HOW-TO:Change time and date in Confluence

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This tutorial will show how to hide or change time and date. This is achieved by editing VideoFullScreen.xml, Home.xml and includes.xml.

Change or remove the clock (except OSD/Info)

The clock in includes.xml is used by all windows except the OSD and Info screen. The clock is defined in includes.xml and called by other windows using <include>Clock</include>. Read more about how includes work.

Open includes.xml and find the following code. You can now either comment out to remove the clock completely from Kodi (except OSD/Info) or just modify it.

<include name="Clock"> 
     <control type="label">
          <description>time label</description>
          <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="-40,0" time="75" condition="Window.IsVisible(Mutebug)">conditional</animation>

If you want to remove the clock from a specific window, open its XML file and comment out <include>Clock</include>. If you want a customized clock add the control section from above where the include section was and edit it.