Keyboard controls

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Revision as of 13:52, 21 August 2008 by >Sho
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Common Keymapping

Key Description, Notes
Any Single character that button on the keyboard, Case INSENSITIVE
return keypad enter
escape also 'esc'
left left-arrow
right right-arrow
up up-arrow
down down-arrow
home maintainers note: definition repeated in source code; doesn't harm functionality
f1 f1 - f12 available
zero zero -> nine; numpadzero -> numpadnine or 0 -> 9 are the same as zero -> nine
numpadtimes also numpadminus, numpadperiod, numpaddivide
pageup also pagedown
menu unknown
leftshift also rightshift, plus left/right ctrl, alt, windows
capslock also numlock, scrollock
semicolon 'colon' is the SAME button code!
plus 'equals' is the SAME button code!
minus 'underscore' is the SAME button code!
comma 'lessthan' is the SAME button code!
period 'greaterthan' is the SAME button code!
forwardslash 'questionmark' is the SAME button code!
leftquote 'tilde' is the SAME button code!
opensquarebracket 'openbrace' is the SAME button code!
backslash 'pipe' is the SAME button code!
closesquarebracket 'closebrace' si the SAME button code!
quote 'doublequote' is the SAME button code!

Platform Specific Keymapping

Linux Keymapping

Mac Keymapping

Windows Keymapping