqual(ListItem.Year,2000)
v17 Addition
Integer.IsOdd(info) Returns true if the value of the infolabel is odd.
Example: Integer.IsOdd(ListItem.CurrentItem)
v19 Addition


InfoLabels Definition Version
Library.HasContent(string) Returns true if the Kodi libraries have the content from string. Valid Strings are (Video, Music, Movies, TVShows, MusicVideos, MovieSets, BoxSets)
Library.IsScanningMusic Returns true if the music library is being updated
Library.IsScanningVideo Returns true if the video library is being updated
Library.HasContent(Role, Composer) Tag can be Composer, Conductor, Orchestra, Lyricist, Remixer, Arranger, Engineer, Producer, DJMixer or Mixer. Returns true if there are any artists with that role in the library v17 addition
Library.HasNode(path) Returns True if the specified node is available (example: Library.HasNode(library://video/movies/titles.xml)) v19 addition


InfoLabels Definition Version
ListItem.HasVideoVersions Returns true if the ListItem has video versions
ListItem.HasVideoExtras Returns true if the ListItem has video extras
ListItem.IsFolder Returns whether the current ListItem is a folder
ListItem.IsPlaying Returns whether the current ListItem.* info labels and images are currently Playing media
ListItem.IsResumable Returns true when the current ListItem has been partially played
ListItem.IsCollection Returns true when the current ListItem is a movie set
ListItem.IsSelected Returns whether the current ListItem is selected (f.e. currently playing in playlist window)
ListItem.HasArchive returns True when the selected channel has a server-side back buffer (PVR) v19 addition
ListItem.HasEpg Returns true when the selected programme has epg info (PVR)
ListItem.HasReminder returns True if the item has a reminder set (PVR) v19 addition
ListItem.HasReminderRule returns True if the item was scheduled by a reminder timer rule (PVR) v19 addition
ListItem.HasTimer Returns true when a recording timer has been set for the selected programme (PVR)
ListItem.IsRecording Returns true when the selected programme is being recorded (PVR)
ListItem.IsEncrypted Returns true when the selected programme is encrypted (PVR)
ListItem.IsStereoscopic Returns true when the selected video is a 3D (stereoscopic) video
ListItem.Property(IsSpecial) Returns whether the current Season/Episode is a Special
ListItem.Property(DateLabel) Can be used in the rulerlayout of the epggrid control. Will return true if the item is a date label, returns false if the item is a time label.
ListItem.Property(Addon.IsEnabled) Returns true when the selected addon is enabled (for use in the addon info dialog only).
ListItem.Property(Addon.IsInstalled) Returns true when the selected addon is installed (for use in the addon info dialog only).
ListItem.Property(Addon.HasUpdate) Returns true when there's an update available for the selected addon.
ListItem.HasTimerSchedule Whether the item is part of a repeating timer schedule (PVR). v16 addition
ListItem.TimerHasError Whether the item has a timer and it won't be recorded because of an error (PVR). v17 addition
ListItem.TimerHasConflict Whether the item has a timer and it won't be recorded because of a conflict (PVR). v17 addition
ListItem.TimerIsActive Whether the item has a timer that will be recorded, i.e. the timer is enabled (PVR). v17 addition
ListItem.Property(Addon.Orphaned) Returns true if the slected addon is orphaned (not needed anymore by any other addon) v17 addition
ListItem.IsParentFolder Returns true is the slected item is the 'up' item v17 addition
ListItem.IsNew [PVR] will return true if the item is a premiere (for example, a Live TV show that will be first aired). v19 addition
ListItem.IsPlayable Returns True when the selected programme can be played (PVR) v19 addition
ListItem.IsBoxset Returns True if the item is part of a boxset album v19 addition
ListItem.IsPremiere Returns true if the item is a premiere (for example, a Movie first showing or season first on Live TV) v19 addition
ListItem.IsFinale Returns true if the item is a finale (for example, a season finale showing on Live TV) v19 addition
ListItem.IsLive Returns true if the item is live (for example, a Live TV sports event) v19 addition
ListItem.Property(Addon.IsFromOfficialRepo) Returns true if the addon is from an official repository v19 addition
ListItem.Property(Addon.IsBinary) Returns true for binary addons v19 addition
ListItem.Property(Addon.IsUpdate) Returns True if this add-on is a valid update of an installed outdated add-on v19 addition
ListItem.IsAutoUpdateable Returns True if this add-on can be updated automatically v19 addition


InfoLabels Definition Version
Player.HasMedia Returns true if the player has an audio or video file.
Player.HasAudio Returns true if the player has an audio file.
Player.HasDuration Returns true if Media isn't a true stream
Player.HasVideo Returns true if the player has a video file.
Player.Passthrough Returns true if the player is using audio passthrough.
Player.Playing Returns true if the player is currently playing (ie not ffwding, rewinding or paused.)
Player.Paused Returns true if the player is paused.
Player.Forwarding Returns true if the player is fast forwarding.
Player.Forwarding2x Returns true if the player is fast forwarding at 2x.
Player.Forwarding4x Returns true if the player is fast forwarding at 4x.
Player.Forwarding8x Returns true if the player is fast forwarding at 8x.
Player.Forwarding16x Returns true if the player is fast forwarding at 16x.
Player.Forwarding32x Returns true if the player is fast forwarding at 32x.
Player.Rewinding Returns true if the player is rewinding.
Player.Rewinding2x Returns true if the player is rewinding at 2x.
Player.Rewinding4x Returns true if the player is rewinding at 4x.
Player.Rewinding8x Returns true if the player is rewinding at 8x.
Player.Rewinding16x Returns true if the player is rewinding at 16x.
Player.Rewinding32x Returns true if the player is rewinding at 32x.
Player.PauseEnabled Returns true if the currently playing stream can be paused.
Player.Caching Returns true if the player is current re-caching data (internet based video playback).
Player.DisplayAfterSeek Returns true for the first 2.5 seconds after a seek.
Player.Seeking Returns true if a seek is in progress
Player.SeekEnabled Returns true if player can seek
Player.ShowTime Returns true if the user has requested the time to show (occurs in video fullscreen)
Player.ShowInfo Returns true if the user has requested the song info to show (occurs in visualisation fullscreen and slideshow)
Player.IsInternetStream Returns true if the player is playing an internet stream.
Player.Muted Returns true if the volume is muted.
Player.Process(videohwdecoder) Returns true if the currently playing video is decoded in hardware v17 addition
Player.TempoEnabled Returns true if the current player supports changing the playback speed v17 addition
Player.IsTempo Returns true if the current playbackspeed is not equal to 1 v17 addition
Player.HasGame Returns true if the player is playing a game v18
Player.HasResolutions Returns true when multiple resolutions are available v18
Player.FrameAdvance Returns true if player is in frame advance mode v18
Player.ChannelPreviewActive Returns true if PVR channel preview is active (used channel tag different from played tag)


InfoLabels Definition Version
MusicPlayer.HasNext Returns true if the music player has a next song queued in the Playlist.
MusicPlayer.HasPrevious Returns true if the music player has a a Previous Song in the Playlist .
MusicPlayer.Offset(number).Exists Returns true if the music players playlist has a song queued in position (number).
MusicPlayer.Content(parameter) Returns true if the current audio you are playing matches the specified content. The following values are accepted: files, livetv
MusicPartyMode.Enabled Returns true if Party Mode is enabled
MusicPlayer.IsMultiDisc Returns true if the current album consists of two or more discs v19 addition


InfoLabels Definition Version
VideoPlayer.HasVideoVersions Returns true if the currently playing video has versions. v21
VideoPlayer.UsingOverlays Returns true if the video player is using the hardware overlays render method. Useful, as with hardware overlays you have no alpha blending to the video image, so shadows etc. need redoing, or disabling.
VideoPlayer.IsFullscreen Returns true if the video player is in fullscreen mode.
VideoPlayer.HasMenu Returns true if the video player has a menu (ie is playing a DVD)
VideoPlayer.HasInfo Returns true if the current playing video has information from the library or from a plugin (eg director/plot etc.)
VideoPlayer.Content(parameter) Returns true if the current Video you are playing is contained in corresponding Video Library sections. The following values are accepted : files, movies, episodes, musicvideos, livetv
VideoPlayer.HasSubtitles Returns true if there are subtitles available for video. (available for version 11.0 and above)
VideoPlayer.IsStereoscopic Returns true when the currently playing video is a 3D (stereoscopic) video
VideoPlayer.SubtitlesEnabled Returns true if subtitles are turned on for video. (available for version 11.0 and above)
VideoPlayer.HasEpg Returns true when epg information is available for the currently playing programme (PVR).
VideoPlayer.HasTeletext Returns true when teletext is available.


InfoLabels Definition Version
Playlist.IsRandom Returns true if the player is in random mode.
Playlist.IsRepeat Returns true if the player is in repeat all mode.
Playlist.IsRepeatOne Returns true if the player is in repeat one mode.


InfoLabels Definition Version
Pvr.HasTimer Returns true when a recording timer is active.
Pvr.HasNonRecordingTimer Returns true when a non recording timer is active.
Pvr.HasTVChannels Returns true if there are tv channels available
Pvr.HasRadioChannels Returns true if there are radio channels available
Pvr.IsPlayingTv Returns true when live tv is being watched.
Pvr.IsPlayingRadio Returns true when live radio is being listened to.
Pvr.IsPlayingRecording Returns true when a recording is being watched.
Pvr.IsRecording Returns true when the system is recording a tv programme.
Pvr.IsTimeShift Returns true when the playback is timeshifted.
Pvr.ActStreamIsEncrypted Returns true if the stream is encrypted
Pvr.RadioNextRecordingChannelIcon Icon of the next recording radio channel v17 Addition
Pvr.IsRecordingTV Returns true when the system is recording a tv programme. v17 Addition
Pvr.HasTVTimer Returns true if at least one tv timer is active. v17 Addition
Pvr.HasNonRecordingTVTimer Returns true if there are tv timers present who currently not do recording v17 Addition
Pvr.IsRecordingRadio Returns true when the system is recording a radio programme. v17 Addition
Pvr.HasRadioTimer Returns true if at least one radio timer is active. v17 Addition
Pvr.HasNonRecordingRadioTimer Returns true if there are radio timers present who currently not do recording v17 Addition
Pvr.CanRecordPlayingChannel Returns true if the player can record the current internet stream. v18 Addition
Pvr.IsRecordingPlayingChannel Returns true if the player is recording the current internet stream. v18 Addition
Pvr.IsPlayingActiveRecording Returns true when Kodi is currently playing a recording that is in progress. v19 Addition


InfoLabels Definition Version
RDS.HasRds Returns true if RDS is present
RDS.HasRadioText Returns true if RDS contains also Radiotext
RDS.HasRadioTextPlus Returns true if RDS with Radiotext contains also the plus information
RDS.HasHotline Returns true if a hotline phone number is present (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.HasStudio Returns true if a studio name is present (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)


InfoLabels Definition Version
Skin.HasTheme(theme) Returns true if the user has selected the theme with name ?theme?.
Skin.HasSetting(setting) Returns the state of the skin-specified setting ?setting?. You can toggle a setting from a button by using <onclick>Skin.ToggleSetting(setting)</onclick>.
Skin.String(string) Returns whether the skin string (set via Skin.SetString, Skin.SetPath, or Skin.SetImage) is non-empty.
Skin.String(string1,string2) Same as String.IsEqual(Skin.String(string1),string2). Returns true if Skin.String(string1) equals string2.


InfoLabels Definition Version
Slideshow.IsActive Returns true if the picture slideshow is running
Slideshow.IsPaused Returns true if the picture slideshow is paused
Slideshow.IsRandom Returns true if the picture slideshow is in random mode
Slideshow.IsVideo Returns true if the picture slideshow is playing a video


InfoLabels Definition Version
String.IsEmpty(info) Returns true if the info is empty.
Example of info: ListItem.Title, ListItem.Genre. Please note that string can also be a $LOCALIZE[]. Also note that in a panelview or similar this only works on the focused item.
v17 Addition
String.IsEqual(info,string) Returns true if the info is equal to the given string.
Example of info: ListItem.Title, ListItem.Genre. Please note that string can also be a $LOCALIZE[] or info label (without $INFO prefix). Also note that in a panelview or similar this only works on the focused item.
v17 Addition
String.StartsWith(info,substring) Returns true if the info starts with the given substring.
Example of info: ListItem.Title, ListItem.Genre. Please note that string can also be a $LOCALIZE[] or info label (without $INFO prefix). Also note that in a panelview or similar this only works on the focused item.
v17 Addition
String.EndsWith(info,substring) Returns true if the info ends with the given substring.
Example of info: ListItem.Title, ListItem.Genre. Please note that string can also be a $LOCALIZE[] or info label (without $INFO prefix). Also note that in a panelview or similar this only works on the focused item.
v17 Addition
String.Contains(info,substring) Returns true if the info contains the given substring.
Example of info: ListItem.Title, ListItem.Genre. Please note that string can also be a $LOCALIZE[] or info label (without $INFO prefix). Also note that in a panelview or similar this only works on the focused item.
v17 Addition


InfoLabels Definition Version
System.AddonIsEnabled(id) Returns true if the specified addon is enabled on the system v19 addition
System.HasAddon(id) Returns true if the specified addon is installed on the system.
System.HasPVRAddon Returns true if at least one PVR addon is installed on the system.
System.HasAlarm(alarm) Returns true if the system has the ?alarm? alarm set.
System.AlarmLessOrEqual(alarmname,seconds) Returns true if the alarm with ?alarmname? has less or equal to ?seconds? left. Standard use would be system.alarmlessorequal(shutdowntimer,119), which would return true when the shutdowntimer has less then 2 minutes left.
System.HasNetwork Returns true if the ethernet cable is plugged in.
System.InternetState Returns true if the system is connected to the internet, returns false in case no internet connection is available.
System.HasMediadvd Returns true if there is a CD or DVD in the DVD-ROM drive.
System.HasMediaAudioCD Returns true if there is an audio CD in the optical drive. False if no drive available, empty drive or other medium. v18 Addition
System.IdleTime(time) Returns true if Kodi has had no input for ?time? amount of seconds.
System.IsStandalone Returns true if Kodi is running in standalone mode.
System.IsFullscreen Returns true if Kodi is running fullscreen.
System.IsLoggedOn Returns true if a user is currently logged on under a profile
System.HasLoginScreen Returns true if the profile login screen is enabled
System.HasActiveModalDialog Returns true true when a modal dialog is active, disregarding any animations (Leia (v18) and newer versions) v18
System.HasVisibleModalDialog Returns true if a modal dialog is visible, eg when the animations are finished (Leia (v18) and newer versions) v18
System.Time(startTime,endTime) Returns true if the current system time is >= startTime and < endTime. endTime is optional. Time must be specified in the format HH:mm, using a 24 hour clock.
System.Date(startDate,endDate) Returns true if the current system date is >= startDate and < endDate. endDate is optional. Date must be specified in the format MM-DD.
System.Platform.Linux Returns true if Kodi is running on a linux/unix based computer.
System.Platform.Windows Returns true if Kodi is running on a windows based computer.
System.Platform.OSX Returns true if Kodi is running on an OSX based computer.
System.Platform.IOS Returns true if Kodi is running on an IOS device.
System.Platform.Darwin Returns true if Kodi is running on an OSX or IOS system.
System.Platform.Android Returns true if Kodi is running on an android device.
System.Platform.UWP Returns true if Kodi is running on Universal Windows Platform (UWP). v18 Addition
System.CanPowerDown Returns true if Kodi can powerdown the system.
System.CanSuspend Returns true if Kodi can suspend the system.
System.CanHibernate Returns true if Kodi can hibernate the system.
System.HasHiddenInput Return true when to osd keyboard/numeric dialog requests a password/pincode.
System.CanReboot Returns true if Kodi can reboot the system.
System.ScreenSaverActive Returns true if ScreenSaver is active.
System.Setting(hidewatched) Returns true if 'hide watched items' is selected.
System.IsInhibit Returns true when shutdown on idle is disabled.
System.HasShutdown Returns true when shutdown on idle is enabled.
System.HasCMS Returns true if colour management is supported in Kodi. v17 Addition
System.GetBool(boolean) Returns the value of any standard system boolean setting. Will not work with settings in advancedsettings.xml
System.HasLocks Returns true if the profile has lock preferences configured
System.IsMaster Returns true if the profile has entered the master mode
System.SupportsCPUUsage Return True if the system provides CPU info v19 Addition


InfoLabels Definition Version
Visualisation.Enabled Returns true if any visualisation has been set in settings (so not None).
Visualisation.HasPresets Returns true if the visualisation has built in presets.
Visualisation.Locked Returns true if the current visualisation preset is locked (eg in Milkdrop.)


InfoLabels Definition Version
Weather.IsFetched Returns true if the weather data has been downloaded.


InfoLabels Definition Version
Window.IsVisible(window) Returns true if the window is visible (includes fade out time on dialogs)
Window.IsActive(window) Returns true if the window with id or title ?window? is active (excludes fade out time on dialogs) See here for a list of windows
Window.IsTopMost(window) Returns true if the window with id or title ?window? is on top of the window stack (excludes fade out time on dialogs) See here for a list of windows
Window.IsMedia Returns true if this window is a media window (programs, music, video, scripts, pictures)
Window.Next(window) Returns true if the window with id or title ?window? is being moved to. See here for a list of windows. Only valid while windows are changing.
Window.Previous(window) Returns true if the window with id or title ?window? is being moved from. See here for a list of windows. Only valid while windows are changing.
Window.Is(name) Useful in xml files that are shared between multiple windows/dialogs. Will return true if the window with the given name is visible v17 addition

Appendix III: List of Info Labels

Skins can use infolabels with $INFO[infolabel] or the <info> tag. Scripts can read infolabels with xbmc.getInfoLabel('infolabel').


InfoLabels Definition Version
Container.Content Shows content of the current container
Container.FolderPath Shows complete path of currently displayed folder
Container.FolderName Shows top most folder in currently displayed folder
Container.Viewmode Returns the current viewmode (list, icons etc.)
Container.SortMethod Returns the current sort method (returns the localized name of: title, year, rating, etc.)
Container.SortOrder Returns the current sort order (Ascending/Descending)
Container.PluginName Returns the current plugins base folder name
Container.PluginCategory Returns the current plugins category (set by the scripter)
Container.ShowPlot Returns the TV Show plot of the current container and can be used at season and episode level
Container.ShowTitle Returns the TV Show title of the current container and can be used at season and episode level v17 addition
Container(id).NumPages Number of pages in the container with given id. If no id is specified it grabs the current container.
Container(id).NumItems Number of items in the container or grouplist with given id. If no id is specified it grabs the current container.
Container(id).NumAllItems Number of all items in the container or grouplist with given id including parent folder item. v18
Container(id).NumNonFolderItems Number of items in the container or grouplist with given id excluding all folder items. v18
Container(id).CurrentPage Current page in the container with given id. If no id is specified it grabs the current container.
Container(id).CurrentItem Current absolute item in the container or grouplist with given id. If no id is specified it grabs the current container.
Container(id).Position Returns the current focused position of the container / grouplist (id) as a numeric label.
Container(id).Column Returns the column number of the focused position in a panel container.
Container(id).Row Returns the row number of the focused position in a panel container.
Container.Totaltime Returns the total time of all items in the current container
Container.TotalWatched Returns the number of watched items in the current container
Container.TotalUnWatched Returns the number of unwatched items in the current container
Container(id).ListItem(offset).Label Shows ListItem.Label for a specific List or Panel Container with a offset ( eg: Container(50).Listitem(2).Label )
Container(id).ListItem(offset).Label2 Shows ListItem.Label2 for a specific List or Panel Container with a offset ( eg: Container(50).Listitem(-2).Label2 )
Container(id).ListItem(offset).Icon Shows ListItem.Icon for a specific List or Panel Container with a offset ( eg: Container(52).Listitem(1).Icon)
Container(id).ListItem(offset).ActualIcon Shows ListItem.ActualIcon for a specific List or Panel Container with a offset ( eg: Container(50).Listitem(0).ActualIcon )
Container(id).ListItem(offset).Thumb Shows ListItem.Thumb for a specific List or Panel Container with a offset ( eg: Container(50).Listitem(0).Thumb )
Container(id).ListItemNoWrap(offset).Property Basically returns the same as ListItem(offset) but it won't wrap. That means if the last item of a list is focused, ListItemNoWrap(1) will be empty while ListItem(1) will return the first item of the list. Property has to be replaced with Label, Label2, Icon etc. ( eg: Container(50).ListitemNoWrap(1).Plot )
Container(id).ListItemPosition(id).[infolabel] Shows the infolabel for an item at position 'id' in a Container. the id is an offset to the first *visible* item of the container. ( eg: Container(50).ListItemPosition(4).Genre )
Container(id).ListItemAbsolute(id).[infolabel] Shows the infolabel for an item in a Container. the item id is the absolute position in the container. ( eg: Container(50).ListItemAbsolute(4).Genre )
Container.Property(addoncategory) Returns the current add-on category
Container.Property(reponame) Returns the current add-on repository name
Container.ViewCount The number of available skin view modes for the current container listing.


InfoLabels Definition Version
Control.GetLabel(id)[.index()] Returns the label value or texture name of the control with the given id. Optionally you can specify index(1) to retrieve label2 from an Edit control.


InfoLabels Definition Version
Fanart.Color1 Returns the first of three colors included in the currently selected Fanart theme for the parent TV Show. Colors are arranged Lightest to Darkest.
Fanart.Color2 Returns the second of three colors included in the currently selected Fanart theme for the parent TV Show. Colors are arranged Lightest to Darkest.
Fanart.Color3 Returns the third of three colors included in the currently selected Fanart theme for the parent TV Show. Colors are arranged Lightest to Darkest.


InfoLabels Definition Version
Game.Title Name of the game v18
Game.Platform Platform the game runs on (eg. Atari 2600) v18
Game.Genres Gerne of the game (eg. Action) v18
Game.Publisher Publishing company of the game (eg. Nintendo) v18
Game.Developer Developer of the game v18
Game.Overview Game description v18
Game.Year Year the game was released v18
Game.GameClient Name of the used emulator v18


InfoLabels Definition Version
ListItem.AddonBroken Deprecated! use ListItem.AddonLifecycleDesc instead
ListItem.AddonCreator Shows the name of the author the currently selected addon
ListItem.AddonDescription Shows the full description of the currently selected addon
ListItem.AddonDisclaimer Shows the disclaimer of the currently selected addon
ListItem.AddonInstallDate Date the addon was installed
ListItem.AddonLastUpdated Date the addon was last updated
ListItem.AddonLastUsed Date the addon was used last
ListItem.AddonLifecycleDesc Description of the Lifecycle type (example: broken due to website changes) v19
ListItem.AddonLifecycleType The Lifecycle type of the addon (returns a localized string: normal / broken / deprecated) v19
ListItem.AddonName Shows the name of the currently selected addon
ListItem.AddonNews Returns a brief changelog, taken from the addons' addon.xml file
ListItem.AddonSize Filesize of the addon
ListItem.AddonSummary Shows a short description of the currently selected addon
ListItem.AddonType Shows the type (screensaver, script, skin, etc...) of the currently selected addon
ListItem.AddonVersion Shows the version of the currently selected addon
ListItem.Album Shows the album of the currently selected song in a container
ListItem.AlbumArtist Shows the artist of the currently selected album in a list
ListItem.AlbumStatus Returns the Musicbrainz release status of the album (offical, bootleg, promotion etc) v19
ListItem.Appearances Returns the number of movies featuring the selected actor / directed by the selected director v17
ListItem.Artist Shows the artist of the currently selected song in a container
ListItem.AudioChannels Shows the number of audio channels of the currently selected video (possible values: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10)
ListItem.AudioCodec Shows the audio codec of the currently selected video (common values: aac, ac3, cook, dca, dtshd_hra, dtshd_ma, eac3, mp1, mp2, mp3, pcm_s16be, pcm_s16le, pcm_u8, truehd, vorbis, wmapro, wmav2)
ListItem.AudioLanguage Shows the audio language of the currently selected video (returns an ISO 639-2 three character code, e.g. eng, epo, deu)
ListItem.BitRate Returns the bitrate of the current song (Actual rate for CBR, average rate for VBR) v19
ListItem.BPM Returns the Beats Per Minute for a song v19
ListItem.Cast Shows a concatenated string of cast members of the currently selected movie, for use in dialogvideoinfo.xml
ListItem.CastAndRole Shows a concatenated string of cast members and roles of the currently selected movie, for use in dialogvideoinfo.xml
ListItem.ChannelName Name of current selected TV channel in a container
ListItem.ChannelName Channelname of the selected item (PVR).
ListItem.ChannelNumber Channel number of the selected item (PVR).
ListItem.ChannelNumberLabel Channel and subchannel number of the currently selected channel that's currently playing (PVR).
ListItem.Comment Comment assigned to the item (PVR/MUSIC).
ListItem.ContributorAndRole List of all people and their role who've contributed to the selected song
ListItem.Contributors List of all people who've contributed to the selected song
ListItem.Country Shows the production country of the currently selected movie in a container
ListItem.CurrentItem will return the current index of the item in a container starting at 1. v19
ListItem.Date Shows the file date of the currently selected song or movie in a container / Aired date of an episode / Day, start time and end time of current selected TV programme (PVR)
ListItem.DateAdded Shows the date the currently selected item was added to the library / Date and time of an event in the EventLog window.
ListItem.DBID Shows the database id of the currently selected ListItem in a container
ListItem.DBTYPE Shows the database type of the ListItem.DBID for videos (video, movie, set, tvshow, season, episode, musicvideo) or for audio (music, song, album, artist). Beware with season, the "*all seasons" entry does give a DBTYPE "season" and a DBID, but you can't get the details of that entry since it's a virtual entry in the Video Library.
ListItem.Director Shows the director of the currently selected movie in a container
ListItem.DiscNumber Shows the disc number of the currently selected song in a container
ListItem.DiscTitle The disc title of the currently selected album or song v19
ListItem.Duration[(format)] Shows the song or movie duration of the currently selected movie in a container. Optionally specify a time format, hours (hh), minutes (mm) or seconds (ss). When 12 hour clock is used (xx) will return AM/PM. Also supported: (hh:mm), (mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss).
ListItem.EndDate End date of the selected item (PVR).
ListItem.EndTime End time of current selected TV programme in a container
ListItem.EndTime End time of the selected item (PVR).
ListItem.EndTimeResume Returns the time a video will end if you resume it, instead of playing it from the beginning.
ListItem.Episode Shows the episode number value for the currently selected episode. It also shows the number of total, watched or unwatched episodes for the currently selected tvshow or season, based on the the current watched filter.
ListItem.EpisodeName (PVR only) The name of the episode if the selected EPG item is a TV Show
ListItem.FileExtension Shows the file extension (without leading dot) of the currently selected item in a container
ListItem.FileName Shows the filename of the currently selected song or movie in a container
ListItem.FileNameAndPath Shows the full path with filename of the currently selected song or movie in a container
ListItem.FileNameNoExtension Returns the filename without its extension. v19
ListItem.FolderName Shows top most folder of the path of the currently selected song or movie in a container
ListItem.FolderPath Shows the complete path of the currently selected song or movie in a container (without user details).
ListItem.Genre Shows the genre of the currently selected song, album or movie in a container
ListItem.HdrType Shows the HDR type of the currently selected video (possible values: hdr10, dolbyvision and hlg) v20
ListItem.IMDBNumber The IMDB iD of the selected Video in a container
ListItem.IsBoxset Returns true if the item is part of a boxset v19
ListItem.Label Shows the left label of the currently selected item in a container
ListItem.Label2 Shows the right label of the currently selected item in a container
ListItem.LastPlayed Last play date of Video in a container
ListItem.Mood Mood of the selected song
ListItem.Mpaa Show the MPAA rating of the currently selected movie in a container
ListItem.MusicChannels Returns the number of audio channels for a song v19
ListItem.NextDuration Duration of the next item (PVR). v18
ListItem.NextEndDate End date of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextEndTime End of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextGenre Genre of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextPlot Plot of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextPlotOutline Plot outline of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextStartDate Start date of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextStartTime Start time of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextTitle Title of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.OriginalDate Returns the original release date of the item v19
ListItem.OriginalTitle Shows the original title of the currently selected movie in a container
ListItem.Path Shows the complete path of the currently selected song or movie in a container
ListItem.PercentPlayed Returns percentage value [0-100] of how far the selected video has been played
ListItem.PictureAperture Shows the F-stop used to take the selected picture. This is the value of the EXIF FNumber tag (hex code 0x829D).
ListItem.PictureAuthor Shows the name of the person involved in writing about the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC Writer tag (hex code 0x7A).
ListItem.PictureByline Shows the name of the person who created the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC Byline tag (hex code 0x50).
ListItem.PictureBylineTitle Shows the title of the person who created the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC BylineTitle tag (hex code 0x55).
ListItem.PictureCamMake Shows the manufacturer of the camera used to take the selected picture. This is the value of the EXIF Make tag (hex code 0x010F).
ListItem.PictureCamModel Shows the manufacturer's model name or number of the camera used to take the selected picture. This is the value of the EXIF Model tag (hex code 0x0110).
ListItem.PictureCaption Shows a description of the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC Caption tag (hex code 0x78).
ListItem.PictureCategory Shows the subject of the selected picture as a category code. This is the value of the IPTC Category tag (hex code 0x0F).
ListItem.PictureCCDWidth Shows the width of the CCD in the camera used to take the selected picture. This is calculated from three EXIF tags (0xA002 * 0xA210 / 0xA20e).
ListItem.PictureCity Shows the city where the selected picture was taken. This is the value of the IPTC City tag (hex code 0x5A).
ListItem.PictureColour Shows whether the selected picture is "Colour" or "Black and White".
ListItem.PictureComment Shows a description of the selected picture. This is the value of the EXIF User Comment tag (hex code 0x9286). This is the same value as Slideshow.SlideComment.
ListItem.PictureCopyrightNotice Shows the copyright notice of the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC Copyright tag (hex code 0x74).
ListItem.PictureCountry Shows the full name of the country where the selected picture was taken. This is the value of the IPTC CountryName tag (hex code 0x65).
ListItem.PictureCountryCode Shows the country code of the country where the selected picture was taken. This is the value of the IPTC CountryCode tag (hex code 0x64).
ListItem.PictureCredit Shows who provided the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC Credit tag (hex code 0x6E).
ListItem.PictureDate Shows the localized date of the selected picture. The short form of the date is used. The value of the EXIF DateTimeOriginal tag (hex code 0x9003) is preferred. If the DateTimeOriginal tag is not found, the value of DateTimeDigitized (hex code 0x9004) or of DateTime (hex code 0x0132) might be used.
ListItem.PictureDatetime Shows the date/timestamp of the selected picture. The localized short form of the date and time is used. The value of the EXIF DateTimeOriginal tag (hex code 0x9003) is preferred. If the DateTimeOriginal tag is not found, the value of DateTimeDigitized (hex code 0x9004) or of DateTime (hex code 0x0132) might be used.
ListItem.PictureDesc Shows a short description of the selected picture. The SlideComment, EXIFComment, or Caption values might contain a longer description. This is the value of the EXIF ImageDescription tag (hex code 0x010E).
ListItem.PictureDigitalZoom Shows the digital zoom ratio when the selected picture was taken. This is the value of the EXIF DigitalZoomRatio tag (hex code 0xA404).
ListItem.PictureExpMode Shows the exposure mode of the selected picture. The possible values are "Automatic", "Manual", and "Auto bracketing". This is the value of the EXIF ExposureMode tag (hex code 0xA402).
ListItem.PictureExposure Shows the class of the program used by the camera to set exposure when the selected picture was taken. Values include "Manual", "Program (Auto)", "Aperture priority (Semi-Auto)", "Shutter priority (semi-auto)", etc. This is the value of the EXIF ExposureProgram tag (hex code 0x8822).
ListItem.PictureExposureBias Shows the exposure bias of the selected picture. Typically this is a number between -99.99 and 99.99. This is the value of the EXIF ExposureBiasValue tag (hex code 0x9204).
ListItem.PictureExpTime Shows the exposure time of the selected picture, in seconds. This is the value of the EXIF ExposureTime tag (hex code 0x829A). If the ExposureTime tag is not found, the ShutterSpeedValue tag (hex code 0x9201) might be used.
ListItem.PictureFlashUsed Shows the status of flash when the selected picture was taken. The value will be either "Yes" or "No", and might include additional information. This is the value of the EXIF Flash tag (hex code 0x9209).
ListItem.PictureFocalLen Shows the lens focal length of the selected picture
ListItem.PictureFocusDist Shows the focal length of the lens, in mm. This is the value of the EXIF FocalLength tag (hex code 0x920A).
ListItem.PictureGPSAlt Shows the altitude in meters where the selected picture was taken. This is the value of the EXIF GPSInfo.GPSAltitude tag.
ListItem.PictureGPSLat Shows the latitude where the selected picture was taken (degrees, minutes, seconds North or South). This is the value of the EXIF GPSInfo.GPSLatitude and GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef tags.
ListItem.PictureGPSLon Shows the longitude where the selected picture was taken (degrees, minutes, seconds East or West). This is the value of the EXIF GPSInfo.GPSLongitude and GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef tags.
ListItem.PictureHeadline Shows a synopsis of the contents of the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC Headline tag (hex code 0x69).
ListItem.PictureImageType Shows the color components of the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC ImageType tag (hex code 0x82).
ListItem.PictureIPTCDate Shows the date when the intellectual content of the selected picture was created, rather than when the picture was created. This is the value of the IPTC DateCreated tag (hex code 0x37).
ListItem.PictureIPTCTime Shows the time when the intellectual content of the selected picture was created, rather than when the picture was created. This is the value of the IPTC TimeCreated tag (hex code 0x3C).
ListItem.PictureISO Shows the ISO speed of the camera when the selected picture was taken. This is the value of the EXIF ISOSpeedRatings tag (hex code 0x8827).
ListItem.PictureKeywords Shows keywords assigned to the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC Keywords tag (hex code 0x19).
ListItem.PictureLightSource Shows the kind of light source when the picture was taken. Possible values include "Daylight", "Fluorescent", "Incandescent", etc. This is the value of the EXIF LightSource tag (hex code 0x9208).
ListItem.PictureLongDate Shows only the localized date of the selected picture. The long form of the date is used. The value of the EXIF DateTimeOriginal tag (hex code 0x9003) is preferred. If the DateTimeOriginal tag is not found, the value of DateTimeDigitized (hex code 0x9004) or of DateTime (hex code 0x0132) might be used.
ListItem.PictureLongDatetime Shows the date/timestamp of the selected picture. The localized long form of the date and time is used. The value of the EXIF DateTimeOriginal tag (hex code 0x9003) is preferred. if the DateTimeOriginal tag is not found, the value of DateTimeDigitized (hex code 0x9004) or of DateTime (hex code 0x0132) might be used.
ListItem.PictureMeteringMode Shows the metering mode used when the selected picture was taken. The possible values are "Center weight", "Spot", or "Matrix". This is the value of the EXIF MeteringMode tag (hex code 0x9207).
ListItem.PictureObjectName Shows a shorthand reference for the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC ObjectName tag (hex code 0x05).
ListItem.PictureOrientation Shows the orientation of the selected picture. Possible values are "Top Left", "Top Right", "Left Top", "Right Bottom", etc. This is the value of the EXIF Orientation tag (hex code 0x0112).
ListItem.PicturePath Shows the filename and path of the selected picture
ListItem.PictureProcess Shows the process used to compress the selected picture
ListItem.PictureReferenceService Shows the Service Identifier of a prior envelope to which the selected picture refers. This is the value of the IPTC ReferenceService tag (hex code 0x2D).
ListItem.PictureResolution Shows the dimensions of the selected picture
ListItem.PictureSource Shows the original owner of the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC Source tag (hex code 0x73).
ListItem.PictureSpecialInstructions Shows other editorial instructions concerning the use of the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC SpecialInstructions tag (hex code 0x28).
ListItem.PictureState Shows the State/Province where the selected picture was taken. This is the value of the IPTC ProvinceState tag (hex code 0x5F).
ListItem.PictureSublocation Shows the location within a city where the selected picture was taken - might indicate the nearest landmark. This is the value of the IPTC SubLocation tag (hex code 0x5C).
ListItem.PictureSupplementalCategories Shows supplemental category codes to further refine the subject of the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC SuppCategory tag (hex code 0x14).
ListItem.PictureTransmissionReference Shows a code representing the location of original transmission of the selected picture. This is the value of the IPTC TransmissionReference tag (hex code 0x67).
ListItem.PictureUrgency Shows the urgency of the selected picture. Values are 1-9. The "1" is most urgent. Some image management programs use urgency to indicate picture rating, where urgency "1" is 5 stars and urgency "5" is 1 star. Urgencies 6-9 are not used for rating. This is the value of the IPTC Urgency tag (hex code 0x0A).
ListItem.PictureWhiteBalance Shows the white balance mode set when the selected picture was taken. The possible values are "Manual" and "Auto". This is the value of the EXIF WhiteBalance tag (hex code 0xA403).
ListItem.PlayCount Playcount of Video in a container
ListItem.Plot Complete Text Summary of Video in a container
ListItem.PlotOutline Small Summary of current Video in a container
ListItem.Premiered Shows the release/aired date of the currently selected episode, show, movie or EPG item in a container
ListItem.PrivacyPolicy Returns the official Kodi privacy-policy v17
ListItem.ProgramCount Shows the number of times an xbe has been run from "my programs"
ListItem.Progress Part of the programme that's been played (PVR).
ListItem.Property(Addon.Changelog) Shows the changelog of the currently selected addon
ListItem.Property(Addon.ID) Shows the identifier of the currently selected addon
ListItem.Property(Addon.Path) Shows the path of the currently selected addon
ListItem.Property(Addon.Status) Shows the status of the currently selected addon
ListItem.Property(Album_Description) Shows a review of the currently selected Album
ListItem.Property(Album_Duration) Returns the duration of an album in HH:MM:SS v19
ListItem.Property(Album_Label) Shows the record label of the currently selected Album
ListItem.Property(Album_Mood) Shows the moods of the currently selected Album
ListItem.Property(Album_Rating) Shows the scraped rating of the currently selected Album
ListItem.Property(Album_Style) Shows the styles of the currently selected Album
ListItem.Property(Album_Theme) Shows the themes of the currently selected Album
ListItem.Property(Album_Type) Shows the Album Type (e.g. compilation, enhanced, explicit lyrics) of the currently selected Album
ListItem.Property(Album_UserRating) Shows the user rating of the currently selected Album
ListItem.Property(Artist_Born) Date of Birth of the currently selected Artist
ListItem.Property(Artist_Description) Shows a biography of the currently selected artist
ListItem.Property(Artist_Died) Date of Death of the currently selected Artist
ListItem.Property(Artist_Disambiguation) Brief description of the currently selected Artist that differentiates them from others with the same name v18
ListItem.Property(Artist_Disbanded) Disbanding date of the currently selected Band
ListItem.Property(Artist_Formed) Formation date of the currently selected Band
ListItem.Property(Artist_Gender) Gender of the currently selected Artist - male, female, other v18
ListItem.Property(Artist_Genre) Shows the genre of the currently selected artist
ListItem.Property(Artist_Instrument) Instruments played by the currently selected artist
ListItem.Property(Artist_Mood) Shows the moods of the currently selected artist
ListItem.Property(Artist_Sortname) Sortname of the currently selected Artist v18
ListItem.Property(Artist_Style) Shows the styles of the currently selected artist
ListItem.Property(Artist_Type) Type of the currently selected Artist - person, group, orchestra, choir etc. v18
ListItem.Property(Artist_YearsActive) Years the currently selected artist has been active
ListItem.Property(AudioChannels.[n]) Shows the number of audio channels of the currently selected video, 'n' defines the number of the audiostream (values: see ListItem.AudioChannels)
ListItem.Property(AudioCodec.[n]) Shows the audio codec of the currently selected video, 'n' defines the number of the audiostream (values: see ListItem.AudioCodec)
ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage.[n]) Shows the audio language of the currently selected video, 'n' defines the number of the audiostream (values: see ListItem.AudioLanguage)
ListItem.Property(game.stretchmode) Name of the stretch mode (eg. Stretch 4:3) v18
ListItem.Property(game.videofilter) Name of the video filter (eg. Bilinear) v18
ListItem.Property(game.videorotation) Angle of the rotation v18
ListItem.Property(NumEpisodes) Shows the number of total, watched or unwatched episodes for the currently selected tvshow or season, based on the the current watched filter.
ListItem.Property(Role.Arranger) Returns the name of the person who arranged the selected song
ListItem.Property(Role.Composer) Returns the name of the person who composed the selected song
ListItem.Property(Role.Conductor) Returns the name of the person who conducted the selected song
ListItem.Property(Role.DJMixer) Returns the name of the dj who remixed the selected song
ListItem.Property(Role.Engineer) Returns the name of the person who was the engineer of the selected song
ListItem.Property(Role.Lyricist) Returns the name of the person who wrote the lyrics of the selected song
ListItem.Property(Role.Mixer) Returns the name of the person who mixed the selected song
ListItem.Property(Role.Orchestra) Returns the name of the orchestra performing the selected song
ListItem.Property(Role.Producer) Returns the name of the person who produced the selected song
ListItem.Property(Role.Remixer) Returns the name of the person who remixed the selected song
ListItem.Property(SubtitleLanguage.[n]) Shows the subtitle language of the currently selected video, 'n' defines the number of the subtitle (values: see ListItem.SubtitleLanguage)
ListItem.Property(TotalEpisodes) Shows the total number of episodes for the currently selected tvshow or season
ListItem.Property(TotalSeasons) Shows the total number of seasons for the currently selected tvshow
ListItem.Property(UnWatchedEpisodes) Shows the number of unwatched episodes for the currently selected tvshow or season
ListItem.Property(WatchedEpisodes) Shows the number of watched episodes for the currently selected tvshow or season
ListItem.Rating[(name)] Shows the scraped rating of the currently selected item in a container. Optionally you can specify the name of the scraper to retrieve a specific rating, for use in dialogvideoinfo.xml.
ListItem.RatingAndVotes[(name)] Shows the IMDB rating and votes of the currently selected movie in a container. Optionally you can specify the name of the scraper to retrieve a specific rating and votes, for use in dialogvideoinfo.xml.
ListItem.ReleaseDate Returns the release date of the current item v19
ListItem.SampleRate Returns the sample rate of a song / 1000.0 eg 44.1, 48, 96 etc v19
ListItem.Season Shows the season value for the currently selected tvshow
ListItem.Set Shows the name of the set the movie is part of
ListItem.SetId Shows the id of the set the movie is part of
ListItem.Size Shows the file size of the currently selected song or movie in a container
ListItem.SortLetter Shows the first letter of the current file in a container
ListItem.StartDate Start date of current selected TV programme in a container
ListItem.StartDate Start date of the selected item (PVR).
ListItem.StartTime Start time of current selected TV programme in a container
ListItem.StartTime Start time of the selected item (PVR).
ListItem.Status For use with tv shows. It can return one of the following: 'returning series','in production','planned','cancelled' or 'ended'
ListItem.StereoscopicMode Returns the stereomode of the selected video (i.e. mono, split_vertical, split_horizontal, row_interleaved, anaglyph_cyan_red, anaglyph_green_magenta)
ListItem.Studio Studio of current selected Music Video in a container
ListItem.SubtitleLanguage Shows the subtitle language of the currently selected video (returns an ISO 639-2 three character code, e.g. eng, epo, deu)
ListItem.Tag Will return the name of the 'tag' this movie is part of.
ListItem.Tagline Small Summary of current Video in a container
ListItem.Title Shows the title of the currently selected song or movie in a container
ListItem.Top250 Shows the IMDb top250 position of the currently selected ListItem in a container.
ListItem.TotalDiscs The total amount of discs belonging to an album v19
ListItem.TrackNumber Shows the track number of the currently selected song in a container
ListItem.Trailer Shows the full trailer path with filename of the currently selected movie in a container
ListItem.TvShowDBID Returns the tv show DBID of the selected season or episode a container v19
ListItem.TVShowTitle Shows the name value for the currently selected tvshow in the season and episode depth of the video library
ListItem.UniqueID() Returns the UniqueID of the selected item in a container v19
ListItem.UserRating Shows the user rating of the currently selected item in a container
ListItem.VideoAspect Shows the aspect ratio of the currently selected video (possible values: 1.33, 1.37, 1.66, 1.78, 1.85, 2.20, 2.35, 2.40, 2.55, 2.76, Note: Kodi v20: 1.00, 1.19, 2.00 )
ListItem.VideoCodec Shows the video codec of the currently selected video (common values: 3iv2, avc1, div2, div3, divx, divx 4, dx50, flv, h264, microsoft, mp42, mp43, mp4v, mpeg1video, mpeg2video, mpg4, rv40, svq1, svq3, theora, vp6f, wmv2, wmv3, wvc1, xvid)
ListItem.VideoResolution Shows the resolution of the currently selected video (possible values: 480, 576, 540, 720, 1080, 4K, 8K [Note: v18 addition]). Note that 540 usually means a widescreen format (around 960x540) while 576 means PAL resolutions (normally 720x576), therefore 540 is actually better resolution than 576. v18
ListItem.VideoVersionName Shows the name of the video version. v21
ListItem.Votes[(name)] Shows the IMDB votes of the currently selected movie in a container. Optionally you can specify the name of the scraper to retrieve specific votes, for use in dialogvideoinfo.xml.
ListItem.Writer Name of Writer of current Video in a container
ListItem.Year Shows the year of the currently selected song, album or movie in a container

Musicpartymode labels

InfoLabels Definition Version
MusicPartyMode.SongsPlayed Number of songs played during Party Mode
MusicPartyMode.MatchingSongs Number of songs available to Party Mode
MusicPartyMode.MatchingSongsPicked Number of songs picked already for Party Mode
MusicPartyMode.MatchingSongsLeft Number of songs left to be picked from for Party Mode
MusicPartyMode.RelaxedSongsPicked Not currently used
MusicPartyMode.RandomSongsPicked Number of unique random songs picked during Party Mode

Network labels

InfoLabels Definition Version
Network.IsDHCP Network type is DHCP or FIXED
Network.IPAddress The system's IP Address (<ipaddress> is returned as a string)
Network.LinkState Network linkstate e.g. 10mbit/100mbit etc.
Network.MacAddress The system's mac address
Network.SubnetMask Network subnet mask
Network.GatewayAddress Network gateway address
Network.DNS1Address Network dns server 1 address
Network.DNS2Address Network dns server 2 address
Network.DHCPAddress DHCP server ip address

Player labels

InfoLabels Definition Version
Player.FinishTime Time playing media will end
Player.FinishTime(format) Shows hours (hh), minutes (mm) or seconds (ss). When 12 hour clock is used (xx) will return AM/PM. Also supported: (hh:mm), (mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss).
Player.Chapter Current chapter of current playing media
Player.ChapterCount Total number of chapters of current playing media
Player.Time Elapsed time of current playing media
Player.Time(format) Shows hours (hh), minutes (mm) or seconds (ss). When 12 hour clock is used (xx) will return AM/PM. Also supported: (hh:mm), (mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss).
Player.TimeRemaining Remaining time of current playing media
Player.TimeRemaining(format) Shows hours (hh), minutes (mm) or seconds (ss). When 12 hour clock is used (xx) will return AM/PM. Also supported: (hh:mm), (mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss).
Player.Duration Total duration of the current playing media
Player.Duration(format) Shows hours (hh), minutes (mm) or seconds (ss). When 12 hour clock is used (xx) will return AM/PM. Also supported: (hh:mm), (mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss).
Player.SeekTime Time to which the user is seeking
Player.SeekBar Time to which the user is seeking as a percentage (for use in slider controls)
Player.SeekOffset Indicates the seek offset after a seek press (eg user presses BigStepForward, player.seekoffset returns +10:00)
Player.SeekOffset(format) Shows hours (hh), minutes (mm) or seconds (ss). Also supported: (hh:mm), (mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss).
Player.SeekStepSize Displays the seek step size. (v15 addition)
Player.Progress Shows how much (percentage) of the file has been played
Player.ProgressCache Shows how much of the file is cached above current play percentage
Player.Folderpath Shows the full path of the currently playing song or movie. (supports .offset() and .position())
Player.Filenameandpath Shows the full path with filename of the currently playing song or movie. (supports .offset() and .position())
Player.StartTime Returns the starttime (from the epg) of a tv program, for all other videos it will return the time you started watching this video.
Player.StartTime(format) Shows hours (hh), minutes (mm) or seconds (ss). When 12 hour clock is used (xx) will return AM/PM. Also supported: (hh:mm), (mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss).
Player.Title Returns the musicplayer title for audio and the videoplayer title for videos. (supports .offset() and .position())
Player.Filename Returns the filename of the currently playing media. (supports .offset() and .position())
Player.Volume Returns the volume level in dB
Player.PlaySpeed Current playspeed. (range:0.8 to 1.5)
Player.Process(AudioBitsPerSample) Bits per sample of the currently playing item
Player.Process(AudioChannels) Number of audiochannels of the currently playing item
Player.Process(AudioDecoder) Audiodecoder name of the currently playing item
Player.Process(AudioSamplerate) Samplerate f the currently playing item
Player.Process(DeintMethod) Deinterlace method of the currently playing video
Player.Process(PixFormat) Pixel format of the currently playing video
Player.Process(VideoDAR) Display aspect ratio of the currently playing video
Player.Process(VideoFPS) Video framerate of the currently playing video
Player.Process(VideoHeight) Height of the currently playing video
Player.Process(VideoDecoder) Videodecoder name of the currently playing video
Player.Process(VideoWidth) Width of the currently playing video
Player.Process(VideoScanType) The scan type identifier of the currently playing video p (for progressive) or i (for interlaced) v20
Player.CutList this infolabel can be used with the Ranges Control, as EDL and chapter markers v19
Player.Chapters this infolabel can be used with the Ranges Control, as EDL and chapter markers v19

Music player

InfoLabels Definition Version
MusicPlayer.Title Title of the currently playing song, also available are "MusicPlayer.offset(number).Title" offset is relative to the current playing item and "MusicPlayer.Position(number).Title" position is relative to the start of the playlist
MusicPlayer.Album Album from which the current song is from, also available are "MusicPlayer.offset(number).Album" offset is relative to the current playing item and "MusicPlayer.Position(number).Album" position is relative to the start of the playlist
MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Mood) Shows the moods of the currently playing Album
MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Style) Shows the styles of the currently playing Album
MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Theme) Shows the themes of the currently playing Album
MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Type) Shows the Album Type (e.g. compilation, enhanced, explicit lyrics) of the currently playing Album
MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Label) Shows the record label of the currently playing Album
MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Description) Shows a review of the currently playing Album
MusicPlayer.Artist Artist(s) of current song, also available are "MusicPlayer.offset(number).Artist" offset is relative to the current playing item and "MusicPlayer.Position(number).Artist" position is relative to the start of the playlist
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Born) Date of Birth of the currently playing Artist
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Died) Date of Death of the currently playing Artist
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Formed) Formation date of the currently playing Artist/Band
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Disbanded) Disbanding date of the currently playing Artist/Band
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_YearsActive) Years the currently Playing artist has been active
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Instrument) Instruments played by the currently playing artist
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Description) Shows a biography of the currently playing artist
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Mood) Shows the moods of the currently playing artist
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Style) Shows the styles of the currently playing artist
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Genre) Shows the genre of the currently playing artist
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Sortname) Sortname of the currently playing Artist v18
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Type) Type of the currently playing Artist - person, group, orchestra, choir etc. v18
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Gender) Gender of the currently playing Artist - male, female, other v18
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Disambiguation) Brief description of the currently playing Artist that differentiates them from others with the same name v18
MusicPlayer.Genre Genre(s) of current song, also available are "MusicPlayer.offset(number).Genre" offset is relative to the current playing item and "MusicPlayer.Position(number).Genre" position is relative to the start of the playlist
MusicPlayer.Lyrics Lyrics of current song stored in ID tag info
MusicPlayer.Year Year of release of current song, also available are "MusicPlayer.offset(number).Year" offset is relative to the current playing item and "MusicPlayer.Position(number).Year" position is relative to the start of the playlist
MusicPlayer.Rating Numeric Rating of current song, also available are "MusicPlayer.offset(number).Rating" offset is relative to the current playing item and "MusicPlayer.Position(number).Rating" position is relative to the start of the playlist
MusicPlayer.DiscNumber Disc Number of current song stored in ID tag info, also available are "MusicPlayer.offset(number).DiscNumber" offset is relative to the current playing item and "MusicPlayer.Position(number).DiscNumber" position is relative to the start of the playlist
MusicPlayer.Comment Comment of current song stored in ID tag info, also available are "MusicPlayer.offset(number).Comment" offset is relative to the current playing item and "MusicPlayer.Position(number).Comment" position is relative to the start of the playlist
MusicPlayer.Time Current time in song
MusicPlayer.TimeRemaining Current remaining time in song
MusicPlayer.TimeSpeed Both the time and the playspeed formatted up. eg 1:23 (2x)
MusicPlayer.TrackNumber Track number of current song, also available are "MusicPlayer.offset(number).TrackNumber" offset is relative to the current playing item and "MusicPlayer.Position(number).TrackNumber" position is relative to the start of the playlist
MusicPlayer.Duration Duration of current song, also available are "MusicPlayer.offset(number).Duration" offset is relative to the current playing item and "MusicPlayer.Position(number).Duration" position is relative to the start of the playlist
MusicPlayer.BitRate Bitrate of current song
MusicPlayer.Channels Number of channels of current song
MusicPlayer.BitsPerSample Number of bits per sample of current song
MusicPlayer.SampleRate Samplerate of current song
MusicPlayer.Codec Codec of current song
MusicPlayer.PlaylistPosition Position of the current song in the current music playlist
MusicPlayer.PlaylistLength Total size of the current music playlist
MusicPlayer.ChannelName Channel name of the radio programme that's currently playing (PVR).
MusicPlayer.ChannelNumberLabel Channel and subchannel number of the radio channel that's currently playing (PVR).
MusicPlayer.ChannelGroup Channel group of of the radio programme that's currently playing (PVR).
MusicPlayer.Contributors List of all people who've contributed to the currently playing song
MusicPlayer.ContributorAndRole List of all people and their role who've contributed to the currently playing song
MusicPlayer.Mood Mood of the currently playing song
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Arranger) Returns the name of the person who arranged the selected song
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Composer) Returns the name of the person who composed the selected song
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Conductor) Returns the name of the person who conducted the selected song
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.DJMixer) Returns the name of the dj who remixed the selected song
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Engineer) Returns the name of the person who was the engineer of the selected song
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Lyricist) Returns the name of the person who wrote the lyrics of the selected song
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Mixer) Returns the name of the person who mixed the selected song
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Orchestra) Returns the name of the orchestra performing the selected song
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Producer) Returns the name of the person who produced the selected song
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Remixer) Returns the name of the person who remixed the selected song
MusicPlayer.UserRating The rating the user gave to the currently playing song
MusicPlayer.DBID The database id of the currently playing song v17 Addition
MusicPlayer.DiscTitle The title of the disc currently playing v19
MusicPlayer.ReleaseDate Returns the release date of the song currently playing v19
MusicPlayer.OriginalDate Returns the original release date of the song currently playing v19
MusicPlayer.BPM Returns the Beats Per Minute of the currently playing song v19
MusicPlayer.TotalDiscs Returns the number of discs associated with the album of the currently playing song v19

Video player

InfoLabels Definition Version
VideoPlayer.VideoVersionName Show the name of the video version v21
VideoPlayer.Time Current time in movie
VideoPlayer.TimeRemaining Current remaining time in movie
VideoPlayer.TimeSpeed Current time + playspeed. eg 1:23:14 (-4x)
VideoPlayer.Duration Length of current movie
VideoPlayer.Title Title of currently playing video. If it's in the database it will return the database title, else the filename. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.OriginalTitle The original title of currently playing video. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.TVShowTitle Title of currently playing episode's tvshow name. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Season Season number of the currently playing episode, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Episode Episode number of the currently playing episode. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Genre Genre(s) of current movie, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Director Director of current movie, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Country Production country of current movie, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Year Year of release of current movie, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Premiered The release/aired date of the currently selected episode, show, movie or EPG item. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Rating IMDb user rating of current movie, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.UserRating Shows the user rating of the currently playing item. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Votes IMDb votes of current movie, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.RatingAndVotes IMDb user rating and votes of current movie, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.mpaa MPAA rating of current movie, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.IMDBNumber The IMDB iD of the current video, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.EpisodeName (PVR only) The name of the episode if the playing video is a TV Show, if it's in the database
VideoPlayer.PlaylistPosition Position of the current song in the current video playlist
VideoPlayer.PlaylistLength Total size of the current video playlist
VideoPlayer.Cast A concatenated string of cast members of the current movie, if it's in the database
VideoPlayer.CastAndRole A concatenated string of cast members and roles of the current movie, if it's in the database
VideoPlayer.Trailer The trailer of the current movie. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Album Album from which the current Music Video is from, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Artist Artist(s) of current Music Video, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Studio Studio of current Music Video, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Writer Name of Writer of current playing Video, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Tagline Small Summary of current playing Video, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.PlotOutline Small Summary of current playing Video, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Plot Complete Text Summary of current playing Video, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.Top250 Shows the IMDb top250 position of the current playing Video. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.LastPlayed Last play date of current playing Video, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.PlayCount Playcount of current playing Video, if it's in the database. (supports .offset() and .position())
VideoPlayer.HdrType Shows the HDR type of the currently playing video (possible values: hdr10, dolbyvision and hlg) v20
VideoPlayer.VideoCodec Shows the video codec of the currently playing video (common values: see ListItem.VideoCodec)
VideoPlayer.VideoResolution Shows the video resolution of the currently playing video (possible values: see ListItem.VideoResolution)
VideoPlayer.VideoAspect Shows the aspect ratio of the currently playing video (possible values: see ListItem.VideoAspect)
VideoPlayer.AudioCodec Shows the audio codec of the currently playing video, optionally 'n' defines the number of the audiostream (common values: see ListItem.AudioCodec)
VideoPlayer.AudioChannels Shows the number of audio channels of the currently playing video (possible values: see ListItem.AudioChannels)
VideoPlayer.AudioLanguage Shows the language of the audio of the currently playing video(possible values: see ListItem.AudioLanguage)
VideoPlayer.SubtitlesLanguage Shows the language of the subtitle of the currently playing video (possible values: see ListItem.SubtitlesLanguage)
VideoPlayer.StereoscopicMode Shows the stereoscopic mode of the currently playing video (possible values: see ListItem.StereoscopicMode)
VideoPlayer.EndTime End date of the currently playing programme (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextTitle Title of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextGenre Genre of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextPlot Plot of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextPlotOutline Plot outline of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextStartTime Start time of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextEndTime End time of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextDuration Duration of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.ChannelName Name of the curently tuned channel (PVR).
VideoPlayer.ChannelNumberLabel Channel and subchannel number of the tv channel that's currently playing (PVR).
VideoPlayer.ChannelGroup Group of the curently tuned channel (PVR).
VideoPlayer.ParentalRating Parental rating of the currently playing programme (PVR).
VideoPlayer.DBID The database id of the currently playing video. (supports .offset() and .position()) v17 Addition
VideoPlayer.UniqueID() Returns the UniqueID of the currently playing video v19
VideoPlayer.TvShowDBID Returns the tv show DBID of the currently playing episode v19


InfoLabels Definition Version
Playlist.Length(media) Total size of the current playlist. optional parameter media is either video or music.
Playlist.Position(media) Position of the current item in the current playlist. optional parameter media is either video or music.
Playlist.Random Returns 'On' or 'Off'
Playlist.Repeat Returns string ID's 592 (Repeat One), 593 (Repeat All), or 594 (Repeat Off)


InfoLabels Definition Version
PVR.NowRecordingTitle Title of the programme being recorded
PVR.NowRecordingDateTime Start date and time of the current recording
PVR.NowRecordingChannel Channel number that's being recorded
PVR.NextRecordingTitle Title of the next programme that will be recorded
PVR.NextRecordingDateTime Start date and time of the next recording
PVR.NextRecordingChannel Channel name of the next recording
PVR.BackendName Name of the backend being used
PVR.BackendVersion Version of the backend that's being used
PVR.BackendHost Backend hostname
PVR.BackendDiskSpace Available diskspace on the backend
PVR.BackendChannels Number of available channels the backend provides
PVR.BackendTimers Number of timers set for the backend
PVR.BackendRecordings Number of recording available on the backend
PVR.BackendDiskspace Free diskspace available for recordings on the backend
PVR.BackendNumber Backend number
PVR.TotalDiscSpace Total diskspace available for recordings
PVR.NextTimer Next timer date
PVR.EpgEventDuration[(format)] Returns the duration of the currently played title on TV. See ListItem.Duration for optinional formatting options
PVR.EpgEventElapsedTime[(format)] Returns the time position of the currently played title on TV. See ListItem.Duration for optinional formatting options
PVR.EpgEventRemainingTime[(format)] Returns the remaining time for currently playing epg event. See ListItem.Duration for optinional formatting options v18
PVR.EpgEventFinishTime[(format)] Returns the time the currently playing epg event will end. See ListItem.Duration for optinional formatting options v18
PVR.EpgEventSeekTime[(format)] Returns the seek time of the currently playing epg event. See ListItem.Duration for optinional formatting options v18
PVR.EpgEventProgress Returns the position of currently played title on TV as integer
PVR.TimeShiftStart[(format)] Start position of the timeshift. See ListItem.Duration for optinional formatting options
PVR.TimeShiftEnd[(format)] End position of the timeshift. See ListItem.Duration for optinional formatting options
PVR.TimeShiftCur[(format)] Current position of the timeshift. See ListItem.Duration for optinional formatting options
PVR.TimeShiftOffset[(format)] Current offset of the timeshift. See ListItem.Duration for optinional formatting options
PVR.TimeShiftProgress Returns the position of currently timeshifted title on TV as interger
PVR.ActStreamClient Stream client name
PVR.ActStreamDevice Stream device name
PVR.ActStreamStatus Status of the stream
PVR.ActStreamSignal Signal quality of the stream
PVR.ActStreamSnr Signal to noise ratio of the stream
PVR.ActStreamBer Bit error rate of the stream
PVR.ActStreamUnc UNC value of the stream
PVR.ActStreamVideoBitRate Video bitrate of the stream
PVR.ActStreamAudioBitRate Audio bitrate of the stream
PVR.ActStreamDolbyBitRate Dolby bitrate of the stream
PVR.ActStreamProgrSignal Signal quality of the programme
PVR.ActStreamProgrSnr Signal to noise ratio of the programme
PVR.ActStreamEncryptionName Encryption used on the stream
PVR.TVNowRecordingTitle Title of the tv programme being recorded v17 Addition
PVR.TVNowRecordingDateTime Start date and time of the current tv recording v17 Addition
PVR.TVNowRecordingChannel Channel name of the current tv recording v17 Addition
PVR.TVNowRecordingChannelIcon Icon of the current recording TV channel v17 Addition
PVR.TVNextRecordingTitle Title of the next tv programme that will be recorded v17 Addition
PVR.TVNextRecordingDateTime Start date and time of the next tv recording v17 Addition
PVR.TVNextRecordingChannel Channel name of the next tv recording v17 Addition
PVR.TVNextRecordingChannelIcon Icon of the next recording tv channel v17 Addition
PVR.RadioNowRecordingTitle Title of the radio programme being recorded v17 Addition
PVR.RadioNowRecordingDateTime Start date and time of the current radio recording v17 Addition
PVR.RadioNowRecordingChannel Channel name of the current radio recording v17 Addition
PVR.RadioNowRecordingChannelIcon Icon of the current recording radio channel v17 Addition
PVR.RadioNextRecordingTitle Title of the next radio programme that will be recorded v17 Addition
PVR.RadioNextRecordingDateTime Start date and time of the next radio recording v17 Addition
PVR.RadioNextRecordingChannel Channel name of the next radio recording v17 Addition
PVR.ChannelNumberInput Label displaying the number the user entered on remote or keyboard v18
PVR.TimeshiftProgressDuration Returns the duration of the PVR timeshift progress in the format hh:mm:ss. hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero v18
PVR.TimeshiftProgressDuration(format) Returns the duration of the PVR timeshift progress in different formats, hours (hh), minutes (mm) or seconds (ss) v18
PVR.TimeshiftProgressStartTime Returns the start time of the PVR timeshift progress in the format hh:mm:ss. hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero v18
PVR.TimeshiftProgressStartTime(format) Returns the start time of the PVR timeshift progress in different formats, hours (hh), minutes (mm) or seconds (ss) v18
PVR.TimeshiftProgressEndTime Returns the end time of the PVR timeshift progress in the format hh:mm:ss. hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero v18
PVR.TimeshiftProgressEndTime(format) Returns the end time of the PVR timeshift progress in different formats, hours (hh), minutes (mm) or seconds (ss) v18
PVR.TimeshiftProgressPlayPos Returns the percentage of the current play position within the PVR timeshift progress v18
PVR.TimeshiftProgressEpgStart Returns the percentage of the start of the currently playing epg event within the PVR timeshift progress v18
PVR.TimeshiftProgressEpgEnd Returns the percentage of the end of the currently playing epg event within the PVR timeshift progress v18
PVR.TimeshiftProgressBufferStart Returns the percentage of the start of the timeshift buffer within the PVR timeshift progress v18
PVR.TimeshiftProgressBufferEnd Returns the percentage of the end of the timeshift buffer within the PVR timeshift progress v18
PVR.TimeShiftSeekbar This is the equivalent of Player.Seekbar, but for LiveTV (can be used in a slider control and indicates the position being seeked to) v19


InfoLabels Definition Version
RDS.AudioLanguage The from RDS reported audio language of channel
RDS.ChannelCountry Country where the radio channel is sended
RDS.GetLine(number) Returns the last sended RDS text messages on givern number, 0 is thelast and 4 rows are supported (0-3)
RDS.Title Title of item; e.g. track title of an album (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.Artist A person or band/collective generally considered responsible for the work (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.Band Band/orchestra/accompaniment/musician (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.Composer Name of the original composer/author (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.Conductor The artist(s) who performed the work. In classical music this would bethe conductor (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.Album The collection name to which this track belongs (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.TrackNumber The track number of the item on the album on which it was originallyreleased. (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.RadioStyle The from radio channel used style of currently played part, e.g "popmusic", "news" or "weather"
RDS.Comment Radio station comment string if available (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoNews Message / headline (if available) (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoNewsLocal Local information news sended from radio channel (if available) (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoStock Quote information; either as one part or as several distinct parts:"name 99latest value 99change 99high 99low 99volume" (if available) (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoStockSize Number of rows present in stock information (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoSport Result of a game; either as one part or as several distinct parts:"match 99result", e.g. "Bayern München : Borussia 995:5" (if available) (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoSportSize Number of rows present in sport information (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoLottery Raffle / lottery: "key word 99values" (if available) (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoLotterySize Number of rows present in lottery information (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoWeather Weather informations sended from radio channel (if available) (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoWeatherSize Number of rows present in weather information (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoCinema Information about movies in cinema (if available) (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoCinemaSize Number of rows present in cinema information (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoHoroscope Horoscope; either as one part or as two distinct parts:"key word 99text", e.g. "sign of the zodiac 99blablabla" (if available) (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoHoroscopeSize Number of rows present in horoscope information (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoOther Other information, not especially specified: "key word 99info" (if available) (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.InfoOtherSize Number of rows present with other informations (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.ProgStation Name of the radio channel@note becomes also be set from epg if from RDS not available
RDS.ProgNow Now played program name@note becomes also be set from epg if from RDS not available
RDS.ProgNext Next played program name (if available)@note becomes also be set from epg if from RDS not available
RDS.ProgHost Name of the host of the radio show
RDS.ProgEditStaff Name of the editorial staff; e.g. name of editorial journalist (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.ProgHomepage Link to radio station homepage (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.ProgStyle Human readable string about radiostyle defined from RDS or RBDS
RDS.PhoneHotline The telephone number of the radio station's hotline (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.PhoneStudio The telephone number of the radio station's studio (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.SmsStudio The sms number of the radio stations studio (to send directly a sms to the studio) (if available) (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.EmailHotline The email adress of the radio stations hotline (if available) (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)
RDS.EmailStudio The email adress of the radio stations studio (if available) (Only be available on RadiotextPlus)


InfoLabels Definition Version
Skin.CurrentTheme Returns the current selected skin theme.
Skin.CurrentColourTheme Returns the current selected colour theme of the skin.
Skin.Font Returns the current fontset from Font.xml. v18 addition
Skin.String(name) Returns the user-set skin string, set via the Skin.SetString(name) List of Built In Functions. Allows skinners to have user-customisable labels.
Skin.AspectRatio Returns the closest aspect ratio match using the resolution info from the skin's addon.xml file.


InfoLabels Definition Version
Slideshow.Altitude Shows the altitude in meters where the current picture was taken. This is the value of the EXIF GPSInfo.GPSAltitude tag.
Slideshow.Aperture Shows the F-stop used to take the current picture. This is the value of the EXIF FNumber tag (hex code 0x829D).
Slideshow.Author Shows the name of the person involved in writing about the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC Writer tag (hex code 0x7A).
Slideshow.Byline Shows the name of the person who created the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC Byline tag (hex code 0x50).
Slideshow.BylineTitle Shows the title of the person who created the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC BylineTitle tag (hex code 0x55).
Slideshow.CameraMake Shows the manufacturer of the camera used to take the current picture. This is the value of the EXIF Make tag (hex code 0x010F).
Slideshow.CameraModel Shows the manufacturer's model name or number of the camera used to take the current picture. This is the value of the EXIF Model tag (hex code 0x0110).
Slideshow.Caption Shows a description of the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC Caption tag (hex code 0x78).
Slideshow.Category Shows the subject of the current picture as a category code. This is the value of the IPTC Category tag (hex code 0x0F).
Slideshow.CCDWidth Shows the width of the CCD in the camera used to take the current picture. This is calculated from three EXIF tags (0xA002 * 0xA210 / 0xA20e).
Slideshow.City Shows the city where the current picture was taken. This is the value of the IPTC City tag (hex code 0x5A).
Slideshow.Colour Shows whether the current picture is "Colour" or "Black and White".
Slideshow.CopyrightNotice Shows the copyright notice of the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC Copyright tag (hex code 0x74).
Slideshow.Country Shows the full name of the country where the current picture was taken. This is the value of the IPTC CountryName tag (hex code 0x65).
Slideshow.CountryCode Shows the country code of the country where the current picture was taken. This is the value of the IPTC CountryCode tag (hex code 0x64).
Slideshow.Credit Shows who provided the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC Credit tag (hex code 0x6E).
Slideshow.DigitalZoom Shows the digital zoom ratio when the current picture was taken. This is the value of the EXIF .DigitalZoomRatio tag (hex code 0xA404).
Slideshow.EXIFComment Shows a description of the current picture. This is the value of the EXIF User Comment tag (hex code 0x9286). This is the same value as Slideshow.SlideComment.
Slideshow.EXIFDate Shows the localized date of the current picture. The short form of the date is used. The value of the EXIF DateTimeOriginal tag (hex code 0x9003) is preferred. If the DateTimeOriginal tag is not found, the value of DateTimeDigitized (hex code 0x9004) or of DateTime (hex code 0x0132) might be used.
Slideshow.EXIFDescription Shows a short description of the current picture. The SlideComment, EXIFComment, or Caption values might contain a longer description. This is the value of the EXIF ImageDescription tag (hex code 0x010E).
Slideshow.EXIFSoftware Shows the name and version of the firmware used by the camera that took the current picture. This is the value of the EXIF Software tag (hex code 0x0131).
Slideshow.EXIFTime Shows the date/timestamp of the current picture. The localized short form of the date and time is used. The value of the EXIF DateTimeOriginal tag (hex code 0x9003) is preferred. If the DateTimeOriginal tag is not found, the value of DateTimeDigitized (hex code 0x9004) or of DateTime (hex code 0x0132) might be used.
Slideshow.Exposure Shows the class of the program used by the camera to set exposure when the current picture was taken. Values include "Manual", "Program (Auto)", "Aperture priority (Semi-Auto)", "Shutter priority (semi-auto)", etc. This is the value of the EXIF ExposureProgram tag (hex code 0x8822).
Slideshow.ExposureBias Shows the exposure bias of the current picture. Typically this is a number between -99.99 and 99.99. This is the value of the EXIF ExposureBiasValue tag (hex code 0x9204).
Slideshow.ExposureMode Shows the exposure mode of the current picture. The possible values are "Automatic", "Manual", and "Auto bracketing". This is the value of the EXIF ExposureMode tag (hex code 0xA402).
Slideshow.ExposureTime Shows the exposure time of the current picture, in seconds. This is the value of the EXIF ExposureTime tag (hex code 0x829A). If the ExposureTime tag is not found, the ShutterSpeedValue tag (hex code 0x9201) might be used.
Slideshow.Filedate Shows the file date of the current picture
Slideshow.Filename Shows the file name of the current picture
Slideshow.Filesize Shows the file size of the current picture
Slideshow.FlashUsed Shows the status of flash when the current picture was taken. The value will be either "Yes" or "No", and might include additional information. This is the value of the EXIF Flash tag (hex code 0x9209).
Slideshow.FocalLength Shows the focal length of the lens, in mm. This is the value of the EXIF FocalLength tag (hex code 0x920A).
Slideshow.FocusDistance Shows the distance to the subject, in meters. This is the value of the EXIF SubjectDistance tag (hex code 0x9206).
Slideshow.Headline Shows a synopsis of the contents of the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC Headline tag (hex code 0x69).
Slideshow.ImageType Shows the color components of the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC ImageType tag (hex code 0x82).
Slideshow.IPTCDate Shows the date when the intellectual content of the current picture was created, rather than when the picture was created. This is the value of the IPTC DateCreated tag (hex code 0x37).
Slideshow.ISOEquivalence Shows the ISO speed of the camera when the current picture was taken. This is the value of the EXIF ISOSpeedRatings tag (hex code 0x8827).
Slideshow.Keywords Shows keywords assigned to the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC Keywords tag (hex code 0x19).
Slideshow.Latitude Shows the latitude where the current picture was taken (degrees, minutes, seconds North or South). This is the value of the EXIF GPSInfo.GPSLatitude and GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef tags.
Slideshow.LightSource Shows the kind of light source when the picture was taken. Possible values include "Daylight", "Fluorescent", "Incandescent", etc. This is the value of the EXIF LightSource tag (hex code 0x9208).
Slideshow.LongEXIFDate Shows only the localized date of the current picture. The long form of the date is used. The value of the EXIF DateTimeOriginal tag (hex code 0x9003) is preferred. If the DateTimeOriginal tag is not found, the value of DateTimeDigitized (hex code 0x9004) or of DateTime (hex code 0x0132) might be used.
Slideshow.LongEXIFTime Shows the date/timestamp of the current picture. The localized long form of the date and time is used. The value of the EXIF DateTimeOriginal tag (hex code 0x9003) is preferred. if the DateTimeOriginal tag is not found, the value of DateTimeDigitized (hex code 0x9004) or of DateTime (hex code 0x0132) might be used.
Slideshow.Longitude Shows the longitude where the current picture was taken (degrees, minutes, seconds East or West). This is the value of the EXIF GPSInfo.GPSLongitude and GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef tags.
Slideshow.MeteringMode Shows the metering mode used when the current picture was taken. The possible values are "Center weight", "Spot", or "Matrix". This is the value of the EXIF MeteringMode tag (hex code 0x9207).
Slideshow.ObjectName Shows a shorthand reference for the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC ObjectName tag (hex code 0x05).
Slideshow.Orientation Shows the orientation of the current picture. Possible values are "Top Left", "Top Right", "Left Top", "Right Bottom", etc. This is the value of the EXIF Orientation tag (hex code 0x0112).
Slideshow.Path Shows the file path of the current picture
Slideshow.Process Shows the process used to compress the current picture
Slideshow.ReferenceService Shows the Service Identifier of a prior envelope to which the current picture refers. This is the value of the IPTC ReferenceService tag (hex code 0x2D).
Slideshow.Resolution Shows the dimensions of the current picture (Width x Height)
Slideshow.SlideComment Shows a description of the current picture. This is the value of the EXIF User Comment tag (hex code 0x9286). This is the same value as Slideshow.EXIFComment.
Slideshow.SlideIndex Shows the slide index of the current picture
Slideshow.Source Shows the original owner of the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC Source tag (hex code 0x73).
Slideshow.SpecialInstructions Shows other editorial instructions concerning the use of the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC SpecialInstructions tag (hex code 0x28).
Slideshow.State Shows the State/Province where the current picture was taken. This is the value of the IPTC ProvinceState tag (hex code 0x5F).
Slideshow.Sublocation Shows the location within a city where the current picture was taken - might indicate the nearest landmark. This is the value of the IPTC SubLocation tag (hex code 0x5C).
Slideshow.SupplementalCategories Shows supplemental category codes to further refine the subject of the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC SuppCategory tag (hex code 0x14).
Slideshow.TimeCreated Shows the time when the intellectual content of the current picture was created, rather than when the picture was created. This is the value of the IPTC TimeCreated tag (hex code 0x3C).
Slideshow.TransmissionReference Shows a code representing the location of original transmission of the current picture. This is the value of the IPTC TransmissionReference tag (hex code 0x67).
Slideshow.Urgency Shows the urgency of the current picture. Values are 1-9. The 1 is most urgent. Some image management programs use urgency to indicate picture rating, where urgency 1 is 5 stars and urgency 5 is 1 star. Urgencies 6-9 are not used for rating. This is the value of the IPTC Urgency tag (hex code 0x0A).
Slideshow.WhiteBalance Shows the white balance mode set when the current picture was taken. The possible values are "Manual" and "Auto". This is the value of the EXIF WhiteBalance tag (hex code 0xA403).


InfoLabels Definition Version
System.Time Current time
System.Time(format) Shows hours (hh), minutes (mm) or seconds (ss). When 12 hour clock is used (xx) will return AM/PM. Also supported: (hh:mm), (mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss). (xx) option added after dharma
System.Date Current date
System.Date(format) Show current date using format, available markings: d (day of month 1-31), dd (day of month 01-31), ddd (short day of the week Mon-Sun), DDD (long day of the week Monday-Sunday), m (month 1-12), mm (month 01-12), mmm (short month name Jan-Dec), MMM (long month name January-December), yy (2-digit year), yyyy (4-digit year). Added after dharma.
System.AlarmPos Shutdown Timer position
System.BatteryLevel Returns the remaining battery level in range 0-100
System.FreeSpace Total Freespace on the drive
System.UsedSpace Total Usedspace on the drive
System.TotalSpace Totalspace on the drive
System.UsedSpacePercent Total Usedspace Percent on the drive
System.FreeSpacePercent Total Freespace Percent on the drive
System.CPUTemperature Current CPU temperature
System.CpuUsage Displays the cpu usage for each individual cpu core.
System.CoreUsage(id) Displays the usage of the cpu core with the given 'id'
System.GPUTemperature Current GPU temperature
System.FanSpeed Current fan speed
System.BuildVersion Version of build
System.BuildDate Date of build
System.FriendlyName Returns the Kodi instance name. It will auto append (%hostname%) in case the device name was not changed. eg. "Kodi (htpc)"
System.FPS Current rendering speed (frames per second)
System.FreeMemory Amount of free memory in Mb
System.Memory(format) Available formats: used, used.percent, free, free.percent, total
System.ScreenMode Screenmode (eg windowed / fullscreen)
System.ScreenWidth Width of screen in pixels
System.ScreenHeight Height of screen in pixels
System.StartupWindow The Window Kodi will load on startup
System.CurrentWindow Current Window we are in
System.CurrentControl Current focused control
System.CurrentControlID ID of the currently focused control.
System.DVDLabel Label of the disk in the DVD-ROM drive
System.HddTemperature Hdd temperature
System.OSVersionInfo System name + kernel version
System.KernelVersion (deprecated) System name + kernel version
System.Uptime System current uptime
System.TotalUptime System total uptime
System.CpuFrequency System cpu frequency
System.ScreenResolution Screen resolution
System.VideoEncoderInfo Video encoder info
System.InternetState Will return the internet state, 'connected' or 'not connected' (localized)
System.Language Shows the current language
System.ProfileName Shows the User name of the currently logged in Kodi user
System.ProfileCount Shows the number of defined profiles
System.ProfileAutoLogin The profile Kodi will auto login to
System.Progressbar The percentage of the currently active progress.
System.StereoscopicMode The prefered stereoscopic mode (settings > video > playback)
System.TemperatureUnits Shows Celsius or Fahrenheit symbol
System.AddonTitle(id) Returns the title of the addon with the given id
System.AddonVersion(id) Returns the version of the addon with the given id
System.BuildVersionCode The internal version of the kodi build v19
System.BuildVersionGit The git version (sha) of the kodi build v19
System.AddonUpdateCount The number of available addon updates v19


InfoLabels Definition Version
Visualisation.Preset Shows the current preset of the visualisation.
Visualisation.Name Shows the name of the visualisation.

Weather labels

InfoLabels Definition Version
Weather.Conditions Current weather conditions – this is looked up in a background process.
Weather.Temperature Current weather temperature
Weather.Location City/town which the above two items are for
Weather.fanartcode Current weather fanartcode.
Weather.plugin Current weather plugin.


InfoLabels Definition Version
Window([window]).Property(key) Window property. (key can be any value, optional window can be id or name)
Window.Property(xmlfile) Displays the name of the xml file currently shown
Window.Property(IsRadio) Returns "true" if the window is a radio window, empty string otherwise (for use in the PVR windows)
Window(AddonBrowser).Property(Updated) Shows the date and time the addon repo was last checked for updates
Window.Property(Addon.ID) Returns the id of the selected addon, in DialogAddonSettings.xml
Window(Home).Property(key) The home window has the following info labels.

Movies.Count, Movies.Watched, Movies.UnWatched, TVShows.Count, TVShows.Watched, TVShows.UnWatched, Episodes.Count, Episodes.Watched, Episodes.UnWatched, MusicVideos.Count, MusicVideos.Watched, MusicVideos.UnWatched, Music.SongsCount, Music.AlbumsCount, Music.ArtistsCount

LatestMovie.[1-10].Title, LatestMovie.[1-10].Year, LatestMovie.[1-10].RunningTime, LatestMovie.[1-10].Rating, LatestMovie.[1-10].Plot, LatestMovie.[1-10].Trailer, LatestMovie.[1-10].Thumb, LatestMovie.[1-10].Fanart, LatestMovie.[1-10].Path

LatestEpisode.[1-10].ShowTitle, LatestEpisode.[1-10].EpisodeTitle, LatestEpisode.[1-10].EpisodeNo, LatestEpisode.[1-10].EpisodeSeason, LatestEpisode.[1-10].EpisodeNumber, LatestEpisode.[1-10].Rating, LatestEpisode.[1-10].Plot, LatestEpisode.[1-10].Thumb, LatestEpisode.[1-10].ShowThumb, LatestEpisode.[1-10].SeasonThumb, LatestEpisode.[1-10].Fanart, LatestEpisode.[1-10].Path

LatestMusicVideo.[1-10].Title, LatestMusicVideo.[1-10].Thumb, LatestMusicVideo.[1-10].Year, LatestMusicVideo.[1-10].Plot, LatestMusicVideo.[1-10].RunningTime, LatestMusicVideo.[1-10].Path, LatestMusicVideo.[1-10].Artist, LatestMusicVideo.[1-10].Fanart

LatestSong.[1-10].Title, LatestSong.[1-10].Artist, LatestSong.[1-10].Album, LatestSong.[1-10].Year, LatestSong.[1-10].Rating, LatestSong.[1-10].Thumb, LatestSong.[1-10].Fanart, LatestSong.[1-10].Path

LatestAlbum.[1-10].Title, LatestAlbum.[1-10].Artist, LatestAlbum.[1-10].Year, LatestAlbum.[1-10].Rating, LatestAlbum.[1-10].Thumb, LatestAlbum.[1-10].Fanart, LatestAlbum.[1-10].Path

Window(Weather).Property(key) The weather window has the following info labels.

Location, Updated, Current.Condition, Current.Temperature, Current.FeelsLike, Current.UVIndex, Current.Wind (From <wind dir.> at <speed> <unit>), Current.WindSpeed, Current.WindDirection, Current.DewPoint, Current.Humidity, Day[0-6].Title, Day[0-6].HighTemp, Day[0-6].LowTemp, Day[0-6].Outlook, WeatherProvider

Data set in Current.Temperature, Current.FeelsLike, Day[0-6].HighTemp, Day[0-6].LowTemp should be provided in Celsius, and will be autoconverted according to System.TemperatureUnits

Images Available in Kodi

See Artwork/Accessing with skins and JSON-RPC for the general pattern of accessing artwork for media items. Below is a list of other possible images available as InfoLabels.

InfoLabels Definition Version
ListItem.Art(type) Artwork for the current listitem.
Fanart.Image Fanart image for the parent TV Show. Note: Deprecated, use ListItem.Art(tvshow.fanart) instead.
ListItem.Thumb Shows the thumbnail (if it exists) of the currently selected item in a list or thumb control. Note: Deprecated but still available, returns the same as ListItem.Art(thumb).
ListItem.Icon Shows the thumbnail (if it exists) of the currently selected item in a list or thumb control. If no thumbnail image exists, it will show the default icon.
ListItem.ActualIcon Shows the default icon of the currently selected item in a list or thumb control.
ListItem.Overlay Shows the Overlay Icon status (compressed file [OverlayRAR.png], watched [OverlayWatched.png], unwatched [OverlayUnwatched.png], locked [OverlayLocked.png]) of the currently selected item in a list or thumb control.
ListItem.EPGEventIcon Returns the icon of the EPG programme (if available). v18
ListItem.Property(Fanart_Image) Fanart Image currently selected item or of the parent TV show. Note: Deprecated, use ListItem.Art(fanart) or ListItem.Art(tvshow.fanart) instead.
MusicPlayer.Cover Cover of currently playing album
MusicPlayer.Property(Fanart_Image) Fanart image of the currently playing artist
Player.Art(type) Artwork for the currently playing item.
Player.Icon Shows the thumbnail (if it exists) of the currently playing item. If no thumbnail image exists, it will show the icon. v18
Player.StarRating Returns a value of 0 to 5 as a graphical display from images named rating0.png to rating5.png of the skin
Pvr.NowRecordingChannelIcon Channel icon of the programme currently being recorded.
Pvr.NextRecordingChannelIcon Channel icon of the programme that will be recorded next.
Pvr.EPGEventIcon Returns the icon of the currently playing EPG programme (if available). v18
Skin.String(name) Returns the image or image folder set by the user via a Skin.SetPath(name) or Skin.SetImage(name) List of Built In Functions. Allows skinners to have user-customisable images and multiimages.
System.AddonIcon(id) Returns the Icon of the specified addon. Instead of specifying the id directly, one can also use an infolabel (eg. $INFO[Skin.String(Foo)])
System.ProfileThumb Shows the Thumbnail image of the currently logged in Kodi user
VideoPlayer.Cover Cover of currently playing movie. Note: Deprecated, use Player.Art(type) instead.
Weather.ConditionsIcon Image of current weather conditions (NOTE: Can be used to load/refresh weather conditions)
Window([window]).Property(key) Window property. (key can be any value, optional window can be id or name)
Window(Weather).Property(key) The weather window has the following info images.

Current.ConditionIcon, Day[0-6].OutlookIcon, Current.FanartCode, Day[0-6].FanartCode, WeatherProviderLogo

Appendix IV: List of Built In Functions

Skins can use built-in functions with the <onclick> or <onfocus> tag. Scripts can call built-in functions with xbmc.executebuiltin(function, block).

The latest up-to-date list of built-in functions can be found in the source code files in [1].

In addition to the following list, for most <onclick> and <onfocus> button actions in the skin you can also use the functions from Keyboard.xml.


You can use parameters with all media windows, as can be seen here:

List of functions

Add-on built-in's

Function Description Version
Addon.Default.OpenSettings(extensionpoint) Open a settings dialog for the default addon of the given type (extensionpoint)
Addon.Default.Set(extensionpoint) Open a select dialog to allow choosing the default addon of the given type (extensionpoint)
Addon.OpenSettings(id) Open a settings dialog for the addon of the given id
EnableAddon(id) Enables the specified plugin/script v19 addition
InstallAddon(id) Will install the addon with the given id.
InstallFromZip Opens the "Install from zip"-dialog if "Unknown sources" is enabled. Prompts the warning message if not.
RunAddon(id) Runs the specified plugin/script
RunAppleScript(script[,args]*) Run the specified AppleScript command
RunPlugin(plugin) Runs the plugin. Full path must be specified. Does not work for folder plugins
RunScript(script[,args]*) Runs the python script. You must specify the add-on id of the script. As of 2007/02/24, all extra parameters are passed to the script as arguments and can be accessed by python using sys.argv
StopScript(id) Stop the script by ID or path, if running v12 Addition
UpdateAddonRepos Triggers a forced update of enabled add-on repositories.
UpdateLocalAddons Triggers a scan of local add-on directories.

Android built-in's

Function Description Version
StartAndroidActivity(package,[intent,dataType,dataURI]) Launch an Android native app with the given package name. Optional parms (in order): intent, dataType, dataURI. example: StartAndroidActivity(,android.intent.action.VIEW,, v13 Addition

Application built-in's

Function Description Version
Extract(archive_url[, destination]) Extracts a specified archive to an optionally specified 'absolute' path.
Mute Mutes (or unmutes) the volume.
NotifyAll(sender, data [, json]) Notify all connected clients v13 Addition
SetVolume(percent[,showvolumebar]) Sets the volume to the percentage specified. Optionally, show the Volume Dialog in Kodi when setting the volume.
ToggleDebug Enables/disables debug mode v12 Addition
ToggleDPMS Toggle DPMS (VESA Display Power Management Signaling) mode manually
WakeOnLan(mac) Sends the wake-up packet to the broadcast address for the specified MAC address (Format: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF or FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF).

CEC built-in's

Function Description Version
CECActivateSource Wake up playing device via a CEC peripheral v13 Addition
CECStandby Put playing device on standby via a CEC peripheral v13 Addition
CECToggleState Toggle state of playing device via a CEC peripheral v13 Addition

EPG built-in's

Function Description Version
PVR.EpgGridControl(command) supported commands: firstprogramme (jump to the first programme) / currentprogramme (jump to the current programme) / lastprogramme (jump to the last programme) / selectdate (jump to the selected date & time) / +XX (jump XX hours forward) / -XX (jump XX hours back) / firstchannel (jump to the first channel) / playingchannel (jump to the currently playing channel) / lastchannel (jump to the last channel) / previousgroup (switch the epg to the previous group) / nextgroup (switch the epg to the next group) / selectgroup (select a group) v19 Addition

GUI built-in's

Function Description Version
Action(action[,window]) Executes an action (same as in keymap) for the given window or the active window if the parameter window is omitted. The parameter window can either be the window's id, or in the case of a standard window, the window's name. See Action IDs for a list of available actions.
ActivateWindow(window[,dir,return]) Opens the given window. The parameter window can either be the window's id, or in the case of a standard window, the window's name. See Window IDs for a list of window names, and their respective ids. If, furthermore, the window is Music, Video, Pictures, or Program files, then the optional dir parameter specifies which folder Kodi should default to once the window is opened. This must be a source as specified in sources.xml, or a subfolder of a valid source. For some windows (MusicLibrary and VideoLibrary), the return parameter may be specified, which indicates that Kodi should use this folder as the "root" of the level, and thus the "parent directory" action from within this folder will return the user to where they were prior to the window activating.
ActivateWindowAndFocus(id1, id2,item1, id3,item2) Activate window with id1, first focus control id2 and then focus control id3. if either of the controls is a container, you can specify which item to focus (else, set it to 0). v12 Addition
AlarmClock(name,command,[time,silent,loop]) Pops up a dialog asking for the length of time (mm:ss) for the alarm (unless the parameter time is specified), and starts a timer. When the timer runs out, it'll execute the built-in command (the parameter command) if it is specified, otherwise it'll pop up an alarm notice. Add silent to hide the alarm notification. Add loop for the alarm to execute the command each time the specified time interval expires. If defining the last optional parameters (silent and loop) both have to be defined for any to take effect. The parameter "time" accepts an integer value (in minutes) or a timestring in the format "hh:mm:ss" or "mm min".
CancelAlarm(name[,silent]) Cancel a running alarm. Set silent to true to hide the alarm notification.
ClearProperty(key[,id]) Clears a window property for the current focused window/dialog(key), or the specified window (key,id).
Dialog.Close(dialog[,force]) Close a dialog. Set force to true to bypass animations. Use (all,true) to close all opened dialogs at once.
NextChannelGroup Navigate to the next PVR channel group (in DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml) v13 Addition
NextStereoMode Changes the stereo mode of the GUI to the next available mode. v13 Addition
Notification(header,message[,time,image]) Will display a notification dialog with the specified header and message, in addition you can set the length of time it displays in milliseconds and a icon image.
PreviousChannelGroup Navigate to the previous PVR channel group (in DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml) v13 Addition
PreviousStereoMode Changes the stereo mode of the GUI to the previous available mode. v13 Addition
RefreshRSS Reload RSS feeds from RSSFeeds.xml
ReplaceWindow(window,dir) Replaces the current window with the given window. This is the same as ActivateWindow() but it doesn't update the window history list, so when you go back from the new window it will not return to the previous window, rather will return to the previous window's previous window.
ReplaceWindowAndFocus(id1, id2,item1, id3,item2) Replace window with id1, first focus control id2 and then focus control id3. if either of the controls is a container, you can specify which item to focus (else, set it to 0). v13 Addition
Resolution Change Kodi's Resolution.
SetGUILanguage(value) Set GUI Language, 'value' is the language file to use. SetGUILanguage(resource.language.de_de) v13 Addition
SetProperty(key,value[,id]) Sets a window property for the current window (key,value), or the specified window (key,value,id).
SetStereoMode Changes the stereo mode of the GUI. Params can be: toggle, next, previous, select, tomono or any of the supported stereomodes (off, split_vertical, split_horizontal, row_interleaved, hardware_based, anaglyph_cyan_red, anaglyph_green_magenta, monoscopic) v13 Addition
settingslevelchange Toggles the visible settings (in SettingsCategory.xml) between 'basic', 'standard', 'advanced and 'expert' v13 Addition
TakeScreenshot([filenameandpath,sync]) Takes a Screenshot. You can optionally specify the filename (including the path). Note: only .png files are supported. Add "sync" parameter to run synchronously (slow).
ToggleDirtyRegionVisualization makes dirty regions visible for debugging proposes. v16 Addition
ToggleStereoMode Toggle the stereoscopic mode of the GUI (on/off). v13 Addition

GUI container built-in's

Function Description Version
Container.NextSortMethod Change to the next sort method.
Container.NextViewMode Select the next view mode.
Container.PreviousSortMethod Change to the previous sort method.
Container.PreviousViewMode Select the previous view mode.
Container.Refresh Refresh current listing.
Container.SetSortMethod(id) Change to the specified sort method. (For list of ID's see [list of sort methods])
Container.SetViewMode(id) Set the current view mode (list, icons etc.) to the given container id.
Container.SetSortDirection Toggle the sort direction.
Container.Update Update current listing. Send Container.Update(path,replace) to reset the path history.

GUI control built-in's

Function Description Version
Control.Message(id,message,[windowid]) Sends a given message to a control in a given window (or active window if omitted). Messages can be movedown, moveup, pagedown, pageup, click.
Control.Move(id,offset) Will make a Container with the "id" specified in the command move focus by "offset".
Control.SetFocus(id,position[,absolute]) Will make a list with the "id" specified in the command gain focus at "position" number in its list. Set absolute to focus the first listitem of a container instead of the first visible listitem. Alias SetFocus(id,position)
PageDown Send a page down event to the pagecontrol with given id.
PageUp Send a page up event to the pagecontrol with given id.
SendClick(windowid,id) Sends a click to a control in a given window (or active window if omitted).
SetFocus(id,position[,absolute]) Will make a list with the "id" specified in the command gain focus at "position" number in its list. Set absolute to focus the first listitem of a container instead of the first visible listitem. Alias Control.SetFocus(id,position)

Library built-in's

Function Description Version
CleanLibrary(database) This funtion will perform a number of 'cleanup' tasks on your video database and can be run if you have moved, deleted or renamed files. Takes either "video" or "music" as a parameter to begin cleaning the corresponding database.
exportlibrary(music,false,filepath) The music library will be exported to a single file stored at filepath location.
exportlibrary(video,true,thumbs,overwrite,actorthumbs) The video library is exported to multiple files with the given options. Here thumbs, overwrite and actorthumbs are boolean values (true or false).
UpdateLibrary(database,[path]) Takes either "video" or "music" as a parameter to begin updating the corresponding database. For "video" you can additionally specify a specific path to be scanned.
VideoLibrary.Search Brings up a search dialog which will search the library

Optical container built-in's

Function Description Version
EjectTray() Either opens or closes the DVD tray, depending on its current state
RipCD Will rip the inserted CD from the DVD-ROM drive.

Picture built-in's

Function Description Version
RecursiveSlideShow(dir) Run a slideshow from the specified directory, including all subdirs
ShowPicture(picture) Show a picture by its file path/url. v13 Addition
SlideShow(dir[,recursive][,[not]random][,pause][,beginslide="/path/to/start/slide.jpg"]) Starts a slideshow of pictures in the folder dir. Optional parameters are 'recursive', 'random' or 'notrandom', 'pause' and 'beginslide="/path/to/some/image.jpg"' parameters. The "recursive" parameter starts a recursive slideshow, adding images from sub-folders. The "random" and "notrandom" parameters override the Randomize setting found in the pictures media window. The "pause" parameter will start the slideshow paused. "beginslide" will start the slideshow with the specified image.

Player built-in's

Function Description Version
PlayDisc(param) Will play the inserted CD or DVD media from the DVD-ROM drive.
PlayerControl(command) Allows control of music and videos. The command may be one of Play, Stop, Forward, Rewind, Next, Previous, BigSkipForward, BigSkipBackward, SmallSkipForward, SmallSkipBackward, FrameAdvance(#), TempoUp, TempoDown, Tempo(value), Random, RandomOn, RandomOff, Repeat, RepeatOne, RepeatAll, RepeatOff, Partymode(music) or Partymode(video) or Partymode(path to .xsp file) or Reset.

Play will either pause, resume, or stop ffwding or rewinding. Random toggles random playback and Repeat cycles through the repeat modes (these both take an optional second parameter, Notify, that notifies the user of the new state). Partymode(music/video) toggles the appropriate partymode, defaults to music if no parameter is given, besides the default music or video partymode you can also pass a path to a custom smartplaylist (.xsp) as parameter. Reset only applies to games and will reset the currently playing game.

PlayerResolutionSelect Select a different resolution v18
Playlist.Clear Clear the current playlist
Playlist.PlayOffset Start playing from a particular offset in the playlist
PlayMedia(mediaPath[,isdir][,1][,playoffset=xx][,resume][,noresume][,playlist_type_hint=x]) Plays the media. This can be a playlist, music, or video file, directory, plugin or a url. The optional parameter ",isdir" can be used for playing a directory. ",1" will start the media without switching to fullscreen. If media is a playlist, you can use playoffset=xx where xx is the position to start playback from. Set "resume" to force resuming. Set "noresume" to force not resuming.

Note: Following parameters are available from Kodi v20. If media is a playlist (e.g. STRM), you can set the type of playlist with "playlist_type_hint=x" where x can be 0 for music playlist or 1 for video playlist, if not set will be used music playlist.

PlayWith() Play the selected item with the specified player core.
QueueMedia() [7] Queues the given media. This can be a playlist\, music\, or video file\, directory\, plugin or an Url. The optional parameter "\,isdir" can be used for playing a directory. "\,1" will start the media without switching to fullscreen. If media is a playlist\, you can use playoffset=xx where xx is the position to start playback from.
  • @param[in] media URL of media to queue.
  • @param[in] isdir Set "isdir" if media is a directory (optional).
  • @param[in] 1 Set "1" to start playback without switching to fullscreen (optional).
  • @param[in] resume Set "resume" to force resuming (optional).
  • @param[in] noresume Set "noresume" to force not resuming (optional).
  • @param[in] playeroffset Set "playoffset=<offset>" to start playback from a given position in a playlist (optional).
  • @param[in] playnext Set "playnext" to play the media right after the currently playing item, if player is currently playing. If player is not playing, append media to current playlist (optional).
Seek(seconds) Seeks to the specified relative amount of seconds within the current playing media. A negative value will seek backward and a positive value forward. v15 Addition

Profile built-in's

Function Description Version
LoadProfile(profilename,[prompt]) Load the specified profile. If prompt is not specified, and a password would be required for the requested profile, this command will silently fail. If promp' is specified and a password is required, a password dialog will be shown.
Mastermode Runs Kodi in master mode
System.LogOff Log off current user.

PVR built-in's

Function Description Version
PVR.SearchMissingChannelIcons Will start a search for missing channel icons v16 Addition
PVR.ToggleRecordPlayingChannel Will toggle recording on playing channel, if any v18
PVR.SeekPercentage Performs a seek to the given percentage in timeshift buffer, if timeshifting is supported

Skin built-in's

Function Description Version
ReloadSkin() Reloads the current skin – useful for Skinners to use after they upload modified skin files (saves power cycling)
Skin.Reset(setting) Resets the skin setting (setting). If (setting) is a bool setting (i.e. set via SetBool or ToggleSetting) then the setting is reset to false. If (setting) is a string (Set via SetString, SetImage, or SetPath) then it is set to empty.
Skin.ResetSettings Resets all the above skin settings to their defaults (toggles all set to false, strings all set to empty.)
Skin.SelectBool(header, label1|setting1, label2|setting2) Pops up select dialog to select between multiple skin setting options. Skin.SelectBool(424, 31411|RecentWidget, 31412|RandomWidget, 31413|InProgressWidget)
Skin.SetAddon(string,type) Pops up a select dialog and allows the user to select an add-on of the given type to be used elsewhere in the skin via the info tag Skin.String(string). The most common types are,, xbmc.addon.image, xbmc.addon.executable and kodi.gameclient.
Skin.SetBool(setting) Sets the skin setting (setting) to true, for use with the conditional visibility tags containing Skin.HasSetting(setting). The settings are saved per-skin in settings.xml just like all the other Kodi settings.
Skin.SetFile(string,mask,folderpath) Pops up a folder browser and allows the user to select a file off the hard-disk to be used else where in the skin via the info tag Skin.String(string). If the mask parameter is specified, then the file browser will only search for the extension specified (.avi,.mp3,.m3u,.png,.bmp,etc.,etc.). To use multiple extensions separate them using "|" (minus quotes). If the folderpath parameter is set the file browser will start in that folder.
Skin.SetImage(string[,value,path]) Pops up a file browser and allows the user to select an image file to be used in an image control elsewhere in the skin via the info tag Skin.String(string). If the value parameter is specified, then the file browser dialog does not pop up, and the image path is set directly. the path option allows you to open the file browser in the specified folder.
Skin.SetNumeric(numeric[,value]) Pops up a keyboard dialog and allows the user to input a numerical.
Skin.SetPath(string[,folderpath]) Pops up a folder browser and allows the user to select a folder of images to be used in a multi image control else where in the skin via the info tag Skin.String(string). If the folderpath parameter is set the file browser will start in that folder.
Skin.SetString(string[,value]) Pops up a keyboard dialog and allows the user to input a string which can be used in a label control elsewhere in the skin via the info tag Skin.String(string). If the value parameter is specified, then the keyboard dialog does not pop up, and the string is set directly.
Skin.Theme(1) Cycles the skin theme. Skin.Theme(-1) will go backwards.
Skin.ToggleDebug Toggles skin debug info on/off
Skin.ToggleSetting(setting) Toggles the skin setting (setting) for use with conditional visibility tags containing Skin.HasSetting(setting).
UnloadSkin() Unloads the current skin

System built-in's

Function Description Version
ActivateScreensaver Starts the screensaver v13 Addition
Hibernate Hibernate (S4) the System
InhibitIdleShutdown(true/false) Prevent the system to shutdown on idle. v12 Addition
InhibitScreensaver(true/false) Prevent activation of the screensaver. v19 Addition
Minimize Minimizes Kodi
Powerdown Powerdown system
Quit Quits Kodi
Reboot Cold reboots the system (power cycle)
Reset Reset the system (same as reboot)
RestartApp Restarts Kodi (only implemented under Windows and Linux)
ShutDown Trigger default Shutdown action defined in System Settings
Suspend Suspends (S3 / S1 depending on bios setting) the System
System.Exec(exec) Execute shell commands. The full path to the script has to be placed inside the parentheses.
System.ExecWait(exec) Execute shell commands and freezes Kodi until shell is closed. As well as for "System.Exec(exec)", the full path to the script has to be placed inside the parentheses.

Weather built-in's

Function Description Version
Weather.LocationNext Switch to next weather location
Weather.LocationPrevious Switch to previous weather location
Weather.LocationSet Switch to given weather location (parameter can be 1-3)
Weather.Refresh Force weather data refresh

Appendix V: List of Built In Controls

.xml files


ID Type Description
2 button Select viewtype (list, thumbnail, media info, etc...)
3 button Select sort method (sort by: name, date size, etc...)
4 togglebutton Select sortmode (ascending or descending)
5 radiobutton Enable auto-updating of the installed add-on's
6 radiobutton Enable add-on notifications
7 radiobutton Enable language filter
8 radiobutton Hide broken addons
9 button Check for repo updates


ID Type Description
6 button Install the selected add-on
7 button Disable the selected add-on
8 button Update the selected add-on
9 button Show the settings of the selected add-on
10 button Show the dependencies of the selected add-on
12 button Run the selected add-on
13 radiobutton Auto-update
14 button Select add-on version
50 container List of available screenshots


ID Type Description
2 label Heading label
3 grouplist Grouplist template
5 grouplist Grouplist template
6 textbox Setting description help text
7 button Button template
8 radiobutton Radiobutton template
9 spincontrolex Spincontrolex template
10 togglebutton Togglebutton template
11 image Default separator image
12 edit Edit template
13 sliderex Slider template
14 label Label template
15 button Colour button
20 button Settings level change button
28 button OK button
29 button Cancel button
30 button <unused button>


ID Type Description
20 container List with available options
21 container List with active options
22 radiobutton Continuous save button
23 button Apply button
24 button Clear button
9000 container List with available modes


ID Type Description
10 progress Progress bar


ID Type Description
3100 label Label of the focused button


ID Type Description
1 label Heading label
6 container List of colors
7 button Cancel button


ID Type Description
1 label Heading label
9 textbox Message
10 button No button
11 button Yes button
12 button (for future use)
20 progress Progress bar


ID Type Description
999 image Background image of the context menu (center part) (deprecated)
998 image Background image of the context menu (bottom part) (deprecated)
997 image Background image of the context menu (top part) (deprecated)
996 grouplist Grouplist template
999 image Background image of the context menu
1000 button Button template


ID Type Description
30 label Heading label
31 label Line 1
32 progress Scan progress bar


ID Type Description
3 grouplist List of controller types
5 grouplist List of feature types
7 button Button template
8 label Settings category label template
9 image Settings separator image template
10 button Button template
17 button Help button
18 button OK button
19 button Reset button
20 button Get more... button
21 button Ignore input button
22 button Get all button
31 gamecontroller Gamecontroller image template
32 textbox Controller description


ID Type Description
450 container List of available favourites


ID Type Description
8 button Backspace button
100 – 111 button Digits 0 – 9
120 – 171 button Characters A – Z
300 button Done Button
301 button Cancel button
302 radiobutton Shift button
303 radiobutton Caps-Lock button
304 radiobutton Switch to symbols
305 button Navigate left button
306 button Navigate right button
307 button Enter IP address button
309 button Layout button
311 label Heading label
312 edit Label displaying the text being entered
313 label Label displaying the text being entered (when keyboard layout is Chinese)
314 label Label displaying the available choices (when keyboard layout is Chinese)


ID Type Description
2 label Heading label
10 container List of added media sources
11 button Browse for location button
12 edit Button for entering the name for the selected source
13 button Add new source button
14 button Delete source button
18 button OK button
19 button Cancel button (unused)


ID Type Description
6 button Refresh artist information / Refresh album information
7 button User rating
8 button Play album/song
10 button Get artist thumbnail / Get album thumbnail
11 button Connect to the radio channel for this artist
12 button Get artist fanart image
13 button Get song thumbnail
50 container Discography of the selected artist / tracks on the selected album / contributors on the selected song


ID Type Description
400 image Default Icon
401 label Heading text
402 label Message text


ID Type Description
1 label Heading label
4 label Label displaying the digits being entered
10 – 19 button Digits 0 – 9
20 button Navigate left button
21 button Enter Button
22 button Navigate right button
23 button Backspace button


ID Type Description
5 container List of the available exif information of the image currently being displayed


ID Type Description
4 button OK button
5 button Apply button
6 button Cancel button
7 radiobutton Activate channel button
6 button Cancel button
8 edit Channel name
9 button Channel logo
11 spincontrolex Select group
12 radiobutton Activate EPG
13 spincontrolex Select EPG source button
30 button Switch to group management
31 button New channel
34 button Toggle radio / tv channels
20 container Channel list


ID Type Description
11 container Channels list


ID Type Description
11 container Ungrouped channels
12 container Grouped channels
13 container Group list
25 radiobutton Hide / Unhide button
26 button Add button
27 button Rename button
28 button Delete button
29 button OK button
34 togglebutton Switch between TV / Radio


ID Type Description
11 container Guide list


ID Type Description
9 edit Search string
10 radiobutton Include description
11 radiobutton Case sensitive
12 spincontrolex Minimal duration
13 spincontrolex Maximal duration
14 edit Start date
15 edit End date
16 edit Start time
17 edit End Time
18 spincontrolex Genre
19 radiobutton Avoid repeats
20 radiobutton Unknown genres
21 spincontrolex Groups
22 radiobutton FTA
23 spincontrolex Channels
24 radiobutton Ignore timers
25 button Cancel button
26 button Search button
27 radiobutton Ignore recordings
28 button Defaults button


ID Type Description
4 button Similar button
5 button Switch to channel button
6 button Record button
7 button OK button
8 button Play recording button
9 button Add timer button
10 button Play programme button
11 button Set reminder button


ID Type Description
401 slider Marker representing the current seek position
402 slider Marker representing the epg seek position (PVR)
403 slider Marker representing the current timeshift position (PVR)


ID Type Description
1 label Heading label
2 label Number of items in the list
3 container List of available options
5 button OK (on multiple selection) or Manual/Get More... button
6 container List of available add-ons
7 button Cancel button
8 button Add/Get More... button
11 container List with game video thumbnails
12 textbox Description of the currently-selected video filter


ID Type Description
2 label Header label
5 grouplist Grouplist template
7 button button template
8 radiobutton radiobutton template
9 spincontrolex spincontrolex template
11 image image template
12 edit edit template
13 sliderex sliderex template
14 label label template
28 button ok button
29 button cancel button
30 button clear/settings button


ID Type Description
10 label Heading label
11 slider Slider
12 label Label representing the slider value


ID Type Description
100 label Name of subtitle service
110 image Logo of subtitle service
120 container List of available subtitles
130 label Local subtitle available
140 label Number of available subtitles
150 container List of available subtitle services
160 button Manual search buttom


ID Type Description
5 textbox Text area for add-on output


ID Type Description
3 image Video thumb
4 textbox Text area for displaying the video plot
5 button Toggle between video review and cast members (Deprecated)
6 button Refresh video information
7 button User rating
8 button Play video
9 button Resume video
10 button Get video Fanart, Poster, Banner, or Thumb
11 button Play movie trailer
13 button Show all movies by the director of the selected movie
50 container List of cast members of the currently selected movie


ID Type Description
21 button Play
22 button Add version
23 button Add extra
24 button Rename version
25 button Set default
26 button Remove
27 button Choose art
28 button Rename extra


ID Type Description
2 button Select viewtype
3 button Select sort method
4 togglebutton Select sortmode (ascending or descending)
19 radiobutton / edit Filter the content to only show items that include the specified string in the name


ID Type Description
4 togglebutton Select sortmode (ascending or descending)
20 button Clear button
21 button Level button
22 radiobutton Only show current level radiobutton
50 container Container with event loglines


ID Type Description
450 container Directory list
451 container List of available thumbnails
411 label Heading label
412 label Path of the selected item
413 button OK button
414 button Cancel button
415 button Create folder
416 radiobutton Flip Image horizontally


ID Type Description
12 label Number of items in directory list 1
13 label Number of items in directory list 2
20 container Directory list 1
21 container Directory list 2
101 label Path of the currently selected directory in list 1
102 label Path of the currently selected directory in list 2


ID Type Description
1101 label Help text
1102 gamecontroller Controller layout


ID Type Description
2 label Heading label
3 label Number of the currently selected profile
52 container List of the available profiles


ID Type Description
500 button Select visualization
501 button Lock visualization to the current preset


ID Type Description
2 visualisation Background Visualization


ID Type Description
2 button Select viewtype (list, thumbnail, media info, etc...)
3 button Select sort method (sort by: name, date size, etc...)
4 togglebutton Select sortmode (ascending or descending)
5 radiobutton Switch to file mode
8 edit Search for a string anywhere in the Kodi music database
12 label Number of items in the list
15 label Filter label
16 radiobutton Start party mode (randomly play songs from your entire music collection)
17 button Manually enter artist and album name to lookup the artist and album information on the internet
18 label Warning to the user to turn off library mode when no scanned media is found
19 radiobutton / edit Filter the media files to only show items that include the specified string in the name
20 button Update library


ID Type Description
6 button Load the playlist
7 button Save the playlist
8 button Clear the playlist
12 label Number of items in the current directory or library list
XX container List allowing you to browse your directories and music library
100 container List of songs in the playlist
101 label Number of items in the playlist


ID Type Description
2 button Select viewtype (list, thumbnail, media info, etc...)
3 button Select sort method (sort by: name, date size, etc...)
4 togglebutton Select sortmode (ascending or descending)
6 button Start a picture slideshow
7 button Start a recursive picture slideshow
9 radiobutton Randomize the picture slideshow
12 label Number of items in the list


ID Type Description
2 button Select viewtype (list, thumbnail, media info, etc...)
3 button Select sort method (sort by: name, date size, etc...)
4 togglebutton Select sortmode (ascending or descending)
12 label Number of items in the playlist
20 radiobutton Shuffle the playlist
21 button Save the playlist
22 button Clear the playlist
23 button Play the playlist
24 button Play the next item in the playlist
25 button Play the previous item in the playlist
26 button Put the playlist on repeat


ID Type Description
2 button Select viewtype (list, thumbnail, media info, etc...)
3 button Select sort method (sort by: name, date size, etc...)
4 togglebutton Select sortmode (ascending or descending)
12 label Number of items in the list


ID Type Description
2 button Select viewtype (list, thumbnail, media info, etc...)
3 button Select sort method (sort by: name, date size, etc...)
4 togglebutton Select sortmode (ascending or descending)
6 radiobutton Show hidden channels
28 button Channel groups button
29 label Channel groups name
31 radiobutton Filter


ID Type Description
2 button Select viewtype (list, thumbnail, media info, etc...)
3 button Select sort method (sort by: name, date size, etc...)
4 togglebutton Select sortmode (ascending or descending)
10 epggrid EPG Guide Timeline
11 container Channel groups selector
28 button Channel groups button
29 label View name (Now / Next / Timeline)
30 label Channel groups name


ID Type Description
2 button Select viewtype (list, thumbnail, media info, etc...)
3 button Select sort method (sort by: name, date size, etc...)
4 togglebutton Select sortmode (ascending or descending)
5 radiobutton Group items by folder structure
7 radiobutton Show deleted recordings
10 button Show only watched, unwatched or all recordings
28 button Channelgroups button
29 label 'Deleted' (When show deleted recordings is enabled, otherwise empty)


ID Type Description
2 button Select viewtype (list, thumbnail, media info, etc...)
3 button Select sort method (sort by: name, date size, etc...)
4 togglebutton Select sortmode (ascending or descending)
28 button Channel groups button


ID Type Description
2 button Select viewtype (list, thumbnail, media info, etc...)
3 button Select sort method (sort by: name, date size, etc...)
4 togglebutton Select sortmode (ascending or descending)
8 radiobutton Hide disabled timers
28 button Channel groups button


ID Type Description
2 button Select viewtype (list, thumbnail, media info, etc...)
3 button Select sort method (sort by: name, date size, etc...)
4 togglebutton Select sortmode (ascending or descending)
5 button Switch to file mode
6 button Play DVD (used the play physical DVD discs)
8 button Search for a string anywhere in the Kodi video database
10 button Show only watched, unwatched or all videos
12 label Number of items in the list
14 button Show only unwatched or all videos
11 button Unlock shares
15 label Filter label
16 button Start party mode (randomly play musicvideos from your collection)
18 label Warning to the user to turn off library mode when no scanned media is found
19 radiobutton / edit Filter the media files to only show items that include the specified string in the name
20 button Update library


ID Type Description
2 button Refresh the weather information
3 spincontrolex Change weather location
11 label Shows the time of last weather update
31 label Current day label
32 label Today's high temperature value
33 label Today's low temperature value
34 label Today's weather condition
35 image Today's weather icon
223 label Localized “Temperature” string
224 label Localized “Feels like” string
225 label Localized “UV index” string
226 label Localized “Wind” string
227 label Localized “Dew point” string
228 label Localized “Humidity” string


ID Type Description
1 image Pointer no focus image
2 image Pointer focus image
3 image Pointer drag image
4 image Pointer click image


ID Type Description
2 label Label displaying the current settings category
3 grouplist Grouplist template for the menu
5 grouplist Grouplist template for the settings section
6 textbox Settings description
7 button Button template
8 radiobutton Radiobutton template
9 spincontrolex Spincontrolex template
10 button Button template for the menu
11 image Default separator image
12 edit Edit control template
13 sliderex Sliderex control template
14 label Label template
15 button Color button
20 button Setting level button


ID Type Description
2 container List of available profiles
4 button Enable the loginscreen
5 button Auto login


ID Type Description
2 label Coordinates label
3 label Help information
8 mover Top left mover
9 mover Right bottom mover
10 mover Subtitle position mover
11 resize Pixel aspect ratio box
12 mover Reset calibration control
20 videowindow currently playing video


ID Type Description
10 label Error loading image message
13 [any] These controls are visible when the slideshow is paused


ID Type Description
2 – 11 label Line 2 – Line 11
30 textbox privacy-policy text
40 label System information category label
52 label Kodi build label
53 label Kodi build date label
94 button Show storage information
95 button Show summary information
96 button Show network information
97 button Show video information
98 button Show hardware information
99 button Show PVR information
100 button Show privacy-policy


ID Type Description
2 label Heading label
10 container List of playlist rules
12 button Name of the playlist
13 button Add a rule
14 button Remove a rule
15 button Edit a rule
16 button Match rules option (match all rules / match one or more rules)
17 button Limit rules option (number of results: 10, 25, 50, 100, etc... items)
18 button Sort rules option (order the results by: title, genre, random, etc...)
19 button Sort direction option (ascending / descending)
20 button OK button
21 button Cancel button
22 button Set Playlist type (movies, episodes, mixed, etc...)
23 button Group by
24 radiobutton Mixed


ID Type Description
15 button Select field (director, duration, video resolution, etc...)
16 button Select operator (is, is not, less than, etc...)
17 edit Enter a value the rule should match
18 button OK button
19 button Cancel button
20 button Browse button


ID Type Description
1 label Numpad seek label
10 label Line 1
11 label Line 2
12 label Line 3


ID Type Description
2 button Add a video bookmark
3 button Clear all bookmarks
4 button Use the currently selected video bookmark as the episode thumbnail
11 container List of available bookmarks

Appendix VI: List of Default Icons

Icons used in Kodi skins

The filenames of the default icons are as follows:





















































































































If one or more of the images above are not present in a skin, Kodi will try to fallback to another Default* image. For this to work correctly, several of the images above are required to be present (if not, Kodi will fallback to DefaultFolder.png in the end.

DefaultAudio.png - If listitem is Audio file or PVR channel is Radio.

DefaultVideo.png - If listitem is Video file or LiveTV or PVRChannel or PVRRecording or a PVRTimer.

DefaultPicture.png - If listitem is a picture file.

DefaultPlaylist.png - If listitem is a playlist.

DefaultScript.png - If listitem is a python script.

DefaultFile.png - If listitem is a archive file or of unknown files type.

DefaultFolderBack.png - If Parent folder exists for current folder.

DefaultFolder.png - If none of the above apply.

(Source of information : FillInDefaultIcon() in FileItem.cpp.)

DefaultHardDisk.png - If user is at the source level of the Library.

(Source of information : GetDirectory() in SourcesDirectory.cpp)