Add-on:Enigma2 Client

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Enigma2 Client

See this add-on on the showcase

Author: Joerg Dembski and Ross Nicholson

Repo: repo v21 repo v20

License: GPL-2.0-or-later
Source: Source code
Summary: Kodi's frontend for Enigma2 based set-top boxes
Home icon grey.png   ▶ Add-ons ▶ Enigma2 Client
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Enigma2 frontend - supporting streaming of Live TV & Recordings, EPG, Timers, Autotimers.
For documentation visit:


This add-on is installed from the Add-on browser located in Kodi as follows:

  1. Settings
  2. Add-ons
  3. Install from repository
  4. PVR clients
  5. Enigma2 Client
  6. Install

For Linux, see... Ubuntu PVR add-ons

Live TV, PVR & Radio Contents

PVR main page

1. Tuner Cards
2. Backends
3. Setup
4. Live TV Artwork

Related Pages:

All PVR Pages
All PVR Add-on Pages


In order to use the Enigma2 Client add-on an Enigma2 backend is required. Enigma2 backends are set-top boxes which connect directly to a television via HDMI, supporting satellite, terrestrial and cable TV depending on the make, model and configuration. In addition these set-top boxes have a network connection that Kodi PVR can connect to for channel, guide and streaming purposes via its WebIf (Web interface). In general all Enigma2 based set top boxes should be supported, once they run OpenWebIf (full feature set) or a different WebIf (original feature set only).

Some features that may not work on WebIfs other than OpenWebIf such as:

  • Autotimers
  • Drive Space Reporting
  • Embedded EPG Genre IDs
  • Full Tuner Signal Support (Including Service Providers)
  • Timer and Recording descriptions: If your provider only uses short description (plot outline) instead of long description (plot) then info will not be displayed pertaining to the shows in question. For OpenWebIf clients a JSON API is available to populate the missing data.
  • Edit recording name, last played position and play count for recordings
  • Bouquet (and group specific) Backend Channel Numbers

For more information on the variety of open source images for Enigma2 hardware please see Enigma2 backend.

Connecting Kodi to an Enigma2 backend

After installing the add-on on your platform:

  1. Go to Add-ons -> My add-ons -> PVR Clients and select the Enigma2 Client PVR add-on
  2. Select "Configure"

Basic set-up

If your device is using a default setup on your local network only the following setting should need to be changed on the General tab.

  • Enigma2 hostname or IP address: Please enter the IP address or hostname of your Enigma2 based set top box.

Usually the hostname is the machine/hardware name which is readable in About screen of the Enigma2 set-top box or on the information section of OpenWebIf.

Other configuration

For all other settings please see Configuring the addon


Additional guides and links