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The template loooks for letter font families that are broadly supporting incurrent characters (symbols, characters). Inpiut can be decimal &#123: or hexadecimal &#A9:. E.g.:

  • ​{{unicode|⋊}}​
  • ​{{unicode|⋉}}​


This template was created to allow easy switching to unicode fonts. It should only be used in cases where characters do otherwise not render correctly on some browsers, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer.

The fonts selected are designed to maximize the probability to render uncommon Unicode characters correctly. However, different fonts cover different Unicode ranges. It is probably mostly useful for various Unicode symbols. Do not use it for the following:

Guts of template

<span class="Unicode">{{{1}}}</span>

...wherein class="Unicode" is defined in MediaWiki:Common.css/WinFixes.css:

.Unicode {
    font-family: Code2000, Code2001, "Free Serif", "TITUS Cyberbit Basic",
                 "Doulos SIL", "Chrysanthi Unicode", "Bitstream Cyberbit",
                 "Bitstream CyberBase", Thryomanes, Gentium, GentiumAlt,
                 "Lucida Grande", "Free Sans", "Arial Unicode MS",
                 "Microsoft Sans Serif", "Lucida Sans Unicode";

A personal stylesheet (/monobook.css &c, class .Unicode) may be used to enforce a "prettier" display where preferred.

See also