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Home icon grey.png   ▶ Settings ▶ Media ▶ Library

Manage Sources

Settings media library manage sources.jpg


Settings level: Standard
Description: This provides access to the Video Sources. It is an alternate access to Videos>Files from the main menu.

See: HOW-TO:Create Video Library


Settings level: Standard
Description: This provides access to the Music Sources. It is an alternate access to Music>Files from the Music menu.

See: HOW-TO:Create Music Library


Settings level: Standard
Description: This provides access to the Picture Sources. It is an alternate access to Pictures from the Pictures menu.

See: Pictures

Video Library


Update library on startup

Settings level: Standard
Description: Check for new video content every time Kodi is started.

Note: If your content does not change often, leave this disabled as it will be running and scanning for no benefit and possibly making internet API calls for unscrapable media.
See: Updating or removing videos

Hide progress of library updates

Settings level: Standard
Description: Hide the pop-up progress bar.

Ignore different video versions on scan

Settings level: Basic

Settings ► Media ► Library ► Video Library ► Ignore different video versions on scan

  • Disabled - When an Update Library is run and the scanner discovers a title that may be a duplicate of another title already scanned into the library, the Update Library will pause with a pop-up requesting confirmation on how to treat the duplicate. The Library Update will not continue until the pop-up is cleared.
  • Enabled - (default) When an Update Library is run, there are no interruptions to the scan and the various versions will be scanned or scraped into the library without a video version being created. Use the Versions Manager method described below to create a Video Version after scanning has ended.

Ignore video extras on scan

Settings level: Basic

Settings ► Media ► Library ► Video Library ► Ignore video extras on scan

  • Disabled - When an Update Library is run, and if a folder named Extras exists, any video files in the folder will be added to the Extras listing for the movie.
    See: Video Extras
  • Enabled - (default) When an Update Library is run, any extras in the Extras folder will not be added to the Extras listing.
    Videos in the Extras folder will be treated like a movie file and added to the library. To avoid this ensure the advancedsettings.xml file has the correct ignore code.
    See: Video Extras

Clean library

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Is used to clean orphaned entries in the library database. Not all tables are cleaned by this process.

Removing content from disconnected sources
If storage media are disconnected, using this function will not remove their contents from the library. This protects your library from accidental erasure in case a removable storage device is unplugged.
To permanently remove titles from the library:

  1. Use the correct method of removing titles from the library as detailed in the link below.
  2. After correctly deleting from the library first, then run a clean library to purge the database of unnecessary records.

See: Removing content

Export library

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Export the contents of the video library. Used as a backup of your library, or to create a new Kodi installation.

Note: For the Video library, we recommend using the Separate Files method.
See: Export Video Library

Import library

Settings level: Advanced
Description: If you exported your library using the Single File method, use this to import the single file into the video library.

See: Import Single File

Music Library

Settings media library music library.jpg

Update library on startup

Settings level: Standard
Description: Check for new music content every time Kodi is started.

Note: If your content does not change often, leave this disabled as it will be running and scanning for no benefit and possibly making internet API calls for unscrapable media.
See: Update Music Library

Hide progress of library updates

Settings level: Standard
Description: Hide the pop-up library scanning progress bar during scans.

Clean library

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Performs cleanup tasks on the Music database. Used to de-clutter the database of unused records. Used when you have moved, deleted or renamed files. To remove music from the library, delete the music files first then run the Clean library option.

If a source is located on removable storage that is not connected at the time of the Clean Library, you will be asked to choose to remove or keep the library entries from that drive.

  • Removes any songs with invalid paths
  • Removes any albums which have no references
  • Removes any artists which have no references
  • Removes any genres which have no references
  • Removes any paths which have no references

Export library

Settings level: Advanced
Description: Music files are still required to have the correct embedded tags to be scanned into the library. This function will export the additional data that was scraped into the music library.

For the Music library, we recommend using the Single Files method as this will also export play counts, user ratings and last played data.
See: Export Music Library

Import library

Settings level: Advanced
Description: If you exported your library using the Single File method, use this to import the single file into the music library.

See: Import Single File

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