Language portal

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Revision as of 05:56, 20 January 2023 by Karellen (talk | contribs) (Updated for v20)
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Home icon grey.png   ▶ Language portal


Language globe icon.png
Language Support

This page explains exactly how to add a new language translation to Kodi, and how to maintain/update an existing language file in Kodi.

Language globe icon.png
Language Codes - (ISO-639)


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Translations in Kodi

This page is mostly for users and translators, detailing how to translate Kodi and other add-ons into native languages.
A full introduction is made to our translation system at Weblate.

Translation - Noun project 987.png
Translating your Add-on

This page is mostly for add-on developers, detailing how to add your add-on, skin etc. to our translation system at Weblate.
Make sure to read the best practices guide, as many errors and merge conflicts can be avoided by following these steps.


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Using Fonts

Information and details about font.xml and supported font types.

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Supported Character Sets


Change Kodi language and regional settings
Change Audio and Subtitle Languages